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4.This painting is splendid,but _______ we actually need it is a different matter.(  )

分析 这幅画非常好,但我们是否真需要还是个问题.

解答 答案:C
分析句式可知,"_______ we actually need it"是句子的主语,引导一个主语从句,判断不缺主语和宾语.根据句意缺一个whether,意为"是否".

点评 考查主语从句.考生需了解主语从句的用法并能准确判断句子所用引导词.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

14.Before you decide to leave your job,         the effect it will have on your family.(  )
A.considerB.consideringC.to considerD.considered


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

15.Work hard,__________ you will succeed sooner or later.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

12.-What did you do last weekend?
-Oh,nothing ________.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

19.People were puzzled _______ they read the book.(  )
A.the first timeB.at the first time
C.for the first timeD.at first


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

9.What is the definition of"happiness"?Is it material wealth filled (61)with  fancy cars,a dream house and jewelry?Or does happiness(62)simply(simple) mean having a roof over your head?Love?Money?
For a child of divorce,maybe the biggest happiness is for Mom and Dad to get back together again.Then as he gets older,he will be full of happiness if he(63)is given (give) a chance to a party.During college,(64)being allowed(allow) to have a short holiday are bound to delight him,making him feel happy for a short while.
We work hard to accumulate things so we can pay our rents,credit card debts,car payments and the list goes on and on.At some point,(65)though/althoughwe have most of what we want,we still aren't happy.Now since we've learned to adapt to new standards which we've created for ourselves,we find that we have less time,less patience,less sleep,(66)Which leads to more stress and more anxiety.Therefore,don't stupidly make a conclusion that happiness is just the"things"(67)based (base) on material wealth.
Happiness is part of love,and love is (68)anocean.Go dive in and get some,and then share (69)it with everyone,which can be an (70)endless(end) supply of happiness.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

16.Is there a cave near here?I don't want to pitch our tent in a field.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

13.---Have you moved into your new house?
---Not yet.Itis being painted(paint)at present.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

5.Our lives were supposed to be more flexible and family-friendly thanks to the technology at our fingertips.But in this age of BlackBerrys,recession pressures,working at home after hours and on weekends,family time may not be working out the way we thought.
    Busy parents who expected more time with the kids are Finding that more work hours at home don't necessarily translate into quality time with them.
    A new generation of parents needs to discover the meaning of"quality time,"researchers say."Personally,just given the life I lead,I think there is something to this idea of quality time-spending productive time with children vs.just being around,"says Peter Brandon,a professor at Carleton College.He says engaging or interacting with a child in activities such as reading or playing counts as quality time rather than"passive monitoring,"such as washing the dishes while the child is watching TV.
"This time with children pays off,"Brandon says.He notes that good parent-child relationships result in children being happier and more successful,including at school.
As parents struggle to be more availabie to their kids,new research on work and family  schedules to be presented Friday at the meeting in Dallas includes a study that shows parents'availability is on the decline because more parents are in the workforce.Although parents today may be spending more time on child care,they are less available overall.
     Working parents who spend less time with their children should try to make sure the time they do spend is communicating with them,vs.doing the dishes or spending more time on themselves,Brandon says"The trade-off is not necessarily taking away time from your kid,"he says"You're taking away time from other things".
71.The first paragraph mainly intends to tell us thatD.
   A.technology lets parents work at home
   B.parents are satisfied with their work
   C.technology makes our lives much easier
   D.the family time is not always satisfying
72.We can learn from the third paragraph thatA.
   A.some families are not experiencing quality time
   B.it's enough for parents to stay with their children
   C.parents enjoy engaging in work-at-home activities
   D.working hours at home can transform into quality time
73.According to Brandon,the quality time meansC
   A.just,being around with children
   B.work time is separate from family time
   C.spending instructive time with children
   D.letting the children do whatever they want to do
74.The underlined sentence"This time with children pays"off meansC
   A.the time with children is of little value
   B.the time with children costs quite a lot
   C.the time with children leads to good result
   D.the time with children has a bad effect on them
75.What will the author most probably talk about in next part of the passage?D
   A.How to spend more time at home
   B.How to do the dishes in a proper way..
   C.How to spend more time on working at home.
   D.How to take away time in a much proper way.

