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Ever wonder what President  George"Dubya"Bush will be doing once he leaves the White House?Well.we wondered too and voted for him to run a hot dog stand.in the city that never sleeps New York!
Life's tough in the Stone Age.Fortunately our man Sam has got your brain to help him out!He's got to find food,make weapons,survive tigers,and keep his girlfriend Lucy happy!So let's get prehistoric and help Sam in this crazy adventure.

Hit the snow slopes with this snowboarding game.Perform special skills on your snowboard to collect points.Pump air into your stride by timing your jumps carefully while negotiating 3 killer kickers.Whatever you do-Have fun!

Add logic,fun and load of color and what do you get?The crazy cube!And we promise you,it's the craziest cube you'll come across this side of the universe.Rack your brains crazy in this totally addicting puzzle game and beat the colored cube!

Put your hard hat on…because we're going under construction!This addictive puzzle game will have you constructing for hours!Build beautiful towers using colorful building blocks.
Fight to conquer the universe in this strategic space simulation game.Play as a space commander and protect your imperial star base from enemies.Become the most powerful air force and fulfill your one and only mission:complete space dominance!
46.Sammy is a girl with a logical mind.She would like to play the kind of games that can not only practice her intelligence but Call challenge her memory as well.D
47.Amy has always been interested in politics and loves to play jokes on politicians.As a result,any game that concerns government officials would interest her.A
48.Jack is a student who is keen on architecture.He has problem in concentrating himself on a piece of work.He hopes to find a game that can suit his interest and help him focus his mind on it.E
49.William is a sports fan who would like to take up extreme sports.But he isn't allowed to try such kind of dangerous sport,SO he could only find some relevant games to play.C
50.Teddy is a film lover.After seeing the film The Star Wars,he imagined that he could one day be a commander,leading his soldiers to protect his planet from being invaded.F.

分析 本文介绍了几种游戏.

解答 46.D.根据46题中的She would like to play the kind of games that can not only practice her intelligence but Call challenge her memory as well可知她喜欢练习智力和记忆的题,所以D项游戏适合她,因为其中提到Rack your brains crazy in this totally addicting puzzle game and beat the colored cube可知这是一个大脑疯狂的智力游戏.
47.A.根据47题中的As a result,any game that concerns government officials would interest her可知他喜欢与政府官员有关的游戏,所以A项游戏适合他,因为其中提到Ever wonder what President  George"Dubya"Bush will be doing once he leaves the White House可知这个游戏是描述Bush在离开白宫之后会做什么.
48.E.根据48题中的Jack is a student who is keen on architecture和He has problem in concentrating himself on a piece of work可知他需要能够训练注意力集中的,与建筑有关的游戏,所以E项游戏适合她,因为其中提到
This addictive puzzle game will have you constructing for hours.可知这个游戏让你建造数个小时.
49.C.根据49题中的William is a sports fan who would like to take up extreme sports可知他喜欢极限游戏,所以C项游戏适合她,因为其中提到Pump air into your stride by timing your jumps carefully while negotiating 3 killer kickers可知这是一个虚拟的滑雪游戏.
50.F.根据50题中的After seeing the film The Star Wars,he imagined that he could one day be a commander可知他喜欢科幻电影,所以F项游戏适合她,因为其中提到Fight to conquer the universe in this strategic space simulation game可知这是一个征服宇宙的游戏.

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科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

14.Birds can learn to choose the best building materials for their nests,according to scientists.
It was previously thought that birds'choice of nest materials was determined by their genes,that is,each type of bird has their own methods of building nests born with them.But an experiment has now shown this to be a more complex activity.This study,published in the Royal Society Journal Proceeding B,involved giving zebra finches (斑胸草雀) a choice of soft and hard string to build the their nests."We found that they liked the harder string,"explained the lead researcher Dr Bailey from the University of St Andrews."It's more efficient for them to build with-they can build a nest with fewer materials."
Dr Bailey and her colleagues were planning to test the learning ability of birds; their test aimed to work out if the birds could learn to tell the difference among the materials based on their quality.To test this,they gave one group of finches flexible,soft string to build with,and another group harder string.Both groups of birds were then offered a choice between the soft and hard string.And the birds that had been made to build their nests with the soft string immediately chose the more rigid building materials.
"There is a great diversity of nests in the natural world,"said Dr Bailey."And because birds are not considered to be as clever as people,who can learn to use different materials quite easily,the assumption had been that there was a genetic pattern in the birds'brains."
"This shows that actually learning is also very important for their decisions."Mike Toms from the British Trust for Ornithology said the research made a lot of sense.
"It may help to explain the variety of materials that may be used by individuals of the same species nesting in the same general area."He told BBC news.

55.What is the purpose of the experiment mentioned in the text?D
A.To make sure finches can use different building materials like people.
B.To find which finch is more skillful in choosing building materials.
C.To test the ability of finches to learn from other birds.
D.To confirm finches'ability to identify building materials by learning.
56.Which is the RIGHT order of the steps in the experiment?A
a.Building materials were offered to the finches.
b.The finches were divided into two groups.
c.The researchers chose some finches.
d.The finches made a choice of the building materials.
57.What can we learn from the last paragraph?B
A.Birds of the same species choose to build nests in the same area.
B.It's common that the same species birds use different materials.
C.Birds sometimes can not find various building materials.
D.People should help birds build nests if possible.
58.In which column of a newspaper could we find this text?C


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:完形填空

15.Who hasn't felt lonely or sad at times?We all have days when we feel down or overwhelmed with life,and we may even go through periods when we have a really (1)C case of the blues.If we take a closer look,however,there's often an identifiable (2)Bbehind those feelings:a loss,an emotional or physical blow of some kind.
Grief over the death of a loved one,the end of a relationship,the loss of a job,or some other type of extreme (3)Cmay cause us to feel a bit hopeless and miserable (4)A.Having those sad feelings doesn't (5)Dmean we're depressed-----it might just be our normal and understandable reaction to life's hardships.
So how do we know if we,or someone we care about,are suffering from (6)Brather than just ordinary sadness?It's not always easy to tell the (7)A.The short,quick answer is that sadness is a temporary emotion,(8)Cwith a identifiable cause,while depression (9)Dfor longer periods of time; sometimes forever,and often for no (10)Dreason.
Recognizing depression can be extremely (11)B.There are many signs of this condition that you may have not considered,and to make it even harder,the signs and symptoms (12)Agreatly from person to person,as does the severity.Worse,it's harder to (13)Cthe signs when you are in the midst of depression already,which is why other people often notice before the depressed individual does.
If left untreated,depression can worsen,causing the gradual destruction of life and (14)Dlife threatened.Proper diagnosis(诊断) and (15)Ais the only way to defeat depression-----it won't go away on its own.



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

A.The comparison between renewable energy and nuclear energy
B.The benefits and risks of using nuclear energy
C.The reason for keeping nuclear power
D.The panic caused by the leak of radiation
E.The main energy source and its problems
F.An ideal energy and the proportion it accounts for
One of the consequences of the terrible earthquake and tsunami in Japan on 11March was,of course,a leak of radiation at the Fukushima nuclear power station on the country's east coast.Soon afterwards,all the people living within twenty kilometres of the plant were told to leave because of the danger from the radiation.
The pros and cons of nuclear power always come up in debates about how the world should produce the energy it needs.Those who think the risks are too great can obviously use Chernobyl-and now Fukushima-in their argument,while also pointing out that nuclear waste stays radioactive for hundreds of years,and asking what might happen if terrorists ever chose to attack a nuclear power plant.Those who support nuclear power point out that a very small amount of nuclear fuel can create a huge amount of energy,and that unlike the burning of fossil fuels such as oil,coal and natural gas,nuclear power stations don't contribute to global warming by pushing greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.
Most of the world's energy currently comes from fossil fuels,but this can't go on forever.As well as the problem of global warming there is the simple fact that the Earth has a limited amount of these resources.They will eventually run out-although there is a lot of disagreement about when that might be.
Apart from nuclear power,which currently provides less than 10% of the world's energy,the other alternative is energy from renewable sources.These include hydropower,biofuels (made mostly from crops),wind power and solar power,and together they currently provide around 15% of the world's energy.Some scientists think renewable energy is the great hope for the future-not only because it won't run out but also because it is less risky than nuclear power and produces far fewer greenhouse gases than burning fossil fuels.
Other scientists,however,believe we will never produce enough renewable energy to fill the gap when fossil fuels begin to run out.That is why,even while watching the very worrying events in Japan,they argue that nuclear power will always have to be part of the solution to the world's energy problems.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

19.Charter schools operate with public money but without many of the rules that govern traditional public schools.In the United States the rules for charter schools differ from state to state.But in general these schools have greater freedom to decide what to teach and how to teach it.
         A charter school might be independent or connected to the local public school system.It might be started by teachers,parents or,in some cases,a profit-making business.It sets up the goals of the school and other details like how student performance will be measured.And now a group of charter schools have formed the Green Charter Schools Network (GCSN).The idea is to have environmentally friendly school buildings but also to go further than that.
         The schools teach students to be concerned with community issues (社区事务) that affect them and the environment.For example,young children grow crops in a school garden and learn about healthy eating.Older students help recycle waste from the cafeteria.And local schools share what they grow in community gardens with people in need.
         Jim McGrath is president of the GCSN.He says there are about two hundred"green"charter schools across the United States.The plan is to also include traditional public schools as well as private schools."The most important thing is that every one of us-every child,every adult-has a responsibility that our action,every action we make has an effect on the earth that we live in.And that our natural resources are never unlimited.And that if we want a positive earth for future generations,we all need to make commitments to be change agents so that we don't destroy our natural resources,"said Jim McGrath.              
         The GCSN holds its first national conference this October in Minnesota.Supporters of green schools say their goal is to expand the movement across the country.
66.Which of the following is tine of a charter school?D
A.It has more strict school rules.
B.It is built for disabled students.
C.It is financed by profit-making business.
D.It generally has greater freedom of teaching.
67.The GCSN:willD.
A.destroy our natural resources
B.combine private schools together
C.build more schools throughout the world
D.do more to make a difference to the environment
68.Students in the GCSN mayC        
A.join in political issues
B.recycle waste from factories                      
C.grow crops in a school garden
D.share what they grow with one another
69.Jim McGrathC        
A.holds several national conferences
B.takes charge of all charter schools in the US
C.suggests everyone should be responsible for the earth
D.believes our natural resources are never running out
70.The passage is mainly aboutC.
A.differences among charter schools            
B.achievements of the GCSN
C.charter schools                         
D.the GCSN.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:信息匹配

9.首先请阅读下列William J.Bennett家庭教育系列读物的封面及基本信息:
 A. Bennett gives this thrilling account of the virtues of America and the many brave men and women who have made it the powerful nation it is today.The tale of human struggle and victory captures what is unique about America.
 B. Filled with stories of the heroes and virtues,this book presents stories and poems that show children what it means to be an American,so this book is a national popular one and the best seller of the year.
 C. The book intends to inspire children to find heroes in their lives,such as Jackie Robinson,Abraham Lincoln and this book also includes tales about everyday people,such as a young boy who goes in search of an angel to watch over him,only to find that he has one---his mother.
 D.  This collection of stories will help children develop their most important quality,character and includes stories from the Bible,and from sources as diverse as well-known fairy tales,the philosophy of Plato,the poetry of Robert Frost and Aesop's fables.
 E. This book is a treasury of timeless stories which teach young people the importance of showing virtues in one's daily life.It is a perfect gift for graduation or other special occasions.Well-known works from Aesop,Dickens and Shakespeare are presented to teach virtues.
 F.  This inspiring book offers examples of good and bad,right and wrong in great works from literature and in stories from history.Organized by stages along life journey,these stories serve as reference on moral compass,guiding the readers through challenges in their life.
46.This great book by Bennett guides the kids to find heroes in their lives through a collection of stories.Also it just tells us stories about common people as heroes,which is very instructive.So it is very popular among the kids.C
47.Drawn from familiar western history as well as a wide selection of tales from Asia,Africa,and Latin America,the stories are great,designed to inspire as well as instructive.This book is a good guide that will help family members meet the challenges of life at any age.F
48.Bennett will make you feel terrific about America.The big topic of politics and war reclaim the place they used to enjoy in the old histories.He never misses the chance to tell a good story.He has an eye for the strange and the surprising about America.A
49.This book is well-received for children in America,because it is full of stories and poems to tell our kids how to be a hero and what virtues they should have,which can be their moral compass to their life and that will mean a lot to be American kids.B
50.Bennett selected stories and poems to teach young people the importance of virtues in their daily life,which is really a perfect gift for graduation or other special occasions.This book belongs on every young person's bookshelf.E.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

16."Dry-clean only"is probably a phrase that you have seen before.You see it on the labels of certain pieces of clothing-like jackets,trousers,skirts and so on.I know quite a lot about dry cleaning because every Saturday from the age of 15to 18I worked at a dry cleaning shop.It was my first job.It was not particularly interesting,and it was not at all  glamorous,but,looking back,I think it was important.
The only reason why it was important back then was the money.For the first year I earned four pounds an hour,and after that it was five.It's almost unbelievable now:that's the physically hardest job I've ever had and the least I've earned.But it paid for my social life,my mobile phone credit,a holiday to Spain after my"A"Levels,and my first laptop.
One of the reasons why that job seems important now is that it was the first time I spent on an equal level with adults.As a teenager,the only adults you tend to regularly spend time with are the ones who have power over you:your parents and your teachers.But having a job gives you a chance to mix with adults who are doing the same task as you.And if you don't do the task,they won't shout at you,or call you back after school,they'll just tell you not to come back to work.However,you won't be paid.This is a useful thing to learn early.
My time at that shop also taught me something important about what I didn't want.I knew that I didn't want to clean other people's clothes in the future.Therefore,I went to university at 18with my very own laptop and a good idea of what life wasn't going to be.It wasn't going to be"dry-clean only".

71.What would be the best title for the passage?D
A.A Sweet Dream        B.How To Dry-clean
C.My Favorite Sport    D.My First Job
72.The underlined word"glamorous"in Paragraph 1probably means"C".
A.surprising   B.disturbing    C.attractive   D.sensitive
73.Why did the author work in a dry cleaning shop as a teenager?C
A.To avoid being blamed by her parents.
B.To satisfy her need for equality with adults.
C.To earn some extra money for personal use.
D.To learn more knowledge about dry cleaning.
74.The author shows the importance of her first working experience byB.
A.making comparisons             B.listing reasons
C.listing numbers                D.analyzing numbers
75.It can be inferred from the passage thatD.
A.the author enjoyed dry cleaning
B.the author got well paid in the shop
C.the author knew nothing about dry cleaning
D.the author benefited a lot from working in the shop.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

13.You can find language pollution whenever you open a newspaper,turn on your TV set,listen to a popular song or look at different kinds of advertisements.Language pollution exists almost everywhere and can be seen in the following place:
1.Chinese characters are written in the complex form.Although simplified(简化的) Chinese characters were accepted for use many years ago,it seems that more and more people like Chinese characters written in the complex form.
2.Many goods are produced in China but carry foreign names,which sound strange and have no meaning at all.
3.Words and expressions being used have a bad meaning"Ba",which means very,very big in Chinese.It is one example.Now there are a lot of goods,restaurants,even factories or films,with"Ba"in their names.
4.There are too many incorrect grammatical expressions.Some films have strange names and incorrect grammatical structures."Ai ni mei shang liang",which means"I love you without consulting",is grammatically incorrect and this kind of expression is now becoming popular.
Some language experts point out that language pollution must be done away with,which is an idea shared by many others and myself.
As we know,a lot of big games take place in Beijing.More and more foreigners will come to China.We Chinese shouldn't lose our faces in our language.From now on we should be against the language pollution and get used to using the correct language.

26.The writer of the letter suggests thatA.
A.something be done to make our language pure
B.everything have a good name and a good meaning
C.the Chinese language doesn't have the word"Ba"
D.everyone try their best to stop pollution
27.What the writer wants to imply is thatB.
A.great difference exists between the Chinese characters written in the complex
form and simplified form.
B.our newspapers,TV programs,pop songs and advertisements are getting polluted
C.Some film writers should pay more attention to Chinese grammar
D.Many people agree with the experts on language pollution in China
28.The expression"do away with"in the second to the last paragraph meansA.
A.clean          B.recycle          C.get away        D.put away
29.We can learn from the last paragraph thatD.
A.a lot of language pollution will get into the big games
B.foreigners don't understand our language pollution
C.some big games will not take place in China
D.the foreigners can look down upon us because of the language pollution
30.Which of the following is the best title for the passage?C
A.More Attention to Grammar          B.Films with Strange Names
C.Pollution of our Language          D.Experts'Good Advice.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

14.Why Cats Scratch Tings
In has long been assumed that when cats scratch objects with their front paws(爪子)that they are sharpening their claws.(71)AResearch on cat behavior suggests that the major reason for this behavior is communication.By scratching up the bark of a tree (or the leg of your favorite chair) the cat is letting other cats or people know where she is and what she is up to.
Cats tend to pick a small number of noticeable objects in their environments to scratch such as trees,fence posts repeatedly.(72)BThe scratched surface leaves a highly visible mark that can be easily seen by other cats.In addition,cats have special glands (腺)in their paws so that when they make scratching movements they leave scent(气味)that the cats can smell.The fact that cats leave scent marks by making scratching movements may be the reason that cats will continue to scratch objects even after they have been declawed.(73)F
We don't know exactly what cats are communicating with their scratching.Both males and females do it.It is done inside and outside the home and even by cats living with no other cats around.(74)G Cats don't scratch up your furniture to bother you or just to be destructive,but for specific reasons,one of which is communicating.Cats also scratch to extend their bodies,during play,and possibly as a greeting or to relieve dissatisfaction when prevented from doing other things they want to do.
(75)EIt is easier to prevent problem scratching rather than trying to change your cat's preference for the arm of your sofa after it has become a built up habit.Thus,the goal is to establish acceptable scratching habits by getting your cat to prefer a scratching post rather than the arm of your sofa.

A.It turns out that this is only a secondary reason.
B.This is why the tree next door looks so scratched up.
C.Cats use other parts of their bodies to communicate as well.
D.Small pieces of bark have accumulated on the ground underneath.
E.Scratching can result in considerable damage,owner dissatisfaction.
F.Declawed cats may still be leaving scent marks on objects they scratch.
G.It could be a defensive warning or just a marker that announces its existence.

