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The fact that ants are fascinating insects has been known for some time. Now, scientists have discovered a large number of wood ants living in an abandoned underground storehouse in Templewo, Poland, despite having no obvious source of food.

Polish zoologist Wojciech Czechowski and his team began studying the underground colony in 2013. They found the ants built a 60-cm high nest in the soil directly over the storehouse vertical air pipe. As years passed, the metal covering on the pipe eroded, leaving behind a hole that thousands of worker ants accidentally slip into each day as they go about their daily chores. The scientists say that there are no sources of food in the storehouse. This means that the insects live in a state of near starvation.

In July 2015, the researchers disturbed part of the ant nest in search of larvae (幼虫), cocoons(茧), and queens. They found nothing, leading them to suspect that the lack of food and cold temperatures made reproduction impossible and that the group tending the nest is entirely made up of non-reproductive female workers. Their population is refilled every year, by a new rain of unfortunate ants that slide down the hole. The researchers say that when they returned in January 2016, the nest had been repaired. It appears that despite the terrible conditions, the worker ants do not stop constructing their nest.

Wood ants are known for their ability to adapt to bad living conditions. In this case, the millions of worker ants trapped in the storehouse have no choice. But instead of losing hope, they are making the best of the situation—a classic example of “when life gives you lesions make lemonade.”

1.How did the wood ants arrive in the storehouse?

A. They fell down there by accident.

B. The research team brought them there.

C. The storehouse builders left them there.

D. They were attracted by the environment.

2.What does the underlined word “eroded” in Paragraph 2 probably mean?

A. Expanded. B. Rotted. C. Exploded. D. Melted.

3.What did the researchers find in the nest?

A. Larvae. B. Cocoons. C. A queen. D. Worker ants.

4.Why did the population of wood ants remain steady?

A. They had enough food.

B. They were able to reproduce.

C. They adapted to the conditions.

D. They had new comers to join them.


科目:高中英语 来源:2016-2017学年甘肃省天水市高二下学期开学考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Then I started to get weaker and weaker, until I could only enjoy football from a ________ at the stadium.

A. balcony B. blank C. bench D. byproduct


科目:高中英语 来源:2017届吉林省延边州高三下学期复习质量检测英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空

It was a beautiful summer day when I saw a lot of little boys playing on the "green island" in the middle of our neighborhood. There were several _______ on that spot of green and the kids were having fun running around them, climbing them, and _________ them. I watched for a while from the window _______ where their mothers or fathers were. "Those trees are living things," I thought, "Don't those boys _______ ?" I stepped outside to them just to make it known that I was _______ . I had not said a word when one of the boys shouted to me, "We're making a pile of leaves to jump in!" "Oh!" I replied _______ , "You should jump in the dead leaves, but those leaves are still _______ 1"

I was sad, surprised and disappointed. I think the _________ is that many little boys today do not know that trees are alive and that they should _________ things that breathe. The extent of their education about nature is usually limited to living things, __________ animals. And often the kids' behavior is simply ________ by parents. I've watched kids chase cats, throw rocks at squirrels, kick small dogs, and ________ flowers and trees. If their parents were there, wouldn't this ________ ? I don't consider myself a tree protector, but I think ________ should teach their children how to protect our environment, because our world ________ more and more tree protectors. Indeed I do believe if there should be __________ protectors of the nature, our __________ would look more beautiful.

Respect and ________ go together. A young child, who doesn't learn how to respect and care nature, will ________ be able to truly enjoy it. I will be one of the parents who ________ kids to explore nature, respect it, and learn to love it.

1.A. children B. trees C. pets D. things

2.A. harming B. observing C. praising D. repairing

3.A. wondering B. choosing C. moving D. finding

4.A. know B. study C. play D. improve

5.A. hurting B. managing C. insisting D. watching

6.A. positively B. doubtfully C. casually D. depressingly

7.A. sick B. dead C. alive D. wet

8.A. truth B. plan C. idea D. topic

9.A. inform B. respect C. raise D. impress

10.A. especially B. rarely C. unwillingly D. possibly

11.A. supported B. ignored C. valued D. missed

12.A. show B. exhibit C. destroy D. use

13.A. grow B. rise C. return D. happen

14.A. teachers B. partners C. parents D. workers

15.A. develops B. needs C. wins D. earns

16.A. less B. more C. few D. much

17.A. material B. appearance C. school D. world

18.A. belief B. responsibility C. enjoyment D. politeness

19.A. sometimes B. often C. always D. never

20.A. warn B. encourage C. beg D. forbid


科目:高中英语 来源:2017届重庆市高三适应性月考(五)英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空

In the early spring of 1974, the now world-famous photographer Stephen Wilkes was a 16- year-old reporter and cameraman for his high school’s television station. His best friend was also a reporter for the _______, and together they came up with the wild idea of_______some of the great news broadcasters and journalists of the age. So they wrote personalized, hand-written letters to dozens of them.

Nobody _______but perhaps the greatest news broadcaster and journalist of them all: Walter Cronkite, who generously offered to spend a full _______ with the boys. Stephen and his friend understood that this would be the most _______reporting event of their lives, so they prepared_______for it.

They_______dozens of thoughtfully well-prepared questions and practiced the questions over and over again. When the day of the interview _______, they were ready. They sat with Mr. Cronkite and asked him one question after another, carefully_______each question on their notepad. And Mr. Cronkite was unbelievably__________ with his answers for the entire hour.

Then, as they were__________ things up, he said, “Boy, I’d like to ask you both an important question; Do you know what makes a __________interview?”

Stephen and his friend were caught off-guard, so they quickly began searching __________their notepad, which didn’t provide an obvious __________. Mr. Cronkite smiled and quickly rescued them, __________. “Being a good listener, boys. That’s what truly makes a great interview. Being a good __________will always lead you to the next best question.”

The boys looked up at the legendary broadcaster and suddenly __________ they had spent their whole hour robotically __________one scripted(照本宣科的) question after another meaninglessly, but not truly listening or __________to a single answer. And if they had listened, they could have allowed Mr. Cronkite’s answers to guide their question, and guide them to a far more __________ hour together.

1.A. company B. station C. town D. country

2.A. becoming B. knowing C. studying D. interviewing

3.A. replied B. cared C. accepted D. believed

4.A. minute B. hour C. day D. week

5.A. challenging B. fortunate C. important D. rewarding

6.A. separately B. anxiously C. independently D. carefully

7.A. gathered B. employed C. received D. composed

8.A. passed B. ended C. arrived D. occurred

9.A. looking at B. breaking down C. leaving up D. checking off

10.A. patient B. funny C. strange D. wise

11.A. making B. packing C. turning D. cleaning

12.A. slow B. peaceful C. great D. content

13.A. for B. inside C. through D. with

14.A. way B. answer C. favor D. chance

15.A. complaining B. warning C. declaring D. explaining

16.A. listener B. reporter C. broadcaster D. cameraman

17.A. mastered B. realized C. expected D. remembered

18.A. showing B. donating C. asking D. guiding

19.A. responding B. sticking C. objecting D. agreeing

20.A. effective B. unforgettable C. interesting D. meaningful


科目:高中英语 来源:河北省石家庄市2017届高三第一次复习教学质量检测英语试卷(有答案) 题型:短文改错







Recently, a famous basketball player has caused public angry by writing on the Great wall. In the fact, this happens in many place of interest. I had some suggestions to solve this problem.

First, make more posters to inform the public the damage of graffiti(涂鸦). Besides, punishments, such as a fine, is necessary to tourists with so bad behaviors. Also, I think it’s helpfully to put up some boards along the tourist attractions that tourists can leave messages.

I’m sure with our efforts, more and more people will become concerning about protecting cultural relics.


科目:高中英语 来源:2016-2017学年辽宁省大连市生学业水平考试英语模拟试卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空

When my son Gene was about 12 years old, I started helping him learn to _______. I bought twenty chickens and asked him to _______ them. I told him that they would be his own chickens and we would _______ the eggs from him. However, he would have to buy chicken _______ with the money he made from the eggs. Whatever money was _______ would be his to keep. Gene was _______, thinking he would make his first _______.

After several weeks’ successful work, I began to _______ that egg production was going down, I _______ nothing about it. Then one night, Gene told me he didn’t have ________ money to buy the feed. He said the chickens had never ________ a meal and he could not figure out why some of them had stopped ________ eggs.

Then I asked him if he had ________ the amount of feed he had given the chickens. He was ________. It was like he did not think ________would ever know what he had done. After a long ________, he said yes. He thought he would make more money if he gave them ________ food. I asked him, “Did you fool the chickens?”

I was just astonished at the question in my own ________. I was dumbfounded(惊呆) at the significance of it. Yes, you can fool everyone else, ________ you cannot “fool the chickens,” because ________, you will find out, as the saying goes, “What goes around comes around.”

1.A. cook B. share C. study D. work

2.A. take care of B. observe C. train D. pay attention to

3.A. enjoy B. borrow C. buy D. keep

4.A. nest B. soup C. meat D. feed

5.A. given back B. picked up C. left over D. brought in

6.A. thrilled B. worried C. satisfied D. discouraged

7.A. deal B. contribution C. fortune D. choice

8.A. hear B. notice C. predict D. imagine

9.A. said B. found C. thought D. recalled

10.A. prize B. lucky C. pocket D. enough

11.A. missed B. wasted C. saved D. finished

12.A. hatching B. laying C. bringing D. hiding

13.A. handed out B. checked out C. cut down D. put down

14.A. delighted B. shocked C. tired D. disappointed

15.A. nobody B. everybody C. someone D. anyone

16.A. silence B. absence C. discussion D. preparation

17.A. heavy B. fresher C. less D. solid

18.A. life B. job C. case D. mind

19.A. or B. but C. and D. so

20.A. in fact B. in the end C. in contrast D. in addition


科目:高中英语 来源:2017届河南省南阳、信阳等六市高三第一次联考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:短文填空

A 14-year-old Chinese boy overcame two of humankind’s most dreaded fears—getting stuck in an elevator and getting homework 1.(do) in a single night, owing to his calm-witted character.

Sun Yixiao was on his way up on Tuesday evening after school 2.the lift suddenly came to a stop. A moment of panic followed before the 3.(teenage) could find a way out.

Sun said he tried to open the elevator door, 4.(press) all the buttons in the hope to get the elevator to work again, but it didn’t work.

Without a cell phone at hand, Sun tried yelling to get attention of people outside, but no one responded as time passed by. He slipped a note through the door 5.the message “people stuck inside, please ask the property management for help,” and hoped someone 6.(pick) it up and act on it.

After exhausting all his options without knowing how long 7.would take before someone found him, he took out his textbooks and started to do his homework 8.(patient).

Soon after he finished his duties, Sun heard loud 9.(voice) outside. A large crowd including his teachers and other parents had come to the rescue, by which time he 10.(trap) in the elevator for over five hours.


科目:高中英语 来源:宁夏石嘴山市2016-2017学年高一下学期第一次月考英语试卷 题型:完成句子

He was _______(禁止)from attending the meeting.


科目:高中英语 来源:河南省英文学校2016-2017学年高一下学期第一次月考英语试卷 题型:短文改错

注意:1. 每句不超过两个错误;
2. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;
3. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

Yang Li, a five-year-old girl living next door to me, very clever. Because she is too old to go to school, she often asks me to teach herself to read, write and draw. She studies hardly and soon she learns a lot of. One evening last month I was doing my English homeworks when she came to my house. She asked me how I learned English. “You would find English a bridge to so much knowledge,” I said. She then wanted to learn English, either. She has learned many English words so far, but her parents are very grateful to me.

