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It was on a cold night of December. The rain was pouring on the car roof as Albert and Andy drove through the empty country roads towards their friends’ house, the Harrisons,where they were going to attend a party to celebrate the engagement of the Harrisons’ daughter,Lisa. When they drove, they listened to the local radio giving a news announcement:The New York police have issued a warning after a man escaped from Shangdi Mental Hospital earlier this morning .The man ,John, is a murderer who killed six people.

Andy felt frightened, “A crazy killer is out somewhere.” “Don’t worry about it ,” said her husband. “We’re nearly there now. Anyway, we have more important things to worry about. This car is losing power for the engine.” As he spoke, the car began to slow down. Finally the engine died completely. “Now we’ll have to walk in the rain.” “But that’ll take us an hour at least,” said Andy, “And I have my high-heeled shoes and my nice clothes on, which will be ruined!”  “Well, you’ll have to wait while I run to the nearest house and call the Harrisons. Someone can come out and pick us up,”said George. “But George! Have you forgotten what the radio said? There’s an insane person out there!” “You’ll have to hide in the back of the car. Lock all the doors and lie on the floor in the back. When I come back, I’ll knock three times on the door. Then you can open it.” Albert opened the door and disappeared into the darkness.

Some time later she heard the sound of vehicles, running quickly down the road. The three vehicles were all police cars. One of them rushed towards the car as Andy opened the door. A policeman said, “Get out of the car and walk. You’re safe now. Just don’t look back.” something in the way he spoke filled Andy with cold horror. About ten yards from the police car, she stopped , turned and looked back at the empty vehicle. Albert was hanging from the tree, a rope tied to his neck.

41.Where would the Albert and Andy go before this incident happened?

  A.To the mental hospital to visit their friend.

  B.To the police station to report the murder

  C.To their friend’s home for the party

  D.To the radio station for the programme

42.The underlined part “an insane person” in the passage refers to ____.

  A.terrible storm   B.crazy killer   C.busy road   D.policeman

43.Why did Andy stay in the car when Albert left?

  A.She wanted very much to get some sleep.

  B.She daren’t go out on a cold night.

  C.She was afraid that the car would be stolen.

  D.Her clothes were unfit for the weather.

44.Why did the policeman tell her not to look back when he brought her out of the car?

  A.He wouldn’t like her to see her husband’s body

  B.A man acting strangely was waiting behind her.

  C.He wanted her to forget everything that had happened

  D.He didn’t wish her to see the damage done to the car.



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:单选题

It was on the farm ________ he spent his childhood he learned how to grow vegetables.

  1. A.
    where; that
  2. B.
    which; when
  3. C.
    that; that
  4. D.
    which; which


科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年安徽泗县双语中学高三5月模拟测试英语卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

It was on November 15, 2010 ______ a big fire happened in Shanghai, ______ was a great shock to lots of people.

A.when; that        B.that; when         C.which; when       D.that; which



科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年黑龙江齐齐哈尔实验中学高三二模英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完型填空

When I was in college twenty-five years ago, I spent four summers working in 36 at a luxury hotel in downtown Chicago. 37 , I was a maid.

I did not enter the world of housekeeping enthusiastically. My friends had 38 jobs such as making ice cream, selling goods at the mall, or life guarding at the outdoor pool. I had been hoping to get a job as an office lady for a famous company: 39 pay, air-conditioned office, the gold standard for summer jobs, as most of us dreamed of. When that 40 , the only option left was to take a train ride downtown each morning to work as a maid.

It was tiring work, cleaning up to eighteen rooms a day. My 41 attitude reflected my disdain(鄙视) for cleaning toilets, 42 bed sheets, dusting, eight hours a day for the comfort of total strangers who 43 left a tip. I thought it was beneathme. My maid work was average 44  the day I was assigned to the eighteenth floor.

That was Lorena’s regular floor. The only time another maid set foot on it was on Lorena’s day off. If you left any water 45 on the mirror, or a hair on the bed, Lorena would hunt you down when she 46 , as I found out firsthand. She’d ended her lecture to me with “ 47 some pride in your work.”

She did. And so did Rosalie, Helen, Annette, and all the other experienced maids. Their devotion to doing a good job and their belief that their work was a 48 of their character stuck with me throughout my 49 career after graduation. I learned a lot from them during those four summers.

Not a week would go without one of them 50 some firm but friendly advice: “Where’s your commode brush? You don’t have one? How do you expect to get that bowl clean?”

Their pride in a job well done was reflected in how they treated 51 . They left the building at the end of the day in nice dresses and 52 makeup. They looked like they could have been attending an afternoon tea. And, 53 often, they were smiling and laughing, cheerfully greeting their co-workers a good evening. When you work with happiness and 54 , a job will be well done. I believe there is 55 in any job if you work hard and try your best.

1.                A.cleaning        B.housekeeping    C.serving   D.managing


2.                A.In short         B.In brief         C.In other words D.On the other hand


3.                A.winter         B.summer        C.awful D.permanent


4.                A.extra           B.poor           C.average  D.good


5.                A.fell over        B.fell through      C.fell down D.fell off


6.                A.negative        B.right           C.excellent D.casual


7.                A.making         B.spreading       C.changing  D.doing


8.                A.frequently      B.rarely          C.occasionally   D.willingly


9.                A.when          B.after           C.until D.before


10.               A.drops          B.signs           C.tracks D.marks


11.               A.visited         B.arrived         C.left   D.returned


12.               A.take           B.obtain          C.reject D.make


13.               A.reflection       B.truth           C.gratitude  D.award


14.               A.special         B.general         C.different  D.professional


15.               A.taking          B.following       C.offering   D.refusing


16.               A.others         B.themselves      C.customers D.co-workers


17.               A.expensive      B.cautious        C.cheap D.careful


18.               A.more          B.least           C.most  D.less


19.               A.frustration      B.regret          C.prejudice  D.satisfaction


20.               A.respect        B.aspect         C.challenge  D.failure




科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年甘肃省高一11月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:

It was on a cold winter evening_______ his father left home and was never back.

A. where         B. which         C. that         D. when



科目:高中英语 来源:2011-2012学年吉林省高三年级12月联考英语试题 题型:单项填空

.---Where did you get to know her?

--- It was on the farm ______ we worked.

A.that             B.there            C.which            D.where


