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5.If your password is not ______,you can't withdraw money from your account.(  )

分析 如果你的密码无效,你无法从你的银行账户中取钱.

解答 答案是A.本题考查形容词词义辨析.A项是有效的;B项是生动的;C项是合理的;D项是可靠的,可信赖的;由常识判断,从银行账户中取钱需要输入密码(password),所以如果密码无效(not valid),无法取到钱;由此判断答案是A.

点评 辨析形容词要在识记常见形容词及其搭配的基础上理解语境,根据具体语境推断合理的答案.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:书面表达

Dear Mr Zhang,
    I am Li Hua,a student from Class l,Senior 3.I am longing to join in this activity because
    Looking forward to your early replay.
    Yours sincerely
    Li Hua.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

11.Most of the old are somewhat cut off from the fast developing world and that's why they are so easily ________ by the cheaters.(  )
A.taken inB.taken upC.taken onD.taken off


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

8.Look!How much________ Alice looks wearing her new show dress!(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

15.(chinadaily.com.cn) Updated:2016-08-13 09:24
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RIO DE JANEIRO-China claimed its first cycling Olympic gold after Gong Jinjie and Zhong Tianshi won the women's team sprint in the Rio Olympic Velodrome(自行车赛车场) on Friday.
The Chinese due beat Daria Shmeleva and Anastasiia Voinova of Russia in the final to take the gold,while the bronze went to Germany who defeated Australia.Gong Jinjie and Zhong Tianshi set a new world record of 31.928seconds in the first round after breaking an Olympic record in the qualifying round.Gong and Zhong's achievement is inseparable from their French coach Benoit Vetu's training.
"I moved my family to China for this job.It's to achieve this dream that I have stayed in the cycling training base.It was a hard decision,but it worth it.I have no regrets now,"Vetu told chinadaily.com.cn.
Under Benoit Vetu's coaching,Gong and Zhong won in their debut at the Incheon Asian Games after teaming up in 2014.And at the 2015UCI World Track Cycling Championships,they won the gold by breaking the world record.
As they improved continually in their races,their trust into Vetu also increased."We trust each other,and there are no problems in our cooperation.We admire him,and he feels the same way about us.He understands us,is familiar with our emotions and when to encourage us,"Gong told chinadaily.com.cn about their coach after the race.
21.The text is mainly talks aboutA.
A.China wins first cycling Olympic gold,owes glory to French coach
B.Winner's thought on cycling Olympic game
C.Cycling Championships won the gold in 2015
D.Succeeding in the game as trusting each other
22.Who won the silver medal in the Rio Olympic Velodrome?B
A.Gong Jinjie and Zhong Tianshi       
B.Daria Shmeleva and Anastasiia Voinova
C.Benoit Vetu                      
D.Germany player
23.The passage is likely take fromC.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

10.Thanks to John's outstanding performance,it is most likely that he _______ into Harvard University.(  )
A.acceptedB.was accepted
C.will acceptD.will be accepted


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

17.One morning in 2007.Parthasarathy---we usually called him Partha.---came to meet me.He was disabled and was not an engineer but had majored in a computer course in college.I told Partha,"I'd like to employ people like you."In fact,it turned out to be the right decision to employ him.Partha had an amazing enthusiasm and his disability did not stop him from improving himself.I was not doing any charity by employing him because my company benefited more from Partha.I have realized that physically challenged people are more faithful than others but unfortunately we usually pay scant attention to them.
At that time our office was on the first floor and Partha had difnculty dealing with the stairs.Seeing him struggle.I decided to make the entire office disabled-friendly.Our ground floor is now intended for the disabled people,and we have special toilets for them.We have also built houses for them near the office so that they can avoid long travelling hours.
After meeting Partha,I decided to hire more disabled people.We waited six months to get another disabled person who then became our receptionist.
I don't regard employing disabled people as charity.I consider it my responsibility.The country has spent much money educating me and I feel it is time for me to do something as a reward.
It is great to work with them.Seeing them work,get married,settle in life and have children is a wonderful experience.
We have 550employees now,and 20percent of them are disabled.We go to Engineering Colleges looking for disabled people but onty to find one or two in each college.Parents don't send them out.The biggest challenge for the physically disabled is the attitude of their parents,but we hire them even if they are not engineers.

56.What kind of person was Partha?(No more than 10words)
Partha was disabled but didn't stop improving himself.
57.What does the underlined word"scant"in the 1st paragraph mean?(No more than 2words)
Little./Not enough.
58.Why is the ground floor intended for the disabled people?(No more than l2words)
Because the disabled have difficulty dealing with the stairs.
59.How many disabled workers are there in the writer's company now?(No more than 2words)
60.Do you agree to the writer's plan to employ more disabled people?And why?(No more than 30words)
Yes.Because it is our duty to reward the country and the disabled need chances to make full use of their skills to improve themselves..


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

14.Technology:Taking the good without the bad?
Very soon,unimaginably powerful technologies will remake our lives.This could have dangerous consequences,especially because we may not even understand the basic science underlyi ng them.There's a growing gap between our technological capability and our basic scientific understanding.We can do very clever things with the technology of the future without necessarily understanding some of the science underneath,and that is very dangerous.
The technologies that are particularly dangerous over the next hundred years are nanotechnology (纳米技术),artificial intelligence and biotechnology.The benefits that they will bring are beyond doubt.But they are going to be very,very dangerous.I'm working in the field of artificial intelligence.I have a model design for something that might be 50,000 million times smarter than the human brain.Target date is 2010.The only thing that's not possible in the film Terminator(终结者) is that the people win.If you're fighting against technology w hich is 50,000 million times smarter than you,you probably will not win.
Nanotechnology.We've all heard of the grey glue problem,that self-replicating nanotech devices might keep on copying until the world has become sticky glue.And certainly in biotechnology,we've really got a big problem because it's converging with nanotechnology and IT.Once you start mixing nanotech with organisms and you start feeding nanotech-enabled bacteria,we can really go an awful lot further than the Borg in Star Trek(星际迷航).And those superhuman organisms might not like us very much.
Eventually these technologies will become routine.That's a threat to humanity.I don't think it's possible to slow it down.So what we need to do is accelerate the scientific research and try to get some extra tools.The problems facing us in the future are getting bigger and bigger.I think if we don't get some proper science done,the future is hopeless indeed.
58.From the text,we know that the author's greatest concern isC.
    A.our lack of technological understanding of the process involved
    B.our lack of technological capability
    C.creating technology without really understanding the basic science
    D.Our refusal to face the consequences of the technology we create
59.It can be inferred from the text that the authorB.
    A.thinks people overvalue the capabilities of technology
    B.is not optimistic that artificial intelligence will always be used positively
    C.thinks that we should take science fiction movies more seriously
    D.believes artificial intelligence is the greatest threat we face technologically
60.Why does the author say it is not possible in the film Terminator that the humans win?C
    A.Because the power of the technology is exaggerated(夸大).
    B.Because the strength of the machines is much greater.
    C.Because machines with that much intelligence can easily defeat humans.
    D.Because human beings are not courageous enough to win the battle.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

15.The teacher often tells us to showrespect (尊敬) for our elders.

