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1. This bank has formed three______(分支机构) in three different cities.
2. When you are abroad, you must find ways to______(使…适应) yourself to the culture and custom
3. The man decided to buy some        . (家具)
4. Children should be told not to follow      (陌生人).
5. He is one of the winners of the game ____(属于)to our class.
6. As everyone knows, children are ______(好奇)about how things work.
7. It is _______(方便的)to live near stores and bus stations.
8. She's ______(很少)seen to read a newpaper in her spare time.
9. What's your_____(态度)to the plan that we'll spend a lot of money on this project?
10. Bill was doing a lot of exercise to build up his       (力量).
1. branches  2. adapt  3. furniture   4. strangers  5. belonging  
6. curious  7. convenient  8. seldom  9. attitude 10. strength

科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1.As he has no opportunity to achieve his a________, he intends to leave from the company.

2. When something can help people or improve their lives, we say it is ________ (有益的) to people.

3. I’m interested in the classical ___________(文学) of France.

4. I offer you my hearty c______________ on your success.

5. They  will __________(宣布)  the results of the election soon.

6. Tom and Jane want to get d__________ .That means they intend to end their marriage.

7.To his ______________ (满意), he passed the examination.

8.His strength was s__________ to death.

9. The clouds were r______________  in the lake. Didn’t you see them?

10.The sailor had to a___________ the sinking ship.


科目:高中英语 来源:2013-2014学年贵州省高二上学期期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单词拼写


1.Fresh air and exercise           (有助于) to good health.

2.The origins of the          (宇宙) are still a mystery.

3.The government has              (阐明) its position on equal pay for women.

4.Her gentleness has given me a deep             (印象).

5.She demanded that she be kept              (通知)of developments.

6.Most of the factories under           (建设)have been designed by the Chinese designers.

7.I don’t mind              (学到)that skill if it is useful.

8.Researchers use the terms east and west very              (粗略地).

9.When he came to life, he found himself               (包围)by some small people.

10.We gave our classroom a ______       (彻底) cleaning before the National Day.



科目:高中英语 来源:2014届内蒙古巴市高一下学期期末考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单词拼写


1.Sam became rich because of the _________ (发现)of gold in this area.

2.Sam was getting b______with the TV programme, so he turned off the TV and went to bed.

3.Charlie made people laugh and feel c_________(满足的)with their lives.  

4.People are ________ (困惑的)about all the different labels on food .

5.In the past ten years, Government has ___________(减少) the price of certain drugs for some 11 times.     

6.Charlie was given a special Oscar for his__________ (杰出的)work in films. 

7.The news spread t_________     the world quickly.

8.___________ (不幸的是) both his parents were killed in an accident.

9.He ___________ (克服) his fear of heights and followed the others to the top of the mountain.

10.The play was so ________  (幽默的)that the audience laughed all through it.



科目:高中英语 来源:2013届甘肃省高二下学期第二次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单词拼写


1.He  _________(捐赠)his collection of pictures to the museum.

2.The sailors had to _________(遗弃)the sinking ship .

3.Everybody in the class is expected to _____(参加)in these discussion.

4.The People’s Republic of China was founded on _________(十月)1st.

5.Is _________(星期六)the last day of the week?

6.This kind of mushroom is _________(有毒的)though it looks beautiful. Don’t eat it!

7.It is _________(方便的)to place the toilets near the entrance to the cinema.

8.You can use the cards for any special occasion—weddings, births, _________(周年纪念日),etc.

9.He decided to stay there for a _________(两星期)

10.I was nearly scared to _________(死)when I saw a snake yesterday.



科目:高中英语 来源:2011年吉林省高二年级上学期期末英语试卷 题型:其他题


1.At the age of 18, he was told that he had been a_________ by a couple who didn’t have any children.

2.My brother picked up French when he studied as a(n) e_______ student in France

3.A good timetable should be f          , which can be changed according to different situations.

4.Could you tell the _________ (确定的) time for the meeting? I’m not sure about it.

5.He didn’t feel d__________, even though he faced many difficulties.

6.When she saw the beautiful painting, she wanted to           (占有) it.

7.He a        his power as the manager by giving his son a job in the company, which made us angry.

8.English is __________ (分布广泛的) and used in most international meetings.

9.What she told me was not a dream but an __________(实际的) event.

10.He gave me a              (保证) that it would never happen again.


