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1His novel ______ (translate) into English recently.

2The teacher tried to ______ (简化) the theory for the students.

3He said it was because of his strong determination that he s______ the earthquake.

4His son ______ to a famous university, which made the whole family excited.(admit)

5The house b______ to the old man was built hundreds of years ago.

6Even though the bill is ______ (正在讨论中) now, it will be passed soon.

7You had a wrong turn, so you should be r______ for the accident.

8—Why didn’t you buy the reference book yesterday? It was a real b______.

9His ______ (apply) for the membership of the organization was turned down.

10The ______ (外观)of the ancient castle has totally changed.


1has been translated



4was admitted


6being discussed






1考查动词时态语态。句意:他的小说最近被翻译成英语。根据recently得知用现在完成时,小说和翻译是被动关系,故填has been translated



4考查动词时态语态。句意:他的儿子被著名大学录取,这使得整个家庭兴奋不已根据made得知用一般过去时,儿子和录取是被动关系,故填was admitted

5考查非谓语动词。句意:属于这个老人的房子是几百年前建造的根据谓语was built得知第二个动词与谓语动词之间没有连词用非谓语动词,belong是不及物动词用现在分词,故填belonging

6考查动词时态语态。句意:即使这个法案现在正在被讨论它会很快被通过的。根据now得知用现在进行时,法案和讨论是被动关系,故填being discussed

7考查形容词。句意:你转错弯了,因此你应该为这个事故负责根据句意得知用“负责”be responsible for,故填responsible





科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】How could we live without the Internet? That’s how most of us keep in touch with friends, find homework support, research cool place to visit, or find out the latest news.1But when you’re surfing the Internet, you need to stay safe.

No Talking to strangers

Since you were a little kid, your parents have probably told you not to talk to stranger.

2It’s easy to meet a stranger on the Internet. You might visit a chat room or get an email or a text message from someone you don’t know.

It can be fun to make new friends, but do not communicate with strangers you meet online.3Children have been tricked online by people who pretend to be someone that they’re not. Some children have found themselves in a dangerous situation when they agreed to meet the mysterious(神秘的) online “friend” in person.

4The email could be from a person or a company trying to sell you something. A grown-up should decide what’s best to do, which may include changing your email address or telling the police.

Keep Your Privacy(隐私)

Anybody who uses the Internet has been asked to sign in, log in, or create a personal profile(简介). Kids need to check with a parent or grown-up before doing so. Why?5

Another way to keep your privacy is to choose a screen name or email account name that isn’t your real name.

A. You can do all these things online

B. The same goes for the online world

C. Let your parents know if a stranger emails you

D. This information could be used for reasons you wouldn’t like

E. Don’t ask the strangers too many questions for information

F. Think carefully before you create an email address or screen name

G. Don’t talk to them, agree to phone them, or email them photos of yourself


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



1. 数学和语文学得很好,英语和物理比较难,学习压力大。

2. 父母不理解,觉得他每门功课都应该是班上最好的,还经常看他的日记。

3. 他周末想看电视,可是父母除了学习,什么都不让他做。

4. 现在对学习不感兴趣。



注意:1. 短文应包括所提供内容,也可以适当发挥。

2. 词数:150词左右。开头已给出,不算入总词数。

My deskmate, Tom, feels unhappy recently, for he disagrees with his parents about what he should do or what he shouldn’t do.











科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

注意:1). 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;
2). 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。
3). 不按要求格式改错不得分。
It was very nice to get your invitation to spend ∧ weekend with you. Luckily I was completely free then, so I'll the am to say “yes”. I'll arrive in Bristol at around 8:00 p.m. in Friday evening.On this morning I got up early and went to school as usually, only to find there were nobody in the classroom because it is Sunday. “How a bad memory I have!” I couldn't help laughing. Stand in front of the school gate, I began to wonder what to do next. Suddenly a good idea occurs to me. “Why not get together with some good friends for a picnic in such a fine weather?” I immediately telephoned some of my best friends, but they all agreed to join me. About two hours late, we finally arrived a pleasant park with trees and flowers here and there. We really enjoyed us greatly.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Winters are long and unforgiving in North Dakota. The winter of 1996 was especially brutal. It was a hard time in my own life too, A neck injury had kept me flat in bed for nearly a year. “Just in time for Easter,” my husband, Dick, said. But how could I feel the joy when the snow was four feet deep and I had months of painful physical treatment ahead?
I was doing the dishes one day, feeling hopeless when there was a tap against the glass. It was a branch of the troublesome cottonwood (棉白杨).Back in the fall of 1979, it was a new subdivision (分支) then, an eight-foot stick. The people who'd briefly occupied the house before us had placed the pipe from the pump next to it. The earth was so wet that the poor thing had fallen down, most of its bare root system pointing skyward, and blowing hopelessly back and forth in the cold wind. Dick decided to pull it out one day, but I disapproved of it.
“Look at how hard it's trying!” I said, pointing to the way it strongly kept hold of the earth. “It deserves a chance.”
Dick borrowed some tools. We packed dry soil around the tree and put up some stakes (桩) into the ground, making it stand upright. That winter was still terrible. Surprisingly, in the spring my “rescue stick” put forth a few leaves, then with lots of branches. The year after that, we were able to remove the stakes. By the 1990s that little stick was a giant, towering over the house.
Now the tapping at the window continued, louder as the wind picked up, almost as though to tell me to look up. At last, I did. I caught ray breath. In the window against the icy blue sky, thousands and thousands of fresh red buds were waving in the wind.
The tree was bursting with life and I had a wonderful Easter.
(1)What is the meaning of the underlined word “brutal” in Paragraph 1 probably mean?
(2)How did Dick rescue the new subdivision?
A.By supporting the stick firmly.
B.By watering the stick regularly.
C.By distributing chemical fertilizer.
D.By gathering sticks day and night.
(3)What is the author's purpose in writing the last paragraph?
A.To inform us of the current condition of her cottonwood.
B.To imply that she'd spent the hardest time and felt hopeful.
C.To tell us that the tree had survived from the awful winter
D.To suggest what she was going to do for the coming festival.
(4)Which of the following can serve as the main idea of the passage?
A.A friend in need is a friend indeed,
B.There is no garden without its weeds.
C.Success is the accumulation of sweat,
D.Where there is life, there is hope.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】假设你是李华,你校将于下周五晚在剧院礼堂(the theatre hall)举办戏剧之夜活动,将有知名艺术家的表演。请给外教Christina发一封电子邮件,邀请她参加本次活动。


2. 活动内容及对艺术家的简单介绍;

3. 发出邀请。


2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

3. 参考词汇:戏剧之夜Drama Night。











科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Born in the Netherlands in 1853, Van Gogh led a simple life in a small town until the age of 16. He then left school and joined a firm of art dealers in the large city of The Hague. He eventually realized that dealing with others' artwork was not his profession, his true love was to become an artist himself.
He devoted much of his time to learning the fundamentals of drawing. Van Gogh believed that to become a great painter, one must first master the ability to draw. It was only after he was comfortable in this area that he began to use oil paints. That is when he developed a style and talent for color that made him one of the most respected artists of all time.
Van Gogh's paintings are amazing representations of his view of the world. The colors jump off the canvas(画布), not only because of their brightness but also because of the brush strokes(笔画). Van Gogh avoided light, feathery strokes, which would portray typical subjects. Instead, he used his brush and oils to make layers that built the painting until it was almost three-dimensional.
Perhaps one of the most memorable examples of Van Gogh's use of color and brush style is his painting The Starry Night. The sky swirls(打旋)across the canvas, while the stars shine with unearthly brightness. Each brush stroke creates the image of movement. Under the sky rests a village painted with smaller strokes and finer detail, giving the impression of peace. A large tree in the foreground suggests that the view is enjoyed from the top of a hill, which offers a glance of the beauty of the night sky. The Starry Night shows Van Gogh's ability to create a powerful image with simple subjects.
Van Gog spent only the last ten years of his life painting. He is believed to have sold only one of the 900 paint he created during those years. Yet Van Gogh today is considered one of the greatest artists of all time. He influence is evident; many painters mimic his style and use of color. His artwork can be found in museums all over the world and is valued in the millions of dollars, a testament to Vincent Van Gogh's talent.
(1)How did Van Gogh learn to paint?
A.By reading many books about art.
B.By familiarizing himself with basic techniques.
C.By closely observing the world around him.
D.By carefully studying the techniques of others.
(2)What does the author seem to admire most about Van Gogh's paintings?
A.The images.
B.The mood.
C.The brushwork.
D.The themes.
(3)Why does the author refer to The Starry Night?
A.To praise Van Gogh's ability.
B.To show Van Gogh's style of painting.
C.To show Van Gogh's respect of nature.
D.To honnor the great genius.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】—For weeks after the crash, divers had searched accessible areas ________ for the body of the Indian man who was a Concordia waiter.

—Yes, they did their best and were not to blame for the unfortunate result.

A. in reward B. in trouble

C. in vain D. in reality


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


The eight-year-old Carol lived with her father David, Mother May and elder brother Rob. The little family happily lived in a beautiful village surrounded with beautiful nature. The village was at the foot of a mountain, with beautiful views of the snowy mountain. The family survived on growing seasonal plants and trees. Their life is totally surrounded by nature and beauty.

While they lived a very happy life, Carol did not love the beautiful atmosphere of the village. She really wanted to move into the city and enjoy the city life. She wanted to shop, move around the city, watch movies, and eat in fantastic restaurants and cafes, etc.

However, there was hardly any chance that Carol’s family moved to the city as they had everything in the village.

One day, Carol fell asleep during the early noon and she had a sound sleep. Of course, she had a strange dream. She saw her grandmother in her dream as a fairy and her deceased grandmother granted her a wish. Carol requested her that she should love to enjoy the city life as she always desired.

Grandmother understood the desire of Carol, but still wanted to convince her that the peaceful village life is better than the city life.

She told Carol, “Baby, you cannot have access to fresh fruits and vegetables from plants as you have at your home. You cannot breathe fresh air. You cannot play with animals. You can hardly find any trees. You will not find peace as you see here! Do you still want to go to the city?”

Without hearing the concerns, Carol asked her grandmother to grant the wish. Grandmother granted her wish, but with a condition. Carol was told that she would only have 6 hours to spend in the city. Later, she would return to the village. Carol agreed.


1. 所续写短文的词数应为 150 左右

2. 至少使用 5 个短文中标有下划线的关键词语

3. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好

4. 续写完成后请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。

Paragraph 1:

Carol then found herself in the city with her friends.







Paragraph 2:

Carol’s brother Rob was calling her for lunch and Carol woke up.








