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   Scholars and students have always been great travelers. The official case for “academic mobility” is now often stated in impressive terms as a fundamental necessity for economic and social progress in the world, and debated in the areas of Europe, but it is certainly nothing new. Serious students were always ready to go abroad in search of the best teachers and the most famous academies; in search of the purest philosophy, the most effective medicine, the likeliest road to gold
  Mobility of this kind meant also mobility of ideas, their moving across borders, their simultaneous  (同时发生的)impact upon many groups of people. The point of learning is to share it, whether with students or with colleagues; one thinks that only eccentrics have no interest in being credited(相信) with a striking discovery, or a new technique. It must also have been comforting to know that other people in other parts of the world were about to make the same discovery or were thinking along the same lines, and that one was not quite alone, faced by question, ridicule or neglect.
  In the twentieth century, and particularly in the last 20 years, the old footpaths of the wandering scholars have become vast highways. The vehicle which has made this possible has of course been the aeroplane, making contact between scholars even in the most distant places immediately available, and providing for the very rapid transmission of knowledge.
  Apart from the vehicle itself, it is fairly easy to identify the main factors which have brought about the recent explosion in academic movement. Some of these are purely quantitative and require no further mention: there are far more centres of learning, and a far greater number of scholars and students.
  In addition one must recognize the very considerable increase of all kinds of subjects, particularly in the sciences, which by widening the total area of advanced studies has produced an enormous number of specialists whose particular interests are precisely defined. These people would work in some isolation if they were not able to keep in touch with similar isolated groups in other countries.
71.It can be concluded from the passage that"academic mobility"_____.
A.means the friendship formed by scholars on the trip
B.is a program carried out by governments
C.has been put great emphasis on in the world
D.means going abroad in search of the best teachers
72.The word "eccentric" underlined in the second paragraph most probably means_____.
A.a rather strange person                              B.a person of no exceptional ability
C.an ambitious person                                  D.peculiar or unusual
73.In the eyes of the author,what happens to a scholar who shares his ideas with his      
A.He risks his ideas being stolen.                   B.He gains recognition for his achievement
C.He is considered as an eccentric.                 D.He is credited with a striking discovery.
74.According to the passage,the recent growth in air travel has meant that_____.
A.travel around the world becomes realistic and affordable
B.more students from remote areas can attend universities
C.all kinds of information can be shared by more people
D.scholars can meet each other more easily
75.The author thinks that it's important for scholars to be able to travel because_____.
A.their laboratories are in remote places
B.there is too much stress at universities
C.their fellow experts are spread across the world
D.there are so many people working in similar fields

71-75   ABDC



科目:高中英语 来源:必修一导练英语外研版 外研版 题型:050


  E-mail systems at thousands of companies and government offices around the world were attacked by a virus(病毒)called “Melissa” that disguises(伪装)itself as an “important message” from a friend.In spite of a weekend of warnings, more than 50 000 computers at about 100 places around the world have been attacked by the virus, computer security experts said on Monday.

  The virus began to show up last Friday and spread rapidly on Monday by making computers fire off dozens of infected(被传染的)e-mails.Although the virus causes no serious damage to a computer, its effect was far reaching.

  To make matters worse, a similar virus called“Papa”was discovered on Monday.Papa is programmed to send out even more infected e-mails than Melissa.

  The Melissa virus comes in the form of an e-mail, usually containing the subject line “Important Message”.It appears to be from a friend.The body of the e-mail message says, “Here is that document you asked for...don’t show it to anyone else.”Attached(附)to the message is a document file.

  Once the user opens that file, the virus digs into the user’s address book and sends infected documents to the first 50 addresses.E-mails from the Papa virus include an attached spreadsheet(电子数据文件)file.When the user opens that file, the virus sends 60 infected e-mails.

  The reason why this is spreading so fast is that you are getting it from people you know.You should never open documents or attachments from people you don’t know.People who get an unexpected e-mail with the “important message” subject line should delete it immediately and not open the message.


Thousands of computers were attacked by the Melissa virus ________.

[  ]


covered with an important message


under cover of a message needing immediate attention


under the clothes of an important e-mail


with a beautiful coat


The Melissa virus made a computer ________.

[  ]


receive tens of bad e-mails


fire at many sick e-mail messages


send out scores of infected messages


burn with a fire because of many infected e-mails


After the attack by the Melissa virus a computer ________.

[  ]


was slightly damaged


became entirely out of order


could not send out any e-mail any longer


would have to be thrown away


If you opened an infected file by Melissa virus, the virus would ________.

[  ]


damage the user’s address book at once


soon spread through the user’s list of address


let the first 50 addresses go out of the computer


change the user’s address book in the computer


________ gave one an attachment called spreadsheet file.

[  ]


The Melissa virus


The e-mails infected by the Melissa virus


The computer attacked by the virus


The e-mail infected by Papa virus


科目:高中英语 来源:河南省开封高中2011-2012学年高一上学期期中考试英语试题 题型:053


  Not all people like to work but everyone likes to play.All over the world men and women and boys and girls enjoy sports.

    1   They help to keep people healthy and feeling good.When they are playing games, people move a lot.This is good for their health.Having fun with their friends makes them happy.

    2   In small towns, crowds meet to watch the bicycle races or the soccer games.In the big cities,thousands of people buy tickets to see an ice-skating show or a baseball game.

    3   What are your favorite sports now? You probably play the games that people in your town or city play.  4   Then swimming is probably one of your sports.Boys and girls in Australia love to swim.There are wonderful beaches there and the weather is good for swimming.  5   Then you would like to ski.There are many skiers in Austria where there are big mountains and cold winters.Does it rain often where you live? Then kite flying would not be one of your sports.It is one of the favorite sports of Thailand.

A.How many sports do you like?

B.What’s the weather like?

C.Is the climate hot where you 1ive?

D.Or do you live in a cold climate?

E.Many people enjoy sports by watching others play.

F.What games have you played?

G.Sports help people to live happily.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

  In the 19th century England people liked to go to the seaside. In those days, ladies wore long bathing dresses, and men wore bathing suits. Women did not walk about on the beach in their bathing dresses. They hired a bathing machine. A bathing machine was used for changing in, and for taking the bather down to the sea. It cost 2 pence to hire a machine and an attendant (f~ ~). When she had paid, the bather climbed up the back steps and got into the bathing machine. Then she changed into her bathing dress. When she had changed , the machine was pulled down to the sea. The bathing machine stopped in the water and the bather went down the front steps into the water. If she did not want to get into the sea, the attendant pulled her in.

1. Who used the bathing machine?

  A. Women bathers.

  B. Both men and women bathers.

  C. Bathers who couldn’t swim.

  D. Bathers who couldn’t walk.

2. A bathing machine was mainly used for

  A. giving the bather a pleasure ride on the beach

  B. giving the bather some exercise before getting into the water

  C. protecting the bather from catching cold from the sea wind

  D. protecting the bather from being seen in bathing dress out of water

3. In the 19th century people who used the bathing machine usually did the following things. Which is the right order for doing them?

  a. Changing into bathing clothes

  b. Getting out of the bathing machine

  c. Paying 2 pence

  d. Getting into the bathing machine

  e. Being taken down the beach

  f. Getting into the water

  A. e,d,a,b,f,c  B. c,d,a,e,b,f

  C. c,d,e,a,b,f  D. d,a,e,b,f,c


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解


Twenty years ago,kids in school had never even heard of the Internet.Now,I'll bet you can't find a 36 person in your school who hasn't 37 heard of it.In fact,many of us use it on a regular basis and can even use it at 38 .The “net” in Internet really stands for network.A network is two or more computers 39 together so that information can be? 40 ?or sent from one computer to 41 .The Internet is a vast 42 for all types of information.?You may enjoy using it to do  43 for a school project,downloading your favorite songs or 44  with friends and family.Information can be found 45 web pages that companies, organizations, and individuals(个人)create.It's like a giant bulletin board that the whole world uses!But since anyone can put  46 on the Internet,you also have to be careful and use your best 47 and a little common sense.?

Just 48  you read something on a piece of paper someone puts on a bulletin board doesn't mean that it's good information,or even correct, for that matter.You have to be sure that whoever posted the information knows what they're talking about, 49  if you're doing research!But what if you're just e?mailing people?You still have to be very  50  if you've never met the person that you're communicating with online.You could be doing something 51 !You should never give out any 52  information to someone you don't know,not even your name!And just like you can't 53 the information on every website out there.You can't 54  on what strangers you “meet”on the Internet tell you either.In the same way that you could 55 things about yourself to tell someone,someone else could do the same to you!?

36. A. stupid   B. single  C. common     D. clever?

37. A. at least B. at mostC. at last D. at first?

38. A. school  B. Home C. work   D. hospital?

39. A. met      B. Communicated   C. joined D. connected?

40. A. shared  B. found  C. made  D. chosen?

41. A. other    B. the other    C. another      D. others?

42. A. material       B. resource     C. source D. matter?

43. A. homework   B. housework  C. research     D. experiments?

44. A. playing B. talking       C. meeting      D. communicating?

45. A. through       B. across C. by      D. on?

46. A. something    B. anything     C. everything  D. nothing?

47. A. wisdom       B. judgmentC. Courage  D. confidence?

48. A. because       B. when  C. where D. what?

49. A. specially      B. especially   C. naturally    D. strangely

50. A. careful B. wise    C. suspicious   D. confident?

51. A. exciting       B. interesting  C. suspicious   D. confident?

52. A. social   B. personal     C. general       D. special?

53. A. respect B. consult       C. send    D. believe?

54. A. rely      B. believe       C. trust    D. base?

55. A. make of       B. make from C. make out    D. make up??


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

We now think of chocolate as sweet, but once it was bitter. We think of it as a candy, but once it was a medicine. Today, chocolate can be a hot drink, a frozen dessert, or just a snack. Sometimes it’s an ingredient(配料) in the main course of a meal. Mexicans make a hot chocolate sauce called mole and pour it over chicken. The Mexicans also eat chocolate with spices(香料) like chili peppers.

Chocolate is a product of the tropical cacao tree. The beans taste so bitter that even the monkeys say “Ugh!” and run away. Workers must first dry and then roast the beans. This removes the bitter taste.

The word “chocolate” comes from a Mayan word. The Mayas were an ancient people who once lived in Mexico. They valued the cacao tree. Some used the beans for money, while others crushed them to make a drink.

When the Spaniards came to Mexico in the sixteenth century, they started drinking cacao too.Because the drink was strong and bitter, they thought it was a medicine. No one had the idea of adding sugar. The Spaniards took some beans back to Europe and opened cafes. Wealthy people drank cacao and said it was good for the digestion.

In the 1800s, the owner of a chocolate factory in England discovered that sugar removed the bitter taste of cacao. It quickly became a cheap and popular drink. Soon afterwards, a factory made the first solid block of sweetened chocolate. Later on, another factory mixed milk and chocolate together. People liked the taste of milk chocolate even better.

Besides the chocolate candy bar, one of the most popular American snacks is the chocolate chip cookie. Favorite desserts are chocolate cream pie and, of course, an ice cream sundae with hot fudge sauce.  

1. It was ________that discovered sugar could remove the bitter taste of cacao.

A. The workers in the chocolate factory       B. The Spaniards

C. The people in England                  D. The owner of a chocolate factory

2. According to the passage which of the following statements is true?

A. Nobody had the idea of adding sugar until the sixteenth century.

B. The word “chocolate” comes from a Mexican word.

C. The beans taste so bitter that even the monkeys like them.

D. Workers must dry and roast the beans to remove the bitter taste.

3. The Spaniards think that cacao was a medicine because________

A. it was strong and bitter.    B. it was good for digestion.

C. it cured man’s diseases.     D. it was a kind of drink for good health.

4. Which is the right time order of the events regarding chocolate?

a. Chocolate became a cheap and popular drink in England.

b. A factory made the first solid block of sweetened chocolate.

c. The Spaniards started drinking cacao.

d. It was found that sugar removed the bitter taste of cacao.

e. A factory mixed milk and chocolate together.  

A. a-b-c-d-e            B. c-d-e-b-a     C. c-d-a-b-e           D. c-d-b-e-a

5. It can be inferred from the passage that ________.

A. chocolate can be a hot drink, a frozen dessert, or a candy bar

B. Mexicans like chocolate very much

C. chocolate is a product of the cacao tree

D. people liked the taste of chocolate mixed with milk

