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14.I was on my way to the sahara desert.The sun was setting(61)when   my car broke down near a remote village.Cursing(咒骂) my(62)misfortune  (fortune),I was wondering where I was going to spend the night when I realized that the villagers who had gathered around me were arguing as to who should have the honour of receiving me as a guest in their house.Finally,I accepted the offer of (63)an   80-year-old peasant woman who lived alone in a little house.While she was getting me(64)settled  (settle) into a tiny but clean room,the head of the village was tying up his horse to my car to pull it to a small town some 20kilometers away(65)where   there was a garage.
I had noticed three hens(66)running  (run) free in my hostess'courtyard and that night one of (67)them  ended up in a dish on my table.Other villagers brought me goat's cheese and honey.We drank together and talked(68)merrily   (merry) till far into the night.
When the time came for me to say goodbye(69)to  my friends in the village,I wanted to reward the old woman for the trouble I ( 70)had caused   (cause) her.But she refused.

分析 本文作者主要写了自己在沙漠中的一次经历,得到了村里人的热情款待和帮助.

解答 61.答案是when.考查连词,根据句意"我的车在一个偏远的村子旁边坏了的时候,太阳就要落了",when连词"当…的时候",引导时间状语,所以答案是when.
   65.答案是where.考查定语从句,根据句意二十公里之外的一个小镇那里有一个汽车修理厂,先行词是the town,在从句中做地点状语,所以用关系副词where引导,故答案是where.
  69.答案是to.考查介词,根据句意"向他们说再见",say goodbye to sb是英语的固定用法"向某人说再见",所以答案是to.
   70.答案是had caused.考查时态,本故事的叙述都是过去时,我想回报这个老妇人用的是过去时,因为我给她造成的麻烦,应该是之前发生,所以要用过去完成时,故答案是had caused.

点评 语法填空是通过语篇在语境中考查语法知识的运用能力,在解题前应快速浏览短文掌握大意,在读懂短文的基础上,结合短文提供的特定的语言环境去逐句分析.要解决好语法填空,离不开坚实的语法知识,有了坚实的语法知识才能对语言进行正确的分析和判断,从而答对题目.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:书面表达

Dear Bruce,
I'd like to study English in your language center this summer vacation.I think it will greatly improve my spoken English and also I'll learn about American culture.Studying in a traditional class in our country,I'd like a change.I think it's better to discuss in class and it'll be interesting to make a survey of society.If I have a chance to stay in an American family,which will be better.(高分句型一)Living there,I can enjoy their culture and foods.I am wondering if I have a chance to live near the language center.If so,I can go to school on foot,which I think it is easy for me to get to know the place quickly.(高分句型二)
Besides,I'd like some information about your fees.I'd be grateful if you give me a hand.Looking forward to your reply.
Best wishes!
Yours sincerely,
Li Hua.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

5.As millions of migrant workers head home to reunite with their families,no one/nobody is happier than their children.(happy)


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

2.The endless noise is driving me crazy.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

9.In the terrible earthquake,many people were killed or seriouslyinjured (injure).


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

19.Half a year before graduating from college.my began to seek a job and soon got an interview.There were only three people(16)forthe final interview.The interview was vrey simple,during(17)whichtime the interview only chatted with them for a while.The interview said to them,"All of you are very good.please go home and wait for our(18)response(respond)."
   Three days later,my son received a message from the company saying that he had not been offered(19)thejob.My son flet deeply disappointied.But later in the evening,he told me he had received(20)anothermessage saying that he had been employed by the company.
   Actually,the first message(21)sent(send)to my son was also part of the test in the interview.The three men received the same message.(22)butonly my son′s reply satisfied the company,so he(23)was given(give)the job.I asked my son,"How did all of you reply?"My son said,"One did not reply,"the other said"goodbye",and i said"thank you."
   Only then did I  know that my son's job came in that way.That is,when you feel disappointed,do not forget to say"thank you"to the one(24)whodisappoints you (25)Saying(say)"thank you"shows respect for other′s work and shows your grand generosity.Threefore,while under the same condition,you may get more chances compared to others.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

6.-How often do you go to the cinema?
-_____,but usually twice a month.(  )
A.It all dependsB.Have no ideasC.No wonderD.Not at all


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

3.Everybody cheats.Whether it's the taxi driver who tricks a visitor and takes them the long way round,or the shop assistant who doesn't give the correct change,or the police officer who accepts a bribe (贿赂)-everybody's at it.Cheats in the nest include the scientist whose research was based on fake data,the game show competitors who worked with a friend in the audience or win a million pounds,and the doctor who made up his qualifications and wasn't really a doctor at all.Everybody cheats; nobody's playing the game.
    Is cheating acceptable,a natural way of surviving and being successful?Or is it something that should be frowned on,and young people discouraged from doing?If it's the latter how can we explain to children why so many bend the rules?
Take sport for example.The Word Cup was filled with cheating.Whether diving,pretending to be hurt or denying a handball,footballers will do anything for a free-kick or a penalty shot.France striker Henry denied cheating to win the free-kick which led to his side's second goal in their 3-1 victory over Spain.Many footballers,however,are often putting it on.Whatever the nationality there's one common ploy:the player rolls over holding their leg,ankle or head seeming to be in great pain.As a result a yellow card and/or free-kick is given for the foul and then,a few seconds later,the player is up and about as if nothing had happened!The ref (裁判) may be taken in by it but youngsters watching the game aren't.they also see their heroes getting away with it.
Of course it's not just football.In 1998 the Tour de France,the world's greatest cycling event,was hit by a drug-taking scandal (丑闻).The 40 bottles of forbidden drugs found with the Fustian team caused a massive investigation that almost caused the Tour to be abandoned.One rider,Veronique,was banned for 9 months.He claimed:"You have cheats in sport,just as you do in business-there will always be people trying to take a short cut.At least we're not turning a blind eye to the problem,which other sports are."
Is it all unavoidable?There's huge pressure on all athletes to perform for their fans and for their sponsors.It's success,money and power that rule professional sport rather than an honest at tempt to do the best one can.
Meanwhile companies around the world are losing billions of dollars to fake products.From cut price CDs and DVDs to sportswear,cheap fake products are everywhere.It has become socially acceptable to buy fake Gucci bags and illegal copies of films.If parents are doing this,their children will follow.
So perhaps it's not surprising that around the world more pupils than ever are caught cheating during exams.In one case missing exam papers were put up for sale on the Internet.In another,widespread cheating took place by pupils using their mobile phones to receive tested answers.They blame the pressure put on them to do well in exams.It doesn't help that their role models are alos cheats.Surely we can't complain when we're setting such a bad example.
50.According to the passage,in which way can a game show player cheat?B
A.By taking an indirect way.
B.By gaining aid from a friend.
C.By taking forbidden drugs.
D.By selling fake products.
51.The phrase"be frowned on"(Paragraph 2)most probably meansA
A.to be disapproved of                                    
B.to be pushed forward
C.to be taken the place of            
D.to be stuck with
52.The writer's suppose for writing this passage is toD
A.explain why people in almost every field cheat
B.complain about cheats in school education
C.persuade young people not to cheat in exams
D.blame the society for tolerating cheats
53.The writer mentions the example of the World Cup in Paragraph 3 in order toA
A.show cheating is a common phenomenon nowadays
B.discuss the relationship between sport and cheating
C.explore the nature of cheating in important events
D.warn coaches and athletes of the danger of cheating
54.Which of the following is the main idea of the passage?C
A.Exams are not a good way of testing children.
B.Children are natural cheats.
C.If adults cheat,children will cheat too.
D.Everyone including children cheats.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

4.-Could I ask you a personal question?
-Sure,________.(  )
A.pardon me.B.go ahead.C.good idea.D.forget it.

