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1.You can also explore Frick’s beatiful home and garden _________________

(很值得参观). (worth)

2.With so many different forms of poetry ______________ (选择), students may eventually want to write poems of their own. (choose)

3. She was late  for the wedding ceremony. If she had been there on time, the bride and bridegroom ____________________________ (会更高兴). (feel)

4._______________________ (没有用)crying over split milk. (use)

5.It is your efforts, not your intelligence, _______________ (决定) your success. (determine)

6. I can’t understand _________________ (是什么) that made the lady change her mind. (it)

7. Coming into the room, I found them ____________________ (坐在桌边) playing chess. (seat)

8.In some places in London, missing a bus __________________________ (意味着再等一个小时). (mean)

9.I wish the old temple _______________________________ (拆毁) last month . (pull)

10. ____________________________ (毫无疑问) the earth is becoming warmer and it is human activity that has caused this globlal warming. (doubt)




1.Which / that are well worth visiting / a visit    

2. to choose from            

3.would have felt happier            4.It is no use       

5.that determine                 6.what it was

7. seated at the table     8.means waiting another hour

9. hadn’t been pulled down   10.There is no doubt





科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



例:We ______(起床) before dawn.It was still dark outside.(get)

答案:get up

31.They sat together around the table,with _______(门关着).(shut)

32.I haven’t the slightest idea ____ (他正在说什么).(talk)

33.The fact ____ (他失败了数次) makes him very upset.(he,fail)

34.Last night,John was answering the letters that ____ (寄给他的) during the past two weeks.(arrive)

35.He believes that children ____ (应允许……学习) at their own pace.(allow)

36.She has an excellent ____ (对名字的记忆力),which helps her quite a lot in her work.(memory)

37. ____ (他是否出过国) doesn’t make much difference.(he,abroad)

38.The factory’s output of cars this year is ____ (大约是去年的三倍).(as,great)

39.Not only ____ (要帮助) the disabled to find jobs,but also medical treatment will be provided for those who need it.(give)

40.It is possible that the King of Stonehenge was linked to the stones;he ____ (可能参与) in planning the monument,or in helping transport and pull up the stones.(hand)


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


You can also explore Frick’s beatiful home and garden _________________

(很值得参观). (worth)

With so many different forms of poetry ______________ (选择), students may eventually want to write poems of their own. (choose)

She was late  for the wedding ceremony. If she had been there on time, the bride and bridegroom ____________________________ (会更高兴). (feel)

_______________________ (没有用)crying over split milk. (use)

It is your efforts, not your intelligence, _______________ (决定) your success. (determine)

I can’t understand _________________ (是什么) that made the lady change her mind. (it)

Coming into the room, I found them ____________________ (坐在桌边) playing chess. (seat)

In some places in London, missing a bus __________________________ (意味着再等一个小时). (mean)

I wish the old temple _______________________________ (拆毁) last month . (pull)

____________________________ (毫无疑问) the earth is becoming warmer and it is human activity that has caused this globlal warming. (doubt)


科目:高中英语 来源:09-10年广东省广州六中高一上学期期末考试 题型:写作题

吉祥物乐羊羊(Le Yangyang)原形为五羊雕像,表达了 “和平、成功和快乐”的祝愿。
截至2009年9月9日中午,已有214,387 人申请成为广州2010年亚运会和亚残会(Asian Para Games)自愿者。
[写作要求]  条理清楚,字迹工整,用五句话完成。
[评分标准]  句子结构准确,信息内容完整和连贯。


科目:高中英语 来源:湖北省黄冈市2010届高三下学期质量检测英语 题型:其他题

第Ⅱ卷(非选择题 共40分)




71.You don’t know_______ (有多重要) for us to acquire the information. (how)

72.Our national economy as well as the private economy_______ (发展迅速) in the past twenty years. (grow)

73.Maybe you have been to many countries, but nowhere else in the world_______ (你能找到) more attractive scenery than in Switzerland. (find)

74.I would rather_______ (该待在家里) yesterday than go to see the dull film. (stay)

75. _______ (不管下不下雨), I’m giving a party tomorrow. (whether)

76.The TV that he_______ (请人修过的) broke down again. (repair)

77.The committee urged that a sound and safe rural financial system_______ (建立) to boost the rural economy. (set)

78. _______ (直到) the 1970s that the reform and opening policy was adopted. (until)

79.China has released over 5 billion cubic meters of water from the Yellow River, the country’s_______ (第二大长河), to ease drought that started to hit most of north China. (long)

80.The factory was fined for piping waste water into the river_______ (未经处理). (deal)


