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18.All their attempts to rescue the child from the burning building were _____,and he died soon.(  )
A.in placeB.in returnC.in vainD.in ruins

分析 他们所有的从燃烧的大楼中营救这个孩子的努力都白费了,孩子死了.

解答 答案是C.本题主要考查介词短语辨析.in place适当的,就绪; in return 作为回报; in vain徒劳,白费;in ruins 成为废墟;根据句意,孩子死了,所以他们的营救的努力"白费"了,所以答案选择C.

点评 本题考查介词短语的语义辨析,考生在平时的学习中应注意积累相应的短语和词汇,并牢记其意思.在做题时,将短语的意思和题干相结合,从语法、句子结构尤其是句意上去判断,句意通顺,符合逻辑,即正确答案.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:完形填空

8.It was during those hard days in a small community. Food was in short supply. I used to stop by Mr.Miller's stand for(41)C  
    One particular day,while Mr.Miller was(42)Asome potatoes for me I noticed a small boy(43)Badmiring a basket of green peas. Soon I was also(44)Cto the fresh green peas.
    The boy left. Mrs.Miller(45)Dto me and said,"There are two other such boys in our(46)A,all from poor families. Jim always offers to(47)Aour produce for their marbles(弹珠). He somehow makes them believe he likes red marbles(48)B.Sometimes he even sends them home with some peas for(49)D."I left the stand,(50)Awith this man.
    Years later,I went back to visit some(51)Bin that community and while I was there I learned Mr.Miller had died. I agreed to(52)Cmy friends to see Mrs.Miller. Upon our arrival,we offered whatever words of(53)A. Ahead of us were three young men. They moved to the casket(棺椁). Mrs.Miller's eyes followed them(54)Deach young man placed his own(55)Bhand over the cold pale hand and then left.
    Our turn came to meet Mrs.Miller.I told her who I was and mentioned the(56)Cof the marbles. She said,"Those three young men were the boys. They told me how they(57)AJim's kindness."
"We've never had much(58)B,"she said,"but right now,Jim would consider himself the(59)Cman."Then she lifted her husband's lifeless fingers.(60)Dbeneath the hand were three shining,red marbles!
41.A. flowersB. grainsC.vegetablesD. fruits
42.A. baggingB. diggingC.sellingD. cooking
43.A. happilyB. hungrilyC.curiouslyD. seriously
44.A. carriedB. sentC.drawnD. led
45.A. pulled upB. picked upC. got upD. came up
46.A. communityB. townC. homeD. store
47.A. tradeB. bringC. changeD. get
48.A. in timeB. in particularC. on purposeD. on average
49.A. somethingB. everythingC. anythingD. nothing
50.A. impressedB. surprisedC. disappointedD. satisfied
51.A. relativesB. friendsC. businessmenD. workers
52.A. introduceB. sendC. accompanyD. assist
53.A. comfortB. thanksC. praiseD. encouragement
54.A. sinceB. whetherC. becauseD. as
55.A. coolB. warmC. redD. pale
56.A. priceB. colorC. storyD. number
57.A. appreciatedB. forgotC. neededD. helped
58.A. debtB. wealthC. hopeD. health
59.A. tallestB. dearestC. richestD. toughest


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

9.The mail I ordered on the Internet the other day ______ to me now.(  )
A.is deliveringB.was delivered
C.has been deliveredD.delivered


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

6.The Nez Perce Indians are a tribe that lived in the Pacific Northwest of the United States.At the time of the Lewis and Clark expedition(远征队),which was one of the first journeys by Americans from the Atlantic coast to the Pacific coast and back again,the Nez Perce territory(领土) covered about 17million acres,covering parts of Washington,Oregon,and Idaho.But that was a brief sweet history.
In September 1805,when Lewis and Clark came off the Rockies on their westward journey,the entire exploring party was hungry and ill-too weak to defend themselves.Had the Nez Perce chosen to attack them,they could have put an end to the Lewis and Clark expedition there on the banks of Clearwater River.Instead the Nez Perce welcomed the white Americans and looked after them until they made a full recovery.
Thus began a long friendship between the Nez Perce and white Americans.But white men's greed for land and gold finally broke the friendship.
In 1855Governor Isaac Stevens of Washington Territory invited the Nez Perce to a peace conference.He said there were a great many white people in the country,and many more would come.But the chief of the tribe at that time,Old Joseph,replied,"Take away your paper.I will not touch it with my hand."
Things were quiet for a while after that,but not for long.When Old Joseph died,the chiefship was passed onto Young Joseph.In the late 1870s,government officials came to order the Nez Perce to leave the Wallowa Valley and then began hard battles between the Nez Perce and the white soldiers.After the tribe had fought thirteen battles and moved 1,600miles towards Canada in an attempt to retreat (撤退) north,Young Joseph,gave in to the United States Army.Here was his famous statement,"Hear me my chiefs.I am tired; my heart is sick and sad.From where the sun now stands I will fight no more forever."
In 1885,Chief Joseph was sent along with many of his band to the Colville Reservation in Washington where Joseph continued to lead his band for another 25years,at times coming into conflict with the leaders of 11other tribes living on the reservation.

71.What is TRUE of the Lewis and Clark expedition?A
A.They were well cared for by the Nez Perce.
B.They ended their expedition on the banks of Clearwater River.
C.They started the first battle with the Nez Perce.
D.They were the first Americans to travel from the Atlantic to the Pacific.
72.What ended the friendship between the Nez Perce and the Whites?D
A.Old Joseph's proud manner.
B.The breakdown of the peace talk.
C.A growing number of white men in the land.
D.White men's increasing demand for land and gold.
73.Young Joseph gave in at last becauseC.
A.he grew older      B.he was terribly ill
C.he hated the war   D.he lost other chiefs'support
74.Which map most probably shows the path the Nez Perce took in the late 1870s?A

75.The passage might be followed by a paragraph aboutB.
A.the customs and traditions of the Nez Perce Indians
B.the last years of Chief Joseph in the Colville Reservation
C.lasting fights between the Nez Perce and the whites
D.constant conflicts between the Nez Perce and other tribes.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

13.________ I can see,there is only one possible way to keep away from danger.(  )
A.As long asB.As far asC.So farD.Despite


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

3.______ his being late again,he lost his job and had to stay at home.(  )
A.BecauseB.As result ofC.In case thatD.Because of


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

10.The boy went to school as usual the next day after the accident,_____ nothing had happened at all.(  )
A.in caseB.so thatC.even ifD.as though


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

7.I'd like to buy a house---modern,comfortable,and ____ in a quiet neighborhood.(  )
A.in allB.at allC.after allD.above all


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

8.Finally,shesucceeded (成功) in solving the problem after hard work.

