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Dear March - Come in -

How glad I am -

I hoped for you before ...

Who knocks? That April –共和国广告广告

Lock the Door -

I will not be pursued -

He stayed away a year to call -

When I am occupied -

But trifles(琐事) look so trivial(不重要的) -

As soon as you have come ...

This lovely poem was written by Emily Dickinson, who is considered a major American poet, though she was not accorded (符合) this honor until well after her death.

Emily Dickinson was born on December 10, 1830, in Amherst, Massachusetts. She attended school for only one year. Throughout her life, she seldom left her home and visitors were few. She lived in almost complete isolation(隔离) from the outside world.

She admired the poetry of Robert and Elizabeth Barren Browning, as well as John Keats. Though she was dissuaded (劝阻) from reading the poetry of her contemporary Walt Whitman by rumors of its disgracefulness, the two poets are now connected by the distinguished place they hold as the founders of a uniquely American poetic voice.

While Dickinson was extremely prolific (多产的) as a poet, she was not publicly recognized during her lifetime. Upon her death, Dickinson's family discovered forty hand-bound volumes of nearly 1,800 poems. Her younger sister began to share the enormous body of work that Emily left behind.

Emily's odd punctuation, capitalization(大写), and formatting(格式) did not meet with standard publishing "approval" for earlier editions. There is a whimsical (古怪的) nature to many other poems, as the subject of death was the most frequent theme.

1. In the poem, the poetess was speaking to ______.

A. a little girl B. a long-lost family member

C. a nice season D. a cute animal

2.What is a feature of Emily Dickinson's poems?

A. They do not pay attention to rhymes.

B. They resemble those of Walt Whitman.

C. They have a strange format.

D. They reflect her personal and social life.

3.According to the text, Emily Dickinson _______.

A. was completely homeschooled and had a talent for writing poems

B. was greatly influenced by four of her contemporary poets

C. is regarded as a leading poet in American literature

D. published a large number of poems during her lifetime


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年江苏泰州中学高二上第二次质检英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Many people have applied for a job with our company, but we only have one or two ______ positions at the moment.

A. empty B. vacant C. permanent D. adequate


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年吉林实验中学高一上学期期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:七选五


Everyone knows English is one of the most important subjects in middle schools. And we always know learning English is very important,but few students know how to learn English well.1.

I think if we have a right way to learn English,and we work hard,then we must learn English well. But what is the right way?2. Second,everyone knows remembering new words is important,but how to remember them?I think we can copy new words on pieces of paper,and take them with us. When we are free,we can read them. Third,how to improve our listening and speaking?3.And we can answer the questions in class;don’t be afraid of making mistakes. I think it’s useful to us. Finally,it’s about reading and writing.4.And try our best to retell them. We can also keep a diary every day,and spend an hour practicing English.

5.If necessary,we can turn to our classmates and teachers for help instead of giving up. If we don’t study hard,it’s difficult to learn English well.

A. To begin with,you can recite as many words as you can.

B. First,we must be confident enough to learn English and be interested in it.

C. Whenever we meet difficulties in our English study,we shouldn’t lose heart.

D. We can sing English songs,listen to the radio and listen to tapes every day.

E. Then how can we make rapid progress and learn English well?

F. In a word,we will make rapid progress.

G. When we are free,we can read articles in English.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年吉林实验中学高二上学期期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Two dresses look similar _____ each other , but they differ _____ material

A. to; in B. with; from C. to ; from D. from; in


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年黑龙江牡丹江第一中学高二上期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单词拼写


1.I missed a good o__________ (机会) to give my opinion on it.

2.He will never decide to a__________ (抛弃,遗弃) the search for truth.

3.You should __________ (道歉) to her because you’ve hurt her feelings.

4.People should be very __________(小心的,谨慎的) about believing this statement.

5.He __________ (后悔) that he had been careless.

6.Don’t worry. Please sit down and __________ (放松).

7.This kind of paper __________ (吸收) ink well.

8.He had the __________ (勇气) to sail around the world in a yacht.

9.__________ (不管,不顾) the traffic jam, he arrived there on time.

10.His play was __________ (完美的) in every way.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年吉林松原油田高中高一上学期期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Let us suppose it is now about A.D. 2060. Let's make believe it is about 47 years from now. Of course, things have changed and life is very different.

Voyages to the moon are being made every day. It is as easy to take a holiday on the moon today as it was for the people in 1960 to take a holiday in Europe. At a number of scenic spots on the moon, many hotels have been built. In order that everyone can enjoy the beautiful scenery on the moon, every room has at least one picture window. Everything imaginable is provided for entertainment of young and old.

What are people eating now? People are still eating food. They haven't yet started to take on heir(继承) supply of energy directly as electrical current or as nuclear power. They may some day. But many foods now come in pill form, and the food that goes into the pill continues to come mainly from green plants.

Since there are several times as many people in the world today as there were a hundred years ago, most of our planet's surface has to be filled. The deserts are irrigated with water and crops are no longer destroyed by pests. The harvest is always good.

Farming, of course, is very highly developed. Very few people have to work on the farm. It is possible to run the farm by just pushing a few buttons now and then.

We are healthier both in our bodies and in our minds, and we know the causes and cure of disease and pain, and it is possible to get rid of diseases. No one has to be ill any more.

Such would be our life in 2060.

1.When was the passage written?

A. In about A.D. 2060 B. In about 1960

C. In about 2013 D. In about 2014

2.According to the passage, what will be on the moon in about A.D. 2060?

A. Many other animals. B. Many plants.

C. Many tourists. D. A sea.

3.The passage tells us that in 2060, ________ on the earth than now.

A. there are more pests

B. the crops are getting better

C. there are fewer people

D. there is less water


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届湖北宜昌第一中学高三上12月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

“OK,” I said to my daughter as she bent over her afternoon bowl of rice. “What’s going on with you and your friend J.? ” J. is the leader of a group of third-graders at her camp—a position Lucy herself occupied the previous summer. Now she’s the one on the outs. and every day at snack time, she tells me all about it, while I offer the unhelpful advice all summer long.

“She’s fond of giving orders, “Lucy complained. “She’s turning everyone against me. She’s mean. And she’s fat.” “Excuse me,” I said, struggling for calm. “What did you just say?” “She’s fat.” Lucy mumbled (含糊地说). “We’re going upstairs,” I said, my voice cold. “We’re going to discuss this.” And up we went. I’d spent the nine years since her birth getting ready for this day, the day we’d have the conversation about this horrible word. I knew exactly what to say to the girl on the receiving end of the teasing, but in all of my imaginings, it never once occurred to me that my daughter would be the one who used the F word—Fat.

My daughter sat on her bed, and I sat beside her. “How would you feel if someone made fun of you for something that wasn’t your fault?” I began. “She could stop eating so much,” Lucy mumbled, mouthing the simple advice a thousand doctors have given overweight women for years.

“It’s not always that easy,” I said. “Everyone’s different in terms of how they treat food.” Lucy looked at me, waiting for me to go on. I opened my mouth, then closed it. Should I tell her that, in teasing a woman’s weight, she’s joined the long tradition of critics? Should I tell her I didn’t cry when someone posted my picture and commented, “I’m sorry, but aren’t authors who write books marketed to young women supposed to be pretty?”

Does she need to know, now, that life isn’t fair? I feel her eyes on me, waiting for an answer I don’t have. Words are my tools. Stories are my job. It’s possible she’ll remember what I say forever, and I have no idea what to say.

So I tell her the only thing I can come up with that is absolutely true. I say to my daughter, “I love you, and there is nothing you could ever do to make me not love you. But I’m disappointed in you right now. There are plenty of reasons for not liking someone. What she looks like isn’t one of them.”

Lucy nods, tears on her cheeks. “I won’t say that again,” she tells me, and I pull her close, pressing my nose against her hair. As we sit there together, I pray for her to be smart and strong. I pray for her to find friends, work she loves, a partner who loves her. And still, always, I pray that she will never struggle as I’ve struggled, that weight will never be her cross to bear. She may not be able to use the word in our home, but I can use in my head. I pray that she will never get fat.

1.Why does the author want to discuss with Lucy?

A. Because she wants to offer some other helpful advice.

B. Because she is really shocked at Lucy’s rudeness.

C. Because she has prepared the conversation for nine years.

D. Because she decides to tell Lucy a similar story of her own.

2.What does the author want to tell her daughter?

A. It is not easy to take the doctors’ advice to eat less.

B. People shouldn’t complain because life is unfair.

C. People shouldn’t be blamed for their appearance.

D. She herself was once laughed at for her appearance.

3.It can be inferred from the passage that_______.

A. the author earns a living by writing stories.

B. the author is a fat but good-looking woman.

C. the author will stop loving her daughter for what she said.

D. the author’s daughter agreed with her from the very beginning.

4.The author’s attitude towards her daughter can be best described as _______.

A. satisfied and friendly B. indifferent but patient

C. loving but strict D. unsatisfied and angry


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年甘肃会宁第一中学高二上期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:短文改错








My brother Tom was very selfish when he was a little boy. He did not want share things with other people. For example,when he bought a chocolate cake, he put them in a secret place where I couldn’t find. Then he ate it all by himself. He never helped other. He said he is busy. That is, a game of tennis making him very busy. He did not care if something he did made people angrily. For instance, on one night he played strong and loudly music till four o’clock in the morning. But he is difference now. He often helps grandma with housework, helps mum with cooking and helps his classmates with their lessons.


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届浙江临海台州中学高三上第三次统练英语试卷(解析版) 题型:短文改错






注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从十一处起)不计分。

Dear Smith,

I have a good news for you. All senior three students will take part in a mountain- climbing activity in May 18th, which is intending to help reduce our pressure from study. So I’m writing to invite you to go along.

We plan to gather at the school gate at 8:20, weather permitting. Then they will set off at 8:30, heading for the mountains nearby on feet. After having a good time, we are supposed to go back school for lunch at about 12.

The suggestions are as following. You’d better wear strong and comfortably shoes so that you can enjoy the trip. A bottle of water and some snacks were also necessary in climbing. In addition, you can take with you a camera to get some photos taken.

Look forward to your reply.


Li Yan

