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19.The wife is cooking busily in the kitchen  _________     the husband is watching TV leisurely in the sitting room.(  )

分析 妻子正在厨房里忙着做饭,而丈夫却悠闲的在起居室看电视.

解答 答案:D.根据The wife is cooking busily in the kitchen可知妻子正在厨房里忙着做饭,这就和后句the husband is watching TV leisurely in the sitting room构成对比关系,所以答案是D while"然而"表示对比关系.其他选项的含义分别是A"当…的时候";B"当…的时候";C"尽管,虽然"表示让步关系.

点评 考查从属连词.【while的用法】
eg.While the discussion was still going on,George came in.
eg.While I admit his good points I can see his bad.
eg.There's plenty of rain in the southeast,while there's little in the northeast.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:书面表达

姓名Alice Green性别国籍美国
A Foreign Teacher


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

10.A recent report found 46% of parents agreed that their child knew more about the Internet than they did.And now new research shows parents are turning to their children for lessons in technology.
The new study of around 1,000parents showed that 67% of parents have asked their teenager children for technology-related advice.44% have asked their teenager for help using the Internet,and 41% have received teen advice about how to use the TV or home entertainment system.
Ahad Surooprajally,a father of five children,says his children help him with technology in the home."They've grown up surrounded by technology,"he explains."We have four computers and four iPads in our house.If I want to know something technical they're the ones I go to."
He says his nine-year-old son Habeeb is the only person in the house who really understands the TV.So he tells Habeeb which film he wants to watch and Habeeb connects his mobile phone to the TV."You teach your kids everyday life lessons,but the tables are turned when it comes to technology,"says Ahad.
As well as learning how to use technology properly,there is another advantage of parents asking their children to help them understand the digital world,They may be able to get a better understanding of what their kids are doing online.
Will Gardner of the charity Childnet International says,"We have to continuously encourage parents to find out more about what their children are doing on line.If the kids are using a social networking site,get them to show you around it if you are not using it already."

51.What do we know about the new study?A
A.Over two-thirds of parents turned to their teenagers on tech matters.
B.Most teenagers know more about the Internet than their parents.
C.About half of the parents have no idea how to use a computer.
D.Few parents trust their children to give them advice.
52.What does the underlined part"the tables are turned"probably mean?C
A.The duty is carried out.B.The pleasure will increase.
C.The situation is changed.D.The difficulty becomes less.
53.Will Gardner seems to suggest that parents shouldB.
A.try to learn how to make friends online
B.keep an eye on children's online safety
C.encourage children to use social networking sites
D.ask children to teach them how to use computers
54.Which of the following can be the best title for the text?D
A.Internet:Open to our kids too early
B.Technology:Challenge for everyone
C.Parents:Confused by new technology
D.Children:Parents'technology advisors.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

7.John was part of my childhood growing up in the 1970s and a link to sunny,fun-filled days spent on the beach at Bangor in the Northern Ireland where we went for our summer holidays.To many,he was a mystery.Every afternoon John would wander to the end of the pier(码头) where he fed the seagulls(海鸥)and delighted in the sound of their excited cries as they flew around his head.
Often I asked my family questions regarding John.Eventually I gave up as no one could tell me anything about him.As I grew up,my visit to the beach became less frequent,and my memories of John buried in a child's imagination.
Last year memories came flooding back as I walked along the coastline,where I noticed a lady feeding the seagulls on the pier,and I decided to introduce myself.Then I came to know that the lady was John's daughter,and after John left this world she carried out the ritual (惯例),which had held such importance for her father.
In some strange way I felt we shared a bond,each needing to remember.In return,Lucy told me of John's life,his days in the British Navy(海军)during World War I and how he almost lost hope when his ship was attacked by a German U-boat in the North Sea and he found himself in a lifeboat with five others.
Close to death,he thought he heard the sound of wings.He put up his hands,only to catch a seagull that had landed on the side of the boat.The seagull saved the lives of the six men as it was used to catch fish,which kept them alive until they reached land.This period of John's life was one he never talked about.But the ritual he first performed as a young man remained a part of him until he died.
Now I visit Lucy as often as I can,just to chat or very often walk along the beach to the pier end.We enjoy the comfortable silence,each lost in special memories.
66.Seeing John feeding the seagulls,the author might feelC.
A.proud    B.worried      C.curious     D.guilty
67.Why did the author introduce herself to the lady?D
A.She wanted to make more friends.
B.She was also fond of feeding seagulls.
C.She was told the lady was John's daughter.
D.She was attracted by what the lady was doing.
68.John survived(从…中幸存下来) the attack because ofA.
A.a seagull  
B.a German U-boat
C.his daughter  
D.the British Navy
69.We can infer from the text that JohnB.
A.once served in both world wars
B.was a man with a grateful(感恩的)heart
C.spent all his life in Bangor
D.joined the navy in the 1970s
70.What does the author mainly tell us in the text?C
A.She expressed her thanks to a seagull that saved her life.
B.She told us the story of how she made friends with a lady.
C.She shared with us her memories of a man who fed seagulls.
D.She talked about her childhood spent on the beach at Bangor.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:完形填空

14.People commonly believe red wakes us up or blue calms us down.It is deeply rooted in Western culture-to the point that many consider it a (41)A.But do they really change our behavior in the ways that we(42)B?
If you repeatedly have a particular experience (43)A by a certain color,then you eventuallv (44)Dto associate that color with the way you are feeling or behaving.It's been suggested that a school career spent reading your teacher's red writing circling your  (45)C forever makes you link red with danger.Meanwhile,blue is more likely to be associated with(46)B situations like staring at the sea.It is true that people do make different associations with different (47)A,but whether this translates into (48)D  in a certain way or succeeding at a particular task is a different question.
To (49)A this idea,in 2009researchers at the University of British Columbia sat their participants at computer screens colored blue or red and tested them on (50)Btasks.With a red screen people did better on(51)C requiring attention to detail,but when the screen was blue they did better on creative tasks,such as (52)D  as many uses as possible for a single brick.The researchers thought that red signaled"avoidance"and so they were more (53)A,while blue motivated an"approach''behavior that (54)B them to be freer with their thinking,resulting in more  (55)C.The test suggested that the colors and behaviors were (56)D in their minds.
The team even thought about the (57)A uses of their findings.They (58)B whether walls should be painted different colors depending on the task at hand.However,(59)Cthis might be tricky.In an office or a classroom you (60)D want to think creatively some of the time and pay attention to detail at others.

52.A.picking outB.putting upC.bringing aboutD.thinking of
59.A.in needB.on purposeC.in practiceD.at least


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

4.The seventh-inning stretch is one baseball tradition that helps make the game one of America's favorite pastimes.In the middle of the seventh inning(局)fans ritualistically stand and stretch before the home team comes to bat.
No one really knows the origin of the custom,but there are theories on how it started.Baseball historian Dan Daniel provided this explanation:"It probably began as an expression of fatigue.That would explain why the stretch comes late in the game instead of at the halfway point."
A more popular story involves President William Howard Taft and the birth of two baseball traditions.According to the account,Taft attended the first game of the 1910baseball season.On the spur of the moment,plate umpire(裁判) Billy Evans gave Taft the ball.He asked him to throw it over the plate.Taft did so,and the custom of having the president launch the baseball season with the first pitch was born.
The story continues that later that same day,President Taft,who weighed well over 300pounds,became uncomfortable in his small chair.In the middle of the seventh inning,he stood up to stretch his legs.The crowd thought that the president was leaving,so they stood up out of respect.A few moments later,Taft sat down again.The fans followed,and the seventh-inning stretch was born.What a day for traditions!
No matter how the tradition began,fans have since added to the fun.Now,as they stand to stretch during the seventh inning,they can sing along to Jack Norworth's 1927version of the song"Take Me Out to the Ball Game"after the visiting team has batted.

65.Which of the following best defines the word"ritualistically"in Paragraph 1?C
A.Attracting attention.
B.Showing excitement.
C.Continuing a custom.
D.Releasing anxiety.
66.The seventh-inning stretch is celebrated with the song"Take Me Out to the Ball Game"B.
A.a few moments after the beginning
B.after the visiting team has batted in the seventh inning
C.between the sixth and seventh innings
D.after the home team has batted in the seventh inning
67.In the more popular story,C.
A.Billy Evans attended the first game of the 1910baseball season
B.Taft asked Billy Evans to throw the ball over the plate
C.President Taft stood up to stretch his legs to relax himself
D.the crowd thought the president didn't respect the players.
68.How did the custom of following the"seventh-inning stretch"begin?
A.No one knows for sure where or when the custom began.
B.Jack Norworth started the tradition with the song in 1927.
C.Fans used it as a time to stand and stretch their legs after sitting for the first six innings.
D.William Howard Taft stood up and the rest of the fans stood in honor of the president.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

11.Parents used to rely on physical punishments to control their children's bad behavior,which has been proven to be very harmful.Therefore,most parents now choose to simply yell,thinking that language probably won't hurt as much.But is that really so?
    Using harsh words such as"lazy"or"stupid"is just as harmful as hitting,according to a new study carried out at the University of Pittsburgh,US."It cannot reduce or correct their problem behavior,"said Professor Ming-Te Wang,leader of the study,in an interview with The Wall Street Journal."On the contrary,it makes it worse."
    In the study,which involved 976 two-parent families,researchers asked the kids about their behavior problems,while asking their parents how often they had yelled at them. Nearly half of the parents admitted that they'd shouted at their children in the past year.Researchers noted that the kids whose parents used more harsh words experienced more behavior problems after-wards,including fighting,stealing,lying as well as symptoms of depression.
"Adolescence is a very sensitive period when kids are trying Lo develop their self-identities(个性).When you yell,it makes them feel they are not capable,and that they are worthless and useless,"Wang said."This may explain why so many parents say that no matter how loud they shout,their teenagers don't listen.          
While harsh yelling can stop bad behavior in the moment,it doesn't teach children to behave how parents want them to,according to Professor Alan Kazdin of Yale University,US.What parents need is to praise their children for good behavior.If parents really need to punish their kids,they should try things like taking away smartphones and reminding them that good behavior will get themback. After all,"we want to teach kids,not hurt them,"said Kazdin.
46.How do most parents react to their children's misbehaving now?C
A.Letting them alone.
B.Beating them.
C.Shouting at them.      
D.Praising them.
47.The study finds that using harsh words.A
A.can make things even worse  
B.inspires children to do better
C.corrects children's bad behavior
D.has a better effect than hitting
48.According to Professor Ming-Te Wang,D. 
A.physical punishments are sometimes necessary
B.children are more self-centered in adolescence
C.parents should never punish kids for misbehaving
D.harsh yelling damages children's self-confidence
49.In Professor Alan Kazdin's opinion,parents shouldC      
A.set good examples for their children
B.take away their children's smartphones
C.praise their children for good behavior
D.always think in their children's shoes
50.What does the underlined word"them"in the last paragraph refer to?D
B.bad behaviors      


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

8.No rows of desks in this classroom,and no teacher lecturing at the front.In fact,that's something Barrie teacher Liz Collett rarely does.Instead,she's on the move,talking to students about their work,from the small group sitting on the floor playing games to others nearby figuring out a math problem.
   The children in this class do not take a spelling test all year-in fact,the school avoids all pencil-and-paper tests-nor do they get assigned homework.Instead,their teacher gives them immediate feedback(反馈) on their work throughout the day.
   Welcome to the school of the 21st century,a place where teachers and students cooperate all the time.Such advanced classrooms are trying things,which some might consider as coddling kids-letting students give a voice-recorded essay instead of a written one or even allowing teens to design their own courses.
   Though some people blame schools for dumbing things down (降低教育标准),others will say such changes are actually based on the newest research on how to attract today's youth and increase not only their interests,but also their achievements.Many of today's school are not holding kid's interests.And if they're not interested,they're not learning-and isn't that the point?
"Students today say they want their education to be useful and valuable,and don't want it to be simply repeating the facts.That's the kind of learning that be happening for many kids,"says Penny Milton,a researcher."What we could argue is that to become good learners,they need to become thinkers."
   Jan Olson,anther researcher,says schools have been operating the same way since the Industrial Revolution.But the digital age is bringing an education revolution.While using technology is a part of it,what's important for students is being able to use information and understand it,not just remembering it.
   Today's learner needs fewer traditional tests and more"effective"feedback,ongoing discussion with a teacher,which studies have found is the number one factor in improving achievement.
25.The first two paragraphs are used toB.
A.blame Liz for not being responsible for her work
B.describe what schools are like in the 21st century
C.give an example of a successful school lesson
D.question whether it is right not to assign homework
26.The underlined sentence in Paragraph 3 means"some people may think it as a way ofA"
A.spoiling children                   
B.making children become lazy
C.leading children to make mistakes   
D.caring about children
27.Jan Olson thinks it important for students toC.
A.repeat the facts without really thinking
B.learn something related to technology
C.make full use of information
D.use technology to improve their grades
28.Which is the most effective way to help students achieve more?D
A.Assigning more homework             
B.Offering immediate answers.
C.Giving more pencil-and-paper tests
D.Holding more discussions with them.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

9.She set out soon after dark        home on hour later.(  )
A.arrivedB.to arriveC.having arrivedD.and arrived

