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6.Although his 1-year-old smart-phone still works perfectly,Li Jijia already feels the need to replace it.
"There are many better ones available now.It's time to upgrade(更新)my phone."
Li's impatience is shared by many.Shortly after the season when new products are released,many consumers feel the urge to upgrade their electronic equipment,even though the ones they have still work just fine.
As consumers'minds are occupied by Apple's newly released products and debate whether the Google tablet is better than the new Amazon Kindle,it might be time to take a step back and ask:"Do we really need the latest upgrades?"
According to Donald Norman,an American author,"planned obsolescence (淘 汰)"is the trick behind the upgrading culture of today's consumer electronics industry.
Electronics producers strategically release new upgrades periodically,both for hardware and software,so that customers on every level feel the need to buy the newest version.
"This is an old-time trick-they're not inventing anything new,"Norman said."This is a wasteful system through which companies-many of them producing personal electronics-release poor-quality products simply because they know that,in six months or a year,they'll put out a new one."
But the new psychology of consumers is part of this system,as Norman admitted,"We now want something new,something pretty,the next shiny thing."In its most recent year,Apple's profit margin was more than 21percent.At Hewlett-Packard,the world's biggest PC maker,it was only 7percent.
Apple's annual upgrades of its products create sales of millions of units as owners of one year's MacBook or iPhone line up to buy the newest version,even when the changes are slight.
As to Li Jijia,the need for upgrading his smart-phone comes mainly from friends and classmates.When they are switching to the latest equipment,he worries about feeling left out.
"Some games require better hardware to run,"said Li."If you don't join in,you lose part of the connection to your friends."

39.What's the author's attitude towards people's greed for new products?C
40.How do the electronics companies successfully promote their latest products?A
A.They make full use of the"planned obsolescence"strategy.
B.They make a fool of customers by recycling their old products.
C.They control the customers'way of thinking while shopping.
D.They invent new products to attract the youth like Li Jij ia.
41.Why is Apple Company interested in producing latest version of its product?D
A.To provide customers with better service.
B.To defeat other competitors like Hewlett-Packard.
C.To establish a favorable image of itself among its customers.
D.To make huge profits out of its business.
42.It can be inferred from the last paragraph that Li Jijia feels the need to replace his smart-phone as a result ofB.
A.new psychology
B.peer pressure
C.life style

分析 文章大意:本文主要讲述电子产品特别是手机为什么更新太快的原因就是因为他们瞄准顾客心理,仅仅是在产品上做的小手脚就能吸引顾客,最终目的是提高利润.

解答 39.C  推理判断题.由文中作者对人们想要换新手机原因的分析及引用Norman的话可知,作者不支持这种行为,故C项正确.
40.A 细节理解题.由文中的"‘planned obsolescence (淘汰)'is the trick behind the upgrading culture of today's consumer electronics industry"可知商家充分利用淘汰策略,电子产品厂家是玩的新把戏来吸引消费者,其实产品并没有多大的改观,故A项正确.
41.D 推理判断题.由文中的"Apple's annual upgrades of its products create sales of millions of units as owners of one year's MacBook or iPhone line up to buy the newest version"可知,苹果公司因每年产品的更新卖出了数以百万的产品,从而获得了巨大的利益,有利可图才会让它对更新产品感兴趣,故选D.
42.B 细节理解题.由文中的"As to Li Jijia,the need for upgrading his smart-phone comes mainly from friends and classmates."及"he worries about feeling left out"可知,选B

点评 了解文章大意,明确题干内容在文章中的描述,适当推理,从而选择正确答案.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

5.My village is in the southwest of England,(61)whichis a very beautiful area in the country.In the north of this area there are hills.In the south there are several villages on the coast,(62)surrounding (surround) half of the hills.In the east there are woods and in the west there are more hills.There are several(63)islands(island) off the south coast,(64)where fishermen go to catch fish.My village is (65)located(locate) on the River Test and has(66)a population of 750people.It lies 15kilometers to the east of Hope,the nearest town.A new road runs into the village and separates it(67)into  two parts.It is famous for its cheese.My house is part of an old farm.Before,my father used to keep animals in it,but now the building has been (68)changed(change) into a house.There is an (69)attractive (attract) garden in front of my house.I grow many kinds of flowers and vegetables in it.In the summer days my family often stay there in the open air and cook our meals.Can you imagine (70)living(live) in such a wonderful place?


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

6.A rich land owner decided to leave possessions to one of his two sons.As he lay on the deathbed,he called the two young men to him before (61)thebreak of dawn and even before the cock could crow.He then said,"I will leave all my earth to the one(63)that/who can best fill this room.It was in this room (63)that I made plans on how to build up my fortune.Not an inch must (64)be left(leave) uncovered.As I am getting(65)weaker(weak) by the hour you both must come back by midnight."He handed them a small piece of silver and an empty bag to put their purchases in.They both went out and (66)hurriedly (hurry) came back with their purchases.(67)Having brought(bring) the straw,the elder began to spread it around the floor,(68)but far from filling the room.It did not even cover half the space."This is no use,son,"said the father,"and let me see how(69)yourbrother fills the room."The younger son took out of his bag a large candle,(70)set(set) it on the table in the center of the room and lit it.A brilliant bright light filled up the whole room.The father was delighted and exclaimed,"Son,I am sure you will use the wealth well."


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

3.I'm visiting the school ______ my mother taught English ten years ago.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

1.I think she seldom puts the books back on the shelf in time in the reading room,_______?(  )
A.don't IB.do IC.doesn't sheD.does she


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

11."How call I obtain more drugs?"I cried."I can't live without the help of drugs!''.You see,I was only 14 years of age when someone said to me,"Here,smoke this!It will make you feel good."So that is how my habit of d rug-taking began.
Soon I felt I could not live without more and more drugs.So I found I needed more and more money to buy drugs.So I began to steal things from my family and from shops.Then in the street I pointed my gun at people,saying,"Give me your money,or I will shoot you!"
I lost all my friends.My family also said,"Get out of this house and never return here!"I then realized the truth-drugs were killing me."Unless someone told me how to escape from the desire for drugs,I will soon be dead,"I said.
Then one day,I read in a paper,"We help drug-takers!''I decided,"I will go and see what these people think they can do for me."So I stayed at their meeting place for seven months.But they failed.They did not take the desire for drugs from me.
Then one day,I read something in the magazine called"La Paloma".I read how people said,"We could not escape from the desire for drugs.But now we have freedom.God gave us power to escape this desire.God gives us the power of the spirit when we believe what Jesus Christ obtained for us by dying for us."SO I decided,"I will go to this Betel meeting place as reported in‘La Paloma'.I will see if they can help me."
Now I found these Betel people never left me alone.Yes,someone was always there with me day and night.Then one day I cried out to God,"God,please help me!"I know God heard my cry.I found I now had power to escape the desire for drugs.
At last I am free from the desire for drugs.I have found real peace of mind.I now enjoy life and help other people to overcome their d rug problem.

41.How did the author get addicted to drugs?B
A.He wanted to take drugs.
B.He was persuaded to take drugs.
C.He was forced to take drugs.
D.He was influenced by his parents.
42.The author realized that drugs were really killing him when heD
A.took drugs for the first time
B.began to point his gun at other people
C.had no money to pay for drugs
D.was deserted by all his friends and his family
43.Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?D
A.The author's desire for drugs didn't stop when he was at the place he found in the paper.
B.The people at Belel tried their best to help the writer to quit taking drugs.
C.The author quitted his addiction to drugs by his strong will in the end.
D.After quitting drugs,the author kept away from people who are addicted to drugs.
44.How did the"La Paloma"help people to quit taking drugs?D
A.They acted as Jesus Christ would to help addicted people.
B.They took advantage of people's faith in God to help them.
C.They left the addicted people alone and forced them to quit.
D.They succeeded in transmitting God's power to the addicted people•
45.The passage mainly tells usC
A.how the author obtained more drugs
B.how the author shot people for money
C.how the author quit taking drugs
D.how God helps people to quit taking drugs.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

18.In a few years,you might be able to speak Chinese,Korean,Japanese,French,and English-and all at the same time.This sounds incredible,but Alex Waibel,a computer science professor at US's Carnegie Mellon University{CMU)and Germany's University of Karlsruhe,announced last week that it may soon be reality.He and his team have invented software and hardware that could make it far easier for people who speak different languages to understand each other.
One application,called Lecture Translation,can easily translate a speech from one language into another.Current translation technologies typically limit speakers to certain topics or a limited vocabulary,Users also have to be trained how to use the programme.
Another prototype (雏形机) can send translations of a speech to different listeners  depending on what language they speak.‘‘It is like having a simultaneous translator right next to you but without disturbing the person next to you,"Waibel said.
Prefer to read?So-called Translation Glasses transcribe(转录)the translations on a tiny liquid-crystal(液晶) display(LCD) screen.
Then there's the Muscle Translator.Electrodes capture the electrical signals from facial muscle movements made naturally when a person is mouthing words.The signals are then translated into speech.The electrodes could be replaced with wireless chips implanted in a person's face,according to researchers.
During a demonstration held last Thursday in CMU's Pittsburgh campus,a Chinese student named Stan Jou had 11tiny electrodes attached to the muscles of his cheeks,neck and throat.Then he mouthed-without speaking aloud-a few words in Mandarin(普通话) to the audience.A few seconds later,the phrase was displayed on a computer screen and spoken out by the computer in English and Spanish:"Let me introduce our new prototype.''
This particular gadget(器械),when fully developed,might allow anyone to speak in any number of languages or,as Waibel put it,"to switch your mouth to a foreign language"."The idea behind the university's prototypes is to create‘good enough'bridges for cross-cultural exchanges that are becoming more common in the world."Waibel said.
With spontaneous(自发的)translators,foreign drivers in Germany could listen to traffic warnings on the radio,tourists in China could read all the signs and talk with local people,and leaders of different countries could have secret talk without any interpreters there.

51.Which of the following statement is not TURE?B
A.A lecture translation can translate what you said into other languages easily.
B.There is no Muscle Translator in the world now
C.Muscle Translators can translate what you think into speech if you just move your    mouth
D.The spontaneous translators will help us a lot.
52.What kind of equipment is NOT mentioned in this passage?C
A.Lecture Translation
B.Muscle Translator
C.Multiple Translator
D.Translation Prototype
53.What's the final destination of inventing the language translators?A
A.To make cultural exchanges between different countries easier.
B.To help students learn foreign languages more easily.
C.To make people live in foreign countries more comfortably.
D.To help people learn more foreign languages in the future.
54.What can be inferred from the seventh paragraph?D
A.The translator is so good that it can translate any language into the very language  you need.
B.The translator is becoming more and more common in the world as a bridge.
C.With the help of the translator,you only need to open your mouth when you want to say something without saying the exact words at all.
D.The translator needs to be improved before being put into market.
55.Where can this passage probably be taken from?B
A.A newspaper         B.A magazine on science
C.A fairy tale.      D.A scientific fantasy book.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

15.---Where are your parents?
---They are in the kitchen,they ______the dinner for the party the whole day.(  )
A.are preparingB.have been prepared
C.have been preparingD.were preparing


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:完形填空

16.One day I took a bus with my girlfriend.It was so(36)C that we stood for several stops until a vacant seat was  (37)B  for her.
Then a pretty girl rushed towards me,saying,"Hi,where are you going?"I was so struck by the stranger that I had a hard time trying to  (38)A her.Clearly she had taken me (39)D somebody else.I returned her greeting with politeness,(40)B to give explanation to my girl later.
Noticing my dialogue with somebody else,my girl (41)Cher eyes and found she was pretty.She asked jealously,"Who's she?"The pretty girl,quite (42)D of the situation,spoke out first,"Hi,let me (43)C myself.I'm Nancy,used to be(44)B.Very glad to meet you."She behaved very(45)A.
But I was (46)B to search in my memory for someone called Nancy among my neighbors.I was worrying how to explain this to my girlfriend (47)Cthe pretty girl again turned to me,"Will you give me your cell phone number so that we (48)B keep contacts(联系) later?"I had to submit to her (49)A.
Then the girl got off the bus at the next stop.
A minute later I got a short (50)D on my phone-from a stranger.My girlfriend  (51)B my phone and read the note.It was from the girl,who said,"Just now,two thieves tried to (52)D your pocket.I had to act as an acquaintance to draw your attention.I should have left at the (53)C stop but gave up as I noticed these two thieves also(54)Bto leave at the same stop.Because of the(55)A I delayed my departure.Now you'll understand all I have done to you.Wish you luck."

46.A.in a hurryB.at a lossC.at easeD.in time

