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【题目】 About 12 years ago, I began making a series of dolls called “Wee Forest Folk”. At first, I made them from cloth but then began using a kind of polymer clay (软陶) called Cernit. The cloth dolls were beautiful, but it was impossible to get the level of details (细节) I can get with clay.

First, I use wire (金属丝) to build the shape of the doll. Then I cover the head, hands, and feet around the wire by using the Cernit. Then I make the doll's clothes myself, using lots of different materials. The completed dolls are fixed onto hardwood bases made by my father, Jim Logan.

Generally, the dolls show older people taking part in traditional activities. I've always had a great respect for the older generation.

Inspiration for the dolls often comes from people I know. Once I was caught looking too closely at the wrinkles (皱纹) on the face of one of my mom's friends. But I explained that her laughter lines made her more attractive.

Now I work as a teacher's assistant, and while I was raising my two daughters, Keri and Sheryl, I could work on the dolls only late at night. The girls loved to come downstairs the next morning to see who'd arrived in the night.

It's the detail that I enjoy working on the most. I once made a fisherman doll for a lady to give her father, including a tiny creel — a basket used by fishermen for carrying fish. When the man got the doll, he immediately opened the creel to see what was inside. Luckily, I'd made a small fish out of Cernit and placed it in the basket.

Hopefully my story will inspire others to try their hand at doll making — I find it very relaxing and interesting.

1The dolls called “Wee Forest Folk” were________

A.totally handmade

B.mainly made of cloth

C.usually for small kids

D.often designed by the author's father

2Why did the author look closely at her mother's friend's face?

A.To guess her age.

B.To get creative ideas.

C.To give her a surprise.

D.To find out why she was so attractive.

3The author tells the story of the fisherman doll to show that________

A.it takes much effort to make a doll

B.it is difficult to satisfy everyone

C.the old also love her dolls

D.her dolls have fine details







1细节理解题。第一、二段详细讲述了作者制作娃娃的过程,特别是根据第一段中的At first, I made them from cloth but then began using a kind of polymer clay (软陶) called Cernit.及第二段中的First, I use wire (金属丝) to build the shape of the doll. Then I cover the head, hands, and feet around the wire by using the Cernit. Then I make the doll's clothes myself, using lots of different materials.等细节可知,这些娃娃是作者纯手工制作的,故A项正确。

2细节理解题。根据第四段中的Inspiration for the dolls often comes from people I know. Once I was caught looking too closely at the wrinkles(皱纹) on the face of one of my mom's friends.可知,塑造娃娃的面部表情的灵感通常来自我认识的人,有一次,我密切地注视着我妈妈的一个朋友脸上的皱纹。由此可知,作者仔细看她母亲的朋友的脸是为了获得创造性的想法。故B项正确。

3推理判断题。根据倒数第二段中的It's the detail that I enjoy working on the most. I once made a fisherman doll for a lady to give her father,可知,我最喜欢处理细节,我曾经为一位女士做了一个渔夫娃娃,让她送给她的父亲,作者提到渔夫娃娃的故事就是为了证明她的娃娃有很好的细节。故D项正确。

本篇第3题推理判断题难度较大,抓住段落主题句是关键,根据倒数第二段第一句It's the detail that I enjoy working on the most.可知,我最喜欢处理细节,紧接着提到我曾经为一位女士做了一个渔夫娃娃,作者提到渔夫娃娃的故事就是为了证明这一点,即:她的娃娃有很好的细节。故D项正确。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1It is obviously that the Internet has affected our life deeply.

2Carry on, and your dream will be come true sooner or later.

3If you got up early this morning, you would have caught the first bus to work.

4It is so fine weather that that we want to have a picnic.

5There is going to have an important sports game in our city next month.

6My classmate has made rapid progresses in his study so far.

7I know the girl whom bike was lost in the park yesterday.

8I can’t stand talk in front of the class.

9The population of Shanghai is a lot more than that of Huainan.

10I’d like to congratulate you for your passing the final examination.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


Justin, my brother, has been missing for several days. I miss him very much. I'm worried something bad has happened to him. 1I didn't see him that night, I heard him 2( play) his favorite CD in his bedroom. But where has he gone?

Yesterday a lady 3( name) Mavis Wood told me that she once 4( take) away by aliens. They did some research on her. But 5 (luck) , they returned her home without any 6 (injure) . If Justin has been taken away by aliens too, I hope they will return him soon.

My parents have been 7(worry) about Justin. Soon after he was found missing, they called the police. However, the police are not making much progress. They are very puzzled,8( say) that they would try their best to find out the reason 9 Justin had been missing. Dad is very disappointed with them. He doesn't think they are doing their job well. Mum is so worried10she can't sleep well. I hope Justin will come home soon and tell us what happened to him. I want all of us to be together again.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1The anti-smoking movement has only partly _______(成功).

2Anytime we give a speech, we should speak loud and _______(自信).

3It’s _______(恐惧) to think how easily children can be hurt.

4We are discussing a theme _______(探索) by Mrs. Gaskell in her later novels.

5I notice that the _______(广告) misses out the price of the product.

6We finished the project three weeks ahead of s_______.

7He may look young, but he is a________45 years old.

8My boss is r________ from a heart attack.

9Jenifer cut the cake into six e________ parts, so everyone can have the same piece.

10The Titanic s________after hitting an iceberg.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】假如你是《当代中学生》的主编Li Hua,你收到了一封读者来信,请根据信件内容,给Confused daughter写封建议信。

Dear Sir,

I have a mum who is just like a camera in the home. She wants to know everything about me and decides everything for me. I know that is her special love to me, yet I still hope she can respect and trust me. Could you please give me some advice?

Best regards,

Confused daughter

注意:1. 词数100左右;

2. 信的开头已为你写出,不计入总词数。


私人空间: private space

:generation gap

Dear Confused daughter,

I’m deeply concerned about your situation.



Li Hua


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】The Roma originally lived in northern India in ________ is now Pakistan, and later tried in vain to settle down ________ they could live and trade peacefully.

A.where; whereB.which; in whichC.which; whereD.what; where


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 What we know of prebirth training makes all this attempt made by a mother to influence the character of her unborn child by studying poetryartor mathematics during pregnancy seem totally impossible. How could such extremely complex influences pass from the mother to the childThere is no connection between their nervous systems. Even the blood vessels of mother and child do not join directly. An emotional shock to the mother will affect her childbecause it changes the activity of her glands() and the chemistry of her blood. Any chemical change in the mother's blood will affect the child for better or worse. But we can not see how a looking for mathematics or poetic genius can be dissolved(溶解) in blood and produce a similar liking or genius in the child.

In our discussion of instincts(本能) we saw that there was reason to believe that whatever we inherit(继承) must be of some very simple sort rather than any complicated or very definite kind of behavior. It is certain that no one inherits a knowledge of mathematics. It may behoweverthat children inherit more or less of a rather general ability that we may call intelligence. If very intelligent children become deeply interested in mathematicsthey will probably make a success of that study.

As for musical abilityit may be that what is inherited is an especially sensitive eara special structure of the hands or the vocal(发声的) organs connections between nerves and muscles. If these factors are all organized around musicthe child may become a musician. The same factorsin other circumstancemight be organized about some other center of interest.

The rich emotional equipment might find expression in poetry. The capable fingers might develop skill in surgery. It is not the knowledge of music that is inheritedthen nor even the love of itbut a certain bodily structure that makes it comparatively easy to acquire musical knowledge and skill. Whether that ability shall be directed toward music or some other fields may be decided entirely by forces in the environment in which a child grows up.

1What can we learn from the first paragraph

A.Mothers' prebirth training is totally unlikely to influence the character of unborn children.

B.A pregnant mother needn't have prebirth training because of no nervous connection with her child.

C.A mother can't help her child become a talented poet just by studying poems during pregnancy.

D.An emotional shock to the mother has little effect on her unborn child for their unconnected vessels.

2It can be concluded from the passage that a child may not inherit ________ from mother.

A.sensitive earsB.capable fingers

C.intelligenceD.a knowledge of maths

3Which of the following can be the best title of the passage

A.Role of InheritanceB.Role of the Environment

C.An Unborn ChildD.Inherited Talents


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1What did the man buy on Saturday?

A.A watch.

B.A shirt.

C.A pair of shoes.

2What did the man do on Sunday?

A.He read a book.

B.He went swimming.

C.He did his homework.

3What is the woman’s opinion about her trip to the amusement park?



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】假设你是李华,你校美国外教Mr. Smith看到中国过新年时家家门口贴着“福”字,而且还“倒”着,感到很好奇。请根据下面的内容给他写信做个介绍:





Note: Blessing 贴倒福: Upside down Blessing

Dear Mr. Smith,

From your letter I learned that __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Li Hua

