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Based on new analysis, we are rapidly approaching major climate change and the effects on society and the environment could be quite severe.Geographers predict that within the next eighty years, current world climate zones could shift and some could completely disappear.Polar regions will get colder while tropical regions will get even hotter,forcing animals to migrate(迁徙) north.

Climate changes like these could lead to the spread of diseases.Tropical storms and hurricanes will not only increase but may also become more intense.If the changes come too quickly, animal and plant species may not be able to adapt fast enough and could disappear.

According to Science Daily, a new study predicts that by the year 2100,many of today's familiar climates will be replaced by climates unknown in today's world.It is urgent that we reduce the risks of these far?reaching consequences for the whole world.The planet itself has been showing signs of change.In 2004, a serious tsunami created by a major earthquake killed thousands in Sumatra and in 2008, thousands died in China because of another severe earthquake.Egypt was hit in 2009 with a major earthquake and Haiti was devastated in 2010 by yet another massive earthquake.

Within just the last few months, new reports from around the world have been coming in and most agree that our climate situation is much worse than previously thought.At this point, it doesn't matter what is causing it, but rather, what can be done about it.What's more, our world is getting more and more unstable every year.There is war and threat of war everywhere.Natural disasters are becoming more frequent and serious.

However, other planets are experiencing global warming as well as our own and some scientists believe there may be some connection between this.No one knows anything for sure at this point because there is simply not enough data.

1.What is the major function of Paragraph 1?

A.To arouse the reader's concern.

B.To introduce the theme of the whole passage.

C.To summarize the whole passage.

D.To state how climate changes.

2.What is the author's purpose in using the examples of earthquakes?

A.To show major changes are taking place on the planet.

B.To remind people to prevent future earthquakes.

C.To show the damage earthquakes caused.

D.To tell us more earthquakes will happen in the future.

3.Which of the following is NOT true of climate changes' effects?

A.Animal and plant species may not be able to adapt fast enough and could disappear.

B.It could lead to the spread of diseases.

C.Current world climate zones could shift and completely disappear.

D.Natural disasters are becoming more frequent and serious.

4.What can be inferred from the passage?

A.Animals and plants won't die out as long as climate changes slowly.

B.There's enough data for us to predict the future of climate change.

C.The world is getting more unstable because of animal migration.

D.The earth is not the only planet that is experiencing climate change.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年江西省高一下学期期未考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Robert Ballard was born in 1942. From an early age, he loved the sea. Ballard grew up in Southern California. He spent his free time at the beach near his home. He enjoyed fishing and swimming. He even learned to dive. When Ballard wasn’t at the ocean, he loved reading about it. At age 10, he read 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, a book which describes the undersea adventures of Captain Nemo. Ballard decided he wanted to be like Captain Nemo when he grew up. His parents helped him follow his dream.

Ballard was a hard-working student. He spent many years learning all he could about the ocean. By the age of 28, he was an expert. In 1970, he took a job as a scientist at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute in Massachusetts. There he studied underwater mountains of the Atlantic Ocean. He came up with ways to predict(预知) volcanoes under the oceans. Working with other scientists, Ballard also found previously (以前) unknown sea animals. These animals lived far below the ocean’s surface, where scientists had believed no animals could live.

By the 1980s, Ballard’s interests changed. He developed unmanned(无人的)vehicles to explore the ocean bottom. His first find, the well-known ship Titanic, made Ballard famous. He was not happy with just one big find, however. He looked for and found other well-known ships. One was the German battleship Bismarck. Another was the U.S.S. Yorktown, an aircraft carrier (航空母舰) that sank during World War II.

Today Robert Ballard is still an underwater explorer. He also heads an organization that encourages students to learn about science. Ballard hopes that some of the students will follow in his footsteps. After all, the world’s huge oceans are mostly unknown. Who knows what remains to be discovered under the sea?

1.What was Ballard’s dream when he was young?

A.To be a science teacher.

B.To be a famous writer.

C.To be an animal expert.

D.To be an underwater explorer.

2.When Ballard worked at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute, he _____.

A.explored the undersea world by ship

B.thought of ideas to predict underwater volcanoes

C.found some unknown sea animals alone

D.set up an organization to teach students science

3.Which is the correct order of the events mentioned in the text about Ballard?

a. He found the German battleship Bismarck.

b. He read a book about Captain Nemo.

c. He found the famous ship Titanic.

d. He became an expert in science.

A.b-c-d-a B.d-b-c-a

C.b-d-c-a D.d-c-a-b

4.What can we learn from the text?

A. Ballard was greatly influenced by 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea.

B.Ballard didn’t like fishing and swimming in his childhood.

C.Ballard’s parents felt disappointed at his undersea adventures.

D.Human beings have explored more than half of the sea.


科目:高中英语 来源:2017届高考英语一轮总复习题型重组专题练4英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解


Building a company website is one of the most important parts of creating a successful business. But designing a website can be time consuming and expensive. Web designers are difficult to work with, and even though you're paying them.There are cheaper ways to establish your company online, and Wix.com stands out among them.

Wix.com offers free HTML5 and Flash website design that you can do on your own,without having to pay for a pricey web designer. With unlimited space for as many pages as you want, customized looks, photo galleries, and blog platform capabilities, social networking buttons, Wix has everything a business of any size needs to make an impact online.You get full control over what information fills in the blanks, and you don't have to know a thing about HTML to make this work. The way your website looks says a lot about your company. Wix does that, and it does it for free. Another thing that makes Wix the most affordable option in creating a website is that you don't have to pay for a separate web host—every page created on Wix is hosted on Wix, free of charge.

The Internet is the marketplace of ideas:your company needs to share what you think. If you think just because you don't sell a product online you don't need a website, you're dead wrong.No matter what kind of business you have, if you want to reach an audience, you want to have a website that speaks to people.Wix lets you do that as quickly and easily as possible for free.

If you have a bigger budget, Wix has more options than just the free website design.You can choose to upgrade(升级) to the ad?less version which won't fill up your customer's screens when they visit your site.But if the most important thing to you is getting your company's name online right now, try Wix.com today.

1.Wix.com is meant to________.

A.sell products on the Internet

B.attract more customers online

C.build a company's website cheap

D.collect any possible information

2.What is Paragraph 2 mainly about?

A.Ways of finding free service.

B.Advantages of Wix.com.

C.Skills of creating websites.

D.Tricks of running a company.

3.If you create a company website on Wix,you ________.

A.have to be a good web designer

B.won't do it easily and quickly

C.can share ideas with customers

D.must upgrade to the ad?less version

4.What's the purpose of the text?

A.To teach a budget lesson.

B.To make an advertisement.

C.To present a website design.

D.To introduce a new business.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年吉林长春第十一高中高一英语下学期期末考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解


Win $50 in the Coolest Gadget(小装置) of the Week

Look at what’s the coolest gadget (vote for a chance to win $50).

Cryo S: A Cool Netbook Cooler

Like the other devices of NZXT, the Cryo S was designed to provide a competitive advantage at PC gaming. It has two adjustable 120mm fans that provide powerful cooling.

The full post can be found on Trends Updates.

Starry Night Bed

Are you having trouble getting that good nights sleep that you’re needing? Well, not any more. Why not take a look at the Starry Night Bed? The Starry Night Bed is a great new invention which will revolutionize the way in which you sleep. Not only is this bed fashionable and comfortable but it’s also a gadget heaven. With this bed you get many added gadgets including anti-snore technology, movie projector with speakers, temperature control and many more.

The full post can be found on Tech Styling.

Fugoo—talking gadgets

Fugoo gets all your appliances(装置,设备) talking to each other so your alarm clock could first wake you up and then tell the coffee machine to start working while checking traffic conditions online to tell you how long it will take you to get to work.

The full post can be found on Decide What to Buy.

Vote What is this week's coolest gadget?

〇 A Cool Netbook Cooler

〇 Starry Night Bed

〇 Fugoo—talking gadgets

1.Where can you find the full post of the “Cryo S”?

A. Tech Styling. B. Super Cool Pets.

C. Trends Updates. D. Decide What to Buy.

2.If you buy a Starry Night Bed, you can get all the following gadgets EXCEPT ___________.

A. adjustable fans B. movie projector

C. temperature control D. anti-snore technology

3.Where does this advertisement probably come from?

A. A magazine. B. A website.

C. A newspaper. D. A textbook.


科目:高中英语 来源:2017届高一轮总复习模块冲关评价练2英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解


Many people in high school cannot wait to go to college and leave their hometown behind.Questions arise, though, when it comes to all of the decisions involved in choosing a college.

One of the first considerations may be finance. State and public colleges are often the least expensive. Often, though, the better colleges are private and more expensive. It is sad when gifted students cannot attend a college of their choice just for financial reasons.

Another major factor is location. Whether the college is in a small town or large city can have a major impact on its activities. A water lover probably will be more comfortable spending four years near an ocean or a lake.Those who cannot tolerate heat will probably be more comfortable at a northern college. Distance from home may also come into consideration.If family is a top priority, that person should stay close to home; on the other hand, if independence is desired, a campus farther from home would be more appropriate.

School size also plays a major role in the decision process. If you want to get to know your teachers, a small college is suitable. For those of you who consider yourself a “people_person” and want a wide range of activities, a large college is more fitting. Your area of interest is another factor to consider in the decision?making process if you want to get the most from your education. The whole point of college is to learn what is of interest to you.

Crucially(至关重要地), one must take into consideration the colleges by which you can realistically be accepted. An Ivy League school for an average student would probably not be a good match. Similarly, an average school for an above?average student would not work well. The college should provide enough of a challenge for the student to work hard.Although there may not be the perfect college out there, there probably will be one that is close.Those who cannot find a suitable college are probably not looking hard enough.

1.When it comes to going to college the author thinks ________.

A.students will become homesick

B.students are unwilling to leave their home

C.financial situation is the first to consider

D.students are eager to attend their ideal university

2.What is the main idea of the third paragraph?

A.The location of the college is a main factor.

B.A long distance will make students upset.

C.Students can be independent at college.

D.The climate must be taken into consideration.

3.What does the underlined part “people person” in the passage mean?

A.A very sociable person.

B.A very particular person.

C.A person of great capacity.

D.A person of great importance.

4.Which is the most important factor when choosing a college?

A.The location of a college.

B.The coming challenges.

C.School size.

D.The examination result.


科目:高中英语 来源:2017届高考英语一轮总复习题型重组专题练6英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解


While astronauts in space get to do many exciting things, they miss out on ordinary things that we all take for granted—being able to walk on firm ground, hanging out with family and digging into a slice of hot steaming pizza. Though not much can be done about the first two things, there may soon be a solution to the third one, thanks to this cool 3?D pizza printer!

About a year ago, NASA offered $125,000 to Anjan Contractor, a 3?D technology expert,to build a device(设备) that would allow astronauts to make pizza on demand. The mechanical engineer promised that his invention would produce pies in large quantities that looked, tasted and even smelled like pizza made in common ovens.

Late last year, the engineer presented a video of his first prototype(原型) that begins by creating a single slice of dough(面团) that is cooked and printed at the same time. Then comes the tomato “sauce”—a mix of tomato powder, oil and water and finally, a protein slice that resembles cheese. While the video doesn't show the baking process, the inventor says that once the pizza is printed, it can be ready to be consumed in 7 seconds.

While the pie in the video looks delicious enough to attract any pizza lover, Anjan Contractor is far from ready for astronauts. That's because he still has to find a solution to make the food container in the printer last for 30 years. Though that may sound unrealistic, actually it is not.

Anjan Contractor believes that the only way that is possible is that the water is removed from all the ingredients (配料) and then they are reduced to the powder form. This, as you can imagine, will not be so easy.But, while the printer may not be ready for space, it certainly looks ready enough for people on earth.Hopefully, NASA and Contractor will consider selling it to those not fortunate enough to go to Mars!

1.Why does the author mention the things that astronauts in space cannot do?

A.To ask us not to take common things for granted.

B.To show they live a difficult life there.

C.To show their life is boring in space.

D.To introduce the topic of the text.

2.NASA offered $125,000 to Anjan Contractor mainly to ________.

A.create some new type of 3?D printer

B.attract more companies to work for NASA

C.help astronauts in space enjoy fresh pizza one day

D.produce pizza in large quantities to earn great profits

3.The biggest challenge that Anjan Contractor is faced with now is probably that ________.

A.he has no money left to go on with his research

B.the pizza doesn't seem appetizing to pizza lovers

C.he has no way to make pizza that can last forthirty years

D.he cannot make the food container last for decades

4.What's the best title of the passage?

A.NASA is trying its best to help astronauts eat better

B.Astronauts may soon be able to enjoy steaming hot pizza

C.NASA is working on making pizza for common people

D.A 3?D pizza printer has been used to make pizza


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年考前阅读、完型与写作之书面表达命题揭秘英语试卷(解析版) 题型:书面表达


“Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm.”

—Sir Winston Churchill


1. 你对该引语的理解;

2. 你的相关经历;

3. 恰当的结尾。


1. 短文开头已给出,不计入总词数;

2. 文中不能出现考生的具体信息;

3. 词数:120左右。

This quotation fromWinston Churchill tells us that___________________________



(1) 要求根据引语,写出对成功的理解。

(2) 需要写的话题已经给出,需要我们结合自己的相关经历进行写作。

(3) 过去的经历,用一般过去时,写作时注意要准确运用动词时态,上下文意思连贯,符合逻辑关系。

(4) 尽量使用自己熟悉的单词句式,同时也要注意使用高级词汇和高级句型为文章润色。

(5) 注意要求的词数120左右,不要太多也不要太少。


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年考前阅读、完型与写作之七选五阅读专项训练英语试卷(解析版) 题型:七选五


In spite of so many years of education behind us, can we confidently say we understand what it feels like to be a teacher?

The biggest misunderstanding about teaching jobs is that anyone can be a teacher. In fact, the truth is far from it. 1. They also know the teaching theory well. They should know how things should be taught and how one can be inspired to learn. Also, they need to have an idea about classroom management and students’ psychology(心理学).

Now it can be really annoying for a teacher if someone says teaching is one of the easiest jobs around, because everyone just needs to be taught for a few hours a day. 2. However, teachers work longer to come up with ways to make the knowledge appear more interesting to students and help them learn better.

3. And this is a big reason why more people decide to choose teaching as a career. However, good teachers choose to make good use of the break, by enrolling(注册) themselves for workshops on teaching, classroom management, and related things.

All teachers are not the same, as against what is widely believed. 4. Every teacher is different and has a different approach(方法) to teaching.

5. A teacher has meetings to attend, and is responsible for(对……负责) organizing school events. An important duty of a teacher is to prepare the progress report of each student and discuss it with his or her parents.

In a word, teachers ought to be respected for what they do, and we should never forget their great contribution(贡献) to our success in life.

A. A teacher has many things to do rather than just teach.

B. It is true that teachers get a lot more holidays than others.

C. A good teacher is one who motivates students to overcome challenges.

D. To begin with, teachers are people who perform well in their fields of study.

E. A statement that is true for one teacher is not necessarily true for the others.

F. And common people even believe teachers are probably overpaid when their days end at 3 pm.

G. These teachers give all they can to create an ideal learning environment for their students.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年考前阅读、完型与写作之阅读理解命题揭秘英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解



Opera at Music Hall:1243 Elm Street. The season runs June through August, with additional performances in March and September. The Opera honors Enjoy the Arts membership discounts. Phone:241–2742. http://www.cityopera.com.

Chamber Orchestra: The Orchestra plays at Memorial Hall at 1406 Elm Street, which offers several concerts from March through June. Call 723–1182 for more information.

Symphony Orchestra: At Music Hall and Riverbend. For ticket sales, call 381–3300. Regular season runs September through May at Music Hall and in summer at Riverbend. http://www.symphony.org/home.asp.

College Conservatory of Music (CCM): Performances are on the main campus(校园) of the university, usually at Patricia Cobbett Theater. CCM organizes a variety of events, including performances by the well-known Lasalle Quartet, CCM’s Philharmonic Orchestra, and various groups of musicians presenting Baroque through modern music. Students with I.D. cards can attend the events for free. A free schedule of events for each term is available by calling the box office at 556–4183. http://www.ccm.uc.edu/events/calendar.

Riverbend Music Theater: 6295 Kellogg Ave. Large outdoor theater with the closest seats under cover (price difference). Big name shows all summer long! Phone:232–6220.

1. Which number should you call if you want to see an opera?

A. 241–2742. B. 723–1182.

C. 381–3300. D. 232–6220.

2. When can you go to a concert by Chamber Orchestra?

A.February. B. May.

C. August. D. November.

3. Where can student go for free performances with their I.D. cards?

A. Music Hall.

B. Memorial Hall.

C. Patricia Cobbett Theater.

D. Riverbend Music Theater.

4. How is Riverbend Music Theater different from the other places?

A. It has seats in the open air.

B. It gives shows all year round.

C. It offers membership discounts.

D. It presents famous musical works.

