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4.[1]When I was born,my mother immediately made learning a necessary and fun part of my life.Everything we did was a positive learning interaction,whether we were baking cookies or spending the day at the library.I never watched TV,not because I was not allowed to,but because it was more fun writing stories with my mom.
[2]When I finally entered a school classroom at age five,I was excited,but terrified.That first day of kindergarten I quietly sat at my desk during snack time and opened my Miss Piggy lunch box.Inside the box I found a note from my mother written on a napkin(餐巾).The note said that she loved me,that she was proud of me and that I was the best kindergartner in the world!Because of that napkin note I made it through my first day of kindergarten and many more school days to follow.
[3]There have been many  since the first one.There were napkin notes in elementary school when I was struggling with my math,telling me to"Hang in there,kiddo!You can do it!Don't forget what a great writer you are!"There were napkin notes in junior high school when I was the"new girl"with frizzy hair and pimples telling me to"Be friendly.Don't be scared.Anyone would be lucky to have you as her best friend!"In high school,when my basketball team was the first team in our school's history to play in a state championship,there were napkin notes telling me,"There is no‘I'in team.You have gotten this far because you know how to share."And there were even napkin notes sent to me in college and graduate school,far away from my mother's physical touch.Mother's encouragement,support and teaching are always with me,echoed in years of love,commitment and napkin notes.
56.Why did the writer never watch TV?(within 10words)Because it was more fun writing stories with my mom./
Because doing something else was more interesting.
57.When did the mother begin to leave the writer napkin notes?(within 8words)When the writer went to kindergarten/school./When the writer was 5.
58.Please fill in the blank in Paragraph 3.(within 2words)napkin notes
59.What does the underlined phrase"hang in"in Paragraph 3means?Please explain it in English (within 5words)(1)to be friendly (2)to share
60.Who has had great influence over the writer according to the passage?(within 2words)The mother..

分析 本文主要讲述母亲的鼓励,支持和教育对作者影响极大.

解答 76.Because it was more fun writing stories with my mom./
Because doing something else was more interesting.
77.When the writer went to kindergarten/school./When the writer was 5.
78.napkin notes
79.(1)to be friendly (2)to share
80.The mother.
76.Because it was more fun writing stories with my mom./Because doing something else was more interesting.细节题. 根据文章第一 段,but because it was more fun writing stories with my mom.可知作者不看电视的原因是和母亲写故事更有趣.
77.When the writer went to kindergarten/school./When the writer was 5.细节题. 根据文章第二 段When I finally entered a school classroom at age five,I was excited,but terrified.That first day of kindergarten I quietly sat at my desk during snack time and opened my Miss Piggy lunch box.Inside the box I found a note from my mother written on a napkin(餐巾). 可知当作者5岁上幼儿园的时候母亲开始给他留餐巾纸条.
78.napkin notes细节题. 根据文章第三 段There were napkin notes in elementary school when I was struggling with my math 可知自从第一个餐巾纸条,作者收到越来越多的餐巾纸条.
79.(1)to be friendly (2)to share细节题. 根据文章第三 段 when I was the"new girl"with frizzy hair and pimples telling me to"Be friendly.和You have gotten this far because you know how to share."可知他从餐巾纸条中学到了"友好"和"学会分享".
80.The mother.细节题. 根据文章第三 段Mother's encouragement,support and teaching are always with me,echoed in years of love,commitment and napkin notes.可知母亲的鼓励,支持和教育对作者的影响很大.

点评 做阅读表达题时,理清文章的脉络、掌握文章的主旨大意,并能运用简洁的语言表达.回答要有针对性观点要明确.不要摘抄文章原句.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

14.Nobody in the family knows for sure why__________________.(  )
A.fierce quarrels often broke out between the newly wedded couple.
B.the newly wedded couple often broke out fierce quarrels
C.it broke out fierce quarrels between the newly wedded couple.
D.fierce quarrels were often broken out between the new wedded couple.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:书面表达



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

12.onsist of      even if            name after        lead to         therefore      
be meant to    stand in one's path   in memory of     distinguish      attach..to  
71.Rainstorm and flash flood showered some provinces,in N.Afghanistan on April 17,2016,andled tomany deaths.
72.The committeeconsisting ofscientists and engineers has been set up.
73.We don't have enough money.Therefore,we cannot afford to buy the new car.
74.In memory ofthe Americans who died in the attack,a national memorial was built in Pearl Harbor just above the remains of the Arizona.
75.China's water release,whichis meant tohelp reduce the effects of the drought,benefits people along lower Mekong River.
76.Research suggests that babies learn to see bydistinguishingbetween areas of light and dark.
77.Alexander the Great took his army,with 42,000 men,into the Middle East and then Egypt,defeating every army thatstood in his path.
78.Even ifwe have achieved great success in our work,we should not be too conceited.(自满)
79.After the horrible influenza,importancewas attached tothe prevention of the disease.
80.The buildingnamed aftera well-known scientist is well designed.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

19.Everybody wants to be happy.Thus,the happy-making suggestions spring up:Learn to let go!Live in the present!Don't sweat the small stuff!Never sleep on worries…The list is almost complete and perfect.(36)G
●They live in Scandinavian countries.
Okay,so your living place may not be a habit so much as a circumstance.But this is interesting.According to the United Nations General Assembly's second World Happiness Report,Denmark is the happiest country,followed by Norway,Switzerland,the Netherlands,Sweden and Canada.(37)C
It's no surprise that workers who are happy with their work are happy with their lives.And in fact,a Gallup poll found that workers who were happily engaged and enthusiastic about work were happiest in life,with 71percent of them describing themselves as"promising".And it's probably not that surprising that only 42percent of poll respondents who said they were disconnected from their work described themselves as promising.(39)F That's 6percent more than those with jobs.For many,being unemployed is happier than having a terrible job.
●They don't try to be …happy?
Oops.(40)E A study shows that making happiness a personal goal will actually stand in the way of your achieving it.The researchers found that women who valued happiness more reported being less happy and more depressed than women who didn't place much importance on the goal."Wanting to be happy can make you less happy,"said study researcher Iris Mauss."If you explicitly and purposely focus on happiness,that appears to have a self-defeating quality."So if you really want to be happy,try forgetting about it.

A.They are well paid workers.
B.They have satisfying jobs.
C.Note that all of these are generally northern countries.
D.However,all of these are far from satisfaction and need to be improved.
E.Now that we've told you the secrets for happiness,we're here to ruin your dreams.
F.What's surprising is that 48percent of those unemployed see themselves as promising.
G.Instead,we offer a different list of habits employed by those who've successfully located the happiness button.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

9.How to control embarrassing moments
Have you ever done something embarrassing?At that moment,you probably wished you could disappear into air.Good news?You can keep the damage to the minimum.Here's some help.
You are staring at a handsome boy so hard that you walk into a wall.You dropped all your books.The best thing you can do?If you're not hurt seriously,laugh it off.Say like"Hey,I can teach you to do that if you want to!"By laughing at yourself,you show people you're confident and still in control of the situation.
Some situations are not suitable for laughing off.Your underwear falls out of your backpack.You pass gas while giving a speech.Making a joke would call more attention to what happened.What now?You can just pretend nothing happened and go on what you were doing,or you can say"Oh,that was awkward"and then move on.
Some embarrassing situations may embarrass yourself and make someone else feel bad.You imitate (模仿) your teacher's accent just as the teacher walks in.Making a joke or running away won't make you look better.Instead,apologize,"I'm so sorry about that."It may make things right again.

B.Move on
C.Laugh it off
D.Run away.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

Many of us are so busy with work,school and home life that often there is no time left to do something that you enjoy.What follows are some ways to carve out that essential time you need to slow down,enjoy life and relax yourself.
(36)B.Try to save certain weeknights just for you.If others ask you to do things those nights,just tell them you have plans.Use the time for gardening,reading,exercise,thinking or the ultimate luxury of doing nothing!
Monthly Treat.(37)G.It could be on your lunch break,a weekend or it could be leaving work early.Maybe you get a spa treatment,go to see a movie,a haircut,play golf or whatever treat you're always thinking about but rarely get to.Schedule it in and it will happen!
Buy Tickets in Advance.Sports,theater,concerts or any other event you would enjoy.Schedule the plans with a friend later.(38)C.
(39)A.Huh?Yes,many of us stay at work late on a regular basis.If this is you,make it a point to leave work exactly on time at least once a week,if not more.And then enjoy that time!Leave work at work.
Join a Group.Here are some ideas of groups that can allow you some time away from work and home:singing group,gardening group,astronomy society,book club,biking clubs,ski club,etc.What are you interested in?Strike while the iron is hot.(40)E.If you can't find a club,consider starting one yourself!

A.Leave Work on Time.
B.Evenings with Yourself.
C.Having the tickets already in hand will force you to make it happen!
D.Listen to your favorite music!
E.Look up a club in your area today and join!
F.Take an Adult Education Class.
G.Schedule a treat for yourself once a month.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

13.Gratitude makes your life better
(36)F And thankfulness and appreciation are the pathway to happiness and well-being.Gratitude keeps us focused on what is already good in your lives,and opens up the doorway to more goodness to flow into our lives.Gratitude does make your life better in the following ways.
You feel more satisfied.
Not completely happy with your life?Gratitude is a lasting feeling that lasts longer than other sensations.(37)G When you practice gratitude,you take time to appreciate the things that you're thankful for in your life.
When you say"thank you"to someone,they feel that you appreciate what they did for you,even if just a little bit.Saying"thank you"is therefore a powerful motivator for others to keep helping you again.Have you ever noticed how it feels when someone doesn't appreciate what you did for them?(39)D The words,thank you,go a long way.You can never show someone enough gratitude.
You're happier.
Grateful people are happier.They're more in tune with what's going well in their lives and focus more on the positive(40)E It's very enjoyable to recognize the things that you might have been taking for granted,and to feel happy for having them in your life.

A.You help others.
B.You motivate others.
C.They won't thank you after you help them.
D.It makes you not want to help them again in the future.
E.When you actually count your blessings,it puts you in a positive and uplifting mood.
F.Gratitude is the feeling of being thankful and showing appreciation for what you have in your lives.
G.Grateful people are more satisfied with their lives because they focus more on what they appreciate in their life.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

7.There are times in life when things don't go as expected.Perhaps an important project of yours ended up in failure.Or you got laid off from your job.Whatever it is,it might make you depressed.But you need to get things back under control.You need to keep moving forward.(31)C.In this way,you can face the situation with a positive attitude.How to Feel Better?Here are some tips to make yourself feel better when you're depressed:
1.Calm down
Before anything else,calm yourself down.Don't panic.(32)D.You can only apply the tips below if you are calm.
2. (33)F
When you're depressed,it's easy to fall into a cycle of negative thoughts,which makes things look worse than they actually are.It's important that you break this cycle so that you don't become a victim of your own thoughts.You may read spiritual texts,motivational books,or inspiring quotes.You may also listen to positive tapes.
3.Remember good things
Our minds tend to focus on the negative and not the positive. (34)E.Remember the good things in your life.Remember the good people around you.
Sometimes one reason you feel bad is because you don't forgive.Perhaps you had made mistakes in the past and you blamed yourself for it.You need to forgive yourself.Or perhaps someone mistreated you.(35)B.I know it's easier said than done,but as Mahatma Gandhi said:The weak can never forgive.Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.
So let us all be strong.

A.You apologized for it.
B.You need to forgive them.
C.You need to make yourself feel better.
D.Close your eyes and take a deep breath.
E.But you should direct your mind to the positive.
F.Feed your mind with positive thoughts.
G.Say something positive.

