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Please accept our_________ (apology) –for any inconvenience we have caused.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Rescue workers at the San Jose gold and copper mine in northern Chile had reason to sing this week.A small hole drilled into the earth became a passage(通道) to freedom for thirty-three trapped miners.They spent sixty-nine days underground."Never have people been trapped for so long so deeply," says a doctor at NASA, the American space agency, which helped in the rescue.

But the chief medical officer for the miners said most are in good enough health to leave the hospital within a day or so.The first three were released from the hospital Thursday night.

For much of the day the miners relaxed with Chilean President Sebastian Pinera.The thirty-two Chileans and one Bolivian still wore special sunglasses to protect their eyes.

A  partial mine collapse(坍塌) on 5th of August trapped them more than half a kilometer underground.They had to stretch a two-day food supply.For two weeks no one knew if they were alive or dead.

Later, they received supplies(供给) and a video link lowered through drill holes.That link was how Ariel Ticona watched his wife give birth to their daughter.

The miners have apparently agreed to share the money they earn from selling their story.

They have already received gifts of money and travel offers.Edison Pena has been invited to the New York City Marathon and to Graceland, the home of Elvis Presley in Memphis, Tennessee.Mr.Pena described how he ran in the mine tunnels to ease the stress.And he led the miners in singing Elvis songs.

The first miner rescued on Wednesday was Florencio Avalos.The second was Mario Sepulveda, who talked about how the experience tested his faith.He said: "I was with God and I was with the devil, they fought me, but God won.He took me by my best hand, the hand of God."

The last miner up was Luis Urzua.He was the shift leader when his crew became trapped.

Rescuers used a metal cage to pull the miners to safety in less than twenty-four hours -- faster than expected.The rescue capsule was a half-meter wide and known as the Phoenix.

How many miners had been rescued according to the report?

A.Three        B.Sixty-nine           C.Thirty-three     D.Thirty-two

According to the passage, when the miners were trapped, some of them did the followings except ________.

A.sharing money                            B.Running to ease stress

C.Watching a video showing his wife giving birth  D.Singing songs

Edison Pena was invited to Graceland probably because ________________.

A.he ran in the mine tunnel.                 B.he prayed to God.

C.he led the miners in singing Elvis songs.     D.he was the shift leader.

From the passage, we can infer the followings EXCEPT that _______________.

A.Rescue workers were happy about their rescue work.

B.People felt surprised to find the miners safe and sound.

C.People might have been quite worried about the miners’ safety.

D.The trapped miners drilled a small hole themselves to escape.

What would be the best title for the report?

    A.A mining accident            B.Miners saved, safe and sound

    C.A difficult rescue           D.Miners trapped deep underground


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

For Chinese wanting to work as nurses in the United Sates, the arrival of the test of the Commission on Graduates of Foreign Nursing Schools (CGFNS) may be a welcome move.

 The CGFNS has a certification programme for people wanting to work as registered nurses in the US. The first CGFNS test in China is to be held in Beijing in July. Registrations is open till April 9. According to US labour law, nurses have to pass the National Council License Examination for Registered Nurses (NCLEX-RN) before they can practise. However, the NCLEX-RN is only useful in the US, making it difficult for people from other countries to get in. But, the US expects a shortage of 50,000 nurses by 2010. So, the CGFNS has not replaced the NCLEX-RN, which is still needed for work as a registered nurse in the US.

So what exactly does CGFNS do?

First of all, it helps international nurses qualify for a work visa for the US. Nurses educated abroad who do not have a US license by the NCLEX-RN, must get the CGFNS certificate. “But not everyone who gets a CGFNS certificate can get a work visa. There are many requirements for a visa, and the CGFNS is just one,” said John Ratigan, immigration officer for the CGFNS.

The certificate helps applicants meet requirements for the NCLEX-RN. Forty-two states require a CGFNS certificate from nurses educated abroad before taking the NCLEX-RN examination.

About 85 percent of those who passed the CGFNS have passed the NCLEX-RN. According to Barbara Michols, chief executive officer of CGFNS, “the CGFNS is cost-efficient for the Chinese. If they can’t pass the CGFNS here in China, their chances of passing the NCLEX-RN for the US are tiny. This saves time and money on visa applications and the long trip. ” In a word, to get a CGFNS certificate, a person must have: a credentials review, the CGFNS qualifying exam of nursing knowledge and an English language proficiency exam.

   We can infer from the text that to people hoping to work as registered nurses in the US, CGFNS tests can be taken _____.

A. nowhere but in the US                    B. somewhere outside the US

C. in every country but the US              D. both in China and the US

According to American labour law, people cannot work as nurses until they pass                    _____.

NCLEX-RN                            B. CGFNS

C. CGFNS and NCLEX-RN                   D. CGFNS or NCLEX-RN

We can learn from the text that _____.

A. if you get a CGFNS certificate, you can pass the NCLEX-RN in the US and get visa


B. if you pass the NCLEX-RN in the US, you can get a CGFNS certificate and get visa


C. if you can't pass the NCLEX-RN in the US, you will not be able to pass the CGFNS


D. if you get a CGFNS certificate, you will be more likely to pass the NCLEX-RN examination

The sentence "CGFNS holders have a higher rate of success on the NCLEX-RN examination" can be arranged at the beginning of Paragraph _____.

Two                 B. Four                 C. Five             D. Six

What is probably the best title of this passage?

The CGFNS helps international nurses       

B. The first CGFNS test in China

C. The CGFNS and the NCLEX-RN          

D. Working as registered nurses in the US


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

We asked both Tonny and Jerry, but      could offer any help.

A. either                B. all                           C. none                 D. neither


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

By the washing machine         a pile of dirty clothes, and on the floor of the sitting room were newspapers, magazines and waste paper.

    A.laid B.placed   C.collected    D.lay


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

The doctor had almost lost hope at one point, but the patient finally         .

A. pulled out      B. pulled through   C. pulled up            D. pulled over


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:








    If some one asks you how you can make you always         1________

happy. You will perhaps find rather difficult to give him         2________

a proper answer. Did you remember the old saying “No           3________

human being can really happy who is not giving or tying          4________

to give happiness to others”? If you will always think of           5_________

taking more from others and give them less, you won’t be         6_________

able to have happiness in your life even you are very rich.         7_________

Here’s an article for you. If each of you follow it, there            8_________

will be all end of many unhappy days of yours. So you should     9________

learn to give up your own interests when necessarily to do so.       10________


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

The traffic rule says young children under the age of four and           less than 40 pounds must be in a child safety seat.

    A. being weighed            B. to weigh         C. weighed          D. weighing


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Knowing how long the test would last, the students who finished _______ back and waited until the end of the exam.

    A. settle   B. settled  C. settling D. to settle

