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10.Halloween Coming Out
"A man was shot in the face during a bank robbery."That was the news about me five years ago.From then on I never looked in a (36)A; it even scared myself when seeing my destroyed face.I lived in my house alone without outside contact.But one night I was making an (37)D.It was Halloween.
What a fitting night for me to (38)C!I longed for human contact.When my pumpkin lantern smiled a toothy welcome in my front door,I heard footsteps and giggling(咯咯的笑) as children came close to my house.
"Trick or treat,"they cried.
My hands started to (39)A.I opened the door and gave them a (40)B  smile through my damaged lips beneath a rough scar where my nose once (41)B.
"Do you want a trick,or do you want a treat?"My voice sounded more like a ghost.The (42)C  expression on the children's faces suggested everything.
"Treat!"They (43)D  picked a candy or two from my bucket,and ran to the (44)A  of their parents.
I closed the door,and pressed my back against it.I felt dizzy,but I (45)D  it.Then the bell rang."Trick or treat."a (46)A  voice came to me.I opened the door to find a small girl,wearing a Shirley Temple mask.
"Hi,Shirley."I spoke quietly not to (47)B  her."Aren't you beautiful tonight?"
She stared at her feet and shook her head,"No."
"Yes,you are.You're Shirley Temple,the most beautiful girl in the world."
She looked up at me,and pulled her (48)C to the side.Seeing her deformed(变形的) face,my heart missed a beat.
"Well,I think you are beautiful,darling."I said gently.
At the words,her eyes connected with mine.An uncertain hand reached toward my bucket and took one piece of candy."Thank you."Her voice was a (49)B.She turned and ran to her mother.I nodded my head to her mother and gave them both a (50)B.
I closed my door and turned off my gate lamp.My (51)D  life began again.
The next morning I heard my doorbell ring.I tried to ignore it,(52)C  it rang again.I went to the door and called out,"Who's there?"
"It's Shirley Temple and her Mom."
I opened the door in a few (53)C  and looked.It was the woman and her daughter without her mask.Before I spoke,the mother said,"My girl said she wanted to meet you."I watched tears start to (54)A  in the mother's eyes."This is her first time outside without her mask."
I pulled the door open and that was also the first time in five years for me to invite someone into my(55)D.


分析 本文讲述了作者看到被毁容的面孔,脸上的伤疤让我自己都惊恐,所以从那时起从不照镜子,到最后开门邀请别人进入到自己的生活的故事.

解答 36-40 ADCAB   41-45 BCDAD   46-50 ABCBB   51-55 DCCAD
36.A  本题考查词语辨析和语境理解.A:镜子,B:钱包,C:衣兜,D:银行.看到被毁容的面孔,脸上的伤疤让我自己都惊恐,所以从那时起我从不照镜子.根据语境可知答案为A.
37.D 本题考查词语辨析和固定搭配.A:期望,B:约会,C:介绍,D:例外.make an exception意为"例外,破例",根据空前句和句首but 可知答案为D.
38.C  本题考查语境理解和文化背景.A:行动,B:停留,C:出现,D:逃走.对我来说这是一个多么适合露面的晚上啊!故答案为C.
39.A 本题考查推理判断和词语辨析.A:发抖,B:穿过,C:跳舞,D:轻声走.5年来从未与外界接触,同时又渴望着接触,此时心情激动所以手是颤抖的.故答案为A.
40.B 本题考查词语辨析和推理判断.A:苦的,B:友好的,C:简单的,D:安静的. 此处表示渴望和人接触,又怕吓到他们,所以示以他们友好的微笑.故答案为B.
41.B  本题考查词汇引申含义和语境理解.A:居住,B:坐落,位于,C:呼吸,D:睡觉.此处指原来鼻子是位于伤疤的位置,故答案为B.
42.C 本题考查语境理解和词语辨析.A:感动的,B:兴奋的,C:震惊的,D:迷惑不解的.孩子们看到我的面容感到震惊,故答案为C.
43.D 本题考查逻辑推理和词语辨析.A:容易地,B:有礼貌地,C:悲伤地,D:快速地.因为害怕所以应该是快速地,故答案为D.
44.A 本题考查逻辑推理和语境理解.A:安全,B:影子,C:防御,D:视力. 因为害怕,孩子们跑到父母那里获得安全,故答案为A.
45.D  本题考查语境理解和词语辨析和语境理解.A:完成,B:提升,C:得到,D:做.根据前文I longed for human contact.可知这里指我做到了.故答案为D.
46.A  本题考查语境理解和逻辑推理.A:微弱的,B:大声的,C:平静的,D:清楚的.联系下文She stared at her feet and shook her head可知小女孩很自卑,微弱的声音也可照应这一点,故答案为A.
47.B 本题考查词语辨析和语境理解.A:打断,B:使害怕,C:使泄气,D:欺骗.我平静地说为的是不吓着她,故答案为B.
48.C 本题考查语境理解和上下文联系.A:手套,B:帽子,C:面具,D:眼镜.前文说到小女孩wearing a Shirley Temple mask,此处指小女孩把面具拽到一边,故答案为C.
49.B  本题考查词语辨析和逻辑推理.A:尖厉高音,B:低语,C:信号,D:叹气.这里指小女孩听到作者的赞美低声说谢谢.低语与前面an uncertain hand照应,故答案为B.
50.B 本题考查逻辑推理和词语辨析.A:一瞥,B:挥手,C:传递,D:惊讶.此处是挥手道别,故答案为B.
51.D 本题考查语境理解和上下文联系.A:忙的,B:社会的,C:有意义的,D:孤独的.此处意为:关上门,熄灭门灯,我孤独的生活又开始了.故答案为D.
52.C 本题考查逻辑推理和语境理解.A:因为,B:因此,C:但是,D:或者.句意:我不去理睬门铃,但它又响起来.分析语义关系是转折,故答案为C.
53.C  本题考查语境理解和词语辨析.A:秒,B:努力,C:英寸,D:脚步.站在离门几英寸的地方开门,因为作者怕吓到他们,故答案为C.
54.A 本题考查语境理解和词语辨析.A:泉涌,B:使…变干,C:结冰,D:安装.我看到那位母亲泪如泉涌.故答案为A.
55.D  本题考查词语辨析和语境理解.A:将来,B:故事,C:头脑,D:生活.这对我来说也是五年来第一次开门邀请别人进入到我的生活.故答案为D.

点评 同学们在解答夹叙夹议文体的完形填空时,首先要读懂第一节,尤其是文章的第一句话,这样就可以迅速找到全文的主旨大意.其次要跟着作者的思路读全文,思维要有灵活性,要随着记叙与议论的转换,及时调整思维方式.答题时必须要遵循"整体-部分-整体"的步骤,具体可分为以下三步:1. 通览全文,了解大意.  2. 综合考虑,逐项填空.  3. 复读检验,以防疏漏.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

15.For 52 years my father got up at 5:30 am every morning,went to work,and returned home at 5:30 pm.I never saw my father stayed home from work ill,nor did I ever see my father lay down to take a nap.He had no hobbies,other thantaking care of his family.All he asked from me,his daughter,was to help him while he was repairing something,so we could have some time to talk.
For 22 years,after I left home for college,my father called me at 9:00 am every Sunday.Nine years ago when I bought my first house,my father,67 years old,spent eight hours a day for three days painting my house.He would not allow me to pay someone to have it done.All he asked for was a glass of iced tea.Five years ago,at age 71,my father spent five hours putting together a swing set for my daughter.
On the morning of January 16,1996,my sister telephoned me:my father was in the hospital with an aneurysm(动脉瘤) in Florida.I got on an airplane immediately,and on the way I realized that I hadn't communicated with him as much as I'd always wanted to.I vowed(发誓) that when I arrived,I would have a long talk with him.I arrived in Florida at 1:00 am,only to find that my father,at the age of 76,had passed away at 9:12 pm.This time it was he who did not have time to talk,or time to wait for me.
24.From the first paragraph we can infer (推断) that the author's fatherD.
A.was a good driver               
B.had many hobbies
C.sometimes fell ill                
D.was in good health
25.The underlined phrase"other than"in the first paragraph has the same meaning as"C".
D.due to
26.According to the last paragraph,we can know that the author's father was born inA.
27.The author wrote the article in order toB.
A.praise her father                     
B.remember her father
C.show her father was healthy            
D.let her father be known.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

16.Here is a list of names of the guests to be invited to the party.Please don't ______ any of them when typing.(  )
A.let outB.make outC.leave outD.put out


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

13.画家靠画画谋生,而教师以教学为生.(earn one's living)
Painters earn their living by painting whileteachers by teaching.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

5.______that climate change causes a growing danger to our planet,all the nations have dedicated themselves to pursuing a clean energy economy.(  )
C.Being convincedD.Having convinced


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

15.Everyone needs a break,and vacations are not meant for serious study.(36)FThe Spring Festival is coming up so this is the perfect time to discuss some great English language literature to take on a long train journey.
Before getting into the recommendations,you need to determine your English reading comprehension level.If you're at the beginner level,there are two options:reading a children's book or reading a book that you've read in Chinese translation.(37)GIf you're at the intermediate level,popular books like pop fiction,mysteries and thrillers are good options.For advanced readers,classic works of literature or modern prize winners (Nobel,Pulitzer) are good options.
(38)BWhen I pick up a book I like,even though the first few chapters are really hard to get through,I would try to get accustomed to the language the author uses.Generally,after the first few chapters,things get a lot easier,especially if I get involved in the story.
Another great way to keep yourself motivated is to find a friend who's interested in reading the same book.You can make goals that you both want to achieve.(39)E  Some quick recommendations:Harry Potter,start with the first book and go on from there; the Narnia series; anything by US writer Michael Crichton; and if you like horror,US writer Stephen King is always unusual and fun.(40)DHappy reading!

A.If you pick a book which is so challenging,it will be too stressful.
B.The most important thing is to pick a book that you're really interested in.
C.You may also enjoy your reading when hanging out with your family.
D.You should just find a topic or author you're interested in,and the rest will go from there.
E.You can also discuss plot lines or vocabulary issues with each other by SMS or e-mail.
F.Instead,they're a great way to take a break and enjoy a good book.
G.This will help you get over any unfamiliar words or phrases,since you're already familiar with the story.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

2.An Australian man who has been donating his extremely rare kind of blood for 56years has saved the lives of more than two million babies.
James Harrison has an antibody in his plasma that stops babies dying from Rhesus disease,a form of severe anaemia.He has enabled countless mothers to give birth to healthy babies,including his own daughter,Tracey,who had a healthy son thanks to her father's blood.
Mr.Harrison has been giving blood every few weeks since he was 18years old and has now racked up a total of 984donations.When he started donating,his blood was deemed so special that his life was insured for one million Australian dollars.
He was also nicknamed the"man with the golden arm"or the"man in  two million".He said:"I've never thought about stopping.Never."He made a pledge to be a donor aged 14after undergoing major chest surgery in which he needed 13litres of blood."I was in hospital for three months,"he said."The blood I received saved my life so I made a pledge to give blood when I was 18."
Just after he started donating he was found to have the rare and life-saving antibody in his blood.At the time,thousands of babies in Australia were dying each year of Rhesus disease.Other newborns suffered permanent brain damage because of the condition.The disease creates an incompatibility between the mother's blood and her unborn baby's blood.It stems from one having Rh-positive blood and the other Rh-negative.
His blood has since led to the development of a vaccine called Anti-D.After his blood type was discovered,Mr.Harrison volunteered to undergo a series of tests to help develop the Anti-D vaccine."They insured me for a million dollars so I knew my wife Barbara would be taken care of,"he said."I wasn't scared.I was glad to help.I had to sign every form going and basically sign my life away."
Mr.Harrison is Rh-negative and was given injections of Rh-positive blood.It was found his plasma could treat the condition and since then it has been given to hundreds of thousands of women.It has also been given to babies after they are born to stop them developing the disease.
It is estimated he has helped save 2.2million babies so far.Mr.Harrison is still donating every few weeks now.

45.How old is James Harrison?C
A.56  B.70  C.74  D.78
46.What does the underlined phrase"two million"refer to?A
A.babies  B.mothers  C.dollars  D.all of the above
47.Why did James decide to donate his blood?BecauseD.
A.his daughter asked him to help her son
B.he has a golden arm worth a million dollars
C.a vaccine called Anti-D is to be developed
D.someone else's blood saved his life
48.The sentence"The disease creates an incompatibility between the mother's blood and her unborn baby's blood"(underlined in Paragraph 5)suggests thatB.
A.babies suffer permanent brain damage before born
B.the mother and the baby have different types of blood
C.Rhesus disease contributes to permanent brain damage
D.all the patients have a rare antibody in their blood
49.What can we infer from the sixth paragraph?A
A.Some of the tests to develop the vaccine are dangerous.
B.His wife Barbara needed to be taken care of badly then.
C.Mr.Harrison was glad to help develop a new vaccine.
D.His blood type was accidentally discovered after tests.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

19.Are you working on your typing skills to make you become a more efficient worker?That may be all for nothing as Intel believes that we will be able to manage our computers with our brains by 2020.
Intel and its research partners are studying how the brain acts when it thinks.For example,scientists have found that people's brains react in a similar way when they are asked to think of a bear.Through some equipment that can also find this sort of brain activity,Intel thinks that it will be able to read and translate this into an input system tanks to an implantable chip in the brain.
"We are trying to prove you can do interesting things with brain waves."Intel research scientist Dean Pomerleau told Computerworld."Eventually people may be willing to be more devoted to brain implants."Even if thinking about a bear isn't enough to show that you want to copy something,Intel still thinks that there is a future in suing your brain instead of the keyboard."If we can get to the point where we can find specific words,you could mentally type,"he added."You could compose characters or words by thinking about letters flashing on the screen."
While this may all sound impractical or even inconvenient for present time,Intel thinks that it's possible.
"I think human beings are very adaptive,"said Andrew Chien,vice president of research and director of future technologies research at the Intel Labs."If you had told people 20years ago that they would be carrying computers all the time,they would have said,‘I don't want that.'Now you can't get them to stop.There are a lot of things that have to be done first but I think implanting chips into human brains is possible."
Make good use of your mouse and keyboard set-up before they're old-fashioned.

64.What can be known about Intel from the passage?D
A.it is researching how our brains manage our computers.
B.it is working on how to improve people's typing skills.
C.It is finding how the brain reacts when it thinks of a bear.
D.It is studying the relation between what the brain thinks and how it acts.
65.From what Dean Pomerleau said,we can learn thatC.
A.brain implants are not accepted now
B.people have no interest in the research
C.mentally typing will probably be a real fact
D.new things need a long time to be accepted
66.What Andrew Chien said can prove thatD.
A.everything is possible in the world
B.man has great power to face difficulties
C.society is changing from time to time
D.man is very good at accepting new things
67.What does the last paragraph implay?B
A.Everything should be used to the full.
B.Mouses and keyboards won't exist in the future.
C.Our brains can take the place of computers.
D.Some new kinds of mouse and keyboard will appear.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

20.If Joe's wife won't go to the party,________.(  )
A.he will eitherB.neither will heC.he neither willD.either he will

