Pets are no strangers to the White House.Many of America's presidents have been animal lovers.In recent times,White House pets havebeen fame dogs and cats.Long ago,however,presidential pets,like our nation itself,werewilder!

In180.6,President Thomas Jefferson lived in the WhiteHouse.Passersby often caught sight of his pet bears.Explorers had disvovered these fierce bears,caught a pair of smallones,and sent them to Jeffer son.While the President was excited about his bears,his enemies in Congress constantlylaughed at his pets,ealling the white House“the President'sBear Garden.”
By 1825,the bears were long gone from the White House scene.Now the building washome to President John Quincy Adams and hiscrocodile.The green beast actually belonged toGeneral Lafay ette,a French hero who had helped the UnitedStales win the Revolutionary War.When Lafayette asked Adams to keep the crocodile for him,the President couldn't refuse.While President Adams babysat the huge crocodile,First Lady Louisa Adams was busy raising thousands of silk-worms.She used the silk from the silkworms to make clothfor her dresses.

When President Martin Van Buren moved into the WhiteHouse in 1837 he brought his tigers with him.At least,VanBuren said the tigers were his.The Sultan of Oman had sentthe tigers when Van Buren was elected,so Congress arguedthat the cats belonged to the American people.A fight overthe tigers continued for months.con'tinued for months.In the end,Congress sentsomeone to seize the tigers and put them in a zoo.
Twenty years later,President James Buchanan,receivedanother valuable gift when he was in his first year in theWhite House This time,the King of Siam sent several ele-phants!Buchanan had no desire to share his building with thebig creatures.so he sent them to the zoo.Buchanan did,however,keep another gift a pair of birds,They were a fittingsymbol of presidential power.