精英家教网 > 高中英语 > 题目详情


1There is a 1 ________ to the amount of pain we can bear.

2He didn’t shout; he just g ________ at me silently.

3Have you c ________ your lawyer about this?

4He thought he would b ________ from going to school.

5I need to pay off all my d ________ before I leave the country.

6Children’s ________(好奇心) about everything plays an important part in their study.

7The ability to keep calm is one of her many ________ (长处;优势).

8Hydrogen ________(结合) with oxygen to form water.

9Have you been ________ (秘密监视) on me?

10Humans can’t ________ (消化) plants such as grass.

11She told me she planned to ________(节食)and take more exercise.

12They are selling everything at a ________(折扣).

13This restaurant was not giving its ________(顾客) energy-giving food.

14We should try to keep the ________(平衡) of nature to protect the earth.

15You shouldn’t have had your son telling people ________ (谎话) here and there.





























12at a discount打折扣,是固定用法,所以填discount


14keep the balance of保持……的平衡,是固定用法,所以填balance



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1Why is the man at the shop?

A. To order a camera for his wife.

B. To have a camera repaired.

C. To get a camera changed.

2What color does the man want?

A. Pink.B. Black.C. Orange.

3What will the man do afterwards?

A. Make a phone call.

B. Wait until further notice.

C. Come again the next day.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1When should the listeners get to school next Tuesday?

A.At 5:50.B.At 6:00.C.At 7:30.

2What does the speaker ask the listeners to do?

A.Attend a birthday celebration.B.Read the play ahead.C.Copy the play.

3How much should each listener pay for the visit in total?


4What will the listeners do after visiting Staunton Theater?

A.Meet at the front gate.B.Have a big meal.C.Go to a cafe.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


Nearly forty percent of China’s young people born after 1990 have turned off notifications(通知)from social media apps due 1 sensing the negative effects of social media, according to the 2(recent) released Kantar China Social Media Impact Report, Beijing Evening News reported.

The report shows that all kinds of social media, especially WeChat, 3(become) more and more popular in the past years among people over the age of 40, 4 the WeChat use of the “post-90s” generation has slightly decreased, from 94.1 percent to 86.6 percent.

Most of those people 5(interview) for the report mentioned that positive effects of social media include socializing with 6(acquaintance) and taking in more information. However, respondents also noted that social media has caused them to read fewer books, suffer from 7(bad) eyesight, sleep less and have less privacy, among other concerns.

As 8 result, 39 percent of the “post-90s”generation attempts 9(avoid) the negative effects of mobile phone use. In the first place, they turn off app notifications when necessary. Moreover, they intentionally limit the 10(frequent) of social media interactions and stay away from social media entirely in certain situations.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1】(小题1When will Answer That be on TV?

A. On Mondays. B. On Thursdays. C. On Saturdays.

2】(小题2How many teenagers are there on the program every week?

A. 6. B. 8. C. 48.

3】(小题3What prize will the winners get this week?

A. A camera. B. A laptop. C. A TV.

4】(小题4What is the speaker doing?

A. Answering teenagers’ questions.

B. Advertising a new TV quiz show.

C. Explaining the rules of a new game.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Chinese volunteers have completed a one-year test living in a simulated(模拟的)space lab in Beijing. The total length of the test, which started on May 10th last year, ____ 370 days, thus setting a new record for the ____ stay in a simulated space lab.

The space lab, called the Yuegong-1, or Lunar Palace 1, measures around 150 square meters. It ____ four sleeping rooms, a bathroom, a waste-treatment room and a room for raising animals. The Yuegong-1 provides everything humans need to survive in an environment ____ to that of a space station in outer space. Oxygen, water and food are ____ within it.

A total of eight ____, all of whom are students at Beihang University, took turns ____ in the space lab. They were divided into ____ groups. On May 10, 2017, two men and two women ____ the Yuegong-1 for an initial (最初的)stay of 60 days. On July 9, they were ____ by another group of four, who stayed 200 days. The second group of students ____ on January 26, 2018, and the initial group ____ and spent 110 days inside it.

___, the volunteers were expected to stay in the Yuegong-1 for 365 days. But the project ended up ____ 370 days —from May 10 last year until May 15. The ____ five days were designed as a way to simulate a(n)____, in which the spaceship might experience a ____ in returning to earth.

The goal of the project “Yuegong 365” is to ____ the limits of humans’ ability to live in a ____ ecosystem for China’s manned moon landing ambition. The success of the project means that China goes one step closer to putting ____ on the moon.

1A. reached B. devoted C. wasted D. saved

2A. happiest B. busiest C. longest D. hardest

3A. displays B. contains C. discovers D. uses

4A. strange B. familiar C. close D. similar

5A. removed B. combined C. sold D. recycled

6A. volunteers B. engineers C. athletes D. reporters

7A. living B. studying C. training D. communicating

8A. four B. five C. two D. three

9A. passed B. entered C. chose D. exchanged

10A. impressed B. welcomed C. challenged D. replaced

11A. turned around B. came up C. turned up D. came out

12A. graduated B. escaped C. returned D. retired

13A. At the beginning B. By the way C. As a result D. At the same time

14A. relaxing B. practicing C. lasting D. settling

15A. different B. extra C. unforgettable D. informal

16A. competition B. emergency C. performance D. conflict

17A. delay B. flood C. debate D. war

18A. appreciate B. control C. improve D. test

19A. separated B. modern C. closed D. convenient

20A. spaceships B. people C. labs D. animals


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Wang Peng felt very 1(frustrate) when he saw that there were few customers in his restaurant, because by then his restaurant 2 to be full of people. 3his friend didn’t come to eat in his restaurant. Wang Peng wanted to find out why, 4 he followed Li Chang into a new restaurant. There he saw a sign. 5 (curious) drove him to enter the restaurant, where the hostess gave him a menu, 6 showed that the restaurant only served rice, raw vegetables, fruit, and water. Wang Peng thought Yong Hui 7(tell) lies and he couldn’t have her 8 (get) away with it. He also thought with a discount he could win customers 9. So he wrote a sign, too. And the 10between the two restaurants was on!


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1I hope you will always energetic when having classes.

2He can’t forgive him for not seeing his mother before she died.

3Mr. Alcott told me that four-fifths of the houses have been sold out.

4Many children starved death in Africa for lack of food.

5We invited her to dinner but she hasn’t been turned up so far.

6I must apologize to you for not be able to meet you.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1What’s the problem with the woman’s watch?

A. It needs a new battery. B. It is ruined by water. C. It needs cleaning

2What does the man offer if one changes a battery?

A. An extra battery. B. A one-year guarantee C. Free cleaning service.

3Why can’t the woman get her watch back right away?

A. The man will go away now,

B. She hasn’t got enough money.

C. The man is very busy now.

