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20.A patient on the brink of death has received the world's first self-contained artificial heart-a battery-powered device about the size of a softball that runs without the need for wires,tubes sticking out of the chest.It is powered by a small battery pack worn outside the body that transmits current through the skin.
Two surgeons from the University of Louisville implanted(植入)the titanium(钛)and plastic pump during a seven-hour operation at Jewish Hospital Monday.The hospital said the patient was"awake and responsive''Tuesday and resting comfortably.It refused to eve personal details.
The patient had been expected to die within a month without the operation,and doctors said they expected the artificial heart to extend the person's life by only a month.But the device is considered a major step toward improving the patient's quality of life.
The new pump,called AbioCor,is also a technological leap from the mechanical hearts used in the l980s,which were attached by wires and tubes to large machinery outside the body.The most famous of those,the Jarvic-7,used air as a pumping device and was attached to an apparatus(器械)about the size of a washing machine.
"I think it's potentially a major step forward in the artificial heart development,''said Dr.David Faxon,president of the American heart Association.However,he said the dream of an implantable,permanent artificial heart is not yet a reality:"This is obviously an experimental device whose long-term success has to be demonstrated."Only about half of the 4,200Americans on a waiting list for donor hearts received  themlast year,and most of the rest died.
Some doctors,including Robert Higgins,chairman of cardiology(心脏病学)at the Medical College of Virginia in Richmond,said artificial hearts are unlikely to replace donor hearts."A donor heart in a good transplant can last l5to 30years.''he said."It's going be hard to replace that with a machine.''

56.The self-contained artificial heartC.
A.is made of titanium and pump
B.brought the patient to the brink of death
C.gets power from a battery pack without wires
D.was invented by two surgeons from University of Louisville
57.From the text we can knowB.
A.the patient recovered completely
B.the patient got better after the operation
C.the patient refused to obtain a donor heart
D.the patient died a month later after the heart implantation
58.What can we learn about the Jarvic-7?B
A.It is a technological leap today.
B.It could be used most widely in the l980s.
C.It is as advanced as AbioCor.
D.It must be attached to a washing machine.
59.Dr.David Faxon thinks the self-contained heartD.
A.has achieved a long-term success
B.will replace donor hearts
C.is an implantable and permanent artificial heart
D.is still in the experimental stage
60.What does the underlined word"them''in Paragraph 5refer to?A
A.donor hearts           B.artificial hearts
C.experimental devices   D.heart operations.

分析 首例整套人工心脏移植
美国心脏协会主席David Faxon博士说:"这可能是人工心脏发展中的重大飞跃."但他还说,可植入的永久性人工心脏这一梦想还不现实,"很显然,这只是一个实验装置,能否长期成功还有待证实."等待别人捐献心脏的4 200个美国人中去年只有大约一半人接受到捐献,剩余的大部分人都死亡了.
包括里士满弗吉尼亚医学院心脏病学主任Robert Higgins在内的一些医生说,人工心脏不太可能替代捐献的心脏.

56.答案 C 细节理解题  根据第一段A patient on the brink of death has received the world's first self-contained artificial heart-a battery-powered device about the size of a softball that runs without the need for wires,tubes sticking out of the chest.It is powered by a small battery pack worn outside the body that transmits current through the skin.可知,人工心脏需要电池供电,不需要电线,故答案为C
57.答案 B 推理判断题  根据The hospital said the patient was"awake and responsive''Tuesday and resting comfortably可知,术后病人状况很好,故答案为B
58.答案 B 细节理解题 根据The new pump,called AbioCor,is also a technological leap from the mechanical hearts used in the l980s,…The most famous of those,the Jarvic-7,used air as a pumping device and…可知,Jarvic-7主要用于二十世纪八十年代,故答案为B
59.答案 D 推理判断题 根据I think it's potentially a major step forward in the artificial heart development,''he said the dream of an implantable,permanent artificial heart is not yet a reality可知,David Faxon博士说这是一个巨大的飞跃,但仍然处于实验阶段,故答案为D
60.答案 A  词义猜测题  根据."Only about half of the 4,200Americans on a waiting list for donor hearts received themlast year,可知等待别人捐献心脏的4 200个美国人中去年只有大约一半人接受到捐献,此处的them指的是捐献者的心脏,故答案为A

点评 科普类阅读理解题主要考查考生对书面语篇的整体领悟能力和接受及处理具体信息的能力.试题的取材,密切联系当前我国和世界经济、科技等方面的变化,有关数据的来源真实可信.因此科普知识类文章是每年的必考题.分析历年的科普类文章我们不难发现以下特点:


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

10.A recent report found 46% of parents agreed that their child knew more about the Internet than they did.And now new research shows parents are turning to their children for lessons in technology.
The new study of around 1,000parents showed that 67% of parents have asked their teenager children for technology-related advice.44% have asked their teenager for help using the Internet,and 41% have received teen advice about how to use the TV or home entertainment system.
Ahad Surooprajally,a father of five children,says his children help him with technology in the home."They've grown up surrounded by technology,"he explains."We have four computers and four iPads in our house.If I want to know something technical they're the ones I go to."
He says his nine-year-old son Habeeb is the only person in the house who really understands the TV.So he tells Habeeb which film he wants to watch and Habeeb connects his mobile phone to the TV."You teach your kids everyday life lessons,but the tables are turned when it comes to technology,"says Ahad.
As well as learning how to use technology properly,there is another advantage of parents asking their children to help them understand the digital world,They may be able to get a better understanding of what their kids are doing online.
Will Gardner of the charity Childnet International says,"We have to continuously encourage parents to find out more about what their children are doing on line.If the kids are using a social networking site,get them to show you around it if you are not using it already."

51.What do we know about the new study?A
A.Over two-thirds of parents turned to their teenagers on tech matters.
B.Most teenagers know more about the Internet than their parents.
C.About half of the parents have no idea how to use a computer.
D.Few parents trust their children to give them advice.
52.What does the underlined part"the tables are turned"probably mean?C
A.The duty is carried out.B.The pleasure will increase.
C.The situation is changed.D.The difficulty becomes less.
53.Will Gardner seems to suggest that parents shouldB.
A.try to learn how to make friends online
B.keep an eye on children's online safety
C.encourage children to use social networking sites
D.ask children to teach them how to use computers
54.Which of the following can be the best title for the text?D
A.Internet:Open to our kids too early
B.Technology:Challenge for everyone
C.Parents:Confused by new technology
D.Children:Parents'technology advisors.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

11.Parents used to rely on physical punishments to control their children's bad behavior,which has been proven to be very harmful.Therefore,most parents now choose to simply yell,thinking that language probably won't hurt as much.But is that really so?
    Using harsh words such as"lazy"or"stupid"is just as harmful as hitting,according to a new study carried out at the University of Pittsburgh,US."It cannot reduce or correct their problem behavior,"said Professor Ming-Te Wang,leader of the study,in an interview with The Wall Street Journal."On the contrary,it makes it worse."
    In the study,which involved 976 two-parent families,researchers asked the kids about their behavior problems,while asking their parents how often they had yelled at them. Nearly half of the parents admitted that they'd shouted at their children in the past year.Researchers noted that the kids whose parents used more harsh words experienced more behavior problems after-wards,including fighting,stealing,lying as well as symptoms of depression.
"Adolescence is a very sensitive period when kids are trying Lo develop their self-identities(个性).When you yell,it makes them feel they are not capable,and that they are worthless and useless,"Wang said."This may explain why so many parents say that no matter how loud they shout,their teenagers don't listen.          
While harsh yelling can stop bad behavior in the moment,it doesn't teach children to behave how parents want them to,according to Professor Alan Kazdin of Yale University,US.What parents need is to praise their children for good behavior.If parents really need to punish their kids,they should try things like taking away smartphones and reminding them that good behavior will get themback. After all,"we want to teach kids,not hurt them,"said Kazdin.
46.How do most parents react to their children's misbehaving now?C
A.Letting them alone.
B.Beating them.
C.Shouting at them.      
D.Praising them.
47.The study finds that using harsh words.A
A.can make things even worse  
B.inspires children to do better
C.corrects children's bad behavior
D.has a better effect than hitting
48.According to Professor Ming-Te Wang,D. 
A.physical punishments are sometimes necessary
B.children are more self-centered in adolescence
C.parents should never punish kids for misbehaving
D.harsh yelling damages children's self-confidence
49.In Professor Alan Kazdin's opinion,parents shouldC      
A.set good examples for their children
B.take away their children's smartphones
C.praise their children for good behavior
D.always think in their children's shoes
50.What does the underlined word"them"in the last paragraph refer to?D
B.bad behaviors      


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

8.No rows of desks in this classroom,and no teacher lecturing at the front.In fact,that's something Barrie teacher Liz Collett rarely does.Instead,she's on the move,talking to students about their work,from the small group sitting on the floor playing games to others nearby figuring out a math problem.
   The children in this class do not take a spelling test all year-in fact,the school avoids all pencil-and-paper tests-nor do they get assigned homework.Instead,their teacher gives them immediate feedback(反馈) on their work throughout the day.
   Welcome to the school of the 21st century,a place where teachers and students cooperate all the time.Such advanced classrooms are trying things,which some might consider as coddling kids-letting students give a voice-recorded essay instead of a written one or even allowing teens to design their own courses.
   Though some people blame schools for dumbing things down (降低教育标准),others will say such changes are actually based on the newest research on how to attract today's youth and increase not only their interests,but also their achievements.Many of today's school are not holding kid's interests.And if they're not interested,they're not learning-and isn't that the point?
"Students today say they want their education to be useful and valuable,and don't want it to be simply repeating the facts.That's the kind of learning that be happening for many kids,"says Penny Milton,a researcher."What we could argue is that to become good learners,they need to become thinkers."
   Jan Olson,anther researcher,says schools have been operating the same way since the Industrial Revolution.But the digital age is bringing an education revolution.While using technology is a part of it,what's important for students is being able to use information and understand it,not just remembering it.
   Today's learner needs fewer traditional tests and more"effective"feedback,ongoing discussion with a teacher,which studies have found is the number one factor in improving achievement.
25.The first two paragraphs are used toB.
A.blame Liz for not being responsible for her work
B.describe what schools are like in the 21st century
C.give an example of a successful school lesson
D.question whether it is right not to assign homework
26.The underlined sentence in Paragraph 3 means"some people may think it as a way ofA"
A.spoiling children                   
B.making children become lazy
C.leading children to make mistakes   
D.caring about children
27.Jan Olson thinks it important for students toC.
A.repeat the facts without really thinking
B.learn something related to technology
C.make full use of information
D.use technology to improve their grades
28.Which is the most effective way to help students achieve more?D
A.Assigning more homework             
B.Offering immediate answers.
C.Giving more pencil-and-paper tests
D.Holding more discussions with them.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

15.Students from Florida International University in.Miami walked on water Thursday for a class assignment.To do it,they wore aquatic (水上的)shoes they designed and created.
Alex Quinones was the first to make it to the other side of a 175-foot lake on campus in record time-just over a minute.Quinones,who wore oversized boat-like shoes,also won last year and will receive  500.Students had to wear the aquatic shoes and make it across the lake in order to earn an'6A"on the assignment for Architecture Professor Jaime Canaves,Materials and Methods Construction Class."It's traditional in a school of architecture to do boats out of cardboard for a boat race.I thought our students were a little bit more special than that,"Canaves said."We decided to do the walk on water event to take it to the next level."
A total of 79 students competed in the race this year in 41  teams.Only 10 teams failed to cross the lake.Others who fell got back up and made it to the end.The race is open to all students and anyone in the community.The youngest person to ever participate was a 9-year-old girl who competed in place of her mother,while the oldest was a 67-year-old female.
A large crowd on campus joined Canaves as he cheered on the racers.He shouted encouraging words,but also laughed as some unsteadily made their way to the end.
"A part of this is for them to have more understanding of designing and make it work better,"he said.It is also a lesson in life for the students.
"Anything,including walking on water,is possible,if you do the research,test it and go through the design process seriously.
56.Which statement about Alex'Quinones is ture?D
A.He finished the race in less than a minute.
B.He won the  race with  the help of 2  boats.
C.He failed the race last year.
D.He set a new record this year.
57.For what purpose did the students take part in the race?C
A.To go across the lake to school.
B.To test their balance on the water.
C.To pass Professor Canaves'class.
D.To win the prize money of  500.
58.Which of the following is true about the race?D
A.The students who fell into the water had to quit.
B.More than 20 teams failed to cross the lake.
C.The students kept silent when the other racers competed.
D.The youngest competitor competed instead of her mother.
59.According to Canaves,this race can help the studentsA
A.understand designing better               
B.achieve almost everything
C.work together and unite as one           
D.walk on the surface of water
60.What is the purpose of this passage?B
A.To advertise a student's program.
B.To report an interesting assignment.
C.To introduce a creative professor.
D.To encourage special events on campus.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

5.Emotional Intelligence (EQ or EI) is a set of abilities or petencies that enable us to understand and manage ourselves and our emotions effectively.EQ also helps us understand and effectively relate to others.Stress tolerance,leadership,munication,social responsibility,problem solving and creativity all require high EQ.
Here are some of the major emotional intelligence competences that make up a fully integrated personality as well as a sample of a state of the art assessment that measures EQ.
Emotional Expression-The ability to express your feelings and instincts(本能).Emotional expression is a necessary part of your day.
EmotionalA wareness of Others-The ability to hear,sense or intuit what other people may be feeling from their words,body language(not verbal) or other direct or indirect clues.
Flexibility-The ability to bounce back,be flexible,and retain curiosity and hope in the face of adversity,change or challenge.
Optimism-B eing positive and optimistic.
EQ is recognized to be one of the most important predictors of personal,business and professional success.In a world of unprecedented change and challenge it is our ability to increase our EQ that will help us build the leadership,transparent munication and collaboration to lead better lives,do better business and contribute to a better world.
IQ may get you the client,but your EQ skills will help you keep the client and build a growing practice.Why?B ecause,while human beings like to make their decisions m an intelligent way to purchase a product or a service,the bottom line remains that we buy services and products from those we trust and like.It is our ability to trust and like another person that makes us feel comfortable with the relationship and inspires the desire to have or to purchase something from them.
It is the human ability to put instincts,emotions and thoughts into the correct position in relation to each other that gives us the competence to increase our emotional intelligence.A nd it is the human ability to use the changes and challenges we face to develop self awareness and emotional management that helps us communicate better.
With appropriate education and training,Emotional Intelligence can be developed throughout our lives.Like most human competences,Emotional Intelligence is best increased in the learning and the doing,and that is why EQ focused coaching is so powerful


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

12.A dog's tail can tell you a lot more than you might think.Is it wagging(摇)to the left or is it wagging to the right?
"The direction of tail wagging does in fact matter,"said Giorgio Vallortigara,a professor at the University of Trento in Italy.Professor Vallortigara finds that the way the tail is wagging can tell you a lot about a dog's state of mind-whether you're a human or another dog.
What's the difference between a left wag and a   right wag?Professor Vallortigara and his colleagues have studied 43 dogs of various breeds-German Shepherds,Beagles,Boxers,Border Collies and some mutts.They find that if a dog wags its tail to the left,it's feeling anxious or nervous.The reason could be an unfamiliar or dangerous situation,an unfamiliar person,or an unfamiliar and possibly threatening dog.But if the tail is wagging to the right,it means the dog is feeling relaxed and approachable.
"The tail is a very important signal,"said Thomas Reimchen,a biologist at the University of Victoria in British Columbia,Canada."There is a lot of visual information that dogs use when communicating with each other."
How did the scientists figure all this information out?They had the dogs in their study watch videotapes of other dogs.When the dog on the tape wagged its tail to the right,they say the other dogs remained calm and cool.But when the dog on the tape wagged its tail to the left,the other dogs got anxious.
The researchers are still not exactly sure if the direction of tail wagging is something the dog does consciously.They suspect that it might be something the dog does without even thinking about it-kind of like when you get goose bumps if something scares or startles you.They plan to do more research to get more information about what dogs are thinking and feeling while they're wagging.As Reimchen said,"I'm not going to be surprised if we find all sorts of really interesting processes that nobody has ever seen before."
64.Professor Vallortigara'study focused on the relationship betweenB.
A.a dog's state of mind and its owner's feeling
B.a dog's state of mind and the direction of its tail wagging
C.a dog's sense of direction and its state of mind
D.a dog's intention of tail wagging and its feeling      
65.According to the study,dogs which wag their tails to the left may feelD.
A.calm        B.happy         C.angry         D.anxious
66.It is implied in Thomas Reimchen's words in Paragraph 4 thatC.
A.dogs'tails play an important role in their growth
B.dogs show their feelings only by wagging their tails
C.dogs get to know others by watching tail wagging 
D.dogs can understand each other by repeating tail wagging
67.How does the passage mainly develop?A
A.By asking and analyzing questions       
B.By making comparisons.
C.By following the order of time.
D.By providing examples.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

9.She set out soon after dark        home on hour later.(  )
A.arrivedB.to arriveC.having arrivedD.and arrived


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

10.Nowadays,many university students choose to work part-time _____ they have lots of courses to take.(  )
A.as thoughB.in caseC.even thoughD.so that

