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Bret Harte vs. Calaveras alumni boys

The annual Bret Harte vs. CHS alumni boy basketball game will be held at 7 p.m.,Saturday, Nov. 30,at Calaveras High. All players must have played at least one year of varsity (校队) basketball. Cost to play is $30. Admission for audience is $5 for adults and $2 for kids. Kids 6 and under are admitted free. For more information, call Kraig Clifton at 743?0679 or Jeff Eltringham at 736?0162.

CHS girls basketball skills

The Calaveras High girls basketball program presents the Junior Redskins Winter Skills, a developmental basketball program for girls in fifth through eighth grades that will be held from 2 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Sundays. Sign?ups are still being accepted for the second of two five?week sessions, which will be held for five Sundays in a row beginning Jan. 12,2014. Cost is $25 per session. Each competitor receives a T?shirt at the end of each session with recommended drills.For more information or to sign up, call Jeremy Malamed at 217?4563 or email sports.calent@gmail.com.

CHS swim/baseball coaching vacancies

Calaveras High School (CHS) is looking for a head boys/girls swim coach and a baseball coach for the 2014 spring season. Applications will be accepted and jobs will remain open until filled. Interview dates are to be set. Anyone interested can stop by the district office or the high school for an application.For more information, call Mike Koepp at 754?1811.

Foothills Little League sign?ups

Foothills Little League will hold sign?ups for the 2014 season from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.,Wednesday, Dec. 4, at Pizza Factory in Valley Springs. All players must provide proofs of citizenship and a birth certificate.For more information, call Shawn Threet at 304?7399 or leave a message at 772?1516.

Yoga in Rail Road Flat

Yoga is being offered at Rail Road Flat Elementary from 9.30 a.m. to 11 a.m. Fridays with instructor Kristine Louise. Cost is a $5 instructor fee and $2 donation to The Friends of Rail Road Flat School for each person. For more information,visit friendsofrrfschool.org.

1.If you enter for the girls basketball,program,________.

A.you can make a call to Kraig Clifton

B.you can visit friendsofrrfschool.org

C.you can realize your goal on Jan. 19,2014

D.you can buy a T?shirt with the girls' names

2.As an excellent baseball trainer, you will show interest in ________.

A.CHS swim/baseball coaching vacancies

B.Foothills Little League sign?ups

C.CHS girls basketball skills

D.Bret Harte vs. Calaveras alumni boys

3.If you take your wife and two children to practice yoga,you should pay ________.

A.20 dollars B.8 dollars

C.28 dollars D.14 dollars

4.Which of the following needs your identification?

A.Yoga in Rail Road Flat.

B.CHS girls basketball skills.

C.CHS swim/baseball coaching vacancies.

D.Foothills Little League sign?ups.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年江西省高一下学期期未考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:语法填空



As an old English saying1. (go), “Honesty is the best policy.” It is not an old cliché(陈词滥调), but a good way to live your life.

Firstly, being honesty is the 2. (easy) choice that we can make. When people get caught in lies, it always costs them something. Many relationships are destroyed by lies.

Secondly, honesty gives us much 3. (free). Many people believe that being honest limits them in life, but that is not true. Sooner or later those dishonest people 4. (pay) a price for their acts; on the contrary, when we are honest, we are 5. (true) free.

If there were two people 6. (stand) before you, a person with a record of being honest and a person who is known to be 7.(honest), who would you be more likely 8. (believe)? I’m sure most people would side with the honest person. 9. we live in the truth or we live in lies. Truth sets us free and lies leave us nothing but more troubles. Honesty is a choice that we make each day. The choice is 10. (you). What will you choose?


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届高二英语人教版必修五单元质量评估(五)英语试卷 (解析版) 题型:阅读理解


Lincoln Park

With its many fashion shops and coffee shops,Lincoln Park is also a wonderful part of Chicago which is a delight for people to visit.The Chicago History Museum shows typical Americas,and then of course there's the park itself.Facing Lake Michigan,it offers beaches,wildlife signs and Lincoln Park Zoo,where you can see gorillas(大猩猩) and polar bears free of charge.

Lombard-Oak Brook

Unlike many parts in Washington DC and New York,Lombard in Chicago is an old-fashioned suburb which shows the traditional attraction of old-time America.It's known for its every year's Lilac Festival(丁香节),and for the“Little Orphan Annie”house,where the red-headed character was dreamt up by Harold Gray.The nearby village of Oak Brook is even more pleasant,and known for its golf courses and polo(水球)club.

Magnificent Mile-River North

Forming part of the always busy Michigan Avenue,Magnificent Mile is the place to shop in Chicago.Fashion shops,supermarket department stores,and smart restaurants make it a must-visit.And places to look out for include the epic(史诗的)Wrigley Building and the Chicago Water Tower,one of the few buildings to survive the Great Chicago Fire of 1871.The nearby River North district is well known for its many art galleries.

The Loop-Downtown

Home to the Civic Opera House,the Goodman Theatre,and the Art Institute of Chicago,where American masterpieces can be found alongside Old Masters,the Loop is worth visiting just for the streets alone.Look up at some of the USA's most famous skyscrapers(摩天大楼),and there is Grant Park-a wonderful place with the huge Buckingham Fountain at its centre.

1. The passage mainly talks about some top destinations in ________.

A.New York B.Chicago

C.Washington DC D.Michigan

2.Which of the following statements is TRUE?

A.If you would like to play golf,you can go to the village of Oak Brook.

B.Visitors can go shopping if they go to the Loop.

C.Visitors can swim in the sea in Lombard.

D.Visitors can talk with the author of Little Orphan Annie.

3.Which of the following buildings survived a big fire in history?

A.The Civic Opera House.

B.The Chicago Water Tower.

C.The Goodman Theatre.

D.The Wrigley Building.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年宁夏高一第一学期月考一英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

阅读下面短文, 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

What is the E-mail

The e-mail, which is also called email, stands for “electronic mail”. You can send messages in only a few seconds by e-mail.

On the Internet there are many powerful computers called “servers” to help people send and receive emails. The sending and receiving servers are just like post offices. If you want to use the email service, you have to open at least an email account(账户) called a “mailbox”, just like we set up a mailbox in a post office. Some mailboxes are provided free of charge by ISPs, which you can get when you open an Internet account. Most widely used mailboxes are provided free by the ISPs, and anyone can apply for one even if he has no ISP account.

How to apply for a free mailbox? First you have to connect to the Internet and go to the homepage(主页) of the ISP providing free mailboxes. Then you’ll find an icon(符号) showing “apply for a free mailbox”, click the icon, an agreement about the rules for using the free mailbox will appear. If you want to go on, click the icon “I agree”. Then you have to fill in a form about your basic personal information, and the name and pin of the mailbox. The pin is the key to the mailbox. After finishing these, you’ll get a mailbox like this: your name @ mail server, for example: jack@ 163. com. The mailbox is separated into two parts by a separator “@”, which is read as “at”. The former part is the name of the mailbox. The latter (后者) is the domain name(域名) of the mail server. All mails to you will be received by the server and put into your mailbox. You can read this mail on any computer in the world as long as you have the name and pin of the mailbox.

1.If you want to send or receive an email, you should first _____.

A. write to the ISPs B. fill in a form

C. apply for a mailbox D. go to the post office

2.Here is an email address ecpjyb@ecp.com.cn. What is the name of the mailbox?

A. ecp. B. ecp.com.cn

C. com.cn D. ecpjyb

3.The writer mainly wants to tell us how to ____ in this passage.

A. send or receive a letter by email

B. set up a free email-box

C. set up one’s email address

D. read the email on any computer in the world


科目:高中英语 来源:2017届高一轮总复习模块冲关评价练2英语试卷(解析版) 题型:语法填空


How do learning habits influence learning results?It's useful and necessary to discuss learning habits.There is a famous 1.(say) “Good habits lead to good endings”,which shows the importance of habits.

“An apple a day keeps the doctor away” also 2.(show) a healthy everyday habit helps to build up our body.Thus, good learning habits can help us gain great learning results, high scores and abundant knowledge 3.(include). At first, learning habits form our ways of thinking and attitude 4. the content of our learning. 5.(obvious), a good habit can help us to speed up to reach our destinations. As we can see, developing a good habit is so important that I would like to introduce one kind of good learning habits—keeping 6. learning diary every day.We can start the habit by 7.(write) a learning summary and remember to record something impressive and meaningful,Keep it in mind, 8. gradually we will gain this good learning habit and benefit from it.

What's 9.(much), I find out that I still have some bad learning habits 10. well. I can only concentrate on reading for a short time, and I will conquer this problem by spending more efforts on concentration practice.

I believe that through my efforts, I can gain good learning results by having good habits.


科目:高中英语 来源:2017届高考英语一轮总复习题型重组专题练7英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空


Communication is an important part of any relationship.Many of us are ____ to share our experiences or emotions with our friends. But when it's our turn to lend a(n) ____,we soon become bored or are short of ideas on how to ____ and offer advice.

That's because of what researchers call “listener burnout (精疲力竭)”. A friend might talk to us ____, often complaining about the same ____ problems. When we offer quick advice to ____ the situation, we may be unconsciously trying to ____ ourselves from burnout.However, good listeners ____ their natural tendency to solve the other's problems hurriedly and to keep the conversation brief.

To be a good ____, you need to use “active listening”. It starts with the real ____ to help others and think through their feelings. Don't ____ things. You can start by putting your phone ____ and sitting close to your friend. Let your facial expressions ____ what he or she is saying.____ you are able to fully understand, acknowledge the other person's ____ by reflecting them back:“That must be really hard for you.” Use ____ words or even sounds such as “yes” “right”, and “hmm” to ____ the other person to continue.

Of course, a ____ can be extremely hard if the other person is too critical.But don't get defensive.Effective listeners don't ____ negative criticism. Instead, they listen and understand what the person is trying to convey ____responding.

1.A.afraid B.hesitant C.shy D.eager

2.A.shoulder B.hand C.ear D.eye

3.A.respond B.explain C.argue D.quit

4.A.aimlessly B.endlessly C.deliberately D.cautiously

5.A.difficult B.old C.acute D.sensitive

6.A.fix B.discuss C.create D.describe

7.A.forgive B.protect C.discourage D.prevent

8.A.follow B.display C.form D.overcome

9.A.reader B.partner C.listener D.speaker

10.A.demand B.habit C.desire D.ability

11.A.skip B.rush C.overlook D.postpone

12.A.away B.off C.out D.up

13.A.record B.restrict C.reflect D.replace

14.A.Whether B.Since C.While D.If

15.A.suggestions B.purposes C.responses D.feelings

16.A.big B.tough C.strong D.short

17.A.force B.remind C.encourage D.convince

18.A.conversation B.suggestion C.problem D.lecture

19.A.give up B.make up C.leave out D.block out

20.A.after B.before C.while D.once


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年考前阅读、完型与写作之完型填空思路点拨英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空


It was a cold January in 1925 in Nome, Alaska. The town was cut off from the rest of the world due to heavy snow.

On the 20th of that month, Dr. Welch a sick boy, Billy, and knew he had diphtheria, a deadly infectious(传染的) disease mainly affecting children. The children of Nome would be if it struck the town. Dr. Welch needed medicine as soon as possible to stop other kids from getting sick. , the closest supply was over 1,000 miles away, in Anchorage.

1.A. examined B. warned C. interviewed D. cured

2.A. harmless B. helpless C. fearless D. careless

3.A. Moreover B. Therefore C. Otherwise D. However


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年考前阅读、完型与写作之七选五阅读专项训练英语试卷(解析版) 题型:七选五


1. I thought I might be the only person left in the world who hadn't done an eBay deal. So, I decided to try my hand at online auction(拍卖).

Buying for beginners: Sign up on www. ebay. co. uk. Most items (e. g. tables, computers, and books)ready for auction will come with a picture and a short description; others may be marked with "Buy It Now" and have a fixed price. 2.

If the item is being auctioned, you offer the highest price you are prepared to pay and eBay bids(出价)for you. The bid will be increased little by little until it goes beyond your highest bid, then you are emailed and asked if you would like to bid again. Auctions last up to 10-days and when they finish you get an email

telling you whether you have won the item.

3._: Sellers decide how they would like to be paid and you need to check this before placing a bid as you might not want to post a cheque or postal orders. The easiest way is through PayPal, an online payment system that takes the money away from your credit card.

Selling made simple: If you plan to sell on eBay, it helps to include a picture of the item. 1 followed my friends' advice and put up the items I wanted to sell for a 10-day auction, starting on a Thursday. 4.

The big things in life: It's easy to post a small item, but furniture is a big part of eBay and this has to be collected or sent by deliverymen. 5._

A. How to pay.

B. Pay exact money before buying.

C. You can buy these right away.

D. Make sure the item you want to buy.

E. Everyone's at it, even my neighbors.

F. Check the ways of delivery before you bid.

G. This way buyers had two weekends to bid.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年考前阅读、完型与写作之阅读理解思路点拨英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解


Choose Your One-Day-Tours!

Tour A - Bath &Stonehenge: including entrance fees to the ancient Roman bathrooms and Stonehenge -£37 until 26 March and £39 thereafter.

Visit the city with over 2,000 years of history and Bath Abbey, the Royal Crescent and the Costume Museum, Stonehenge is one of the world's most famous prehistoric monuments dating back over 5,000 years.

Tour B - Oxford & Startford including entrance fees to the University St Mary's Church Tower and Anne Hathaway's -£32 until 12 March and £36 thereafter

Oxford: Includes a guided tour of England's oldest university city and colleges. Look over the "city of dreaming spires(尖顶)"from St Mary’s Church Tower. Stratford: Includes a guided tour exploring much of the Shakespeare wonder.

Tour C - Windsor Castle &Hampton Court including entrance fees to Hampton Court Palace -£34 until 11 March and £37 thereafter.

Includes a guided tour of Windsor and Hampton Court, Henry VILL's favorite palace. Free time to visit Windsor Castle(entrance fees not included).With 500 years of history, Hampton Court was once the home of four Kings and one Queen. Now this former royal palace is open to the public as a major tourist attraction. Visit the palace and its various historic gardens, which include the famous maze(迷宫)where it is easy to get lost!

Tour D -Cambridge including entrance fees to the Tower of Saint Mary the Great -£33 until 18 March and £37 thereafter.

Includes a guided tour of Cambridge, the famous university town, and the gardens of the 18th century.

1. Which tour will you choose if you want to see England’s oldest university city?

A. Tour A B. Tour B

C. Tour C D. Tour D

2. Which of the following tours charges the lowest fee on 17 March?

A. Windsor Castle & Hampton Court

B. Oxford & Stratford

C. Bath & Stonehenge

D. Cambridge

3. Why is Hampton Court a major tourist attraction?

A. It used to be the home of royal families

B. It used to be a well-known maze

C. It is the oldest palace in Britain

D. It is a world-famous castle

