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Perhaps no single monument in the U.S.A. is as famous as the Statue of Liberty. Standing on small island in New York Harbor, the crowned lady, holding high in her right hand the torch of freedom and in her left hand a table with words "July 4th , 1776", is a symbol of American democracy. She is colossal. She is 151 feet high and the pedestal(垫座) on which she stands is almost as much. The Statue of Liberty was a gift to the USA from France in 1886, as a mark of friendship and also in memory of the aid France gave the Americans during the American Revolution.
For millions of immigrants, the Statue was their first sight of the promised land, and for a few also the last, as they sailed back home again. About a mile from Liberty Island, there is another small island, called Ellis Island, which was looked upon with dread by the immigrants. For it was here that they had to wait their turn to be examined by doctors and officials. Most of the immigrants could not speak a word of English. But only two out of 100 immigrants were refused admission to New York City. Often the person refused turned out to be a grandmother or a weary, frightened girl mistakenly labeled "weak-minded". Sometimes husbands and wives were parted because one of them happened to have a bad cough and was suspected of having tuberculosis(肺结核).
New York City was a bitter disillusionment(幻灭) to some immigrants. Far from being a city paved with gold, it was a city teeming with overcrowded, unhealthy and unsafe ghettos(少数民族居住区).  The immigrants looked for earlier immigrants of their own nationality or religion. So Italian, Polish, Irish, Jewish neighborhoods grew up. Because they could not speak English, the newcomers found it difficult to get work at once, and their living quarters were often slum.
However, they found in the U.S.A. opportunities of bettering themselves. Today immigrants no longer have to endure the rude treatment of Ellis Island. The unpleasant buildings were closed down in 1924. In 1976, Ellis Island became a historic monument.
59. Which of the following is the best title for this passage?
A. Gateway to the U.S.A.                 B. The Statue of Liberty.
C. Ellis Island.                          D. Immigrants of the U.S.A.
60. The word "colossal" in the first paragraph means ________.
A. miniature       B. colorful         C. enormous     D. beautiful
61. Immigrants looked upon Ellis Island with dread because ________.
A. they could not speak a word
B. they might be refused admission to the U.S.A.
C. husbands and wives might be recognized
D. they were suspected
62. Paragraph 3 implies that_________.
A. New York City was paved with gold
B. immigrants of the same nationality and religion lived in the same building
C. immigrants lived everywhere
D. some immigrants were disappointed at New York City


科目:高中英语 来源:2011届江苏省高三三校(海安,金陵,南京外国语)联考英语试卷 题型:完型填空

Thanks to a combination of young businessmen, large numbers of university students and revitalization (新生) efforts by the local and national governments, today’s Nanjing has an      36   of youthful exuberance (繁茂) that would have been    37   only a few decades ago.   38  , the city, a booming city of 6.5 million on the banks of the Yangtze River some 185 miles west of Shanghai, bears    39   resemblance to the former capital of China that suffered the worst cruelty and violence of World War II.
40   Nanjing has shown a remarkable capacity for reinvention during its 2,500-year history. And in recent years, the city has moved    41   its tragic past to become a vital engine of China’s economic growth, thanks    42   to its position in the middle of China’s prosperous eastern seaboard. Growth has also    43   thanks to improved ground transportation: A new bullet train linking Nanjing and Shanghai started service last year,    44   travel time between the cities from several hours to just 75 minutes, and a Beijing-Shanghai high-speed line is    45  to open later this year, with a stop in Nanjing. Within the city, two metro lines were built in the last few years; 15 more are planned to begin service by 2030.
Signs of Nanjing’s    46   wealth and optimism can be seen everywhere. In the heart of the downtown Xinjiekou district, a bronze statue of Sun Yat-sen,    47   the father of modern China, looks    48   over a busy    49   area.
There is perhaps no more    50   symbol of the city’s transformation than the Zifeng Tower, a 1,480-foot skyscraper that opened its doors last May.    51   offices, restaurants and an InterContinental hotel, the tower is the second-tallest building in China and billed as the seventh-tallest in the world.
Underlying all this development is a large Chinese and    52  student population — there are several major universities, plus a branch of Johns Hopkins’s international studies school. In fact, art and music    53   in all sorts of places.
On a larger    54  , local government officials and private investors are pushing the city as a rising center for contemporary art and architecture, hoping to attract    55   from the neon-bathed streets of its neighbor Shanghai.

A.in addition B.in allC.in partD.in fact
A.removingB.cuttingC.dividing D.lowering
A.attractiveB.well-receivedC.newfound D.discovered
A.spring upB.stand upC.set upD.keep up


科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年江苏省盐城中学高一第二次随堂练习英语试卷(带解析) 题型:阅读理解

Washington, November 1, 2012  (CNN) -- After years of planning and months of campaigning(竞选), the most expensive presidential race in history comes down to a final five-day whirlwind of speeches and television ads in the eight states still up for grabs.
President Barack Obama and Republican challenger Mitt Romney plan to hold virtually nonstop events between now and the Tuesday election considered too close to call.
The focus is on battleground states worth 95 of the 270 electoral votes needed to win. Both sides are trying to close the deal with a decreasing number of uncommitted(未表态的) voters, while making sure supporters actually cast ballots.
That means a game of campaign chess that started Thursday, with appearances by the candidates (候选人)and their assistants as well as advertising dollars allocated to the places considered most vital to success.
Concluding a race expected to cost more than $6 billion overall, Obama and Romney and their running mates will hit all the battleground states -- Colorado, Florida, Iowa, Ohio, New Hampshire, Nevada, Virginia and Wisconsin. The campaigns also are unloading a blast of television ads and mailings that threaten to overwhelm voters already saturated with politicking. Perhaps no one said it better than 4-year-old Abigael Evans of Fort Collins, Colorado, who -- according to NPR -- cried after listening to more election coverage on the radio and told her mother, ‘I'm tired of Barack Obama and Mitt Romney.’
【小题1】The underlined phrase “too close to call” probably means               .

A.a game that one side is clearly winning.
B.a tie in which neither side seems likely to win
C.so close that you need not use a telephone
D.a visit close to one’s home state
【小题2】What is the focus of the last-5 -day campaigns for both presidential candidates?
A.To make sure that their supporters understand their policies.
B.To collect enough money for campaign ads.
C.To paint their rival as black as possible.
D.To win over the voters who have not decide which candidate to vote for.
【小题3】The public generally feel ________ about these last-days election efforts.


科目:高中英语 来源:山东省济宁市2010届高三4月份阶段检测英语试卷 题型:其他题


第四部分 书面表达(共二节,满分15分)


If you’ve decided on a career in the media, you should be sick to death with people telling you how competitive the industries are.

But that may mean that you will find it a little disappointing when you enter a place where perhaps no one will ask you your name, or say hello to you in the morning, and where you are being perhaps not paid to do a job.

There are a number of training schemes offered across the media, which are great routes in. Simon Winder was given his start in publishing by MacMillan’s training scheme. I was sent out to Africa and Asia for a couple of years, selling educational books. It was a terrible job in many ways but interesting training,” said Winder. Because he had learnt first-hand experience about the business of publishing, his training prepared him for a career in the industry. On his return to England, Winder made the move to a senior position at Penguin seven years age.

If you can’t get on to a training scheme, or get a paid job straight away, then ______________ will open up many opportunities to you. It is all about proving that you can do the job. “Identify companies and people whose programs you like, and then simply write to them,” Cinneck advised those wanting to break into television,” Offer to work for free if you possibly can, and the chances are you will impress with your hard work and ideas, and end up staying on in paid employment. That’s how practically every employee of Ten Alps ended up with the company.

Wherever you start out, if you work hard at what you do, your efforts will be rewarded. “Don’t focus on where you want to end up,” advised Ross, “You’ll know where that is when you’re there; just stay focused on the job in hand, and do that as well as you can.”

76. Fill in the blank in the fourth paragraph to complete the sentence. (Please answer within 10 words.)


77. The passage mentions two ways that you can enter the media. Please list them. (Please answer within 10 words.)


78. Translate the underlined sentence into Chinese.


79. What’s the main idea of the passage? (Please answer within 10 words.)


80. As a whole, what attitude should you have while trying to enter the media industry? (Please answer within 10 words.)




科目:高中英语 来源:2010-2011学年江苏省高三三校(海安,金陵,南京外国语)联考英语试题 题型:完型填空

Thanks to a combination of young businessmen, large numbers of university students and revitalization (新生) efforts by the local and national governments, today’s Nanjing has an       36    of youthful exuberance (繁茂) that would have been    37   only a few decades ago.   38   , the city, a booming city of 6.5 million on the banks of the Yangtze River some 185 miles west of Shanghai, bears    39    resemblance to the former capital of China that suffered the worst cruelty and violence of World War II.

40    Nanjing has shown a remarkable capacity for reinvention during its 2,500-year history. And in recent years, the city has moved    41    its tragic past to become a vital engine of China’s economic growth, thanks    42    to its position in the middle of China’s prosperous eastern seaboard. Growth has also    43    thanks to improved ground transportation: A new bullet train linking Nanjing and Shanghai started service last year,    44    travel time between the cities from several hours to just 75 minutes, and a Beijing-Shanghai high-speed line is    45   to open later this year, with a stop in Nanjing. Within the city, two metro lines were built in the last few years; 15 more are planned to begin service by 2030.

Signs of Nanjing’s    46    wealth and optimism can be seen everywhere. In the heart of the downtown Xinjiekou district, a bronze statue of Sun Yat-sen,    47    the father of modern China, looks    48    over a busy    49    area.

There is perhaps no more    50    symbol of the city’s transformation than the Zifeng Tower, a 1,480-foot skyscraper that opened its doors last May.    51    offices, restaurants and an InterContinental hotel, the tower is the second-tallest building in China and billed as the seventh-tallest in the world.

Underlying all this development is a large Chinese and    52   student population — there are several major universities, plus a branch of Johns Hopkins’s international studies school. In fact, art and music    53    in all sorts of places.

On a larger    54   , local government officials and private investors are pushing the city as a rising center for contemporary art and architecture, hoping to attract    55    from the neon-bathed streets of its neighbor Shanghai.

1.A. advance    B. affection            C. air          D. ability

2. A. unforgettable B. unthinkable  C. unbearable       D. unnecessary

3. A. Actually  B. Regretfully          C. Hopefully  D. Consequently

4.A. close      B. slight               C. much         D. little

5. A. Because           B. But              C. As       D. Since

6. A. beyond        B. on               C. off              D. out

7. A. in addition       B. in all   C. in part              D. in fact

8. A. started           B. enlarged         C. existed  D. accelerated

9. A. removing      B. cutting              C. dividing     D. lowering

10. A. scheduled    B. invented         C. desired          D. meant

11.A. attractive     B. well-received    C. newfound     D. discovered

12. A. thought          B. treated      C. considered       D. elected

13.A. out               B. at                   C. about        D. for

14. A. remote           B. regional         C. rural        D. commercial

15. A. universal    B. visible          C. traditional  D. political

16. A. Keeping      B. Consisting       C. Opening      D. Housing

17. A. British          B. western      C. American         D. foreign

18. A. spring up     B. stand up         C. set up           D. keep up

19. A. extent           B. degree           C. scale            D. level

20. A. businessmen      B. students         C. tourists     D. painters


