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1)地点:海南岛Hainan Island; 时间:7月15日-21日
2)活动包括远足(hike)、爬山、游泳、篝火晚会(campfire party)和潜水(diving)
3)注意事项:请带好游泳衣(bathing suit)和护照(passport)
注意: 词数100左右,可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯.
Dear David,
Li Ming

【答案】Dear David,

How is everything going? My friends and I have decided to go on an adventure trip to Hainan Island during the summer holiday. I am writing to tell you about our travel plan.

We will be traveling around Hainan Island from July 15 to 21. While there we will go hiking, climb the mountains, swim near the beach and have a campfire party. We also plan to go diving if weather permits. I'd like you to join us if possible. I am sure we will have a lot of fun being together.

Please remember to pack your bathing suit and take your passport.

I am looking forward to your reply.


Li Ming



宾语从句:I am sure we will have a lot of fun being together.

祈使句: Please remember to pack your bathing suit and take your passport.

状语从句:While there we will go hiking, climb the mountains, swim near the beach and have a campfire party.

We also plan to go diving if weather permits.

I'd like you to join us if possible.

将来完成进行时:We will be traveling around Hainan Island from July 15 to 21.

固定句式:How is everything going?


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】— You could always put the decision off a little bit longer.

— __________ If I leave it much longer I might miss my chance.

A. That’s reasonable. B. Isn’t it a good idea?

C. Do you think so? D. I can’t agree more.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Have you ever tasted or perhaps heard of sugar painting? As fewer people choose to make this kind of painting, the traditional Chinese folk craft might have become a 1(distance)memory in some ways.2, a 38-year old craftsman, Li Jianzhong, is committed to3(keep)the art of sugar painting alive.

Li worked as a miner for more than ten years. After 4mine closed down, Li turned to housing decoration, until he 5(force) to give that up due to a finger injury. Earlier this year, he discovered sugar painting, something he really had an interest in and a strong desire to learn.

Since there was no sugar painting craftsman in his village, he studied by 6(he) through large quantities of videos and information on the internet. Li loved painting when he was young, and he found it easy7(learn) the skill in sugar painting. He soon mastered the skill and could make a 8(vary) of sugar paintings. A sugar painting is made with melted brown or white sugar. Craftsmen 9(normal) paint animals and flowers on a stone board with the syrup(糖浆). When the sugar cools down, 10appears is a piece of sugar art.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】My online friend Steve 1(frequent) comments on how fathers are often not included in the conversation when 2Comes to parenting. When someone posts an article about how moms spend a large amount of time 3(help) with homework each night, he will comment that it isn’t just moms 4 are right there with their sleeves 5(roll) up; fathers are doing all the same things that moms do. However, they 6(award) none of the credit for their performance.

Of course he is right. Steve and millions 7 Other dads are there with their kids every day. They are there making a special hairstyle for Crazy Hair Day. They read bedtime stories to their kids. They volunteer at the preschool. They make sandwiches cut into funny 8(shape).

So for Steve and those dads who do the dirty work of parenting and love it as well as those who can’t to see little faces each morning, we wish you 9Happy Father’s Day. You are awesome. Your little kid and your wife are 10(fortune) to have you. Enjoy your time on this special day!


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

I did very badly at school. My headmaster thought I was 1 and when I was 14 he said, “You're never going to be 2 but a failure.”
After five years of 3 jobs, I fell in love with a very nice middle-class girl. It was the best 4 that could have happened to me. I 5 to do something positive (积极地) with my life because I wanted to prove to 6 that what people said about me was 7 . Especially her mother, who had said to me, “Let's 8 it, you've failed at everything you've ever done.” So I tried hard with my 9 and went to college. My first novel (小说) 10 while I was at college.
After college I taught during the 11 in high schools and attended evening classes at London University, where I got a 12 in history. I became a lecturer at a college and was thinking of 13 that job to write full time 14 I was offered a part-time job at Leeds University. I began to feel proud of myself — 15 was a working-class boy who'd 16 school early, now teaching at the university.
My writing career (职业) took off when I discovered my own style. Now I'm rich and 17 , have been on TV, and met lots of film stars. 18 what does it mean? I 19 wish all the people that have put me down had 20 : “I believe in you. You'll succeed.”
(1)A.bright B.useless C.simple D.hopeful
(2)A.anything B.something C.everything D.nothing
(3)A.low B.poor C.good D.useful
(4)A.support B.happiness C.surprise D.thing
(5)A.admitted B.decided C.planned D.told
(6)A.me B.them C.her D.it
(7)A.wrong B.right C.stupid D.faulty
(8)A.see B.know C.understand D.face
(9)A.experiment B.practice C.writing D.composition
(10)A.came on B.came in C.came out D.came back
(11)A.day B.night C.month D.year
(12)A.graduation B.pass C.degree D.success
(13)A.giving in B.giving back C.giving out D.giving up
(14)A.while B.if C.when D.or
(15)A.there B.here C.it D.that
(16)A.left B.attended C.changed D.graduated
(17)A.tired B.calm C.nervous D.famous
(18)A.And B.But C.However D.Well
(19)A.just B.exactly C.so D.very
(20)A.praised B.said C.answered D.advised


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】"Sorry,but I don't agree with you ..."This is usually followed by unbearable silence and angry tears.I've always found it difficult to disagree with someone,because I don't want to lose a friend.I've found it even harder to accept it when someone disagrees with me,because my ego(自尊心)is hurt.

Before the other person gets a chance to explain why she disagrees with me,my usual response would be,"If you aren't able to see my point of view,then what you think isn't worth my time or consideration,either."But now I've come to realize that when a friend disagrees with me,sometimes she is simply saying,"I don't agree with the way things are done."She still respects me as a person,and is only pointing out a better way to look at a matter.However, there may be times when my friend disagrees with me because I'm against the truth.That's when need to listen to what she says.

I've learned that one way to help my friend is for me to be open and honest with the other to voice my thoughts and listen to the other carefully.While we can't control how a person will respond to our views,we must learn to disagree with our friends in love.We will never feel that we are better than the other person.And that will help us to be less emotional,and more objective in the way we express our opinions.In the same way,we can also stay open to feedback(反馈)from others,knowing that our friends may be correcting us in love.

Good friendships build each other up,sometimes through disagreements and honest opinions.Though I don't like being disagreed with,I'm starting to see the value of such disagreements.

1The author has found it difficult to disagree with someone because .

A. he is a friendly person B. he usually hides his ideas

C. he has no mind of his own D. he wants to keep the friendship

2When a friend disagreed with him,the author used to .

A. be unhappy B. argue with the friend

C. break up with the friend D. explain things calmly

3The author will listen to a friend when .

A. he is against the truth B. he doesn't tell the truth

C. he is respected by a friend D. he does things in the wrong way

4What does the author mainly talk about in the text?

A. How to keep friendship. B. How to avoid hurting a friend.

C. How to express disagreements. D. How to deal with disagreements.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Next autumn when you see wild geese heading south for the winter flying in a V formation, you might think about what scientists have discovered as to why they fly that way.
As each bird flaps its wings, it creates uplift(提升) for the bird immediately following. By flying in a V formation the whole group adds at least 71% greater flying range than if each bird flies on its own.
People who share a common direction and sense of community can get where they are going more quickly and easily because they are traveling on the push of one another.
When a wild goose falls out of the formation,it suddenly feels the drag and resistance of trying to go alone and quickly tries to get back into the formation to take advantage of the lifting power of the bird in front. When the head goose gets tired,it flies back into the formation and another goose flies to the front. It is wise to take turns doing difficult jobs whether it is people or wild geese flying south.
Wild geese honk (发出雁叫声) from behind to inspire those up front to keep up their speed. What can we learn from this?
When a wild goose gets sick or wounded by gunshots,and falls out of the formation,two other geese will fall out with that goose and follow it down to lend help and protection. They will stay with the fallen goose until it is able to fly or until it dies,and only then will they go on with their own or with another formation to catch up with their group.
(1)Wild geese fly in a V formation in order to________.
A.protect themselves from danger
B.fly more quickly and easily
C.help the sick and wounded
D.fly much higher in the sky
(2)What can we learn from the fifth paragraph?
A.We should try to lead others to move forward.
B.We should give people facing difficulties encouragement.
C.We should believe in those who offer us help.
D.We should care more about the old and sick.
(3)When a wild goose becomes sick or is wounded,________.
A.it will be left alone and will fall on the ground
B.the whole group will stop flying
C.two other geese will stay with it to offer help
D.other geese will honk to give it encouragement
(4)What do we know from the passage?
A.A wild goose can help the one following it by flapping its wings.
B.A person who works alone can work better than one who doesn't.
C.It is not good for wild geese to take turns being the head goose.
D.The wild geese that fall behind are unlikely to catch up with their group.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Whether you love happy endings or a dark reality in TV dramas,you could soon be able to decide what you get. Netflix,the TV-streaming company behind hit shows such as The Crown and House Of Cards,is working on ways to give viewers control of key plot decisions.

Some of the storylines will be simple and linear,like the Choose Your Own Adventure books that many grew up with.For example,viewers might decide whether a prisoner in the drama Orange Is The New Black joins a gang (黑帮) or not.

The technology could also potentially be used to allow Princess Margaret to marry Peter Townsend in The Crown,instead of having her relationship with the divorcee (离婚者) blocked by the Establishment.Other storylines will be much more complex,allowing viewers to connect plot points in a variety of ways using their TV remotes.

A source said,"We're doing work on branch narratives (叙事) so you are actually making choices as you watch. All the content will be there,and then people will have to get through it in different ways.We'll see how it plays out. It's an experiment.We'll see if it gets much success.For creators,it's a new field."

Actors would film numerous alternate plot segments (片段) in advance,letting viewers choose which route to take through the story.Netflix will run a trial with choose-your-own-adventure shows for children later this year, based on an established character.If they are successful,it will use the format for TV programmes aimed at adults. Netflix president Reed Hastings confirmed that the company is working on interactive shows,saying,"Once you have got interactivity,you can try anything."

At least five million UK households are thought to be signed up to Netflix,and it is challenging traditional broadcasters.Earlier this year,BBC boss Lord Hall promised to reinvent the iPlayer so that it overtakes Netflix as a destination in its own right,rather than a catch-up service.

1How will viewers connect plot points?

A. By using their TV remotes.

B. By taking part in TV programs.

C. By interacting with actors or actresses.

D. By participating in filming plot segments.

2Why will Netflix run choose-your-own-adventure shows for children?

A. To attempt to create another hit show.

B. To compete with traditional broadcasters.

C. To attract as many children viewers as possible.

D. To test whether their creative ideas are successful.

3What's Reed Hastings' attitude to interactive shows?

A. Confident. B. Doubtful.

C. Negative. D. Worried.

4What's the author's purpose of writing this text?

A. To advertise for Netflix company.

B. To recommend some English hit shows.

C. To predict future development in filming.

D. To introduce the latest technology in TV dramas.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】根据短文内容, 从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。
Traveling for business or pleasure can easily damage your health. It's easy to fail into the trap of high caloric meals and little exercise.
●Keep a dictionary on hand
If you are traveling somewhere with a different language, pack a dictionary and keep it close to help you negotiate(商议)the menu and make healthy food choices. Look up the words that you don't understand to help you learn about cooking methods and ingredients(材料)so that you can choose healthy food.

The more you can research before your trip, the easier it will be to keep a healthy lifestyle while traveling. To stay on track with your food, try to find a nearby grocery store or healthy food store, look up a copule of well rated restaurants that offer some healthy choices, and try to stay somewhere with a fridge or kitchen.
●Walk every day.
Exploring your destination(目的地)on foot is an amazing way to take some exercise while traveling. Walk through the nature to enjoy its beautiful scenery, listen to the sound of nature and take some wonderful pictures.
●Rent a bike.
Cover more ground while burning calories by renting a bike. Many major cities have bike-sharing programs, or you could contact a local bike store to ask about bike rentals. If you have an open schedule, you could even research bike tours, which are a great way to cover a long distance in a short period of time.
A. Avoid junk food and deep fried food.
B. Research the food and store some upon arrival.
C. Take a bike map of the city, research day trips and get exploring.
D. If you are exercising while traveling, make sure to take in extra water.
E. Here are some healthy travel tips which will keep you in good health.
F. You can't avoid deep fried food if you don't know that they're in there!
G. This is also a great way to find hidden attractions that aren't in the travel guides.

