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Dear Mandy,

Pm not doing well in my lessons at school,especial in maths. My dad says I must try hard because he wants me go to university. He thinks I'm lazy,but it's not true. I work really hard, often study late into the night!I've tried to talk to my mother,but she always said I have to work as hard like my brother does. My brother doesn't study very hard,and he always gets excellent

grades. It's not fair!

The only thing I like it is art. My teacher says rm the best student she's had for year. When I told my dad,all he said was,“You mustn't waste your time in art. You must focus your mind on your lessons!”Pm feeling quite puzzling what to do now.Would you please help me out?

Thanks a lot!

Yours sincerely,



科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年四川雅安中学高一上学期期末模拟英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Two ______ of the earth’s surface ______ water.

A.third; isB.thirds; is

C.third; areD.thirds; are


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年江苏省南通市高三第二次调研测试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Dear Textual Healing,

I would be very interested in your recommendations for any books to help me through a difficult time of my life. At 57, f am feeling a bit lost. I have a wonderful, loving husband and bright, caring teenage daughter but I am lonely and have lost my spark for life.

I have always taken care of everyone and managed a career, but, after the death of my father this summer, my difficulties as a child in a terribly abnormal family have come back to me regularly. / have become unfocused and often alone while my husband is away frequently on business and my daughter busy with school and friends.

I am seeking the help of a therapist and taking care of myself but I would love to read something to help me “get my groove (理想状况)back” and reengage with life.


Dear PC,

From the letter you’ve given us about your life, it’s no wonder you’re feeling a little lost. But before prescribing titles to help you get your groove back, I’d recommend taking a journey into Rebecca Solnit’s non-fiction book, A Field Guide to Getting Lost, which is packed with the wisdom of everyone from Pat Barker to Thoreau and Keats.

The word lost is rooted in the Old Norse “los”,meaning the disbanding of an army. “This origin suggests soldiers falling out of formation to go home, ceasing fighting with the wide world. I worry now that many people never disband their armies, never go beyond what they know,” Solnit writes. So instead of fearing that lost feeling, try seeing its potential for discovery. Explorers, remember, are always lost simply because they’re forever someplace new.

“Leave the door open for the unknown, the door into the dark,” Solnit advises. “That’s where the most important things come from, where you yourself came from, and where you will go.”

For something that asks a little less of the reader while still giving plenty in return, try a dose (―剂)of Anne Tyler, the beloved creator of numerous heroes whose serious conditions will move anyone who finds themselves in a midlife difficult situation. One such character is 53-year-old Rebecca Davitch, the heroine of Back When We Were Grownups. Like you, she’s combined marriage and motherhood with a career but suddenly finds herself feeling lonely in her own home. Could it be, she wonders, that she’s “turned into the wrong person"? Don't be fooled by the way this novel ambles along — as Rebecca revisits youthful ambitions and the college boyfriend she abandoned, it asks some heart-rending questions before arriving at a place of graceful, joyous acceptance.

Along similar lines, I'm also going to recommend The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry by Rachel Joyce. Its hero is 65 when he learns that a former colleague sick. On his way to post her a note,he decides instead to visit her— on foot, from his home in deepest Devon to England's northernmost town, more than 600 miles away. You don’t manage that without focus! It’s a journey to a holy place that will take him 87 days to complete, during which he considers his childhood, marriage and relationship with his son, and becomes an accidental media sensation (轰动). By the time he reaches his destination, you’ll feel anything but tired.

Finally, Ruth Ozeki’s novel A Tale for the Time Being will charm the missing spark back into your life. Combining the diary of a sad Tokyo teenager with the story of the middle-aged novelist who finds it, washed ashore on a remote island off the coast of British Columbia, it’s a beautiful illustration of how our lives touch — and are touched by — others in ways we mightn't even be aware of. This Man Booker Prize finalist has plenty to teach about Zen Buddhism, and unless you happen to live in one of its settings, it provides a bracing change of scene, too.

One other suggestion: books, as we all know, make great companions but that doesn't mean they can’t be enjoyed in the company of others. If you find yourself home alone, why not slip one into your back pack and head out to a favourite café.

1.What has mainly led to PC’s negative attitude to life?

A. The lack of helpful books.

B. The blow of her father’s death.

C. The contrast between her devotion to others and her being ignored.

D. The contrast between her easy life and her family members busy life.

2.By mentioning the origin of the word lost, Textual Healing implies that__________.

A. PC should extend her knowledge by reading more

B. PC should stop struggling with anyone around her

C. PC had better try to avoid going someplace new

D. PC oughtn’t to be trapped in her present situation

3.Who clarifies the idea in his/her work that people are socially related?

A. Rebecca Solnit.

B. Anne Tyler.

C. Rachel Joyce.

D. Ruth 0zeki.

4.The character Rebecca Davitch is mentioned by Textual Healing because her experience is__________.

A. typical B. persuasive

C. enjoyable D. extraordinary

5.Which of the following can be the proper title?

A. Which books will cure loneliness?

B. How can you get rid of loneliness?

C. Here are good examples for you

D. Books will keep you busy and healthy


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年江苏省南通市高三第二次调研测试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

I prefer a table that can be _____ when not used so that it may save a lot of space.

A.cleared up B.folded up C.fixed D.taken up


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年黑龙江佳木斯重点中学高三下学期第一次模拟考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

A sick little girl is being kept alive thanks to her best friend — a dog who carries her oxygen tank on his back. Alida’s faithful dog companion Mr Gibbs has been specially trained to shepherd the three-year-old, who breathes through a tube most of the time. He follows her closely as she plays in her family’s ten-acre land in Louisville, uses the slide or even rides her bike.

Alida was diagnosed with neuroendocrine hyperplasia of infancy(NEHI)when she was just eight months old. Her rare condition has just eight hundred documented sufferers throughout the world, and causes diseased pieces of the lungs to filter oxygen through extra layers of cells, making it hard or almost impossible to breathe. For Alida and her parents, it meant that even a walk in the park was very difficult because oxygen equipment was too heavy for the youngster to be able to carry herself. As parents, they wanted to do something to help their daughter survive despite having a tube following her all the time. The couple found out about “service dogs” from a TV program and realized an animal trained to help the blind could be trained to help Alida. They finally found help in the shape of golden doodle—a retriever crossed with a poodle-dog Mr Gibbs. Now thanks to trainer Ashleigh Kinsley—Alida and Mr Gibbs love nothing more than playing and running around together with the dog acting as Alida’s life saver.

1.What is Mr Gibbs?

A. A pet dog.

B. A policeman.

C. A doctor.

D. A firefighter.

2.When did the doctor know Alida caught the disease?

A. At her birth.

B. At the age of eight.

C. Before she was one year old.

D. When she was three years old.

3.The underlined part “the couple” in paragraph 3 refers to _______.

A. Alida’s classmates

B. Alida’s parents

C. Alida’s doctors

D. Alida’s pets

4.How did Alida keep alive?

A. By training her dog.

B. By staying with her parents.

C. By playing with her fellows.

D. By breathing through a tube.


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年河南省郑州市高三第二次质量预测英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

The year of 2014 saw smart people always busy inventing useful things,which have helped tomake the world better,smarter and a little more fun. Now,let's take a look at some of theinventions.

Super bananaAustralian biogeneticist(生物遗传学家)James Dalevisited Uganda,a poor African country,in the early 2000s,where he found that 15%-30% of children under 5 were at the risk of going blind because they didn't get enough vitamin A. Dale also learned that people there love bananas. They eat 3 to 11 bananas a day. So hecame up with an idea to plant bananas containing added nutrition in order to improve Ugandans' health .With the help of Bill Gates' foundation,Dale developed the“super banana,’·He added a gene to the fruit,making it rich in vitamin A.

1.Which of the following statements would James Dale agree with?

A. Children in Uganda should eat fewer bananas.

B. Vitamin A is largely found in fruits like bananas.

C .Super bananas are definitely a safe biological product.

D. People's eating habits can be used to develop new food.

2.What is the biggest advantage of the 94Fifty Basketball?

A. The sensors hidden inside can help players run faster in a game.

B. It can help players to improve their shooting and ball-handling skills.

C. It allows players to connect to their smartphones while playing basketball.

D. The Bluetooth chip inside allows its users to listen to music while playing basketball.

3.What can we learn about the hovercraft from the text?

A. It enables its users to float off the ground freely.

B. It can work on many different kinds of surfaces.

C. It still needs to improve its power and efficiency.

D. It is an affordable means of transport for a family.

4.What do the hovercraft and wireless electricity have in common according to the text?

A. They create magnetic fields to produce power.

B. They apply technologies to many things in life.

C. They are technologies which can produce electricity.

D. They use wireless technology to improve their products.


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年河南省开封市高三冲刺模拟考试(5月)英语试卷(解析版) 题型:七选五


Pool Safety Tips for Kids

On a hot summer day, there are few things that are more appealing than a nice cool pool.1. And it is completely relaxing. Of course, if you have children, there are certain safety measures you should take, whether you have a pool in your backyard or are going to a public pool.

Go swimming together. No person should ever swim alone. Though many people do, the simple truth is that it only takes a second to become injured or drown.2.Having someone there with you can make the difference between life and death. This is especially true for young children. If your child is under the age of 5, you should never allow them to swim out of arm’s length.

3.Kids love to chase one another through the water. But it is important that you emphasize to your children that at no time should they be running around the pool or pushing anyone. In the water, teach children not to jump on top of one another and to watch their surroundings, so that they do not accidentally knock into others, injuring them. Playing around in the pool is very interesting but dangerous.

Keep it locked. If you own a pool, you must have a locking gate around your pool. 4.Keep the gate locked at all times, even when you are physically in the pool. It is terrible for children to steal into the pool.

Know the way out.5.Make sure that they know where all ladders are, and that you teach them to use them for entering and exiting the pool safely. Although your child may be able to lift herself or himself out of the pool using the side, that is not the safest way to go.

Don’t play around in the pool.

Be sure to show all children the proper way to exit the pool.

Swimming under water is forbidden in the poor.

This is to prevent children from entering the pool without your permission.

Slipping into the water seems like the perfect way to deal with the heat.

Something sad happens every year.

Make sure kids know food should be eaten either before or after swimming.


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年海南省高三5月模拟英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空

阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A, B, C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

In 2014 I was 22 years old and had just come back to Brazil after 14 months in England, holding my Cambridge Proficiency certificate. After nervously a short training course, I began to give class to my 12 students, all of them older than I was. I .hard to remain calm in class and they wouldn't find out how unconfident I felt a lot of the time. I was quite , actually, until the end of and the night of the final oral test.

The test was going to start at 7 pm, and at 6:50, I myself in the teachers' bathroom to all the test questions again. I really wanted to learn the by heart so no one would think I was an inexperienced tester. The is, I actually locked myself in the bathroom. I couldn't get out! The bell rang at 7 pm and I could hear the noise in the halls the students went to their rooms. I tried hard to the bathroom door, but failed.

I heard the cleaning lady's voice and asked for help as as I could. However, she wasn't exactly a thoughtful person, and started ;"Diana's locked in the bathroom!"Shame had fallen upon me! the course director, the secretary and some teachers were outside the bathroom trying to get me out, and, ,my students gathered outside too, happily saying things like "Aren't we !No test today !” All I could do was , feeling miserable and utterly stupid. The door finally opened, and my entire was waiting for me outside, naughty smiles on their faces." ! Teacher.” they said," we know you are human too!"

They all passed their test. True to the Brazilian style, we all went out for a beer afterward, and laughed the whole thing off.

1.A. holding B. taking C. getting D. giving

2.A. performed B. learned C. worked D. tried

3.A. thought B. hoped C. guessed D. realized

4.A. successful B. fortunate C. happy D. satisfied

5.A. the class B. the course C. the day D. the year

6.A. tidied B. washed C. locked D. reminded

7.A. rewrite B. answer C. go over D. put forward

8.A. questions B. instructions C. answers D. steps

9.A. situation B. condition C. trick D. problem

10.A. probably B. simply C. sadly D. nearly

11.A. As B. before C. after D. until

12.A. knock B. kick C. open D. push

13.A. quietly B. hurriedly C. excitedly D. crazily

14.A. scolding B. running C. laughing D. shouting

15.A. At first B. Soon enough C. In the end D. Right now

16.A. to my amazement B. to my delight C. to my surprise D. to my horror

17.A. lucky B. comfortable C. anxious D. regretful

18.A. watch B. smile C. wait D. worry

19.A. class B. staff C. group D. school

20.A. Sorry B. Congratulations C. Don't be angry D. Don't worry


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届浙江绍兴第一中学高三下学期开学回头考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

— Do you guess living in such a quiet countryside has advantages?

— ___.

A.Well, that depends B. Yes, it is

C. Yes, perfectly D. Nothing at all

