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1.At the same time we are taking measures to _____________ our natural resources.

2.The factory pours a lot of waste into the river and now the _______water is not fit to drink.

3.They two have been _____________ about the problem for about half an hour, but neither is willing to give in.

4.Some local families will provide ___________ for the exchange students.

5.The hurricane was really _______________.Many people were scared.

6.Considering there are many people in developing countries still don’t have enough to eat and no place to live in, many countries agree to work togehter to reduce ______________.

7.Honey, take your coat with you. Last night it snowed heavily and it might be ______________ cold today.

8.Do you know who ____________________ the computer?

9.The Japanese hold the view that the types of blood are related to people’s characters, so they take them ________.

10.With many forests __________ , animals have lost a lot of inhabitants. 



1. protect             



4. accommodation(s) 

5. scary \ scaring        

6. poverty 



9. seriously               

10. destroyed



1.protect   句意分析:同时我们要采取措施来保护我们的自然资源。Protect与后面的natural resources构成动宾关系。

2. polluted  因为动词pollute与名词water构成被动关系,所以使用过去分词对water进行修饰限制。Polluted water被污染的水。

3. arguing  本句的关键在于后面的时间状语for about half an hour,该句要和完成时或者完成进行时连用。

4. accommodation(s) 名词accommodation指食宿;当地家庭为那些交换生提供食宿。

5.scary \ scaring   根据后句Many people were scared.很多人都很害怕,说明飓风是令人害怕的,故使用scary,或者scaring。

6. poverty 名词贫穷poverty,是由形容词poor转化而来。

7. freezing 固定搭配be freezing cold指及其寒冷的。

8.created 动词create指发明,创造,相当于invent。你知道谁发明了电脑吗?

9.seriously 固定搭配take sth seriously认真严肃地对待sth;其中的seriously是对动词take them进行强调。

10.destroyed 本句是一个with的复合结构,名词forests与动词destroy之间构成被动关系,故使用过去分词做宾语补足语。





科目:高中英语 来源:学习高手必修三英语北师版 北师版 题型:053


  The great racing driver, Sir Malcolm Campbell, was the first man to drive at over 300 miles per hour.He(1)________(set)up a new world record in September, 1935 at Bonneville Salt Flates, Utah.Bluebird, the car he(2)________(drive), (3)_______ specially ________(build)for him.It was over 30 feet in length and had a 2500 horse-power engine.Although Campbell(4)________(reach)a speed of over 304 miles per hour, he had great difficulty in controlling the car because a tyre(5)________(burst)during the first run.

  After his attempt, Campbell was disappointed to learn that his average speed(6)________(be)299 miles per hour.However, a few days later, he(7)________(tell)that a mistake(8)_________(make).His average speed(9)________(be)301 miles per hour.Since that time, racing drivers(10)_________(reach)speeds of over 300 miles an hour.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解


       Lin Qiaozhi, a specialist in women's diseases, lived from 1901

to 1983.She had devoted her whole life to ____(help) women of      72._____   

China, especially those in the countryside.To cut the ____ (die) 73._____   

rate from having and caring____ babies in the country, she gave       74._____   

some simple rules in h____ book for women to follow for keeping    75._____   

their babies clean, ____ (health) and free from sickness.She has       76._____   

been very busy in her ____ (choose) career.It is said that about 77._____   

50,000 babies were safely d____ by her.She was so considerate      78._____    

and devoted to her patients ___ she chose not to have a family of      79._____   

her own and often went I____ at night to deliver a baby for a poor, 80._____   

family after a day's tiring work.Now her great a___ are inspiring    81._____   

more and more women to become doctors.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解


       Lin Qiaozhi, a specialist in women's diseases, lived from 1901

to 1983.She had devoted her whole life to ____(help) women of      72._____   

China, especially those in the countryside.To cut the ____ (die) 73._____   

rate from having and caring____ babies in the country, she gave            74._____   

some simple rules in h____ book for women to follow for keeping    75._____   

their babies clean, ____ (health) and free from sickness.She has 76._____   

been very busy in her ____ (choose) career.It is said that about 77._____   

50,000 babies were safely d____ by her.She was so considerate      78._____   

and devoted to her patients ___ she chose not to have a family of      79._____   

her own and often went I____ at night to deliver a baby for a poor,    80._____   

family after a day's tiring work.Now her great a___ are inspiring    81._____   

more and more women to become doctors.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015届江苏省徐州市高一上学期期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:其他题


1.I’m now in hospital,  _________(recover) from liver failure.

2.The money for dog food is _______(go), but Spot looks hungry.

3.Alice is getting ________ (slim) and healthier right now, I think.

4.This kind of medicine has little _______ (affect) on me.

5.When parents come to visit the school, we often play songs ______(sing) by the students.

6.Albert Einstein made a lot of __________(achieve) all his life.

7.With Daniel __________ (leave) in charge, his parents went abroad to spend vacation as planned.

8.When you exercise, your body produces some chemicals that make you feel _______ (peace) and relaxed.

9.I’ve lost 7 kilograms in the last two months. However, sometimes I don’t feel so ________ (energy).

10.My brother is_________(forbid) to play online games by my parents, and he is sad and angry about this.


