精英家教网 > 高中英语 > 题目详情
7.An evil man once went to a wise man asking for advice about starting a new life.The wise man asked him to give up at least one of his(36)Ahabits.He gave up telling lies.
That night,when he went to the loyal palace to(37)Bsomething,he found in the palace another person,who said he was a thief.He too(38)Cthat he was a thief and both(39)Dthe treasury (国库)and(40)Bbetween themselves the diamonds found there.The other person was none other than the king,he(41)Ato be a thief.While the diamonds were shared,the real thief(42)Cthe king who was losing his entire stock,he asked his(43)Dto leave one diamond behind in the safe.And,it was done.
The next morning,when it was(44)Bthat the treasury had been broken into,the Minister was sent by the king to assess the(45)A.The Minister found the diamond,thinking that it had(46)Cthe eyes of the thieves.He(47)Ahid it in his own pocket and reported at the court that all the diamonds were(48)B!
The king had got from the real thief his address the previous night while they(49)Awith their separate bags.So he(50)Chim and when the thief stood in court before the king,he admitted that(51)Dbut one of the diamonds were stolen by him and his(52)Ccompanion.The diamond was discovered in the pocket of the Minister and the king dismissed(免…的职) him for the(53)B.The real thief was appointed Minister(54)A,and he gave up his other bad habits too.
It is a perfect(55)Dof how one step in the right direction can lead to another.

39.A.set upB.looked intoC.rang upD.broke into
42.A.looked down uponB.agreed withC.felt pity forD.knocked into
44.A.saidB.discoveredC. recordedD.believed
46.A.attractedB. keptC.missedD.filled
47.A. suddenlyB.carefullyC.firmlyD.quietly
50.A.waited forB.called onC.sent forD.thought of
51.A. bothB.someC.noneD.all

分析 文章讲述一个邪恶的人偷国库的时候遇到了国王,国王没有告诉他真实身份,由于小偷的诚实,一个大臣被惩罚,小偷被任命为大臣.

解答 36-40ABCDB   41-45ACDBA        46-50 CABAC     51-55DCBAD
36  A   文中说到He gave up telling lies说明他放弃了很多坏的习惯,故选A.
37  B    后文说的he was a thief,因此此处应选B.
38  C     文中说到他是 小偷,因此他宣告说,故选C.
39D     空格前文说到他是小偷,因此他闯入国库偷钱,故选D.
40B      文中说到他闯入国库偷钱,之后应该是分赃,故选B.
41A      空格前文说到The other person was none other than the king他实际上是国王,他假装是小偷,故选A.
42C      动词短语辨析,文中说到他把一个钻石留在了国库里,说明他对国王表达遗憾,故选C.
43D     他在偷的过程中把国王当做了朋友伙伴,故选D.
44B     空格后文说道国库被闯入,应该是被发现,故选B.
45A     空格前文说道评估,评估的应该是国库的损失,故选A.
46C     后文说小偷错过了剩下的那个钻石,故选C.
47A     空格后文说道这位大臣偷了这个钻石,所以应该是突然放入兜里,故选A.
48B      文中说到珠宝都被偷了,故选B.
49A     空格后文说道他们带着各自的珠宝分道扬镳,故选A.
50C     空格后文说道  国王派人去请这个小偷,故选C.
51D    文中说道所有东西除了一个钻石留在国库里,故选D.
52C     文中说道小偷和国王最初不认识,故选C.
53B     空格前文说道国王因为这个错误罢免了那位大臣,故选B.
54A     文中说道小偷代替大臣的职位,故选A.
55D     文中说道这是一个经典的例子,故选D.

点评 在做完形填空时,首先需要快速的浏览全文,把握文章的主旨大意;其次要学会带着问题到文中相应的地方,通过细节阅读来寻找或概括答案;最后理清作者的写作思路也非常重要;总之,做此类题时,需要平时加大阅读量,掌握一些阅读技巧.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

14.I was astonishedatthe news of his escape.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

18.He had his camera ready          he was in the hotel room.(  )
A.in caseB.if onlyC.so thatD.even though


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

15.Hobbs was an orphan(孤儿).He worked in a factory and every day he got a little money.Hard work made him thin and weak.He wanted to borrow a lot of money to learn to paint pictures,but he did not think he could pay off the debts.
One day a lawyer said to him,"One thousand dollars,and here is the money."As Hobbs took the package of notes,he was very  dumbfounded.He didn't know where the money came from and how to spend it.He said to himself,"I could go to find a hotel and live like a rich man for a few days; or I give up my work in the factory and do what I'd like to do:painting pictures.I could do that for a few weeks,but what would I do after that?I should have lost my place in the factory and have no money to live on.If it were a little less money,I would buy a new coat,or a radio,or give a dinner to my friends.If it were more,I could give up the work and pay for painting pictures.But it's too much for one and too little for the other."
"Here is the reading of your uncle's will(遗嘱),"said the lawyer,"telling what is to be done with this money after his death.I must ask you to remember one point.Your uncle has said you must bring me a paper showing exactly what you did with his money,as soon as you have spent it."
"Yes,I see.I'll do that,"said the young man.

21.Hobbs wanted to borrow money becauseD.
A.He wanted to go to school     B.He wanted to buy some pictures
C.He had to pay off the debts   D.He wanted to learn to paint pictures
22.What does the underlined word"dumbfounded"(in Paragraph 2)probably mean?A
A.surprised.    B.frightened.  
C.satisfied.    D.excited.
23.Hobbs was asked toA.
A.write down what he did with the money after spending it
B.write down what was to be done with the money
C.tell the lawyer what pictures he wanted to buy
D.spend all the money given by his uncle.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

2.Last Christmas,when I was in the fourth grade and my brother was in the first grade,our school held its yearly Holiday Shop.At the Holiday Shop students can buy things like necklaces,key chains,and other small items for their friends and family as Christmas gifts.Since my brother really wanted to take part,my mom gave him two dollars to buy his Christmas gifts.
My mom didn't know that he had picked out a special necklace for her.When he got home from the Holiday Shop that day,he couldn't wait to show it to me.He pulled out a little green box and opened it.Inside was a golden chain with golden letters that spelled out:"Grandmother".
"Wow!"I said."It's beautiful."Since my brother was in the first grade and was just learning to read,he didn't realize that the necklace said"Grandmother"instead of"Mother".I knew that on Christmas morning,when he found out he had bought the wrong necklace,he would be unhappy,so I said nothing more about it.My brother ran and put the necklace under his bed to hide it from Mom until Christmas morning.
When he wasn't looking,I took the necklace and put it in my backpack.The next day I took it to school and asked the woman who ran the Holiday Shop if I could change it for the"Mother"necklace.She said yes.When I got home that day,I put the necklace under my brother's bed.
When my mom opened it up on Christmas morning,my brother was so  exalted!My mom's eyes were filled with joy.She knew what had happened,which made the necklace even more special to her!
My brother still does not know what I did,but I know I did the right thing.

56.The underlined word"exalted"in the last second paragraph is the closest in meaning to"C".
A.surprised           B.disappointed
C.excited             D.worried
57.It can be inferred from the passage thatA.
A.the author helped his brother secretly
B.the author paid for the right necklace
C.the author's grandmother also received a gift
D.the author's mother didn't know what he had done
58.Which can be the best title for the passage?D
A.My Lovely Younger Brother
B.An Unforgettable Experience
C.Our School's Yearly Holiday Shop
D.A Special Christmas Gift for Mom.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

12.There was once a captain who loved money so much that he cheated his sailors at the end of every voyage and took their wages.
On the last day of one voyage,the ship was in a small port.It was winter time,and the sea was very cold,so the captain said to his sailors,"If one of you stays in the water during the whole night,I will give him my ship.But if he comes out before the sun appears,I shall get his wages."
The sailors had heard about the captain's cheating,so they didn't trust him.But then one of them,who thought that he was cleverer than the captain,said that he would do it.He got into the water,and,though it was very cold,he stayed in it.When it was nearly morning,some fishermen lit a fire on the shore about half a mile away.
"You are cheating,"the captain said to the sailor."The fire's warming you."
"But it's half a mile away!"said the sailor.
"A fire's fire,"answered the captain."I have won."
The sailor came out of the water,and said,"Perhaps you think that you are clever because you have won my wages,but you can't cook a chicken."
"I can,"answered the captain.
"If you cook this chicken,"said the sailor,"I shall work for you without wages for seven years,but if you can't,you will give me your ship."
The captain agreed,took the chicken and said,"Where's the fire?"
"There it is,"answered the sailor."On the shore."
"But it's half a mile away,"said the captain angrily.
"'A fire's fire,'you said,"answered the sailor."If it is enough to warm me in the water,it is enough to cook your chicken."
56.What is the meaning of the underlined word"wages"in paragraph\1?C
A.food             B.clothes          C.money        D.chicken
57.The captain got the sailors'wagesC.
A.to buy a chicken for himself            
B.and kept the money for future use
C.by cheating them                    
D.and said he would return the money soon
58.The captain insisted that the fire was warming the sailor because heA.
A.didn't want to fail
B.didn't believe the sailor's success
C.wanted to keep his promise              
D.wanted to show his cleverness
59.Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE?B
A.The sailors didn't trust the captain.
B.In order to help the sailor in the water,the fishermen made a fire.
C.The captain failed to cheat the sailor this time.
D.The sailor didn't get out of the water before the sun appeared.
60.What is the title of the story?D
A.How a Captain Cheated His Sailor        
B.How a Sailor Got a Ship
C.A Brave Sailor                          
D.A Fire Is Fire.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

19._________James was sleepy,he stayed up late to finish his project.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

16.Before going into the cave,take more flashlights with you ______ one of these doesn't work.(  )
A.as ifB.even thoughC.so thatD.in case


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

17.Here I      stop by sometime and thank Mr.Li,my teacher,for all her selfless help.(  )

