精英家教网 > 高中英语 > 题目详情

. My MP4 player isn’t in my bag. Where __________ I have put it?

A. can     B. must

C. should D. would





科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

1. The miners who had been trapped in the mine for 2 days were finally r___________________.

2. The judge gave a prize to the cyclist who won the competition and show___________ to him.

3. The news of his death came as a s___________________ to us all.

4. The earthquake has almost left the area of Wenchuan in r___________________.

5. The driver ___________________ (受伤的) in the car accident said he had ignored the traffic lights.

6. He insisted we ___________________(组织)a meeting to discuss the coming English competition.

7. ---- What’s your a___________________ to smoking?

   ---- I think it is harmful to heath.

8. He is honest and r___________________ , so you can completely depend on him.

9. The new bridge has been finished on ___________________ (日程安排,计划) .

10. The salesman tried to p___________________ me into buying an expensive MP4, but I didn’t have enough money.

11. Look, here is a photo taken in my classroom at primary school, can you r______________ me in it?

12. The guide r___________________ that the visitors not park their cars at the gate.

13. The police are trying to discover the i___________________ of the killer.

14. After Li Ming’s ___________________(定居) here, he has got along well with all his neighbors.

15. Buses run f___________________ between the city and the airport, so it’s convenient for you to go to the airport.

