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4.-can I have some information about the course?
It ____ for beginners and lasts two weeks.(  )
A.designsB.is designedC.designedD.was designed

分析 --我能了解一些关于这个课程的信息吗?

解答 答案是B.本题考查被动语态.根据句意判断,it指的是the course,所以"it"和"design(设计)"之间是被动关系,排除A和C;由问句中can判断句中用与现在相关的时态,故选B.

点评 本题考查被动语态,要分析主语和动词之间的关系,联系动词本身的特定用法;在掌握被动结构的基本形式"be/get+过去分词"的基础上理解不同时态的被动语态的结构,最后进行综合判断.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

3.Can you account for your absence from school last Friday?


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

4.One day Mary was busy working in her office in London when she received an E-mail from her friend Joan.In Joan's e-mail,she persuaded Mary (61)to look( look) for a flat in London for her.As she had (62)less (little) money at her command than before,the flat had to be cheap,but it had to be modern,with elevators,gas lines.It had to be in the (63)eastern (east) part of London,with petrol and subway stations nearby.Though Mary found (64)itdifficult to find such a flat,she still went from one block to another,looking for a flat (65)which/thatwould meet Joan's requirements.Having tried too many times,Mary came up (66)toher boss and politely asked him (67)foradvice.It was the first time that she (68)had talked (talk) with his boss about her personal problems.It happened that the boss just had such a flat for rent,so they quickly reached(69)anagreement.But to her surprise,when she e-mailed Joan,telling her the good news,Joan said that she had changed (70)her mind---she was not returning to London.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

1.If the house is ____ fire,_____ where is the nearest exit.(  )
A.in; findB.on; find outC.catches; findD.on; find


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

8.There was a time ________the boy often quarreled with his parents.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

9.An ATM that spits out cupcakes instead of cash is now filling a popular demand in the American market:late-night desire for freshly baked sweets.
     In six cities across the country,sugar addicts can now purchase a cupcake for $4.25 from an automatic machine 24 hours every day.The freshly baked goods are made by the California-based cupcake shop Sprinkles.
    The idea came to the company's co-founders Candace and Charles Nelson when Candace was pregnant with their first child.Candace thought it was ridiculous that she owned cupcake bakeries aad couldn't get a freshly baked treat at an unusual hour.That desire inspired the company's first cupcake ATM in Beverly Hills,Calif.in 2012.
    Charles said each ATM serves about l,000 cupcakes per day.The machine is so popular that when it appeared in Manhattan,customers were lined up around the block to use it.
Yet,inventing the first cupcake ATM was not as easy as convincing customers to use it.When the Nelsons started defigning the machine,they quickly realized nothing existed that could give a fully unbroken cupcake to a customer.The company had to partner with a European firm to develop the technology that could deliver a cupcake without dropping it several feet like a typical machine.After going through a seeond development cycle with the product,the ATMs can now satisfy tlle demand of growing customers and even make as many as four cupcakes at a time.
    In terms of the company,the-machine allows Sprinkles to do the impossible:increase hours of operation without raising costs.Now the company can sell cupcakes around the clock through the ATM without paying employees.
    Now the company is partnering with a Middle Eastern company to open 34 new locations abroad.

51.What's the purpose of the text?C
A.To tell us a newtrend of the diet.
B.To advertisefor the cupcake ATM.
C.To introduce a newly-invented cupcake ATM.
D.To advise more customers to buy cupcakes on ATM.
52.How did the Nelsons come up with the idea of'a cupulke ATM?B
A.Their first child wagted to eat fresh cupcakes.
B.Candace hoped to eat a fleshly baked cupcake at any time.
C.The cupcakes they sold couldn't satisfy the customers'demands.
D.They couldn't afford to employ enough workers.
53.What problem did the Nelsons face when starting to design the machine?A
A.Serving an unbroken cupcake to customers.
B.Convincing the customers to use the machine.
C.Dealing with so many orders every day.
D.Making as many as four cupcakes at a time.
54.What does the underlined word‘‘it''in Paragraph 4 refer to?A
A.The machine.    B.The block.    C.The cupcake. D.The customer.
55.What can we infer from the text?B
A.The ATM will replace the traditional cake shops.
B.The ATM will appear in more cities in the world.
C.The company will promote different kinds of products.
D.People will get cupcakes through the ATM without paying.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

16.Have you ever noticed what happens to an idea once you express it?Just talking about it or writing it down causes you to make it clear in your own mind.How can you use this to increase your brain power?Start writing.
By putting thoughts into words,you are telling yourself the logic(逻辑)behind what you think,feel,or only partly understand.Often,explaining a thought is the process of understanding.In other words,you increase your brain power by exercising your"explain power."
Try this experiment.Explain how you'll increase your brain power,even if you have no idea how right now.Just start with anything,and create an explanation.For example,start with"I'll learn chess''or"I'll read an article on the mind every week."Explain how that will help.You'll be surprised how often this becomes a workable plan,and if you actually do this you'll have a better understanding of your brain twenty minutes from now.
Another benefit of writing is that it helps you remember.Many,if not most,highly productive people are always taking notice.You can try keeping it all in your head,but if you keep a journal of your ideas the next time you'll working on a big project,you'll probably have more success.
Want to understand a topic?Write a book about it.That's an extreme example,but if you are learning something new,write a letter to a friend about it,and you will understand it better.Want to invent something?Write an explanation of the problem,why you want to solve it,and why it is worth solving,and  you're half-way there.
Writers don't always write because they clearly understand something beforehand.Often,they write about something because they want to understand it.You can do the same.Writing will help bring you to an understanding.Give it a try.

41.What would be the best title for the text?B
A.A Way on How to Write
B.Increase Your Brain Power through Writing
C.Brain Power Helps Improve Your Writing
D.How to Start Your Writing
42.According to the text,writing can help you a lot in the following ways EXCEPTC.
A.the increase of your brain power
B.the ability to remember
C.the development of your interest in study
D.the better understanding of a topic
43.If a writer writes something,it means that he or sheB.
A.has understood it very well
B.needs to understand it better
C.wants to remember it in his or her mind
D.is exercising his or her"explain power"
44.The underlined sentence"you're half-way there."in the fifth paragraph implies thatD
A.you are already successful
B.you still need to work hard
C.writing can help you walk half way
D.writing is important to solve problems
45.What's the main purpose of the writer writing the text?A
A.To advise readers to start their writing.
B.To explain the importance of writing
C.To persuade readers to become writers.
D.To increase readers'brain power.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

13.In any culture,the development of self-control is important.This ability,which depends on the prefrontal cortex(前颚皮层),provides the basis for mental flexibility,social skills and regulation.It predicts success in education,career and marriage.Indeed,childhood self-control is twice as important as intelligence in predicting academic achievement.Contrarily,poor self-control in primary school increases the risk of adult financial difficulties,criminal behavior,single parenthood and drug dependence.
Traditionally,Asian students succeed in part because they show good self-control from an early age.In one study,Chinese preschoolers were six months ahead of American children in developing mental control.Another study found that Korean 3-year-olds did as well on such tasks as British children who were 17-months older.
Self-control can be built through practice.Chinese parenting emphasizes child training,which combines close supervision(监管) of performance with strong financial support and motivation for the child's efforts.This approach comes at a great cost to parents and children.East Asian students study long and hard.
Fortunately for American parents,psychologists find that children can develop self-control through their own effort.Behavior is powerfully shaped not only by parents or teachers but also by children themselves.The key is to take advantage of the child's own drives for play,social interaction and other rewards.
Effective approaches for building self-control combine fun with progressively increasing challenges.Rather than force activities onto an unwilling child,take advantage of his or her individual tendencies.When children develop self-control through their own effort for happiness,no parental guidance is required.Find something that the child is crazy about but that requires active effort.Whether it's doing baseball statistics or making (but not passively watching) YouTube videos,favorite hobbies build mental staying power that can also be used for math homework.

41.The first paragraph tells usA.
A.the importance of self-control
B.the definition of self-control
C.self-control in our education
D.self-control and achievement
42.Good self-control in the early age can probablyC.
A.guarantee the success of one's career
B.increases the possibility of one's failure
C.bring positive influence to a person
D.influence one's intelligence greatly
43.We can learn from the second paragraph thatB.
A.Asian students are much cleverer in an early age
B.good self-control contributes much to the success of Asian students
C.17-months old British children are cleverer than Korean 3-year-olds
D.American preschoolers'mental control is developed half a year earlier
44.East Asian students study long and hard because their parentsB.
A.encourage them by giving them money
B.not only supervise but also motivate them
C.train their self-control through their own efforts
D.train their intelligence intentionally
45.We learn from the last two paragraphs thatD.
A.children are crazy about making efforts to develop their self-control
B.children's self-control can be shaped by parents and teachers
C.effective approaches for building self-control can combine with math
D.developing self-control through their own effort is most important.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

14.All of the books_____ by the workers in that factory at present.(  )
A.are being printedB.is being printed
C.is printingD.are being printing

