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Preventing obesity (肥胖) and smoking can save lives, but it doesn’t save money, reported researchers. “It was a small surprise, for it is against the common belief,” said Pieter Van Baal, who led the study. “But it makes sense. If you live longer, then you cost the health system more.”

The researchers found that from age 20 to 56, obese people racked up (累计) the most expensive health costs. But on average, healthy people lived 84 years. Smokers lived about 77 years, and obese people lived about 80 years. Smokers and obese people tended to have more heart disease than healthy people. Therefore in the long run, the thin and healthy group cost about $417, 000, from age 20 on. Smokers cost about $326, 000 and obese people $371, 000.

“The result throws a bucket of cold water onto the idea, based on guesswork, that obesity is going to cost trillions of dollars,” said Patrick Basham, a professor of health politics. “If we’re going to worry about the future of obesity, we should stop worrying about its financial impact,” he said.

“The benefits of obesity prevention may not be seen immediately in terms of cost saving in tomorrow’s budget, but there are long-term gains,” said Van Baal. “These are often immeasurable when it comes to people living longer and healthier lives.” In the meanwhile, he said that governments should recognize that successful smoking and obesity prevention programs mean that people will have a longer chance of dying of something more expensive later in life.

“Lung cancer is a cheap disease to treat because people don’t survive very long. But if they are old enough to get Alzheimer’s (早老性痴呆症) one day, they may survive longer and cost more. We are not advising that governments stop trying to prevent obesity,” Van Baal said. “But they should do it for the right reasons.”

1.Among middle-aged people, who may cost the health system most?

A. Those who are heavy smokers.

B. Those who are overweight.

C. Those who are too thin.

D. Those who are suffering from heart attacks.

2.What can we know about the belief that obesity costs much?

A. It turns out to be incorrect.

B. It comes from scientific study.

C. It is based on medical evidence.

D. It has changed over the past years.

3.According to the text, governments prevent obesity for the purpose of _______.

A. reducing the risks of suffering cancer

B. weakening obesity’s financial impact

C. making sure of people’s long and healthy life

D. reducing the money spent on medical programs

4.What would be the best title for this text?

A. Recent Medical Study Shows Truth about Health

B. Preventing Obesity and Smoking May Cost More

C. Obesity and Smoking Lead to Expensive Diseases

D. Governments Change Attitude towards Obesity and Smoking


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年江西南昌二中高二上第三次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Without electricity human life ______ quite difficult today.

A. is B. will be

C. would have been D. would be


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年黑龙江哈尔滨六中高二上期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

_____ for a long time, most of the crops in this area died from lacking water.

A. Being no rain B. There was no rain

C. To be no rain D. There being no rain


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年山西大同第一中学高二上学期期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

I was in a shopping mall recently, and I decided to go and get a cup of tea. As I was making my way to the coffee shop, I noticed an old gentleman rather poorly dressed sitting on a bench nearby. I knew from the first sight that he was in need of some kind of help. He had a little lunch in front of him and was wholeheartedly enjoying it.

There was a young man in front of me in the line also waiting to be served. The young man handed the servant a twenty-dollar bill and asked for an orange juice as well as a favor. The servant looked at the young man with a little surprise, not fully understanding him. The young man asked her to give the juice to the old gentleman eating his lunch outside on the bench. The young man also told her that he would be watching every second so that she would be completely safe at all times. Later, there was a wonderful exchange between the waitress and the old man. I only wished I had taken a photo of the smiles on both of their faces.

As I was thinking about this event later on, I wondered why the young man didn’t just perform this act of kindness himself. I thought he was hoping that this act of kindness might inspire others to do something for the old man as well. Thinking of the happy smiles on the old man’s face, I felt how worthwhile it is to help others.

1.The underlined word “favor” in Para. 2 refers to________.

A. passing the young man a cup of orange juice

B. buying lunch for the old man

C. exchanging meals with the old man

D. giving the juice to the old man

2.Which of the following can be used to describe the young man?

A. Kind and considerate B. Generous and proud.

C. Rich and friendly. D. Humorous and helpful.

3. In the author’s opinion, the young man asked the servant to take the juice to the old man so that____________.

A. the old man could probably accept it

B. he would become famous for his good deed

C. more people would be inspired to do good deeds

D. he would become a friend of the servant


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年浙江杭州市五校联盟高三12月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Between 1918 and 1938, many new stations were constructed,__________ was designed by an architect named Charles Holden.

A. the most famous of which

B. the most famous of them

C. the most famous of whom

D. and the most famous of which


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届内蒙古鄂尔多斯第三中学高三上学期第四次考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

The crazy fans______ patiently for two hours, and they would wait till Ang Lee,the winner of best-director Ocar arrived.

A. were waiting B. had been waiting

C. had waited D. would wait


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届天津市高三“五校”联考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

—No words are strong enough to express our thanks for your coming.


A. It’s a pity. B. It’s my pleasure.

C. With pleasure. D. Never mind.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年湖南株洲第十八中学高一上学期第一次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单词拼写


1.My bike is broken, so I have got to get it________(fix).

2.I would be grateful _____ you could give me some advice.

3.When _____(cross) the street, you should be careful.

4.The guard asked me to show him my______(身份)card.

5.True friendship should be_____(以---为基础) on each other’s respect.

6.The achievements the city has achieved have been________(承认)by the public.

7.Lucy ________(frequent) goes out for a trip.

8.Can you change the _____(spell)of the word into the correct one?

9.He can make use of a ______(wide) vocabulary than ever before.

10.He _______(change) since he came to the school.


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届山东枣庄第三中学高三12月质量检测英语试卷(解析版) 题型:书面表达



Young person to help with two children

Help with languages very welcome

Must have experience

Accommodation available if necessary

E-mail: Cook @hotmail. com

1. Hours?

2. Which languages? How many?

3. Experience of teaching or caring for children?

4. How about meals?




Dear Sir/Madam,

Yours truly,

Li Ming

