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15.As far as I know,there is ________ car in this neighborhood.(  )
A.no such aB.no suchC.no aD.not such

分析 据我所知,在这个街区没有这种车.

解答 答案:B    such修饰单数名词时,必须有a,如such a boy,但当such前有no修饰时,则不用冠词,如no such book(但可说not such a book).所以本题选择B.

点评 要注意分析such和so修饰后面内容时的不同搭配.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

5.Elephants are the only species on the earth known to have death ritual(仪式)besides man.
They show a strong interest in the bones of their own kind.They are often seen gently touching the bones with their trunks and feet while remaining very quiet.Sometimes elephants completely unrelated to the dead will still visit their graves.
Elephant researcher Meredith recalls something in his book about a typical elephant death ritual.The entire family of a dead elephant,including her young baby,were all gently touching her body with their trunks,trying to lift her.The elephant herd were all rumbling(低吼):The baby elephant was even observed to be weeping and made sounds that sounded like a scream,but then the entire herd fell incredibly silent.Then they began to throw leaves and dirt over the body and broke off tree branches to cover her.They spent the next two days quietly standing over her body.They sometimes had to leave to get water or food,but they would always return.
Events of elephants behaving this way around human beings are common throughout Africa.On many occasions,they have buried dead or sleeping humans or helped them when they are hurt.An old woman fell asleep under a tree.When she woke up,there was an elephant standing over her,gently touching her.She kept very still because she was frightened.As other elephants arrived,they began to scream loudly and buried her under branches.She was found the next morning by the local people,unharmed.   
George Adamson also recalls when he shot all elephant from a herd that kept breaking into the farmers'gardens.George gave the:elephant's meat to 1ocal men and then dragged the rest of the body miles away.That night,the other elephants found the body,took the leg bones,returned them to the exact spot the elephant was killed,and made the death ritual.
56.Elephants touch the bones of their own kind toA.
A.express sorrow at the death        
B.search for the hunter
C.clean their trunks and feet            
D.call for other elephants
57.What can we learn about the ritual from Meredith's book?B
A.All the elephants were observed to be weeping.
B.All the elephants felt sad in the ritual.
C.The whole herd screamed for two days.
D.The elephants ate nothing for two days.
58.The elephant watched the woman becauseB.
A.it thought she was sleeping        
B.it thought she was dead
C.it tried to protect her                   
D.it wanted to wake her up
59.The case mentioned in the last paragraph mainly shows thatC.
A.it's cruel of humans to kill elephants for meat
B.elephants can find out who hunted their members
C.elephants tend to make the death ritual for their members
D.there are often conflicts between elephants and humans
60.What is the best title for the passage?D
A.Humans and elephants
B.The intelligenee of elephants   
C.The feelings of elephants
D.The death rituals of elephants.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

6.More than a dozen students in that school _______ around to study medicine last year.(  )
A.sentB.were sentC.had sentD.had been sent


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

3.---How long has your brother been working in this factory?
---_____he dropped from school in 2010.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

10.The students competed____ the honor of winning ____ each other ____ the school sports meet.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

20.He insisted on going home _____ getting drunk last night,which made him caught and fined by the police.(  )
A.in case ofB.in spite ofC.in terms ofD.on account of


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

7.I knew nothing about the accident ________ I read in the newspaper.(  )
A.except thatB.except forC.apart fromD.except what


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

4.With the help of high technology,more and more substances _________ in the past years.(  )
A.discoveredB.have discovered
C.had been discoveredD.have been discovered


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

5.Beethoven was not birth deaf.He began to go deaf,_____ he grew older.(  )

