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17.As is known to all,the local economy will benefit to the newly built highway.去掉benefit后的to.

分析 众所周知,当地经济将有益于新建的公路.

解答 答案:去掉benefit后的to 考查句子改错.benefit意为"有益于,对…有好处",是及物动词,直接接名词作宾语,不需要加介词to.

点评 单句改错涉及词汇、语法、句型结构等方面的知识和逻辑情理的推断和综合辨析能力,是一种在较高层次上考查考生对英语知识的掌握和语言综合运用能力的测试题型.它是专门针对考生们平时学习英语过程中,尤其是写作练习中常犯的又是较为普遍的错误而设计的.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

7.Ladies and gentlemen,say hello to PIBOT.Developed in South Korea,this little machine is about the size of a child's toy,and has a head that kind of looks like a toaster (烤箱).It's also able to fly a plane.
      The researchers responsible for the robot's development have actually managed to program it with all the knowledge and skills necessary to operate a standard airplane.Through a built-in webcam (网络摄像机),PIBOT is able to gather information about its surroundings-such as location,airspeed,and weather conditions.
       With all of this information,it's able to make decisions in much the same way as a human pilot would.It's already completed one successful test flight-sort of.In the video presented at IROS 2014 in Chicago,PIBOT was seen guiding the airplane through a short test flight in a flight simulator (模拟器)-a process which included both takeoff and landing.
       It's super cool.
      Now,it's worth mentioning that-even as impressive as PIBOT is-we aren't going to be seeing it in any real airplanes at any point in the near future.Although the little robot is certainly able to operate a plane,it doesn't quite have the skills necessary to address some of the real world situations met by pilots-such as bad weather or mix-ups on the runway.It doesn't meet the government's rules,either.
      The inventors aren't terribly discouraged,however.They expect that it's only a matter of time before they manage to get PIBOT up to the necessary standards.When the day comes,we might see airlines put to work a whole new type of pilot; one who never tires,never gets hungry,and never makes mistakes.
      So…if you've a career in aviation (航空),it might soon be time to start planning for retirement (退休).
28.We know from the text that PIBOTA.
A.is designed to operate a plane      
B.can serve as a toaster
C.was developed in Chicago            
D.is very large  
29.In the presented video,PIBOTD.
A.competed with a human pilot
B.completed several test flights
C.made decisions totally like humans
D.successfully guided a plane to take off and land
30.Why won't PIBOT be put into use?C
A.It can't predict weather conditions.
B.It doesn't have the skills to operate a plane.
C.It can't deal with real world situations.
D.It can't gather information abo ut its surroundings.
31.It can be learned from the text thatB.
A.PIBOT won't make any mistake in a flight
B.the inventors are confident about the future of PIBO.
C.the researchers will have to abandon the plan
D.PIBOT will surely replace human pilots one day.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

8.Many social services are still provided byvoluntary(志愿的) societies in our city.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

5.Doctor and Robber(劫匪)
One night about nine o'clock,Dr.Eyck,a surgeon (外科医生),had a phone call from Dr.Haydon at the hospital in Clens Falls.The surgeon was asked to go there at once to operate on a very sick boy who shot himself while playing with a gun.The doctor was soon on his way to Clens Falls.It was 60miles away.And it was snowing heavily in the city.The surgeon thought he could get there before 12o'clock.A few minutes later,the doctor was stopped by a man in an old black coat.Gun in hand,the man ordered the doctor to get out.Then the man drove the car down the road,leaving the doctor in the falling snow.
It was after two o'clock in the morning when the doctor arrived at the hospital in Clens Falls.Dr.Haydon told him that the boy had died an hour before.The two doctors walked by the door of the hospital waiting room.There sat the man in the old black coat with his head in his hands.
"MR.Cunningham,"said Dr.Haydon to the man,"This is Dr.Eyck.He is the surgeon who came all the way from Albany to save your boy."

21.Dr.Haydon asked Dr.Eyck to come to Clens Falls becauseB.
A.the boy wounded by a shot was Dr.Eyck'patient
B.the boy needed his help
C.Dr.Haydon was not a surgeon
D.Dr.Eyck was his assistant
22.The surgeon was late becauseD.
A.he was stopped by a beggar
B.the weather was rather terrible
C.Clens Falls was far away from Albany
D.His car was taken away
23.Choose the right order of the events given in the story.C
a.Dr.Eyck was asked to come to the hospital in Clens Falls.
b.Dr.Eyck arrived at the hospital.
c.The boy shot himself.
d.The boy died.
e.The man in an old coat reached the hospital.
f.Dr.Eyck was robbed (抢劫) of his car.
A.c,e,f,a,b,d     B.a,c,f,d,b,e
C.c,a,f,e,d,b     D.a,c,f,e,d,b
24.The boy died becauseC.
A.he was too far away from hospital
B.Dr.Haydon didn't do anything to save him
C.Dr.Eyck was not able to arrive at the hospital in time
D.something was wrong with Dr.Eyck's car
25.Who should be responsible for (对…负责) the boy's deathA
A.The boy's father.
B.The hospital.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

12.The actual amount of water needed by the crop ______ on the weather conditions.(  )
A.to dependB.dependC.dependingD.depends


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

2.I really appreciate _____   to holiday with you on this nice island.
-It's my pleasure.(  )
A.have timeB.having timeC.to have timeD.to having time


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:短文改错

9.Harriet and Tom asked her join them in Ireland.(改错)


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

6.I remember when someone would mention the words"extraordinary life",the entire thought seemed only for the rich and famous.The idea seemed unreachable and only came to the lucky few.I finally woke up to the truth that living an extraordinary life could truly be achieved if you focused on the small things.
Here are five simple steps:
Make a list of 100things to do:Take out a piece of paper and write down anything and everything that comes to mind.From the littlest things to the most extreme,it all goes on your list.This simple act of writing this list stretches your imagination and opens up the possibilities to see your life.
Change up your routine:We are creatures of habit and this can lead to staying comfortable.Our life can tend to run on auto-pilot and we spend a large amount of time completely numb to what is happening around us.Therefore,by changing up our typical routine,we begin to have a better understanding of the experiences of our own life.
Learn something new every month or two:Remember when you were a kid and you had to learn something new all the time?You were nervous,excited,and a little scared when you first tried to ride a bike.But once you did it a few times,you began to get the hang of it and suddenly had an increase in your confidence with a feeling like you could fly.Once you begin to push yourself just that little bit extra,you quickly grow your comfort zone and feel braver to do even more.
Hang around with others:There are always those people whose lives are extraordinary.The best way to find out what they do different is to spend a little time with them.See how they think,speak,and act differently.You will be surprised at how quickly you begin to try some new things and feel more confident.This is a great way to follow some outstanding people and begin opening your mind to new ways of thinking.
Seize the day:There are opportunities that happen around us daily.Take notes on how many times you would really love to do something,but for some reason you find yourself saying no.Many times we say no because we feel we don't have time or money.Start saying YES to just one or two things you might have originally said no to.
The next time you find yourself feeling stuck in an ordinary life,try out at least one of these simple steps.Just that tiny bit of"extra"goes a long way and before you know it,you'll be expanding your world.
Passage outlineSupporting details
Passage outlineSupporting details
ThemeExtraordinary life doesn't(71)necessarilybelong to the rich and famous and with attention (72)focused/fixed/concentratedon small things,it applies to everyone.
(73)Approachesto living an extraordinary life●List whatever (74)enters your mind,which makes it(75)possibleto see your life.
●Make a change to daily routine instead of living out of (76)habit to understand life experience better.
●Have a strong desire to learn new things regularly and gain (77)confidence in pushing yourself more.
●Devote time to (78)observingpeople with extraordinary life to get inspiration to change your ways of thinking.
●Get down to doing something that you(79)refuseto do previously for reason of time or money.
Conclusion Your world will be(80)expanded as long as you take some simple measures.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:书面表达

11.假如你是高一(1)班学生李华.你校校报英文版正在开展"My Hero"的文章征集活动.请你根据以下有关我国网球选手李娜的情况写一篇稿件,向校报投稿.
教练:coach 大满贯女子单打冠军:the first Grand Slam singles champion
In my heart,Li Na is a real hero.            

