精英家教网 > 高中英语 > 题目详情


1On ___________(平均), 90,000 people are killed in traffic accidents in China every year.

2My brother has graduated from our school and soon he will be ____(录取) to college.

3Our foreign teacher speaks Chinese very ____________(fluent) as if he were Chinese.

4The boss asked him for a reasonable __________(explain) for being late or he would be fired.

5The girls gave a wonderful concert. Their parents watched with great ___________ ( satisfy).

6Now that you are a college student, you should learn to be___________(独立的)of your parents’ help.

7The children had an ___________(argue) about what game to play, but they didn’t reach an agreement.

8In the long run, one should save money for ___________ (紧急情况).

9He shows _______ (cruel) to those who are against him. That is to say , he is cruel to them.

10Do you know how many athletes will _______ (competition) in the game ?

11be concerned about ________

12have a command of ________

13at present ________

14make up one’s mind ________

15serve as ________






















16give away

17in relief

18rely on

19to be honest

20protect from



考查固定搭配。句意:在中国平均每年有90000人死于交通事故。On average为固定搭配,(平均),故填average


考查动词的被动。句意:我哥哥已经从我们学校毕业,他将很快被大学录取。be admitted to…为固定搭配,故填admitted 。


考查副词辨析。句意:我们的外籍老师汉语说得很流利,好像中国人一样。分析句子可知, fluent 在此修饰动词speak,修饰动词用副词,故用fluently


考查名词辨析。句意:老板要求他对迟到作出合理的解释,否则他将被解雇。分析句子可知,explain被形容词reasonable 修饰,形容词修饰的是名词,而explain是动词,故要用名词explanation。


考查介词宾语。句意:姑娘们表演了一场精彩的音乐会。他们的父母非常满意地看着。with great satisfaction 为固定搭配,可译为“满意地 ”,故用名词satisfaction


考查固定搭配。句意:既然你已是个大学生了,你应该学会不依靠父母的帮助。be independent of,为固定搭配,意为“独立于,不依赖于”。故本空中填independent


考查名词。句意:孩子们讨论要玩什么游戏,但他们没有达成一致意见。分析句子可知,本空中前有冠词an,故用argue的名词 argument 。








考查固定搭配。be concerned about为“关心,挂念”。


考查固定搭配。have a command of为固定搭配,意为“掌握”。


考查固定搭配。at present为固定搭配,意为“目前”。


考查固定搭配。make up one’s mind为固定搭配,意为“下定决心”


考查固定搭配。serve as为固定搭配,意为“用作”。

16give away

考查固定搭配。give away为固定搭配,意为“泄露,赠送”。

17in relief

考查固定搭配。in relief为固定搭配,意为“如释重负,松口气”。

18rely on

考查固定搭配,rely on为固定搭配,意为“依赖,依靠”。

19to be honest

考查固定搭配。to be honest意为“说实话”。

20protect from

考查固定搭配。protect from意为“保护… 免受(危害)”


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1Why were there no seats in the first McDonald’s restaurant?

A. To reduce the cost.

B. To avoid washing dishes.

C. To make people eat quickly.

2Where does the McDonald’s sell the most hamburgers every day?

A. In New York. B. In Los Angeles. C. In Hong Kong.

3What is said about the McDonald’s in the conversation?

A. Mac and Dick sold it to Ray Kroc.

B. It makes $ 27 million every year.

C. Ray Kroc was its real creator.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】There are a lot of reasons why people calling 911 might not be able to tell operators which floor they’re on in a high-rise building. They could be injured or simply confused. Yet precious minutes are wasted when emergency personnel have to search a building to find a person in need. With a new app called Sensory, emergency responders soon may be able to use a caller’s smartphone to locate his exact position in a building.

Columbia University researchers William Falcon and Henning Schulzrinne created Sensory using a two-step process. First, they used all existing smartphone features that help narrow down a caller’s location. All iPhones produced after 2014 already include GPS and altimeter(测高仪) that can help emergency responders determine if a person is outdoors or inside a building. But when it comes to tall buildings, just knowing a person’s altitude may not be enough,because the i distance between floors changes from one building to another.

So Falcon and Schulzrinne analysed the plans of figuring out the average distance between floors in residential(住宅的)buildings and office buildings among more than 1000 buildings in New York City. They tested their app in 63 experiments in five high-rise buildings and found that it could find a caller’s location within two floors with about a 91 percent accuracy.

In a survey conducted by Find Me 911 this year, dispatchers(调度员)said that they regularly received calls from people in need who often couldn’t share their location. They sometimes accidentally give the wrong address or floor number. Some callers are too young to know their address. Dispatchers also received calls from those who are deaf or have hearing problems and they often couldn’t hear the operator’s questions.

The new Sensory app could help shave precious minutes off the time it takes first responders to get to those calling for help. And it could make the difference between life and death.

1The new app Sensory can be used to .

A. provide emergency measures B. speed the connection to 911

C. locate emergency callers accurately D. improve the function of smartphones

2What can the Sensory’s first step help emergency responders do?

A. Make use of a smartphone’s sensors. B. Detect whether a caller is indoors.

C. Combine GPS and signal strength. D. Help callers speak clearly and accurately.

3What does Paragraph 4 really want to tell us?

A. The reasons for failing to get exact location.

B. The basic information about emergencies.

C. The potential danger of failing to rescue.

D. The different kinds of emergency callers.

4What is the author’s attitude to the new app?

A. Skeptical. B. Supportive. C. Unconcerned. D. Opposed.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 ExtinctionI Fear and Hope at the La Brea Tar Pits

November 10, 2016

Species extinctions happen routinely. And evolution can’t go ahead without them. Charles Darwin was the first to grasp that more adapted species appear as less-adapted species die out. But mass extinctions, which happen only rarely and wipe out large numbers of species regardless of how adapted they are, pose a different kind of challenge. Today, scientists have rung the alarm that a sixth mass extinction on planet Earth may be underway—this one caused by none other than us!

What better place to think about the role of extinction in the past, present, and future than the La Brea Tar Pits? How do the stories we tell about extinct animals and plants, and the museum exhibitions, images and films we use to remember them, shape science, laws, and policies to protect endangered species?

Join us for a lively conversation looking at endangered plants and animals, extinction, and the global consequences of mass extinction and come away inspired with new ideas and hopes for the future.

The discussion will include:

● Stewart Brand, environmental author, co-founder and president of The Long Now Foundation

● Dr. Emily Lindsey, Assistant Curator (h K) and Excavation Site Director of the La Brea Tar Pits and Museum

● Jon Christensen, environmental journalist, science writer and historian with UCLA (University of California, Los Angeles), co-founder of the Laboratory of Environmental Narrative Strategies (LENS)

● Ursula Heise, UCLA Professor of English, LENS co-founder and author of the new book Imagining Extinction: The Culrural Meanings of Endangered Species


6:00 pm: Doors open, tours available

7:00 pm: Discussion begins

8:30 pm: Discussion concludes

9:00 pm: Doors close

Cost: Free

Advanced reservation required.

1What is the program mainly about?

A.Extinctions of species.B.Mass extinctions in history

C.Some environmental books.D.Charles Danwin’s achievements.

2How long would the discussion part last?

A.1.0 hour.B.1.5 hour.

C.2.5 hours.D.3.0 hours.

3What do we know about the program?

A.A booking is needed.

B.It aims to warn people

C.It is held mainly for teens.

D.It costs only a little money.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1What bothers Nancy about her neighbor’s son?

A. He drives too fast.

B. His radio wakes her children.

C. He plays his guitar loudly.

2When does the noise stop?

A. When the car is turned off. B. At midnight. C. In the morning.

3What suggestion does Nancy’s friend make?

A. Nancy should call the neighbors to complain.

B. Nancy should introduce her children to the neighbors.

C. Nancy should bring the neighbors a gift to start the topic.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:





注意: 1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

While taking a walk with my pet dog this morning, I found the middle-aged man nearby was shouting on his phone. Obvious, he had a bad day. Before he left, I noticed his keys were on the ground. So I immediately picked up and ran away to find the man. Several minutes later, I found him, whom was still shouting on his phone beside his car. I walked to him and asked if he could hold on a little seconds. At first, he was angry about my interrupt. Then I showed to his keys and explained the whole thing. On heard my words, he immediately hang up his phone and apologized for his rudeness.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Stephen Hawking, who is one of the famous physicists, was born in Britain on January 8th, 1942. As a child, he was enthusiastic about 1 (design) complicated toys but 2 (fortune), in his twenties, he suffered 3 a disease that was impossible to be cured,4 was a great challenge for him. However, he was not only positive about the misfortunes, and eventually he 5 (defeat) all the obstacles but also he was absorbed 6 his research in the universe. In 1988, his best-seller A Brief History of Time 7 (publish), in which he put forward the idea 8 time itself has a beginning, and that it will have 9 end. In 10 (conclude), he has made outstanding contributions to the fields of cosmology and quantum gravity.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1】(小题1What did the man give the woman?

A. A bill. B. A key card. C. Some money.

2】(小题2What did the man enjoy about his trip?

A. The room service. B. The helpful people. C. The pleasant weather.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1What is the man probably?

A. A teacher. B. A salesman. C. A scientist.

2What does the woman want the robot to do?

A. Talk with her. B. Treat her disease. C. Do her housework.

3What do we know about the robot from the conversation?

A. It can do a lot of dangerous work.

B. It is not for sale at the moment.

C. It depends on sun for power.

