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14.The loyal people around him bbetrayed (背叛) him last year.

分析 他身边很忠诚的人去年背叛了他.

解答 答案:betrayed
背叛:betray;句中last year是过去的时间状语,说明句意表达的是过去的事实,要用一般过去时态.

点评 翻译题在解题是首先要确定好句子的时态,然后要把握好短语表达,最后要注意句子结构.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

4.[1]Former Hollywood child star Shirley Temple has died at the age of 85.She was one of the most popular stars of the 1930s,in hit movies like Bright Eyes and Stand Up and Cheer.After retiring from films in 1950 at the age of 21,Temple returned to the spotlight as a politician and diplomat(外交官).
[2]Born in 1928,Temple soon became a major star after getting her first film role at the age of three.Her singing,dancing and acting won over fans worldwide.She was given a special adolescent Oscar in 1935,when she was just six years old.To this day,she is still the youngest person to receive an Academy Award.
[3]With the nickname"America's little darling",she was ranked as Hollywood's biggest draw for four years running from 1935 to'38 in an aunual poll of US cinema owners.Her song
On the Good Ship Lollipop in the film Bright Eyes was among her most famous performances.
[4]She was such a hit that US president Franklin Delano Roosevelt awarded her"Little Miss Miracle"for raising spirit during the Great Depression(大萧条)and she was credited with helping save 20th Century Fox from bankruptcy(破产).
[5]Temple starred in a total of 43 feature films,but found it difficult to keep her career in adulthood and left acting behind in 1950.She continued to appear on television,but that work dried up and she eventually___________________me entertainment.
[6]She considered her background in entertainment a benefit to her political profession.
"Politicians are actors too,don't you think?"she once said.

66.List three roles Temple played in her life.(no more than 3 words)Actress,politician,diplomat
67.How many fans did Temple have when she was a little girl?(no more than 8 words)
She won over fans worldwide.
68.What's the main idea of Paragraph 4?(no more than 10 words)Temple made a great contribution to the USA.
69.Fill in the blank in Paragraph 5 with proper words.(no more than 3 words)stepped away from
70.Translate the underlined sentence in Paragraph 6 into Chinese.她把自己影视经历视为从政的一笔财富..


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

5.In late March,Southwest University became the first school in China to open a 24-hour hotline providing suicide-prevention counseling.
College suicide is a heart-breaking and controversial topic.Chinese college students have long been the focus of public attention:their youth,education and.most importantly,bright futures make them the envy of society.
However,in recent years,we've read more reports of student suicides.Perhaps that's simply because of society's attention with youth.But it could also signify the increasing troubled mental state of young people.
Many studies have sought to find out the causes of student suicides.Not surprisingly,the top factors usually include psychological and physical sickness,emotional trouble and peer pressure. Despair about their futures is also quickly becoming a leading factor:many students say they feel hopeless and confused about the direction of their careers in a crowded job market.
Thankfully,more and more universities and colleges are providing counseling services to address students'mental and psychological problems.These at least offer some comfort to students facing tough job prospects and personal difficulties.
From appointing in-house student counselors to setting up hotlines and recruiting students to help their troubled peers,many universities are making efforts to fight student depression.There is no denying that much remains to be done,but such efforts are already working,helping students and saving lives.
However,the most important front in this battle lies with the students themselves.Whatever efforts school officials make,it is up to students to realize their problems and ask help.Unfortunately,many students considering suicide refuse to seek help.By shutting themselves away,they can easily fall into vicious cycles (恶性循环),becoming even more easily hurt to personal difficulties and the pressures of the outside world.
While establishing better on-campus psychological education and outreach programs as a step forward,students themselves must actively reach out for help.These dangers are a reality for every student,not only those who feel confused and depressed.

53.Why are there so many students that commit suicide?D
A.Because of psychological and physical sickness.
B.Because they feel hopeless and confused about their future.
C.Because of the emotional trouble.
D.All of the above.
54.According to the article,all of the following are right except_D.
A.No university in China had a whole day hotline providing suicide-prevention counseling before March.
B.Many people envy the college students their bright futures.
C.The students who feel confused and"depressed may have psychological problems and need psychological education.
D.The problems of student suicides indicate the increasing troubled mental state of young people.
55.The key to avoid student suicides is thatC.
A.parents communicate with their children and understand them.
B.colleges and universities oner more help to students.
C.students themselves realize their problems and seek help from others.
D.friends give more comfort and show more understanding to the problem students.
56.Which of the following can be the best title for the article?A
A.Help is at hand for suicidal students.
B.More college students commit suicide.
C.How can students avoid committing suicide?
D.Why do college students feel depressed?


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

2.-What do you think of the hotel?
-Wonderful.You couldn't have found _________.(  )
A.the good oneB.a better oneC.a best oneD.the best one


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

9.Money is no ssubstitute(代替、代用品)for happiness.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

19.--What do you think of the meal in the restaurant?
--Wonderful.I couldn't have had   .(  )
A.a better oneB.a best oneC.the better oneD.the best one


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

6.---Are there any free seats?
---I'm afraid not.All the seats in the cinema are already________.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

3.-When are you going to the bank?
-I'll go there before I ________ to the post office tomorrow morning.(  )
A.will goB.am goingC.wentD.go


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

We had to put our hands on a gas station before the petrolranout.

