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— ______. I failed the exam again.
— Just take it easy. Things will turn out to be better so long as you do not stop trying.
 A. It can’t be better
B. That’s all right
C. I don’t think so
D. It can’t be worse

科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年海南省琼海市高三下学期第一次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Faced with a tough job market, fresh graduates are dreaming of running their own businesses instead.But a recent survey has showed that such ambitions lack the required support and remain just that---dreams.

The Shanghai Municipal Employment Promotion Center poll of 1,276 graduates in several universities and colleges in the city, released last Friday, showed 59.78 percent of respondents considered the possibility of setting up a company or at least a small store.“But they just stop at the‘thinking’stage,” it stated.

Respondents put the top reasons for not going it alone down to a shortage of investment and a lack of business opportunity.They also listed lack of business experience and social networks, the need to advanced study and objections from family members as factors that stood in their way.

More than 90 percent of the interviewees said they would rather take up a job after graduating and then consider starting their own business two or three years down the road.

Guo Bing, a senior student in Shanghai International Studies University majoring in English, decided he wanted to be his own boss last year.But he is looking for a job first.“If I fail to find a satisfying job, I would like to establish a company in exhibition services,” Guo said.The Shanghai native has some relatives working in a local printing plant.With their help, Guo hopes to produce exhibition brochures(小册子) at a relatively low price.He is also confident that his English language skills can help him do well in the industry.

“Social networking is an important factor leading to business success,” Guo said.

Guo said that the shortage of graduate jobs is the main reason driving more university students to set up a business right after their graduation.

Jiang Ye, deputy director of Yangpu District Business Guide Center, said the universitysets up a business guide team made of government officials and professionals.They

regularly give training courses to students who show an interest in having their own business.

The parents of university graduates are more willing to help their children start up alone, the survey showed."Once you win the support of your family, you have won half the battle," Guo added.

1.Which of the following can be the best title?

A.A Tough Job Market                     B.Graduates Dream of Being Boss

C.The Ambitious Fresh Graduates             D.The Story of Guo Bing

2.In the view of Guo Bing, what is the key factor that makes fresh graduates dream of being boss soon after graduation?

A.Their family don't support them.          B.Their social networking is not good.

C.There are not enough graduate jobs.       D.They want to achieve greater success.

3.Who is this article mostly intended for?

A.The parents whose child goes to university soon.

B.Those who will graduate from university.

C.Those who want to be bosses.

D.The officials who work in the government.



科目:高中英语 来源:2011-2012学年四川省高三九月诊断考试英语题 题型:单项填空

I don’t               when I fail_______ something.

A. lose my heart; doing                 B. lose heart; to do

C. discouraged; in doing                D. be discourage; to do



科目:高中英语 来源:2010-2011学年河北省唐山市高三摸底考试英语卷 题型:阅读理解

The first time I decided to leave home was when 1 was in high schoo1.1 was having trouble getting along will my parents.I had about a hundred dollars in my pocket,and so I thought about leaving home, It took me 6my three weeks away from home when I stared to feel homesick. Living on my own is a totally different experience for three main reasons:being more responsible, more decisive and more creative

         First of all,I have learned that living on my own requires that I become more responsible.My parents usually tell me to carry out my work and duties almost every day.men I fail to do the work,I only get scolded. However now that I am on my own,I get to deal with my duties without being told to.When I fail to do my duties,I must also deal with the result by myself

         Another different experience for me while living on my own is that now I have become more decisive. ·I have to be more careful since I am on my own because my parents are not here to give me their advice. I must make my own decisions.For example,I must make the best decisions for myself without hurting anybody’s feelings and without my parents,guidance.

         Therefore,I became more creative just by living on my own.I could make my own future plan-l have made rules for myself to follow.This to me is a good experience,because I usually think that being creative is the.nicest thing in the world.However, when 1 was with my parents

l found it hard for me to be creative simply because I always followed their ideas.

       In conclusion,these are the things that usually happen when I am with my parents and when I am alone. Besides,I think that it is better for everyone to love their parents and themselyes before they love anyone else.They should leam how to live on their own. but meanwhile learn how to follow every technique that was given to them by their Parents.They can make use of their freedom of choice to lead to wherever they want。

1.According to the text,the author decided to leave home because

        A.he would like to live in the school with fellows

        B.he found it hard to get on well with his parents

        C.he had to go on with.his studies in.another city

        D.he felt he was old enough to live on his own

2.What did the author think matters most in the world?

         A.Being independent.                               B.Being responsible.

         C.Being creative.                                        D.Being more decisive.

3.The passage mainly tells us that     .

         A.one Can be, free of trouble by living on one’s own

         B.one can enjoy more freedom by living on one,s own

         C.living alone can help one keep good relationships with parents

         D.1iving alone helps one become responsible,decisive and creative

4.How is the text developed?







科目:高中英语 来源:2010年福建省高一上学期期中考试英语卷 题型:其他题


1.Only when the meeting began ____________ ( 他才意识到 ) that he had left his paper in the office. (realize)

2.Rescuers________ ( 担心)the safety of the children trapped in the dangerous building when the earthquake happened.        (concern )

3.Their three years’ hard work finally paid off. We all ____________(向他们祝贺成功).                    (congratulate)

4.I _______________ ( 不会泄气 ) and give up trying even if I fail a hundred times. (lose)

5.His father insisted that he________(应该学医,不学法律) in university. (instead )

6. It was the first time in a year and half that Anne____________( 面对面看到夜晚)with her own eyes. (see)

7._______________ (是他姐姐首先有了这个想法 )to cycle along the entire Mekong River from where it begins to where it ends? ( who)

8. The old man lives on his own and ____________(只有一条狗做伴). (company)

9._________________(你很慷慨) to lend us so much money to buy the car. ( generous )

10. Her husband was the only person in his company______( 受邀请) attend the meeting.(invite)



科目:高中英语 来源:20102011湖南師大附中高一下学期期末考试英语试题 题型:完型填空

It was a bitter, cold evening in northern Virginia. The old man’s beard was   11   by winter’s frost while he waited for a ride across the river. The wait seemed endless. Then he heard the weak sound of hooves(马蹄) advancing along the frozen path.   12   , he watched as several horsemen rounded the bend. He let the first one pass by, then another. As the last rider drew near where the old man sat, the old man   13   the rider’s eye and said, “Sir, would you mind giving an old man a ride to the other side of the river?” Reining(勒住) his horse, the rider replied, “Sure thing.” Seeing the old man unable to   14   his half-frozen body from the ground, the horseman helped the old man onto the horse and took him to his   15  . On the way, the horseman said: “Sir, I notice that you let several other riders pass by. I'm   16   why, on such a bitter winter night, you would wait and ask the last rider.”The old man looked at the rider and replied, “I know people pretty good. When I   17   the eyes of the other riders, I immediately saw there was no   18   for my situation. But when I looked into yours, kindness and compassion(同情) were obvious. I knew that your gentle spirit would give me help in my time of   19   .” Those heart-warming comments   20   the horseman deeply. “I'm most grateful for what you have said,” he told the old man. “May I never get too busy in my own affairs that I fail to respond to the needs of others with kindness and compassion.”

1. A. marked             B. covered           C. equipped       D. filled

2.. A. Happily           B. Anxiously C. Appreciatively       D. Confidently

3.. A. stared            B. looked            C. caught         D. attracted

4.. A. lift              B. carry             C. rise           D. jump

5.A. home                B. company           C. destination    D. office

6. A. afraid             B. excited           C. delighted      D. curious

7. A. got into           B. ran into          C. looked into    D.broke into

8.. A. concern           B. worry             C. envy           D. doubt

9. A. trouble            B. need              C. danger        D. difficulty

10.A. amazed             B. promoted          C. touched        D. benefited


