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  Recently a professor of philosophy(哲学)in the United States has written a book called Money and the Meaning of Life.He has discovered that how we deal with money in our day to day life has more meaning than we usually think.One of the exercises he has asked his students to do is to keep a record of every penny they spend for a week.From the way they spend their money, they can see what they really value(重视)in life.

  The professor says our relation with others often becomes clearly defined(明确)when money enters the picture.You might have wonderful friendship with somebody and you think that you are very good friends.But you will know him only when you ask him to lend you some money.If he does,it brings something to the relationship that seems stronger than ever before.Otherwise it can suddenly weaken the relationship if he doesn’t.

  Since money is so important to us, we consider those who are rich to be very important.The professor interviews some rich people in his research for his book.

  Question:What is the most surprising thing you have discovered about being rich?

  Answer:The most surprising thing is why people give me so much respect(尊重).I am nothing.I don’t know much.All I am is rich.

  People just have an idea of making more and more money, but what is it for? How much money do I need for any given purpose in my life? In his book,the professor uncovered an important need in modern society:to bring back the idea that money is a tool rather than the end.Money plays an important role in the material world,but expecting money to give happiness may be missing the meaning of life.


The students are asked to keep a record of every penny they spend to _________.

[  ]


learn how to spend money


learn how to make more money


know what to write in a record


know what is important in life


In the second paragraph, the professor mainly tells us _________.

[  ]


never to borrow money from a friend


friendship disappears when it comes to money


money can influence friendship


money can weaken friendship


Through his book,the professor seems to tell us ________.

[  ]


money is very important in the material world


the purpose of our life is to make money


money does not surely mean happiness


we should value money in our life


We consider rich people important because ________.

[  ]


they have a meaningful life


they are successful people


we sometimes borrow money from them


we think money is important in life


Which of the following might the author disagree?

[  ]


Money is important in modern society.


The meaning of life does not completely lie in money.


Wealth will surely bring the owner happiness.


Happiness is not necessarily the result of wealth.


科目:高中英语 来源:高考三人行·英语 题型:050


  Of all the animals in the animal kingdom, which one (aside from man) is the cleverest?

  There're several ways of measuring the intelligence (智能) of animals. In one test a scientist sets three identical (一样的) cans on a table. While the animals watches, he puts food under one of the cans. Then he leads the animal away. Some time later, he brings it back to see if it remembers which can has the food. No smelling is allowed; the animal must go directly to the correct can or it falls.

  This is called a delayed-response test. The idea is to find out how long an animal's memory can keep information. The scientists would try showing the cans to the animal one hour later, or two hours later, or even a full day later. They discovered that chimpanzees (黑猩猩) and elephants have the best memory, and are able to remember the correct can for at least twenty hours. No other animal is close. Dogs came next, but they only remembered for nine hours.

  To settle the matter, the scientists designed a huge maze (迷宫) and ran the chimps and elephants through it. The maze was very difficult, with many blind paths and dead ends. It took the chimps ten minutes to find their way out. The elephant needed a half hour. Even allowing for the elephants' lower rate of speed, the test shows that chimpanzees are the cleverest animals. From this and other tests, the scientists drew the following conclusion: an animal's intelligence depends on the size of its brain in proportion (比例) to the size of its body. The elephant's brain weighs ten pounds. But this is only 1/600 of its 6000 pound body. A chimp's brain weighs about one pound, or 1/20 of its total body weight. So in proportion to its body size, the chimp has four times as much brain as the elephant—more brain for less body. The chimp is the champ!

1.Which is the best title of this passage?

[  ]

A.The Elephant's Memory.

B.The Cleverest Animal.

C.Judging Intelligence.

D.The Chimp's Brain.

2.The main idea of this passage is that ________.

[  ]

A.there are several ways of measuring the intelligence of animals

B.chimps and elephants have the best memory

C.intelligence tests show that the chimp is the cleverest animal

D.the scientists designed a huge maze and ran the chimps and elephants through it

3.The delayed-response test is designed to test an animal's ________.

[  ]

C.learning ability

4.The passage tells that elephants ________.

[  ]

A.never forget things

B.are more clever than chimps

C.are slower-moving than chimps

D.have better memories than chimps

5.According to the passage, a rhinoceros (犀牛) that weighs 2100 lbs, and has a 3-lb brain is ________.

[  ]

A.as clever as a chimp

B.more clever than an elephant

C.less clever than an elephant

D.as clever as an elephant


科目:高中英语 来源:读想用 高二英语(上) 题型:050


  Nick was tired of life.Every day was exactly the same.

  “What I need is a little adventure!”Nick thought as he waited at the bus stop one morning.Nick's little adventure happened sooner than he had expected!

  While he was on the bus, reading his newspaper, the man sitting next to him suddenly pushed a large brown envelope in his hands.“Here, take this!”he murmured.Then he stood up and got off the bus before Nick could say a word.

  Nick sat there holding the envelope.It felt heavy.There were papers inside, or money perhaps.“I'd better hand it over to the police.”he thought.There was a police station close to his office.But as he got off the bus, a man came up to him.He was obviously waiting for something.“He wants the envelope.”Nick thought.Nick began to walk quickly and the man hurried after him.Nick started to run, and the man began to run, too.But then just before he got to the police station.Nick managed to lose the man in the crowds when he entered the police station.The man was no longer in sight.

  Inside the police station, the envelope was full of money-false money.“Obviously the man made a mistake, ”the inspector said, “He thought you was one of the gang!Well, congratulations!”

  Nick felt like a hero.He could already see his name in all the paper.He could imagine an interview on television!

  “However, ”the inspector went on, interrupting Nick's daydreams.“I'm afraid I must ask you to keep quiet about this.We're trying to catch some very clever thieves-and we don't want them to know that we have some of the money.So you mustn't say a word to anyone-even your boss!Sorry!”

  “So that's that!”Nick said to himself on his way to the office.He was over an hour late.“I've had my little adventure, but I can't tell anyone about it.So what's the point?I've even got to make up an excuse to the boss!”


Nick was bored because his life wasn't ________.

[  ]


very pleasant


very easy


full of amusement




The man gave Nick an envelope while Nick was going ________.

[  ]


to his office


to get off the bus


to take the bus


to get on the bus


Nick decided to take envelope to the police because he thought it was ________.

[  ]










The man who wanted the envelope knew ________.

[  ]


the man sitting to Nick on the bus




the police


both A and B


科目:高中英语 来源:江西省吉水中学2012届高三周考英语试卷(十) 题型:050


  The Weekly Telegraph is Britain’s global newspaper, the home-grown quality newspaper that delivers the best of The Daily Telegraph and The Sunday Telegraph to the British around the world and adds its special articles, features and reports designed to be of real value to foreign readers.Telegraph.co.uk/expat, the website, increases the value of the newspaper, thus creating a complete expatriate(国外的)support system, both online and offline.

  Order a gift subscription(订阅)for a friend or relation overseas this Christmas and they will begin to recognize what a useful investment your subscription represents, and you’ll receive a FREE bottle of 10-year-old Tawny Port to enjoy at home in the UK.

  Subscriptions will start early January 2010.Port can only be delivered to a UK address and receivers must be over 18 years of age.

  For more details or for 6-month subscriptions, please contact our subscriptions department on Tel +44(0)1622 335080 or email weeklytelegraphsubs@telegraph.co.uk Office hours:09∶00-17∶00 GMT).

  Please contact weeklytelegraphsubs@telegraph.co.uk with any questions regarding your subscription.

  Your money back if you are not satisfied

  Our “no quibble” money-back policy means that we guarantee to return the money for your subscription in full if you are not satisfied with the first four issues.


  Select a zone of payment.Price is for 52 issues.

  United Kingdom   105.00 GBP(Great Britain Pound)

  USA        125.00 GBP

  Canada/Australia/New Zealand     108.00 GBP

  Zambia/Zimbabwe/Tanzania      85.00 GBP

  South Africa            80.00 GBP

  Middle East/Europe/Rest of the world  80.00 GBP


The Weekly Telegraph in the advertisement is mainly intended for ________.

[  ]


the British at home and abroad


the British in the UK


the foreigners in Britain


English learners across the globe


If you want to receive a free bottle of 10-year-old Tawny Port, you must ________.

a.live in the United Kingdom

b.have an overseas friend who is over 18

c.order a subscription of the Weekly Telegraph

d.offer your friend or relation’s address overseas

[  ]


a, b


c, d


a, c


b, c


What do we know about the Weekly Telegraph from the passage?

[  ]


The content of it can’t be read online.


One can subscribe to it 24 hours a day.


Your money can partly come back if you’re not satisfied.


The prices for different countries are probably different.


To order a 6-month subscription for a friend in Tanzania, you should ________.

[  ]


contact the subscriptions department


subscribe to the Daily Telegraph for a year


tell your friend to visit telegraph.co.uk/expat


pay 85.00 GBP


Which of the following statements is true based on the text?

[  ]


Telegraph.co.uk/expat receives support from online readers only.


Subscriptions of the paper can be made starting from January 2010.


Telegraph.co.uk/expat mainly solve your subscription problems.


US and Middle East readers can enjoy equal price for 52 issues.


科目:高中英语 来源:四川省成都外国语学校2012届高三12月月考英语试题 题型:050


  Australian scientists are trying to give kangaroo-style stomachs to cattle and sheep in a bid to cut the emission of greenhouse gases blamed for global warming.

  Thanks to special bacteria in their stomachs, kangaroo farts contain no methane(甲烷)and scientists want to transfer that bacteria to cattle and sheep who emit large quantities of the harmful gas.

  While the usual image of greenhouse gas pollution is a billowing smokestack pushing out carbon dioxide, livestock passing wind contribute a surprisingly high percentage of total emissions in some countries.

  "Fourteen percent of emissions from all sources in Australia is from enteric methane from cattle and sheep," said Athol Klieve, a senior research scientist with the Queensland state government.

  "And if you look at another country such as New Zealand, which has got a much higher agricultural base, they're actually up around 50 percent," he said.

  Researchers say the bacteria also makes the digestive process much more efficient and could potentially save millions of dollars in feed costs for farmers.

  But it will take researchers at least three years to isolate the bacteria, before they can even start to develop a way of transferring it to cattle and sheep.

  Another group of scientists, meanwhile, has suggested Australians should farm fewer cattle and sheep and just eat more kangaroos.

  The idea is controversial(争议), but about 20 percent of health conscious Australians are believed to eat the national symbol already.

  "It's low in fat, it's got high protein levels and it's very clean in the sense that basically it's the ultimate free range animal(散养动物)," said Peter Ampt of the University of New South Wales's institute of environmental studies.


According to the passage, global warming is now mainly caused by ________.

[  ]




carbon dioxide


livestock passing wind


not mention in this passage


What does the underlined phrase “the idea”(paragraph 9)refer to?

[  ]


Australians should give kangaroo-style stomachs to cattle and sheep.


The bacteria could make the digestive process much more efficient.


Australians should farm fewer cattle and sheep and just eat more kangaroos.


The bacteria could potentially save millions of dollars in feed costs for farmers.


Some Australians begin to eat kangaroos because ________.

[  ]


The kangaroos’ farts(放屁)contain no methane


The kangaroos have a special bacteria


The kangaroos are the national symbol in Australia


The kangaroos are low in fat and high in protein


How will Australian scientists solve the problem of global warming?

[  ]


Eating more kangaroos.


Killing more cattle and sheep.


Letting cattle and sheep pass less wind.


Transferring the special bacteria in kangaroos’ stomachs to cattle and sheep.


科目:高中英语 来源:黑龙江省鹤岗一中2011-2012学年高二上学期期中考试英语试题 题型:050


  A few days ago I asked my son's governess(女家庭教师)Julia to come into my study.“Be seated, Julia,”I said, “Let's settle our accounts.I guess you most likely need some money, but maybe you're too polite to mention it.Now then, we agreed on thirty dollars a month…”


  “No, thirty.I made a note of it.I always pay our governess thirty.Well, um, you've been here two months, so…”

  “Two months and five days.”

  “Exactly two months.I made a special note of it.That means you have sixty dollars coming to you.Take off nine Sundays…you know you didn't work with Tom on Sundays, you only took walks.And three holidays…”Julia was biting her finger nail nervously, her face red, but-not a word.

  “Three holidays, therefore take off twelve dollars.Four days Tom was sick and there were no lessons, as you were occupied(从事)only with Dick.Three days you had a toothache and my wife gave you permission not to work after lunch.Twelve and seven-nineteen.Take nineteen off…that leaves…hmm…forty one dollars.Correct?”

  Julia's left eye reddened with tears welling up.Her chin trembled; she coughed nervously and blew her nose, but-still not a word.

  “Around New Year's Day you broke a teacup and a saucer; take off two dollars.The cup cost more, it was a treasure of the family, but - forget it.When didn't I take a loss! Then, due to your neglect(疏忽), Tom climbed a tree and tore his jacket; take away ten.Also due to your carelessness the maid stole Dick's shoes.You ought to watch everything! You get paid for it.So, that means five more dollars off.The tenth of January I gave ten dollars.”

  “You didn't.” sobbed Julia.

  “But I made a note of it.”

  “Well…if you say so.”

  “Take twenty seven from forty one-that leaves fourteen.”

  Both her eyes were filled with tears.Beads of sweat stood on the thin pretty little nose.Poor girl!

  “Only once was I given any money,” she whispered, her voice trembling, “and that was by your wife.Three dollars, nothing more.”

  “Really? You see now, and I didn't know that! Take three from fourteen-that leaves eleven.Here's your money, my dear.Three, three, three, one and one.Here it is!”

  I handed her eleven dollars.She took them and pocketed them.

  “Merci(法语:谢谢),”she whispered.

  I jumped to my feet and started pacing the room.I was overcome with anger.“For what, this ‘merci'?” I asked.

  “For the money.”

  “But you know I've cheated you-robbed you! I have actually stolen from you! Why this ‘merci'?”

  “In my other places they didn't give me anything at all.”

  “They didn't give you anything? No wonder! I played a little joke on you, a cruel lesson, just to teach you...I m going to give you all the eighty dollars! Here they are in the envelope all ready for you...Is it really possible to be so spineless(懦弱)?Why didn't you protest? Why were you silent? Is it possible in this world to be without teeth and claws(爪)-to be such a fool?”

  Embarrassed, she smiled.And I could read her expression, “It is possible.”

  I asked her pardon for the cruel lesson and, to her great surprise, gave her the eighty dollars.She murmured her little “merci” several times and went out.I looked after her and thought, “How easy it is to crush(压榨)the weak in this world !”


What shocked the writer was Julia's ________.

[  ]


nervousness in front of her boss


acceptance of injustice(不公平)


shyness when talking about money


unwilling to express herself


The writer said, “Is it possible in this world to be without teeth and claws?” He was actually telling the governess ________.

[  ]


to be more aggressive(侵略的)


to be more careful in her work


to protect her right


to live independently


At the end of the story, the writer said, “How easy it is to crush the weak in this world!” to show ________.

[  ]


his understanding of Julia's anxiety


his worry about Julia's future


his concern on the living condition of working - class people


his sympathy(同情)for the mental state of the weak


From the story, we can tell that Julia's employer was ________.

[  ]


greedy(贪婪)but honest


ill - tempered but warm - hearted


strict but forgiving


none of the above

