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8.Have you heard that Mr.Smith bought a new mobile phone the other day?
-__________?That's his second one in just one week.(  )
A.Had heB.Did heC.Does heD.Has he

分析 -你听说过史米斯先生前几天买了一部新手机吗?

解答 答案是B.考查省略,根据所提供的情景Jack bought a new mobile phone the other day.可判断出这个反义疑问句的时态要用一般过去时,Did he?是Did he do的省略.所以答案选B.

点评 英语中的省略较为普遍,对省略的考查已经成为热点.在并列句中和对话中后边的分句可以省略与前边分句中相同的成分.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

18.Do you know our school at all?
No,this is the first time I ______ here.(  )
A.wasB.cameC.have beenD.am coming


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

16.The scene was so _________that the child was ________,holding his mother's arm tightly.(  )
A.frightening; frighteningB.frightened; frightening
C.frightening; frightenedD.frightened; frightened


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

3.If I had known you were waiting for me,I ______ earlier that day.(  )
A.would have comeB.had comeC.will comeD.came


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:完形填空

13.My teacher organized a secret Christmas gift exchange.We were (41)Dto open our gifts in  front of our classmates and(42)Athe name of the gift giver,who would stand up and be applauded.
Every kid tore(43)Ca fancy package containing a new toy.Then it was my (44)B.The teacher handed me something wrapped(包裹)in used paper.It was so wrinkled that the colors had(45)B.With everyone watching,I removed the paper and(46)Da cheap book with tom and dirty pages.
Inside was a handwritten (47)Cshowing the girl who gave me the book.When I announced  her name,my classmates started (48)B.Her gift was another indication of how (49)Dthis girl was from the rest of us.She'd arrive late to (50)A,her hair wet and messy.She didn't have friends,and the popular students made fun of her because she wore (51)Bclothes and shoes.Only later in life did I understand that she(52)Ccame from a terribly poor family.
As the class laughed,this 8-year-old girl (53)Dher head to hide her tears.But I was(54)Cthat the other kids would think that this girl and I were(55)A.Only years later did I realize that what I did next was unforgivable-I (56)Bthe book in the garbage!
Months later,the girl (57)Aschoo1.I never saw her again.I have forgotten the (58)B of  many of my old classmates,but not hers.For so many years I have been trying to (59)Cin touch  with her,but I haven't had any news about her yet.I owe her a sincere(60)Dand I expect I will  have such a chance some day.

46.A.met withB.showed offC.turned onD.pulled out


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

1.The story I would like to tell happened about a year ago.I accepted a position in a company.John,an acquaintance of mine,told me much about the job and took my curriculum vitae (简历) to his supervisor.I did not refer to him as a friend because at the time we did not take part in activities together outside of work,nor did our wives.
The first week was fine.Nothing was obviously strange with John at first until the second   week,when our communication began to get a little strange.John began making comments like"you would have had to pay an employment agency several hundred dollars for a job like this".I soon forgot his words till the next day when he made another similar comment.Right then I started to really pay attention to what he meant.He acted as if I owed him money for helping me to get the job.
He began to get short with me and I had only been there for two weeks.He was supposed to train me in building our e-mail servers and setting up the entire standard monitor software.Instead,he went through the process so fast that even an experienced worker could hardly keep up.He would not slow down or check whether I was with him or not.If there was something wrong with a server,he would just buzz through the solution and not stop to say anything like"you might want to remember this."I began to get very frustrated.
By the third week I began to get tired of his condescension (傲慢).So I began to challenge him in a way that was only one to one.He would respond to a question of mine with a question or just make me repeat it,and then interrupt me.I began to hate him.Later I tried to avoid him as much as I could,so I wouldn't run into him.
He stopped me one day and asked me what had happened.I told him he was very condescending in his tone and manner.He asked me,"What can I do so that you will not feel like this way in the future?"I simply asked him to treat me with the same respect he would like to be treated with.He did it and we got along better gradually.I believed there was hope and eventually we would become friends and now we are.

58.Why didn't the author refer to John as a friend at first?A
A.They seldom spent free time together.B.They had only met for two weeks.
C.Their wives didn't know each other.D.They had many disagreements on work.
59.What did John most probably mean by saying the underlined sentence?C
A.The company he and the author worked in was very good.
B.The author was wise not to ask an employment agency for help.
C.He had helped the author get a job without a penny.
D.The author should have paid him several hundred dollars to express his gratitude.
60.Which of the following is TRUE according to the third and fourth paragraphs?C
A.John was an experienced and hard-working employee.
B.The author was very slow in learning new things.
C.John hardly lent an ear to what the author expressed.
D.The author gradually got accustomed to his work.
61.What's the author's purpose of sharing his story?B
A.To express his dissatisfaction with John.
B.To stress the importance of communication between colleagues.
C.To remind us what problems can occur at work.
D.To describe how to become qualified for a job.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

18.Allyson Ahlstrom,19,of Santa Rosa,California hits Las Vegas,Nevada with her mobile boutique(精品店) and non-profit organization,Threads for Teens.Allyson is on a summer tour of 14cities across the United States.Threads for Teens on Tour will outfit(提供全套服装) some 1000girls in need,each in a brand-new outfit.
At each stop deserving girls will receive brand-new clothing.In addition to serving girls,the Threads for Teens mobile boutique invites community members to come along and learn more about the organization.
In 2010,at the age of 14,Allyson decided that she would try to make a difference by making new,fashionable clothing available to poor girls.Her project has earned more than﹩100,000in monetary contributions and over﹩150,000in clothing donations.In addition,through a partnership with The Hunt (thehunt.com) anyone can help to raise up to﹩15,000for Threads for Teens by solving hunts on their websites,for free!
Allyson has just completed her freshman year at the University of Pennsylvania.Her full-service clothing boutique in Santa Rosa has allowed over 600girls in need to each pick out two brand-new outfits for free over the past four years and Threads for Teens on Tour 2013gave clothing to 1,000additional girls.Her Threads for Teens non-profit has also provided 130girls with backpack filled with school supplies,and has given out over 100party dresses.
In May 2013at a ceremony in Washington,D.C.,actor Kevin Spacey and Olympic gold medalist Allyson Felix praised Allyson Ahlstrom as one of the 10top teen volunteers in America."I want to make Threads for Teens available to as many girls as possible.That's one of the reasons for the road trip,"says Allyson."More than that,I'm hoping to inspire others to volunteer and contribute in their own way.Anyone can make a difference!"

11.Allyson Ahlstrom was honored as one of the 10top teen volunteers in America becauseD.
A.she donated a large sum of money
B.she established Threads for Teens
C.she has made to society more harmonious
D.she has helped lots of girls with her non-profit organization
12.What can we learn from paragraph 3?A.
A.Her project has got great support.
B.She has earned a lot of money.
C.Allyson has made a difference to all girls.
D.The Hunt raised up to﹩15,000for her project.
13.Which of the following can best describe Allyson?B.
A.Intelligent,generous and serious.
B.Inspiring,considerate and kind-hearted.
C.Loving,friendly and fashionable.
D.Modest,rich and strict.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

19.More than half of young black men in the United States do not finish high school.Many grow up without fathers and in neighborhoods with gangs,drugs and violence.Sixty percent of those who drop out of school have spent time in prison by the age of thirty-five.
Joe Marshall co-founded the Omega Boys Club in San Francisco,California,twenty-three years ago.Mr.Marshall tries to give boys-and girls-a safe refuge and a chance at a better future.Every week,he has two basic messages for his young students:"Stop the violence"and"Don't do drugs."
Mr.Marshall taught math in middle school and expected to see his best students go to college.
He got a lot of horror stories-a lot of his former students ended up dead or in prison for selling drugs,being involved in gangs,and girls ended up getting pregnant(怀孕).
The Omega Boys Club serves more than four hundred young people every year.Two times a week,it offers after-school classes in math,reading,family and life skills,and college preparation.
Joe Marshall sees gangs and violence as a disease that needs to be dealt with as a public health problem."That's what these young people get.They develop a street mentality-anger,fear and pain.Then we tell them to follow some new rules for living that will decrease their chances of ending up dead or in prison and increase their chances dramatically of staying alive and free."
But his most effective way to spread his anti-violence message is through radio.In 1991,Joe Marshall started"Street Soldiers,"a weekly call-in show.Marlena,one of the graduates of the Omega Boys Club,is at Southern University right now,going into her third year.She talked about what she had learned by coming to Omega,by listening to"Street Soldiers,"and she said she had learned how to love herself.
The club provides guidance and financial assistance to help students stay in school.Over ninety percent of members who were accepted into college have graduated.
41.The passage is mainly aboutD.
A.what problems many young black men are faced with
B.how Mr.Marshall helps his students to go to college
C.why many young black men end up in prison
D.how an organization helps young black people
42.The passage mentioned Marlena in order toA.
A.showcase the success of the Club's effort
B.invite girls to attend the after-school classes
C.highlight the failure of normal schools
D.prove the importance of after-school classes
43."Street Soldiers"isD.
A.an armed force              B.a gang of blacks
C.a TV program               D.a radio program
44.According to the passage,which of the following is true?C
A.The Omega Boys Club help the government to keep male students at school.
B.Gangs and violence are public health problems that need to be dealt with.
C.The Club offers after-school classes in basic knowledge and living skills.
D.Over ninety percent of the members have graduated from college.

