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Some futurologists have assumed that the vast upsurge(剧增)of women in the workforce may portend a rejection of marriage. Many women, according to this hypothesis, would rather work than marry. The converse(反面)of this concern is that the prospects of becoming a multi-paycheck household could encourage marriage. In the past, only the earnings and financial prospects of the man counted in the marriage decision. Now, however, the earning ability of a woman can make her more attractive as a marriage partner. Data show that economic downturns tend to putting off marriage because the parties cannot afford to establish a family or are concerned about rainy days ahead. As the economy comes to life, the number of marriages also rises.

The increase in divorce rates follows to the increase in women working outside the home. Yet, it may be wrong to jump to any simple cause-and-effect conclusions. The impact of a wife’s work on divorce is no less cloudy than its impact on marriage decisions. The realization that she can be a good provider may increase the chances that a working wife will choose divorce over an unsatisfactory marriage. But the reverse is equally plausible(似是而非的). Tensions grounded in financial problems often play a key role in ending a marriage. By raising a family’s standard of living, a working wife may strengthen her family’s financial and emotional stability.

Psychological factors also should be considered. For example, a wife blocked from a career outside the home may feel caged in the house. She may view her only choice as seeking a divorce. On the other hand, if she can find fulfillment through work outside the home, work and marriage can go together to create a stronger and more stable union.

Also, a major part of women’s inequality in marriage has been due to the fact that, in most cases, men have remained the main breadwinners. A working wife may rob a husband of being the master of the house. Depending upon how the couple reacts to these new conditions, it could create a stronger equal partnership or it could create new insecurities.

The word “portend” (Line 2, Para.1) is closest in meaning to“_____”.

    A. defy   B. signal   C. suffer from   D. result from

It is said in the passage that when the economy slides_____.

    A. men would choose working women as their marriage partners

    B. more women would get married to seek financial security

    C. even working women would worry about their marriages

    D. more people would prefer to remain single for the time being

If women find fulfillment through work outside the home,_____.

    A. they are more likely to dominate their marriage partners

    B. their husbands are expected to do more housework

    C. their marriage ties can be strengthened

    D. they tend to put their career before marriage

One reason why women with no career may seek a divorce is that_____.

    A. they feel that they have been robbed of their freedom

    B. they are afraid of being bossed around by their husbands

    C. they feel that their partners fail to live up to their expectations

    D. they tend to suspect their husbands? loyalty to their marriage

Which of the following statements can best summarize the authors view in the passage?

    A. The stability of marriage and the divorce rate may reflect the economic situation of the country.

    B. Even when economically independent, most women have to struggle for real equality in marriage.

    C. In order to secure their marriage women should work outside the home and remain independent

    D. The impact of the growing female workforce on marriage varies from case to case.








【小题1】 词义题。根据句意不难理解portend是预示的意思。signal也有显示的意思;defy不服从,反抗;suffer from忍受,遭受;result from由……产生。

【小题2】 细节题。题干的the economy slides等于原文的economic downturns。文中提到经济低迷时期人们倾向推迟婚姻,因为双方不能承担一个家庭或者担心更窘迫的日子。D符合原文意思。

【小题3】 细节题。第三段最后一句可知答案C正确。

【小题4】 细节题。第三段第二句提到不能外出工作的妇女会感到被关在笼子里,相当于A. they feel that they have been robbed of their freedom.她们感到被剥夺了自由。



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

I will give the book to _____ wants to read it.

  A. whoever   B. whomever C. who   D. whom


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Mauritius, with its full name the Republic of Mauritius, an island country, lies 1,200 miles off the southeastern coast of Africa, and just east of Madagascar, another African island country, which is larger by far than Mauritius. It covers 788 square miles and has a population of 1,100,000, about 750,000 Indians, 300,000 Chinese and 20,000 Whites included. They are living together peacefully, although they share such different beliefs as Hindu, Roman Catholic, Muslim and so on. 

The country can be divided into many parts with different climates all because of its peculiar terrains (地形). In the center there are volcanoes (火山) several thousand feet high, and 90% of its arable land is covered with sugarcane.

There were no people living on the island before the Dutch landed on it in 1638. The Dutch relinquished it in 1710, and five years later, the French came and succeeded in planting sugarcane there. It was conquered (征服) by Britain in 1818. As a result, its official language is English. The main big cities are Beau-Bassin and Mahebourg, with Port Louis as its capital.

Mauritius has many rare and unique animals, such as the snakes, parrots and lizards. The giraffe is a type of animal with a very long neck and legs and yellow skin with dark spots. It is the tallest of all living animals.

Mauritius was extremely poor when it declared its independence in 1968. In the past ten years, obvious economic prosperity (繁荣) has shown itself in this island country. Nowadays its business, culture and tourism are developing rapidly. Every year, thousands of millions of people rush there to enjoy the silver sad beach and song and dance performances with native national characters.

The underlined word “relinquished” in the third paragraph means _______.

A. took its place          B. gave it up

C. left for it              D. held it out

The right order that shows the history of Mauritius should be _______.

a. seized by the French          b. became its master

c. ruled by the Dutch            d. conquered by the British

A. b, a, c, d                B. a, c, d, b

C. d, c, a, b                D. c, a, d, b

According to the passage all of the following statements are TRUE except ________.

Arable land covers 90% of the country’s total area   

It was the rule of foreigners that made the Mauritius people live in poverty

More than half of Mauritius population are Indians

Britain ruled the island longer than French and Dutch


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解


Domestic (驯养的) horses now pull ploughs, race in the Kentucky Derby, and carry police. But early horses weren’t tame (驯服的) enough to perform these kinds of tasks. Scientists think the first interactions humans had with horses were far different from those today.

Thousands of years ago, people killed the wild horses that lived around them for food. Over time, people began to catch the animals and raise them. This was the first step in domestication.

As people began to tame and ride horses, they chose to keep those animals that had more desirable characteristics. For example, people may have chosen to keep horses that had a gentle personality so they could be ridden more easily. People who used horses to pull heavy loads would have chosen to keep stronger animals. Characteristics like strength are partly controlled by the animals’ genes. So as the domesticated horses reproduced, they passed the characteristics on to their young. Each new generation of houses would show more of these chosen characteristics.

Modern day horse breeds come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes. This variety didn’t exist in the horse population before domestication. The Shetland horse is one of the smallest breeds—typically reaching only one meter tall. With short, strong legs, the animals were bred to pull coal out of mine shafts (矿井) with low ceilings. Huge horses like the Clydesdale came on the scene around 1700. People bred these heavy, tall horses to pull large vehicles used for carrying heavy loads.

The domestication of horses has had great effects on societies. For example, horse were important tools in the advancement of modern agriculture. Using them to pull ploughs and carry heavy loads allowed people to farm more efficiently. Before they were able to ride horses, humans had to cross land on foot. Riding horses allowed people to travel far greater distance in much less time. That encouraged populations living in different areas to interact with one another. The new from of rapid transportation helped cultures spread around the world.

Before domestication horses were ______.

A. caught for sports                B. hunted for food  

C. made to pull ploughs             D. used to carry people

The author uses the Shetland horse as an example to show ______.

A. it is smaller than the Clydesdale horse       B. horse used to have gentle personalities

C. some horses have better shaped than others

    D. horses were of less variety before domestication

Horses contributed to the spread of culture by ______.

A. carrying heavy loads           B. changing farming methods

C. serving as a means of transport     D. advancing agriculture in different areas

The passage is mainly about _______.

A. why humans domesticated horses     B. how humans and horses needed each other

C. why horses came in different shapes and sizes

D. how human societies and horses influenced each other


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Most of us are used to seasons. Each year, spring follows winter, which follows autumn, which follows summer, which follows spring. And winter is colder than summer. But the earth goes through temperature cycles over much longer periods than those that we experience. Between 65,000 and 35,000 years ago, the planet was much colder than it is now. During that time the temperature also changed a lot, with periods of warming and cooling. Ice melted during the warm periods, which made sea levels rise. Water froze again during the cold periods.

A new study from Switzerland, sheds light on where ice sheets melted during the ice age. It now seems that the ice melted at both ends of the earth, rather than just in either northern or southern regions.

This surprised the researchers from the University of Bern. Scientists have long assumed that most of the ice that melted was in the Northern hemisphere(半球) during the 30,000-year long ice age. That belief was held because the North Pole is surrounded by land, while the South Pole is surrounded by the Antarctic Ocean. It is easier for ice sheets to grow on land. If surrounded by sea the ice can easily just slip into the ocean instead of building up.

The researchers used a computer model to look at ways the ice could melt and how it might affect sea levels. They compared these results to evidence of how temperatures and currents actually changed during that time. The model showed that if it was only in the Northern hemisphere that ice melted, there would have been a bigger impact(影响) on ocean currents(洋流) and sea temperatures than what actually happened. Studies suggest that melting just in the Southern hemisphere would have been impossible, too. The only reasonable conclusion, the scientists could make, was that ice melted equally in the North and the South.

It is still a mystery as to what caused the temperature changes that caused the ice to melt.

The North Pole is surrounded by land, while the South Pole is surrounded by the Antarctic Ocean. So scientists thought that ________.

A. most of the ice melted in the Northern hemisphere

B. most of the ice melted in the Southern hemisphere

C. The North Pole is colder than South Pole

D. The South Pole is colder than North Pole

We can infer from the passage ________.

A. the ice can easily just slip into the ocean              

B. volcanoes caused the ice to melt

C. melting just in the Northern hemisphere would have been impossible

D. researchers often use the computer models help their research work.

The scientists are not sure ________.

A. how long the ice age lasted                   

B. where ice sheets melted during the ice age

C. what caused the temperature changes

D. what the earth is made up of

Which of the following is the best title for the passage?

A. A computer model                         

B. Studies show ice melted equally in the North and the South during the ice age

C. Most of the ice melted in the Northern hemisphere during the 30,000-year long ice age.

D. A survey result


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Each high school has its own policy. One good example is that some high schools require all students to wear uniforms, while others do not. I have been to both types of schools, and if I have to decide which one is better, I will pick the former.

Perhaps every student has this experience: once you are in your school uniforms, you will care more about your own behavior. Uniforms give you an identity that always reminds that you belong to a group. What you do will not only represent yourself, but also the group you belong to, as well as the people with you. In other words, you carry the responsibility to maintain the honor of the group. When you are in your own clothes, it doesn’t matter for you to behave badly in public, but when in your uniform, it does. For high school students, who are not adults yet, this is a good way to shape their behavior.

Moreover, uniforms create an atmosphere of equality. While permitted to wear their won clothes, students may pay much attention to what they wear, in order to show how rich their families are. While in uniforms, all students, rich or poor, look the same, and will be treated equally.

Besides, free from the desires to gain what is new in the shopping mall, wearing uniforms helps students to concentrate on their study.

For all the reasons above, I believe that it is a better choice for high school students to wear uniforms.  They can wear them after school or on weekends.

According to the author, high schools that require students to wear uniforms______.

A. are more attractive to students

B.    are more strict with students

C.    carry out a better policy

D.    admit more excellent students.

How many reasons does the author give to support his or her ideas?

A. two              B. three                C. four                   D. five

According to Paragraph 2, wearing uniforms helps students_______.

  A. focus on their study

  B. become responsible

   C. build up their confidence

   D. find the group they belong to

What would be the best title for the passage?

   A. A wise choice, to wear school uniform

   B. An honor, to wear your school uniform

   C.A difficult choice, in school uniform or not?

   D.A difficult choice, which school should we pick?


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

On Wednesday afternoon Annie took the bus into town to shop in the market. For an hour or so she would walk up and down between the stalls looking at everything, buying here and there, and  1  a sharp lookout for the bargains that were something to be haD. And then, with all the   2  she needs bought she would leave the market for the   3  of the town to spend another hour   4  she liked best, looking in furniture-shop windows.

One Wednesday she found a  5  shop full of the most delightful things, with a   6  inviting anyone to walk in and look round without   7  they had to buy something. Annie hesitated a moment   8  stepping through the doorway where, almost at once, she stopped   9  before a green armchair. There was a card on the chair which  10  ,“This fine chair is yours for less than a pound a week,” and very small at the bottom, “Cash price eighty-nine pounds fifty.” A pound a week …Why, she could almost pay that out of her housekeeping money and never   11  it!  

A voice at her shoulder made her   12  .“Can I help you, Madam?” She looked   13  at the assistant who had come softly to her  14 

“Oh, well, no,” she said, “I was just   15  .”

“We have chairs of all kinds in the   16  . If you'll just come up, you will find something to  17  you.”

Annie, worried at the thought of being   18  to buy something she didn't   19  , left the shop   20  .

1. A. taking    B. making      C. fixing D. keeping

2. A. chairs  B. furniture  C. things D. bargains

3. A. shops   B. streets    C. delightful things       D. bus station

4. A. in the way   B. by the way   C. in a way     D. in one way

5. A. new         B. noisy  C. large   D. strange

6. A. message      B. notice C. note    D. flag

7. A. arguing       B. declaring    C. frightening D. feeling

8. A. when        B. before C. after   D. while

9. A. doubted    B. surprised  C. puzzled      D. delighted

10. A. wrote     B. told    C. informed    D. said

11. A. lose      B. miss    C. pass    D. make

12. A. jump      B. run     C. laugh  D. surprise

13. A. round     B. straight      C. behind       D. up

14. A. place    B. back   C. side    D. front

15. A. thinking         B. looking      C. walking      D. passing

16. A. doorway    B. storehouse       C. showroom    D. market

17. A. suit      B. fit       C. serve   D. match

18. A. advised   B. made  C. persuaded     D. cheated

19. A. like      B. afford C. pay     D. need

20. A. slowly    B. thoughtfully    C. hurriedly    D. carefully


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

My parents have always made me_______about myself,even when I was twelve.

A.feeling well               B.feeling good                     C.feel well                    D.feel good


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

----Where did you get to know her?

  ------It was on the farm ____we worked.

A. that   B. there   C. which   D. where

