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Don and his 11-year-old son, Aaron, love basketball. For Aaron’s birthday last October, Don decided to drive him to Cincinnati, more than two hours’  1  , for the first  2  of the World Series. They had no tickets but hoped to buy a  3  from scalpers (票贩子).
  After arriving, they walked in the streets for two hours, carrying a   4  that said, “We need two tickets.” There were a lot of scalpers but the  5  ticket was $ 175. They were  6  to leave when a man stopped them. He  7  out two tickets and handed them to the father. “How much do you want?” “No charge.” Said the man, “  8  the game .”
  When asked later, the man  9 , “I was working for Joe, who hadn’t  10 a World Series in 16 years. But he was  11 and couldn’t make it this time .So he told me to give the two tickets
   12 . The only 13 he set was to give the tickets to people I thought would be worthy. A lot of people looked 14 they might just take the tickets and 15 them. Then I saw you. You seemed very 16 and you made me 17 my dad and me when I was a child. I would have died to go to a World Series game with my father. But I never did.”
  How 18 it was to Don and his son! Here is what Don said, “It’s the most memorable thing that ever happened to us. My boy and I must have turned to each other 30 times during the game and said, ‘I can’t 19 this.’ We’ll never forget 20 .”
1.A.way B.away C.distance D.beyond
2.A.game B.show C.exhibition D.sport
3.A.ticket B.bill C.pair D.card
4.A.letter B.newspaper C.sign D.book

5.A.best B.cheapest C.worst D.most expensive
6.A.able B.glad C.willing D.about
7.A.gave B.turned C.sent D.pulled
8.A.Enjoy B.Join C.Look D.Play
9.A.explained B.continued C.added D.repeated
10.A.seen B.missed C.been to D.gone to
11.A.kind B.free C.well D.ill
12.A.up B.in C.away D.off
13.A.ticket B.game C.rule D.example
14.A.if B.as if C.though D.even though
15.A.use B.get C.send D.sell
16.A.happy B.anxious C.shy D.excited
17.A.realize B.recognize C.know about D.think of
18.A.proud B.necessary C.fortunate D.difficult
19.A.believe B.see C.think D.do
20.A.the game B.Joe C.that night D.the players

1~5 CACCB    6~10 DDAAB     11~15 DCCBD    16~20 BDCAB


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Can you imagine a classroom missing the one thing that has long been considered a necessary part to reading and writing? No paper. No notebooks, no textbooks, no test papers. Nor are there any pencils or pens, which always seem to run out of ink at the critical moment.

A “paperless classroom” is what more and more schools are trying to achieve. Students don’t do any handwriting in this class. Instead, they use palm-sized, or specially-designed computers. The teacher downloads texts from Internet libraries and sends them to every student’s personal computer.

Having computers also means that students can use the Wed. They can look up information on any subject they’re studying, from Maths to social science.

High school teacher Judy Herrell in Florida., US, described how her class used the Wed to refugee camps,” she said. “Using a book that’s three or four years old is impossible.”

A paperless classroom is a big step towards reducing the waste of paper each week to each student.

“Think about the money and trees we could save with the computers,” she said.

But, with all this technology, there’s always the risk that the machines will break down. So, in case of a power failure or technical problems, paper textbooks are still widely available for these hi-tech students.

In a paperless classroom, what is a must?

  A. Pens.      B. Computers.      C. Textbooks       D. Pencils.

The high school teacher, Judy Harrell, used the example of her class to show that ________ 

 A. the Web could take them everywhere        

B. the Web taught them everything.

  C. the Web is a good tool for information

  D. the Web is where you can download information

Which of the following is NOT an advantage of a paperless classroom?

  A. You won’t get angry with your pen.

  B. Computers may break down sometimes.

  C. Students can get information from Internet.

  D. A lot of money or money or trees will be saved.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


Sandy is at home. She is now calling Lisa, her classmate.

Sandy: Hi, Lisa. Have you finished helping your parents?

Lisa: I finished cleaning the living room a little while ago, but I haven’t cleaned my bedroom yet. 61     

Sandy: I know what you mean. 62    Do you think you’ll be finished soon?

Lisa: I should be done in about an hour.

Sandy: 63   

Lisa: I did the English homework last night. 64    I don’t understand it.

Sandy: Me neither. 65 We can help each other work it out. 

Lisa: OK. Then we can go and have our hair cut.

Sandy: Great. See you in a little while.

A. I don’t math at all.     

B. But I haven’t started my math yet.   

C. Housework is tiring, and I’m tired  

D. What do you think we should do then?  

E. Why don’t we so it together this afternoon?   

F. Have you looked at Monday’s homework yet 

G. I also hate doing the cleaning around the house.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015届青海省片区高一上学期期中联考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

The Five Rules for Keeping Fit

Hi, there! I'm Grystal Collins, and I'm very happy to share some time with you. So, you want to keep fit, huh? Well, you surely came to the right place. Together we can keep fit and healthy, and succeed in doing that. It's easy. Everybody can do it, you hear? Just remember the five golden rules.

Number one: Always wear comfortable clothes when you are exercising. You need to feel comfortable and relaxed(放松).

Number two: You should always do some warming-up exercise first to get your body ready for the real thing.

Number three: Never try to do too much exercise too soon. Take it nice and easy now, you hear? There's no rush about this.

Number four: Don't forget to relax for about five minutes when you've finished your exercise. You need to rest a little bit after you've been exercising.

And here is the golden rule Number five. Stop at once if you feel any pain in your neck, head or any part of your body.

1.The students may most probably be the people ___________.

A.who are ill

B.who want to be healthier

C.who are Crystal Collins' good friends

D.who are not interested in taking exercise

2.Crystal Collins may most probably say this            .

A.before the exercise starts

B.when the exercise is over

C.during the exercise

D.as soon as the exercise has started

3.Which of the following is NOT true?

A.You should do some warming-up exercise before the real thing.

B.You should wear comfortable clothes.

C.You should rest for a while when you are doing warming-up exercise.

D.You should stop if you feel any pain in your body.



科目:高中英语 来源:2010-2011学年四川南充高中高三第十三次月考英语试题 题型:阅读理解

★The regular use of text messages and e-mails can lower the IQ more than twice as much as smoking marijuana(大麻). Psychologists say that sending/receiving messages or looking through the many menu options your mobile phone has, lowers a person’s IQ by almost 10 points. British researchers have named this situation “infomania”. Instead of fixed on what they are doing, people’s minds are constantly focused on reacting to the technology surrounding them. This means they don’t pay full attention to the work they are paid to do. The report also added that the brain can not do so many things at once. If you try to do too many things, mistakes begin to occur. And while modern technology can have huge benefits, too much use can be damaging not only to a person’s mind, but to their social life.

★The more televisions 4-year-old children watch, the more likely they are to become bullies later on in school, a newest U.S. study said. At the same time, children whose parents read to them, take them on outings and just generally pay attention to them are less likely to become bullies, said the  report from the University of Washington. Researchers also found gaps in learning and understanding such things as social skills early in life makes it more difficult for children to relate with other children. Watching violence on television leads to aggressive behavior.

★You could soon be able to add your favorite perfume to your e-mails. UK net provider Telewest Broadband is testing a system to let people send e-mails over the Internet with sweet smell. It has developed a kind of hi-tech air freshener that plugs into a PC and sprays a smell linked to the message. Telewest says it could be used by supermarkets to attract people with the smell of fresh bread or by holiday companies seeking to stir up images of sun-kissed beachers.


 What does “infomania” refer to according to the first part of the text?

A. A situation in which a person uses his mobile phone too much.

B. A situation in which a person has his IQ lowered using his mobile phone.

C. A situation in which a person performs badly at work..

D. A situation in which a person lowers his IQ using his mobile phone improperly.


 According to the second part of the text, _____ are less likely to become bullies.

   A. children whose parents care about them

   B. children whose parents give them more freedom

   C. children whose parents direct them over watching TV

   D. children whose parents stop them watching TV


 The children who watch TV  frequently will not ______.

   A. be aggressive                 

B. be likely to become bullies

   C. have difficulty in communicating with other children

   D. understand socially skills as easily


 The new system provided by Telewest Broadband can _____.

   A. be used as a kind of air freshener

B. make people have imagination of sun kissed beachers

C. make people smell fresh bread

D. make e-mails smelly over the Internet



科目:高中英语 来源:2010年江西省宜春市三校联考高二上学期第三次段考英语卷 题型:其他题


L=Li Ying     X=Xie Fei

( Xie Fei seems to be upset , so Li Ying goes to talk with him )

L: Hi , Xie Fei . What do you 1. f       like doing during the coming winter holiday ?

X: I may have lots of things to do .

L : Don’t be upset . What happened ?

X: My parents plan to2.a        a baby in this winter vacation in 3.s      of my opinion .

L: So you’ll have to look4.a      the baby . But why ?

X: They think I’ve5.g      into bad habits and I’m especially lazy and impatient . They seem a little 6.d        with me . They think taking care of a baby will possibly change me . But I don’t think I’m lazy . You know I have little housework to do , because my family is a 7.t       one-child family .

L: In my opinion , their decision is reasonable . You’ll understand them 8.f        .

X: I hope so .

( On the first day of the new term , Li Ying comes across Xie Fei on the way to school )

L : How was your winter vacation ?

X: It’s great . I have learned a lot . During the holiday , I have learned to do with a great 9.d     of housework and how to care about others . Taking care of a baby made me more responsible .

L: That’s great . As the10.s      goes , “ No pains , no gains . ”

X: Yes , I agree with you .


