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RichardSolo 1800 Rechargeable Battery

In just minutes a day, plug in and charge your iPhone quickly!

Just plug RichardSolo 1800 into your iPhone once or twice a day, for fifteen minutes, and keep your iPhone charged up. At your desk, or at dinner, plug RichardSolo into iPhone to instantly transfer charge. No more battery worries. RichardSolo will charge iPhone to full 1.5 times, and it is good for 3-5 years of recharges.

Use the iPhone while charging it. Even charge the RichardSolo 1800 and iPhone together at the same time. Take only one charger when traveling and wake up in the morning with the RichardSolo and the iPhone charged.

RichardSolo 1800 is largest in its class and holds its charge for months. Works with almost all iPhone cases.

Your satisfaction is guaranteed(保证), with our 30-day return privilege(特权,权利). If you're not satisfied for any reason, we'll email you a pre-paid return label.

Actual customer comments:

To have your company exhibit such good service is unbelievably refreshing. --- P.S.

This is what I call great customer support. I wish more companies would figure this out these days. Thank you so much. --- D.C.

You have provided me one of the best services I have ever seen on any online/ telephone shopping.--- T.K.

You must have the fastest processing and shipping in the industry! ---M.C.

This is the best customer service experience I have had in a long time. ---L.L.

I've read online about your amazing customer service, and I must say I'm now a true believer. --- B.L.

1. How long does it take the battery to charge up an iPhone?

A. 15 minutes. B. 30 minutes.

C. 1.5 hours. D. 3 hours.

2.What is special about the battery?

A. It is built in an iPhone.

B. It is the smallest of its kind.

C. It can also be used as a charger.

D. It keeps power for about 30 days.

3.Who mentions the transporting of the battery?

A. P.S. B. B.L. C. M.C. D. T.K.

4.The customer comments on the battery are mainly about its _____.

A. quality B. service C. function D. shopping


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年江苏泰州中学高二上第二次质检英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空


What happened to that brilliant idea that you once had? Did you it because you thought that it was just a little thought? Have you ever what that little thought would have become if you had acted on your instincts (直觉) if you had paid more attention to it?

Imagine a , where you are sitting at home watching television or reading a book, suddenly a light is on in the dark tunnel of your mind as a thought or an idea crosses your mind. The thought your attention but seems so meaningless and you are tempted to it, but wait a minute! That thought could be the potential beginning of the you have so much wished for.

As the thought crosses your mind, your senses become alert and you suddenly see a possibility, a solution, or find the answer to a problem whose solution has escaped you. It is almost as if a wise man has the perfect solution into your ear or awakened your senses to a reality, thereby bringing light to your life. It is like finding the piece of jigsaw puzzle (拼图游戏). This becomes an amazing moment and everything freezes around you as you excitedly try to grasp the practicality of that but powerful thought.

Your self-confidence and enthusiasm increase as you become of the great possibilities that can if that little thought is acted upon. This becomes the moment to build upon that thought and to put any ideas that are streaming from that little thought for later review. meaningless little thought or ideas when acted have a potential to explode into great projects. Many successful projects have been fromthe little positive thoughts that were carefully protected and recognized as bricks to great things.

Don't waste a(n) to act on a potentially brilliant idea. You don't have to wait for a major idea, or approval from your peers in order for you to act on that little thought.

That little thought or idea is the 55 of great things if you decide to follow it through.

1.A. hate B. like C. ignore D. value

2.A. considered B. remembered C. complained D. discovered

3.A. but B. or C. and D. nor

4.A. condition B. sight C. scene D. view

5.A. turned B. worked C. taken D. moved

6.A. puts B. catches C. causes D. pulls

7.A. adore B. abandon C. account D. adopt

8.A. wealth B. success C. dream D. reality

9.A. highly B. fast C. hardly D. long

10.A. whispered B. shouted C. talked D. laughed

11.A. best B. first C. last   D. exact

12.A. little B. good C. strong D. weak

13.A. capable B. conscious C. proud D. typical

14.A. arise B. cause C. attain D. prove

15.A. off B. out C. up D. down

16.A. Fortunately B. Seemingly C. Obviously D. Deliberately

17.A. by B. in C. upon D. to

18.A. grown B. done C. born D. torn

19.A. opportunity B. possibility C. minute D. moment

20.A. center B. beginning C. result D. sign


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年吉林实验中学高一上学期期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:语法填空



One morning, I was waiting at the bus stop, worried about1.(be) late for school.

There were many people2.were waiting at the bus stop, and some of them looked very anxious and 3.(disappoint) .when the bus finally came, we all hurried on board. I got a place next 4. the window, so I had a good view of the sidewalk. A boy on a bike5.(catch)my attention. He was riding beside the bus and waving his arms. I heard a passenger behind me shouting to the driver, but he didn’t want6. (stop) until we reached the next stop. Still, the boy kept 7. (ride). He was carrying something over his shoulder and shouting. Finally, when we came to the next stop, the boy ran up the door of the bus. I heard an excited conversation. Then the driver stood up and asked,8.anyone lose a suitcase at the last stop?” A woman on the bus shouted, “Oh, dear! It’s 9.(I)”. She pushed her way to the driver and took the suitcase thankfully. Five others on the bus began talking about what the boy had done and the crowd of strangers10.(sudden) became friendly to one another.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年吉林实验中学高二上学期期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

The little boy sat _____ to his father, and listened ____ with great interest

A. close; close B. closely; close

C. close; closely D. closely; closely


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年黑龙江牡丹江第一中学高二上期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:书面表达


学校即将举行以“Turning a Bad Mood(心情)into a Good One ”为题目的英语作文比赛,请按下列要求定一篇100词左右的文章。

1. 好心情的重要性。 2. 产生坏心情的原因。 3. 应该如何调整心情。


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年吉林松原油田高中高一上学期期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:七选五


How Can I Fight Laziness?

Lazy people will never gain anything in life. However, laziness can be defeated once a few changes have been made in your mind.

1. Many people lack sleep constantly, since they stay up too late and get up too early to prepare for work. These people have little motivation once they arrive home. Laziness works hand in hand with a lack of motivation and a tendency to put off things. By adjusting your sleep schedule to provide a few more hours of meaningful rest, you can fight laziness throughout the day.

Another way to fight laziness is to change your mind from passive to active. Some people treat their lives as if they were pushed from task to task. Others take a more positive approach, viewing each task as a challenge they must overcome alone. 2.

Some people fight laziness by removing the temptations(诱惑) that surround them. A television in the living room may provide entertainment, but watching too much TV often contributes to laziness. 3. Complete a few tasks and reward yourself with what you enjoy, such as a good dinner or a film.

Laziness can also be a lasting problem at home. Couples and children may all have different energy levels, but laziness can be spread if not dealt with immediately. 4. Be the first to collect and wash dishes after a meal. Others in the home may eventually follow your example and perform their own task. It is difficult to practice laziness when you are surrounded by motivated(积极的) people.

5. Enough exercise and a balanced diet can help you to develop a healthy lifestyle, thus enabling you to have more energy and help lift your spirits.

A. Knowing how to fight laziness is important.

B. To fight family laziness, set an example.

C. Finally, taking exercise regularly can help you fight laziness.

D. One way to fight laziness is to get enough sleep.

E. Create a reward system for yourself, just as parents do for a child.

F. Laziness appears when you no longer feel in charge of your own mind.

G. With strong determination, you will be able to achieve your goal.


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届湖北宜昌第一中学高三上12月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Children’s lives have changed greatly over the last 50 years. But do they have a happier childhood than you or I did?

It’s difficult to look back on one’s own childhood without some element of nostalgia(怀旧的). I have four brothers and sisters, and my memories are all about being with them, playing board games on the living room floor, or spending days in the street with the other neighborhood children, racing up and down on our bikes, or exploring the nearby woods. My parents scarcely appear in these memories, except as providers either of meals or of severe blame after some particularly risky adventure.

These days, in the UK at least, the nature of childhood has changed dramatically. Firstly, families are smaller. It is common for both parents to work outside the home and there is the feeling that there just isn’t time to bring up a large family, or that no one could possibly afford to have more than one child. As a result, today’s boys and girls spend much of their time alone. Another major change is that youngsters today tend to spend a huge amount of their free time at home, inside. This is due to the fact that parents worry far more than they used to about real or imagined dangers, so they wouldn’t dream of letting their children play outside by themselves.

Finally, the kind of toys children have and the way they play is totally different. Computer and video games have replaced the board games and more interesting activities of my childhood. The irony(讽刺) is that so many ways of playing games are called “interactive”. The fact that you can play electronic games on your own further increases the sense of loneliness felt by many young people today.

Do these changes mean that children today have a less relaxing childhood than I had? I personally believe that they do, but perhaps every generation feels exactly the same.

1.What is the purpose of the direct question given in the first paragraph?

A. To get people’s attention and lead in the topic.

B. To gather people’s opinions on childhood.

C. To show who the passage is written for.

D. To compare the childhood lives of two generations.

2.Which is NOT a reason for the changes?

A. Families are smaller today.

B. Parents worried too much about their children.

C. Toys can be played by children alone at home.

D. It’s too dangerous to play outside.

3.What has the writer focused on in the fourth paragraph?

A. Young people today shouldn’t play electronic games.

B. Some games that young people play today aren’t really good.

C. Computer and video games have replaced the board games.

D. Board games are much more interesting than computer games.

4.The writer’s attitude towards the childhood changing is ________ .

A. approving B. unconcerned

C. objective D.optimistic


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届湖南师大附中高三上学期月考四英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

One Test for Graduate and Business School.

Getting an advanced degree can create many opportunities. The GRE revised General Test—the most widely accepted graduate admission test worldwide—can bring you one step closer to achieving your career goals.

There has never been a better time to take the test that gives you more opportunities for your future. The GRE revised General Test features question types that closely reflect the kind of thinking you'll do in graduate or business school.

Who Takes It?

Prospective graduate and business school applicants from all around the world who are interested in pursuing a master's , MBA, specialized master's in business or doctoral degree take the GRE revised General Test. Applicants come from varying educational and cultural backgrounds and the GRE revised General Test provides a common measure for comparing candidates' qualifications.

GRE scores are used by admissions or fellowship panels to supplement(补充) your undergraduate records, recommendation letters and other qualifications for graduate?level study.

When and Where Do People Take It?

The GRE revised General Test is available at more than 700 test centers in more than 160 countries. In most regions of the world, the computer?delivered test is available on a continuous basis throughout the year. In Mainland China, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Korea, the computer?delivered test is available one to two times per month. In areas of the world where computer?delivered testing is not available, the paper?delivered test is available up to three times a year in October, November and February.

Who Accepts It?

The GRE revised General Test is accepted at thousands of graduate and business schools as well as departments and divisions within these schools.

1.If you want to study for a master's degree in the USA, you'd better________.

A. achieve your career goals

B. earn as much money as possible

C. take the GRE revised General Test

D. vary educational and cultural background

2.In a less?developed area with very few computers, test?takers probably can't take the GRE revised General Test in ________.

A. August B. October C. November D. February

3.What is the purpose of this passage?

A. To sell test papers.

B. To introduce a kind of test.

C. To get new students for schools.

D. To compare two kinds of tests.


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届浙江临海台州中学高三上第三次统练英语试卷(解析版) 题型:书面表达



People are always looking for someone to look up to and imitate (模仿). However, you can set the example by changing yourself to become the person that people want to be like.

注意:①除诗歌外,文体不限; ②内容必须结合你生活中的一个事例;③文中不得透露个人姓名和学校名称;④词数不少于120,不得抄写提示语原句。




