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—I can’t thank you enough for the gift you sent me.


A.With pleasure

B.No, thanks

C.Please don’t say so

D.My pleasure




【解析】本题考查交际用语。上句意思为"非常感谢你送给我的礼物", 下句应用"不用谢,不客气"之类的用语。答案D。



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Blind from birth, I have never had the opportunity to see myself and have been completely dependent on the image I create in the eyes of others.

       There are those who believe that   36   I can’t see, I obviously also cannot hear. Very often people will talk with me at the top of their   37  . Conversely(相反地) to this, people will also often   38  , thinking that since my eyes don’t work, my ears don’t either. For example, when I go to the airport and ask the ticket agent for   39  to the plane, he or she will always pick up the phone and call a ground hostess in a very low voice. "Hi, Jane, wave got a 76 here." I have concluded that the word "  40  " is not used because they are unwilling to inform me of my condition of which I may not have been previously   41  .

       On the other hand, others know that of course I can hear, but believe that I can’t talk. Once I became ill and was hospitalized. Immediately after I was    42  , I was wheeled down to the X-ray room. Just at the door sat an elderly woman(judging from her voice) asked the orderly(护工) who had been wheeling me:" What is your name?" “What’s your name?” the orderly   43   to me. "Harold Krents", I replied. "Harold Krents", he repeated. "When was he born?" "When were you born?" This continued for about five minutes before I finally interrupted, "Look, this is absolutely   44   . OK, I can’t see, but it’s going to become pretty  45   to both of you that I don’t need an interpreter." “He says he doesn’t need an interpreter," the orderly reported to the woman. 

       The   46   misconception of all is the view that because I can’t see, I can’t  47  . I was turned down by over forty law firms,   48   my qualifications included a cum laude(优等成绩) degree from Harvard Law School. The  49  to find jobs, the continuous   50  of being told that it was impossible for a blind person to   51  law, the rejection letter, not based on my lack of   52  but rather on my disability, will always remain one of the most upsetting experiences of my life.

      53  , the Department of Labor issued laws that demand equal  54  opportunities for the disabled. The business community’s response has been   55  . The attitude towards the disabled is beginning to change.

A.since          B.although         C.whether    D.in that

A.lungs          B.ears           C.head      D.eyes

A.shout         B.laugh           C.whisper    D.cry

A.welcome       B.permission       C.advice      D.assistance

A.passenger      B.blind           C.trouble     D.situation

A.afraid        B.aware           C.curious     D.desperate

A.invited        B.released        C.included   D.admitted

A.asked          B.responded     C.repeated    D.exchanged

A.cheerful     B.ridiculous        C.charming  D.disgusting

A.clear          B.easy          C.confusing  D.doubtful

A.earliest        B.slightest        C.latest     D.toughest

A.think          B.study         C.work     D.understand

A.as if           B.even though     C.now that   D.in case

A.attempt        B.opportunity      C.mistake     D.success

A.disappointmentB.relief          C.envy        D.effort

A.disobey      B.challenge      C.practice    D.make

A.confidence    B.luck           C.ability      D.ambition

A.Regretfully    B.Purposely       C.Exactly     D.Fortunately

A.caring         B.employment     C.learning    D.traveling

A.enthusiastic   B.passive          C.negative    D.uncertain


科目:高中英语 来源:2011届山东省实验中学高三上学期第一次诊断性测试英语卷 题型:阅读理解

Surveys of American teenagers find that about half of them do not get enough sleep on school nights. They get an average of 60 to 90 minutes less than experts say they need.
Experts say teens are biologically programmed to go to sleep later and wake up later than other age groups. Yet many schools start classes as early as seven in the morning.
As a result,many students go to class feeling like Danny,16 years old. He plays two sports,lacrosse and football. He is an active teen—except in the morning. DANNY:“Getting up in the morning is pretty terrible. I’m just very out of it and tired. And through first and second period I can hardly stay awake.”
Michael Breus,a clinical psychologist with a specialty in sleep disorders says:“These aren’t a bunch of lazy kids—although,you know,teenagers can of course be lazy. These are children whose biological rhythms,more times than not,are off.”Teens,he says,need to sleep eight to nine hours or even nine to ten hours a night. He says sleepy teens can experience a form of depression that could have big effects on their general well-being. It can affect not just their ability in the classroom but also on the sports field and on the road because any tired driver is dangerous,especially a teenager with a lack of experience.
So what can schools do about sleepy students?The psychologist says one thing they can do is start classes later in the morning.
Eric Peterson,head of St.George’s School in the northeastern state of Rhode Island,says,“In the end,schools ought to do what’s the right thing for their students,first and foremost.”And he wanted to see if a 30-minute delay would make a difference. It did.
【小题1】According to the passage,which of the following is the chief cause of sleepy teenagers?

A.Persona haibits.B.Early school hours.
C.Sports activities.D.Too much home work.
【小题2】According to Michael Breus,         .
A.Teenagers are too lazy to get up early for school.
B.Teenagers should change their biological rhythms.
C.Lacking sleep can cause serious problems.
D.Sleepy teenagers shouldn’t drive to school.
【小题3】What is Eric Peterson’s opinion on the issue?
A.Schools should try their best to help students.
B.Students should adjust to their school’s schedule.
C.Changing school schedule is their last choice.
D.Something has to change at the end of a school day.
【小题4】What does the underlined word“It”in the last sentence might refer to?
A.St.George School.B.Rhode Island State.
C.Students in St.George School.D.30-minute delay of school day.
【小题5】What can you infer might follow the passage immediately?
A.Some positive changes in St.George’s school.
B.Some complaints from teachers and parents.
C.Some tips on how to help students foremost.
D.Some unexpected outcome of the delay.


科目:高中英语 来源:2014届吉林长春实验中学高二上期期初考试英语A卷试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

My son. The phrase felt difficult and strange the first time I said it, and I had to practice it a thousand times. I started saying the words to myself the day when the ultrasound told me we were having a baby.

Finally, my son was born.

The nurse came out of the delivery room, holding a tiny, howling human being wrapped in a white sheet, his small hands and delicate fingers shaking nervously. “Baby Sanchez?” she asked, looking at the room full of expectant fathers.

I stood up, holding my breath. She showed me my baby. “My son,” I whispered. The little guy screamed, “waaaaaaaaaah.”

But in my heart I heard him cry out, “Daaaaaaad!” I don’t care if everyone in the room will swear they didn’t hear my baby say that. I called him, “My son,” and he called me “Dad,” and that’s that.

People ask me, “What did you feel at that moment?” I can’t even begin to answer. I’m a writer yet I try hard to find the right words. Joyful isn’t powerful enough. Bliss(狂喜) is not sweet enough. Peaceful isn’t calm enough. Happy isn’t tense enough.

After my son was taken away to the nursery, I sat down and shut my eyes. But tears escaped them away. Then out of the blue, my 80-year-old father entered, and we embraced.

“Dad,” I whispered.

“My son,” my heart heard him saying.

Suddenly the past 33 years folded into the present and I was now the baby bundled in white, with my father standing over me.

“My son,” I imagined him saying.

“Daaaaaaaaaad!” I cried my little lungs out.

At that point, I knew I was going to be a great father. The old man in front of me seemed to agree. He smiled and we walked out of the room in search of the tiny human being that would change our lives for ever.

1.Which of the following statement is TRUE according to the passage?

A.His son called him “Dad” when the writer called him “My son”.

B.All the people didn’t hear the baby say except the writer.

C.Sanchez is the writer’s family name.

D.The baby was taken away because the nurse found there was a mistake.

2.The author couldn’t tell how he felt at the moment because ________.

A.he was a writer

B.he was too excited

C.he was too nervous

D.it’s a feeling too complex to express

3.We can learn the following from the passage EXCEPT that ________.

A.the author got his first baby

B.he probably had a lung disease

C.the author didn’t really hear “Daaaaad” from his baby

D.the baby would change the author’s life

4.Why was the writer sure he was going to be a great father?

A.Because his son is so gifted.

B.Because he had much experience in bringing up children.

C.Because his father promised to help him.

D.Because his father had already set him a good example.



科目:高中英语 来源:天津市2010届高三下学期第二次模拟考试试卷(英语) 题型:阅读理解



Dear Cary,

I’m writing because I’ve understood you’ve struggled with alcoholism(酗酒).I’ve been fighting mine ever since I went through 9-11.After that,I’ve been more or less useless professionally –I’m a lawyer–and have had to resign from my job because I was discovered passed-out drunk in front of my computer.I’ve taken some medicine and it has helped somewhat.I can manage about a month without drinking,but after that I end up having a crazy stage where nothing matters except drinking.After a week or so of heavy drinking,I start having nightmares of people jumping.After that,it’s a week of not being able to get out of bed.

I was supposed to travel to a conference but didn’t make it because I got so drunk at the airport that I fell down on my face and spent the rest of the day in the emergency room. I have been hiding from my family since then.Fortunately they won’t be expecting me to come back for a week or so.Otherwise, they would notice the bump on my forehead and two black eyes.

I don’t really know what I’m asking you.Cary,I need a way out that doesn’t involve causing pain to my family.I’m taking medicine,but I still have these attacks every few months.If there’s alcohol in the house,I can’t stay away from it.It seems that this will never end. I’m afraid of what  will happen if something bad happens,like a family member dying,or getting fired again.

Thanks for reading.



36.The underlined sentence shows us all the following EXCEPT____________.

A.that the author is a lawyer by profession

B.that the author is a lawyer and he seldom gets drunk

C.the reason why the author had to resign

D.that the author was once discovered drunk as a fish

37.The author writes to Cary in order to____________.

A.offer advice                                        B.tell a story

C.avoid nightmares                                 D.ask for help

38.What is the author worried about?

A.Losing his job                                     B.Missing the conference

C.Bring pain to his family                       D.Giving up drinking

39.What do we learn from the passage?

A.T’s family members don’t want to see him because of his alcoholism.

B.Getting drunk once prevented T from attending a conference.

C.T will have nightmares when he stops drinking.

D.T never attempted to give up his alcoholism.

40.We know from the passage that Cary____________.

A.likes to talk about the details of his life.     B.is an expert on treating alcoholism

C.is probably a recovered alcoholic                 D.never suffered from alcoholism



科目:高中英语 来源:2010-2011学年四川省高三上学期第三次月考英语卷 题型:完型填空

 Blind from birth, I have never had the opportunity to see myself and have been completely dependent on the image I create in the eyes of others.

       There are those who believe that   36   I can’t see, I obviously also cannot hear. Very often people will talk with me at the top of their   37  . Conversely(相反地) to this, people will also often   38  , thinking that since my eyes don’t work, my ears don’t either. For example, when I go to the airport and ask the ticket agent for   39  to the plane, he or she will always pick up the phone and call a ground hostess in a very low voice. "Hi, Jane, wave got a 76 here." I have concluded that the word "  40  " is not used because they are unwilling to inform me of my condition of which I may not have been previously   41  .

       On the other hand, others know that of course I can hear, but believe that I can’t talk. Once I became ill and was hospitalized. Immediately after I was    42  , I was wheeled down to the X-ray room. Just at the door sat an elderly woman(judging from her voice) asked the orderly(护工) who had been wheeling me:" What is your name?" “What’s your name?” the orderly   43   to me. "Harold Krents", I replied. "Harold Krents", he repeated. "When was he born?" "When were you born?" This continued for about five minutes before I finally interrupted, "Look, this is absolutely   44   . OK, I can’t see, but it’s going to become pretty  45   to both of you that I don’t need an interpreter." “He says he doesn’t need an interpreter," the orderly reported to the woman. 

       The   46   misconception of all is the view that because I can’t see, I can’t  47  . I was turned down by over forty law firms,   48   my qualifications included a cum laude(优等成绩) degree from Harvard Law School. The  49  to find jobs, the continuous   50  of being told that it was impossible for a blind person to   51  law, the rejection letter, not based on my lack of   52  but rather on my disability, will always remain one of the most upsetting experiences of my life.

      53  , the Department of Labor issued laws that demand equal  54  opportunities for the disabled. The business community’s response has been   55  . The attitude towards the disabled is beginning to change.

1.A.since         B.although         C.whether    D.in that

2.A.lungs          B.ears           C.head      D.eyes

3.A.shout         B.laugh           C.whisper    D.cry

4.A.welcome       B.permission       C.advice      D.assistance

5.A.passenger      B.blind           C.trouble     D.situation

6.A.afraid        B.aware           C.curious     D.desperate

7.A.invited        B.released        C.included   D.admitted

8.A.asked         B.responded     C.repeated    D.exchanged

9.A.cheerful     B.ridiculous        C.charming  D.disgusting

10.A.clear        B.easy          C.confusing  D.doubtful

11.A.earliest      B.slightest        C.latest     D.toughest

12.A.think        B.study         C.work     D.understand

13.A.as if         B.even though     C.now that   D.in case

14.A.attempt      B.opportunity      C.mistake     D.success

15.A.disappointmentB.relief        C.envy        D.effort

16.A.disobey           B.challenge      C.practice    D.make

17.A.confidence  B.luck           C.ability      D.ambition

18.A.Regretfully  B.Purposely       C.Exactly     D.Fortunately

19.A.caring       B.employment     C.learning    D.traveling

20.A. enthusiastic       B.passive          C.negative    D.uncertain


