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1What does Tom think of the new member of his basketball team?


2What does the woman suggest Tom do first?

A.Ask his coach for help.

B.Practice basketball more.

C.Talk to the new member.






W: Tom, how is the new member of your basketball team?

M: Well, I think he is a little unfriendly.

W: That’s a pity! What’s the problem?

M: He often laughs at me when I make small mistakes during the practice. That makes me upset.

W: Why don’t you talk to him?

M: I’ve tried, but it didn’t work.

W: I suggest you should have another heart-to-heart talk with him. If it still doesn’t work, ask your coach for help.

M: All right, Mom.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 It has been said that Lincoln was always ready to join in a laugh at himself. There is one particular story that he always told with great pleasure.

In his early days as a lawyer, Lincoln went from town to town to hear and judge legal cases. During one of these trips, he was sitting in a train when a strange man came up to him. The stranger looked at the tall awkward lawyer and said that he had something he believed belonging to Lincoln. Lincoln was a bit confused. He had never seen the man before. He didn't see how a total stranger could have something of his. Lincoln asked him how this could be. The stranger pulled out a pocket knife and began to explain. Many years before, he had been given the pocket knife. He had been told to keep it until be able to find a man uglier than himself. Lincoln's eyes always shined brightly when he reached this part of the story. The story always brought smiles to the faces who heard it. The story itself was funny. But even more interesting was the fact that a man as great as Lincoln could still laugh at himself.

1The passage is about .

A.Lincoln's storyB.a stranger's knife

C.a strange storyD.a stranger's trip

2Lincoln felt when the stranger wanted to give the pocket knife to him.


3From the story we know that Lincoln .

A.always laughed at othersB.liked to make friends

C.could still laugh at himselfD.was a handsome man


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】The eco-friendly water bottles are easy to ______, which causes no harm to the environment.

A.break downB.burn outC.burst outD.put down


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


I started playing the piano when I 1 (be) five years old and still really enjoy it now. It is a perfect way to relax and it cheers me up 2 I’m feeling down.

When I lived at home with my parents, we had 3 lovely piano in the house. Besides, I attended piano 4 (lesson) every week. However, when I went to university, I had to leave my family, my home and my piano behind.

I missed playing the piano so much that I spent all the money I saved on a new electric piano. I had 5 (difficult) taking it from the music shop to my house by myself, so I took a friend with me 6 (get) it home. When I felt tired after studying or writing a research paper, I would take a break to play something energetic, 7 really helped remove my great stress. When I was feeling homesick, playing music made me feel much 8 (good).

Now I’m on my year abroad and I don’t have a piano any more, 9 I still listen to a lot of classical music 10 (write) by my favorite composers like Beethoven and Chopin. I think that, when I get home next time, I’ll drive my family mad because I’ll play the piano all the time.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 Why do you run? Different people have different reasons. Whatever your reason is, there’s one thing we can be sure of: Running is much better injury-free. In his book, Dr. Jordan Metzl’s Running Strong, Metzl has the perfect suggestions for enjoying your running without losing your well-being (健康). Here are five must-follow rules for injury-free running:

Train for your level of fitness and your goals.

Don’t run more miles than your body can deal with. If you run for fitness and your goal is about 30 minutes a day, that’s cool. But if you are just starting out, 1

Wear the right shoes for your feet.

You will hear lots of opinions about whether running shoes really help prevent injury and whether you should even wear them. 2 And some of you may need a little added assistance from inserts (鞋垫).


Be honest about how much sleep you need and stick to it. The cool runner is the one who wins the race. Sleep will get you there.

Fuel (提供能量) your body right for running and recovery.

4 And after a workout or race, you need to deliver nutrients to all the body rebuilders in your muscles, so they can do their job and get you back into tip-top shape for your run tomorrow.

Pay attention to pain.

When pain changes the way you run, stop running. 5 And use dynamic rest (动态休息) to stay in shape until you are back on your running feet.

A. Get seven to eight hours of sleep every night.

B. Try to find out what is going on and treat the pain.

C. you need to get there slowly.

D. Running should be seen as fun rather than pain.

E. It is because of the health benefits, including lowering your risk of disease.

F. The right running shoes can help correct foot-movement problems that lead to injury.

G. A good pre-run meal plan is one that keeps you stepping strong.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 Small talk is stressful for even the most easy-going people. 1 Below, small-talk experts share their best advice on developing good chatting skills.

Ask questions.

The key to good small talk is asking the other person a lot of questions. But avoid rapid-fire questions. 2 Be sure to express your own feelings in response to what they share.

Avoid conversation starters like “How have you been?”

You could not ask a more awkward question. A better way to produce meaningful conversation is to add “What is new in your life since the last time I saw you?

Avoid one-word answers.

3 When someone asks you a question, give them something to talk about with you, not a word or two. Fine said, if someone asks you, “How was your summer?”, you can answer, for instance. My summer was great. I’m excited about my vegetable garden. That will give the person something else to ask you about.


Your facial expression and body language should let the other person know you’re truly listening to them. A recent study showed that people who used hand or head gestures received responses to their questions faster than those who didn’t.

Small talk may help you connect with someone new with whom you want to have a more serious talk. 5

A.You don’t have to be a reporter.

B.Don’t worry about it too much, though.

C.You could not ask a more inconvenient question.

D.It’s the first step to any meaningful relationship.

E.Use your hands to keep the conversation flowing.

F.Don’t be a disappointing person in a conversation.

G.You should make a conversation with people you like.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


You may not want to admit it,but actually at one time in your life,you've talked to an animal.Maybe it was letting a dog know it was a good dog 1 asking a cat where it had been.Maybe you gave words of 2(encourage)to an elephant or scolded a sheep. Whichever animal it was you talked to,one thing is for sure:it probably didn't talk back. What if it could? 3science)are working on ways to not only understand what animals are saying,but also study whether they can talk back one day.Maybe their work will change 4way we think about animals in the future.

So far,no one 5 (prove)that an animal or a species has a language,partly because there is no 6(universe)idea of what can be considered as a language.But 7(broad)speaking,language should be a distinct and organized form of communication, 8has been learned and used willingly.When your dog barks,you don't consider it as language.The reason is that dogs are born with the ability.But some studies suggest that some animals do communicate in a very complex manner 9show)characteristics of language.So,maybe we are close 10talking with animals.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


That football is such a simple game to play is perhaps the b1of its popularity. It is also a game t2is very cheap to play. You don’t need e3equipment; even the ball doesn’t have to c4 much money. All over the world you can see kids p5 to their hearts’ content with a ball made of plastic bags; just like Pele did when he was a boy.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】近几年全球地震频发。地震会造成包括房屋倒塌,人员伤亡等在内的一系列的不良后果。所以在发生地震时如何保护自己便成了一个重要的话题。请你以“How to Survive in an Earthquake”为题写一篇文章。







