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    3. ×ܽᷢÑÔ¡£

        ×¢Ò⣺1. ´ÊÊý£º1 20×óÓÒ£»



Ladies and gentlemen,

 It¡¯s my honor to give a speech here. My topic of speech is ¡°Smile for life, and every day will be sunshine.¡±              _________________________________        ___     

              _________________________________        ___                        





Thanks for your attention.   




Ladies and gentlemen,

     It¡¯s my honor to give a speech here. My topic of speech is ¡±Smile for life, and every day  will be sunshine¡± It conveys the message that positive attitude really counts in our life. Once we adopt a positive attitude towards life, we may overcome whatever difficulty there is in our way, realize our dreams and gain success. 

Here I share one experience with you. With the College Entrance Examination drawing near, I was filled with great anxiety. Under great pressure, I couldn¡¯t applying myself to study, resulting in failing in the examination. I got very frustrated. Just then ,my head teacher, Miss Zhang, approached me and said ¡°In life we all have moments when we can¡¯t achieve what we want. It is natural. Don¡¯t allow those moments to weaken you, but turn them into motivation to inspire you.¡± Her words were a reminder which provided me with constant encouragement to smile for life. Consequently, I gained what I deserved .

So from the story, it is an optimistic attitude that matters most of all. It gives you the confidence to confront tough difficulties and to achieve what you want in your life.

Thanks for your attention!


ÊÔÌâ·ÖÎö£º±¾ÆªÊéÃæ±í´ïÒªÇóдһƪÌâΪ¡°Smile for life, and every day will be sunshine¡±µÄÑݽ²¸å¡£ÄÚÈÝÒªÇó°üÀ¨Èý¸ö·½Ã棬ËùÒÔÔڽṹ°²ÅÅÉÏ¿ÉÒÔ²ÉÓÃÈý¶Îʽ£¬À´·Ö±ð½éÉÜÈý·½ÃæµÄÄÚÈÝ¡£´ËÍ⣬ΪÁ˳äʵÎÄÕÂÄÚÈÝ£¬¿ÉÒÔ³ä·Ö·¢»ÓÏëÏóÁ¦£¬Êʵ±Ôö¼Óϸ½Ú¡£ÔÚÓïÑÔ·½Ã棬ÒòΪ±¾ÎÄÒªÇóдµÄÊÇÑݽ²¸åËùÒÔÓïÑÔÒªÓиÐȾÁ¦£¬¶øÇÒ»¹Òª×¢ÒâÁ¬½Ó´ÊµÄÕýÈ·ÔËÓã¬ÒÔʹÎÄÕÂÄÚÈÝÁ¬¹á£¬ÓïÑÔ×ÔÈ»Á÷³©¡£

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3. ×ܽᷢÑÔ¡£
Ladies and Gentlemen,
It¡¯s my honour to give a speech here. My topic of speech is ¡°Smile for Life, and Every Day will be Sunshine¡±.
Thanks for your attention!


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3. ×ܽᷢÑÔ¡£

×¢Ò⣺1. ´ÊÊý£º1 20×óÓÒ£»



Ladies and gentlemen,

 It¡¯s my honor to give a speech here. My topic of speech is ¡°Smile for life, and every day will be sunshine.¡±              _________________________________        ___     

Thanks for your attention.   



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3. ×ܽᷢÑÔ¡£


Ladies and Gentlemen,

It¡¯s my honour to give a speech here. My topic of speech is ¡°Smile for Life, and Every Day will be Sunshine¡±.


Thanks for your attention!



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will be Sunshine, ÇëÄã¾Í¸Ã»°ÌâÕ¹¿ªÑݽ²¡£ÄãµÄÑݽ²±ØÐë°üº¬ÒÔÏÂÈý¸ö·½ÃæµÄÄÚÈÝ£º
2. ÓÃÒ»¸öÊÂÀýÀ´Ö§³ÖÄãµÄÀí½â£»
3 .×ܽᷢÑÔ¡£
Ladies and Gentlemen,
     It's my honour to give a speech here. My topic of speech is "Smile for Life, and Every Day
will be Sunshine".
     Thanks for your attention!

