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What looks like an angry old man and lives at the bottom of the ocean? It’s the world’s ugliest animal---the blobfish(水滴鱼).

Its strange skin is shaped by its habitat. It lives 800 meters below the ocean’s surface, a depth where very few other creatures can survive.

Most fishes have a swim bladder(鱼鳔), which is filled with gas and helps them stay afloat. At the depth that the blobfish live, water pressure is 80 times higher than that at higher sea levels and any swim bladder wouldn’t be able to serve its purpose.

The blobfish don’t have a swim bladder because their skin works the same way. It helps them stay afloat without having to use any energy.

The blobfish have a pretty relaxed attitude towards eating. All they do is stay and wait for crabs or lobsters to come by.

Since the blobfish like to eat crabs and lobsters, they often get caught in nets that are used to catch lobsters or crabs and end up dying or being killed. They are not suitable for eating so they are useless for fishermen.

There’s a purpose behind the blobfish’s new title; it has become the new mascot for the Ugly Animal Preservation Society, an organization whose purpose is to preserve endangered ugly animals.

“We’ve needed an ugly face for endangered ugly animals for a long time and I’ve been amazed by the public reaction,” said the Society’s Simon Watt. “For too long cute animals have taken the limelight(风头) but now the blobfish will be a voice for those who always get forgotten.”They hope this new face will help the world know that we need to help preserve the populations of ugly animals too.

1.The biggest difference between the blobfish and most other fishes is that the blobfish_____ .

A. cannot be eaten by people

B. don’t have a swim bladder

C. only live at high sea levels

D. aren’t active in catching food

2.What makes the blobfish stay afloat?

A. Their skin. B. Their tail.

C. Their mouth. D. Their swim bladder.

3.We can learn from what Simon Watt said that _____ .

A. most ugly animals are in danger

B. the population of the blobfish is increasing

C. the blobfish have attracted the public’s attention

D. people knew nothing about the blobfish in the past


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届高三一轮复习新人教版必修3第1单元讲析英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

_____was obvious to everyone that he was very nervous.

A.There B.It

C.This D.That


科目:高中英语 来源:2017届湖北省沙市高三上学期第二次考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:短文改错



My old classroom was interesting because three side of the classroom were made from glass. I enjoyed sit close to the windows and looking at the view. On the left-hand side of the class, I could easy see the football field. In the mornings, it was full of students exercising. The view from the back of the classroom is also splendid. Close to the school there was a beautiful park with many trees around them. Farther in the distance, I could not enjoy the view of snowy mountains. On the right side of the class was the road. I was always interested to see the drivers in hurry in the morning. The position of the classroom with its view made me felt like I was dreaming. If I was only a child when I studied in that classroom, I will never forget it.


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届高三一轮复习新人教版选修8第1-2单元练习英语卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空


My grandfather went to high school in the 1920s. While in school, he became in the drama program, acting in different kinds of productions. He ____ in touch with his drama teacher.

My father went to high school in the 1920s. Like his _____ before him, he acted in high school. He, too, stayed in touch with his drama teacher for the rest of the teacher's _____ . I graduated in 1997. When Hoover, my drama teacher, was _____ in Alaska, I didn't want her to feel like she was ending her life ____ , so I sent her many packages, including Drama Club yearbook photos from each year she ____ there in order that she could see the students whose lives she forever _______ .

Her nickname for our group of Drama Club was "the Throwaway Kids". ____ , no? She described us as that _____ we were nonconformists (不墨守成规者) that other teachers didn't ____ __ know what to do with. She simply _____ us for who we are, and that was exactly what we needed.

We have all become _____ members of society: reporters, lawyers, and singers, soldiers, doctors and, you guessed it, teachers. Every member of my family is a teacher. This year __ the 73rd year we have taught in Alaska altogether.

_______ me, teaching the course is only one important part of the _____ job. As I returned to my classroom just before the final bell _____ on the last day of school in May, I thought how the most emotional part of the experience will not be seeing the recent _____ return to say "hello" at Christmas. That was how the ____ of keeping in touch with our teachers our whole life long began in my family. Honestly, learning _____ a lifetime.

1.A. famous B. active C. anxious D. attractive

2.A. lost B. provided C. kept D. shared

3.A. teacher B. classmate C. mother D. father

4.A. life B. job C. space D. season

5.A.dying B. singing C. acting D. playing

6.A. poor B. angry C. anxious D. alone

7.A. taught B. constructed C. ordered D. noticed

8.A. protected B. developed C. scolded D. affected

9.A. Interesting B. Exciting C. Shocking D. Encouraging

10.A. because B. if C. but D. although

11.A. purely B. exactly C. obviously D. basically

12.A. entertained B. accepted C. disliked D. demanded

13.A. consuming B. contributing C. confirming D. connecting

14.A. fills B. marks C. covers D. deals

15.A. after B. With C. To D. By

16.A. natural B. simple C. entire D. casual

17.A. fell B. rang C. broke D. rolled

18.A. classmates B. soldiers C. adults D. graduates

19.A. tradition B. culture C. custom D. behavior

20.A. wastes B. puts C. takes D. pulls


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届高三一轮复习新人教版选修8第1-2单元练习英语卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

I’m always ________ about what I say because careless remarks are likely to hurt others’ feelings.

A. enthusiastic B. curious

C. doubtful D. cautious


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届高三一轮复习新人教版选修7第1-2单元练习英语卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

The hip-pop singer is always drawing attention to issues that are usually ignored. That’s ____ is so great about him.

A. that B. what

C. all D. how


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届高三一轮复习新人教版选修7第1-2单元练习英语卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

This is challenging job I mentioned to you the other day. Have you had anyone in mind for it now?

A. a, the B. the;/

C. the, the D. a:/


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届高三一轮复习新人教版必修2第2单元讲析英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

It was with the help of the local guide the mountain climber was rescued.

A.who B.that

C.when D.how


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届高考一轮复习新人教版必修2第3单元练习英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Little ______ about his own safety, though he was in great danger himself.

A. cared he B. he cared

C. did he care D. was he cared

