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Air & Space

Published Bimonthly

6 Issues(期,刊) Price: $24.00

For readers who are curious about flight in all its forms, Air & Space covers past and present achievements in flight and explains how to use technology to improve the quality of life in the future.


Published Monthly

12 Issues Price: $39.95

Invites readers to explore the universe from their own backyards. Every issue includes a monthly star and planet chart, tips on telescope observing, and techniques for taking beautiful astro-photographs. Explore the universe with the world’s most beautiful and popular astronomy magazine.

National Parks

Published Quarterly

4 Issues Price: $19.97

The only national publication focusing solely on national parks. The most important communication vehicle with our readers, this magazine creates an awareness of the need to protect and properly manage the resources found within and near the national parks.

The Environmental Magazine

Published Bimonthly

6 Issues Price: $20.00

The Environmental Magazine covers everything environmental “from recycling to rainforests”, including climate change, the state of oceans and rivers, and wildlife issues — all with contact information so you can research subjects further. Plus, “Green Living” section covers a variety of lifestyle topics.

1Which of the following magazines are published every other month ?

A. Astronomy and The Environmental Magazine

B. National Parks and Air & Space

C. The Environmental Magazine and Air & Space

D. Air & Space and Astronomy

2Which of the following statement is TRUE according to the passage ?

A. Astronomy and Air & Space both cover achievements in flight.

B. The Environmental Magazine mainly deals with a variety of lifestyle topics.

C. Neither National Parks nor The Environmental Magazine covers the information about wild animals.

D. You can find tips on telescope observing and techniques for taking beautiful astro-photographs in Astronomy.

3If you have only $100 for subscribing (订阅))to magazines a year, you will probably choose ____________.

A. Air & Space B. National Parks

C. The Environmental Magazine D. Astronomy

4If you want to read the magazine every month, you will probably subscribe ____________.

A. Air & Space B. National Parks

C. The Environmental Magazine D. Astronomy






【解析】本文是应用文。主要介绍了四个杂志:Air & Space、National Parks、The Environmental Magazine、Astronomy。介绍了它们的出版时间和价格,以及杂志的主要内容。

1细节理解题。“Published Bimonthly”双月刊。文中提到The Environmental Magazine and Air & Space都是双月刊。故选C。

2细节理解题。根据“ Every issue includes a monthly star and planet chart, tips on telescope observing, and techniques for taking beautiful astro-photographs.”可知在天文学杂志中你可以找到望远镜观测的技巧和拍摄美丽的天文照片的技巧。故选D。

3推理判断题。由文章可知National Parks一年出版四期,每期$19.97,要订阅一年则需要$79.88。故选B。



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:








Dear Anna,

I’m glad to learn that you are looking for a student to be captain of the winter camp.








Yours sincerely,

Li Hua


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:











A survey shows that many students do not have breakfast.________________________________________










科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Dashan, who_________crosstalk, the Chinese comedic tradition, for decades, wants to mix it up with the Western stand-up tradition.

A. will be learning B. is learning

C. had been learning D. has been learning


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】The driver wanted to park his car near the roadside but was asked by the police ________.

A.not to do B. not to

C. not do D. do not


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】China Today attracts a worldwide readership,_______ shows that more and more people all over the world want to learn about China.

A. who B. whom

C. that D. which


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1Frank非常重视独立(independence),认为我们应该依靠自己而不是他人。(attach,rely on;现在分词)

2在过去的30年,中国发生了巨大的变化,这受益于良好的国家政策(policy)。(take place;benefit;定语从句)

3我们不允许学生考试作弊而不受惩罚。(have sb.doing;get away with)

4当你把空余时间用于练习英语口语时你就会在英语口语上取得进步。(only when...倒装句;devote)

5Tom的父亲在事故中严重受伤,这使他家更加穷困潦倒。(injure,现在分词作结果状语;badly off)


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】A new smart phone system under development can locate you even when you’re inside a building, which GPS can't do. While the concept sounds powerful, it’s not yet clear how practical it might be.

The set-up, called SurroundSense, sends information from cameras and microphones—gear in the latest smart phones—to a server that produces a fingerprint of the location.

“You can’t tell much from any of the measurements individually, but when combined, the optical (光学的), acoustic (声学的) and motion information creates a unique fingerprint of the space,” said Ionut Constandache, a student in computer science.

The system distinguishes between two indoor spaces in this manner: It knows that a bar is likely to be dark and noisy and people move little, sit a lot, whereas a department store will be brightly lit, contain vibrant colors, and will see a lot of people moving up and down passages. The more the system is used, the more it learns about specific places.

More work is needed before the set-up would be ready for prime time, however. For now, it can’t work if a person’s cellphone is in a handbag or otherwise unable to employ the camera. Finally it would be best served if paired with phones that were worn on the wrist or hung around the neck. Batteries, too, are a problem.

Students on the research team went out across Durham, North Carolina, with their cellphones collecting data in different types of businesses. The students mirrored the actions of the selected customers so that they would not prejudice the measurements.

“We went to 51 different stores and found that SurroundSense achieved an average accuracy (精确性) of about 87 percent," Constandache said.

“As the system collects and analyzes more and more information about a particular site, the fingerprint becomes more precise,” said Romit Roy Choudhury, professor of computer engineering. “Not only is the ambience different at different locations, but also can be different at different time at the same location.”

【1】We can infer from the first paragraph that GPS .

A. can find you wherever you are

B. can make too much loud noise

C. can only find outside things

D. isn’t really practical yet

【2】Why did students mirror the actions of the selected customers?

A. To get a reasonable result.

B. To collect data in different ways.

C. To receive information about a particular site.

D. To learn more about specific places.

【3】The underlined word “ambience” in the last paragraph may mean .

A. the fingerprint of the location

B. the character of a place

C. the existence of people

D. the area of store

【4】The main idea of the passage is about .

A. comparing GPS with a smart cellphone

B. the development of cellphones

C. a cellphone knowing where you are

D. what kind of future cellphones face


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


George Bernard Shaw was interested in the way people spoke. He argued that he was never 【1】 (mistake) about a person’s status. However, Professor Higgins thought a superior social position was more dependent on grammar and pronunciation. Actually, his view was only accepted by a 2 (hand) of his followers. Eliza, a flower girl, was ambitious to improve herself. 3 (force)to earn money herself because her family was poor, she dreamed of working in a proper flower shop. George Bernard Shaw teamed 4 with Professor Higgins to help her. An English teacher 5 (hire) to give her lessons. But after her first lesson, she was 6 (apparent) disappointed because the teacher was so impatient with her. Actually, Eliza didn’t give it up easily. 7 (look) ahead, she decided to work hard. Knowing it was impossible 8 (accept) in that profession if she did not speak correct English, she asked Professor Higgins to give her lessons. Trained for several months, she set out to speak in 9 more attractive accent. Shortly, she became known as “the London songbird” 【10 her spoken English became so pleasant.

