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2.Anson Lemmer,a 19-year-old from Glenwood Springs,Colorado,was on his last pizza delivery(41)A of the night,on June 15,when he arrived at a(42)C house and found a man lying on the ground (43)D,according to the Post Independent.
The teen swung into action and(44)BCPR(心肺复苏),eventually saving the man,who began walking around soon after.Lemmer then called his parents to (45)B his eventful day.
"I called my parents and said‘This has been the (46)A pizza delivery ever.I left a pizza boy and came back a pizza man,'"Lemmer (47)B the Post Independent."They were proud of me.(48)C unexpected thing."
The 19-year-old said that when he(49)D to the house that day,the situation was already very (50)A."There was something really wrong,his eyes had rolled up into his (51)B and he was unresponsive,"the teen told the news station,(52)A the scene."One of his friends was on the(53)C calling 911,and the other was attempting CPR,but (54)D he asked me if I knew how to do CPR at all."
The now-pizza delivery"(55)B"happened to have learned how to perform CPR when he was(56)A,the Post Independent reported.EMTs(急诊医师) arrived at the(57)C shortly after and took over for Lemmer after the man started    58D.The man was sent to the hospital after the (59)B.
Though saving lives isn't exactly in a pizza delivery guy's job description,the teen said he was happy to do it."They all(60)C my hand and tipped me pretty well,and I got to take home a pizza so that was all right,"Lemmer told the newspaper.
49.A.moved backB.came alongC.got offD.pulled up
54.A.by and byB.once moreC.now and thenD.right away
56.A.youngerB.more curiousC.freerD.more energetic

分析 本文主要讲述了年轻人Anson Lemmer在当晚最后一份披萨递送订单过程中救人一命的故事.

解答 41-45 ACDBB 46-50 ABCDA     51-55 BACDB   56-60 ACDBC
41.A  由上文 on his last pizza delivery 可知 Anson Lemmer 正在送他的最后一份披萨外卖订单(order).exercise 意为"锻炼;练习",play 意为"戏剧,玩耍",show 意为"演出",均不符合文意.故正确答案为A.
42.C  由上文 Anson Lemmer,a 19-year-old from Glenwood Springs,Colorado,was on his last pizza delivery order of the night 可知他正在送最后一份外卖,故可推测他到了顾客的(customer's) 家里.friend's 意为"朋友的",granny's 意为"奶奶的",reporter's 意为"记者的",均不符合文意.故正确答案为C.
43.D 由上文的 a man lying on the ground 可推测他发现一个男人躺在外面的(outside) 地上.somewhere 意为"某处",behind 意为"后面的",upstairs 意为"楼上的",均不符合文意.故正确答案为D.
44.B  由下文 eventually saving the man 可知 Anson Lemmer 采取了行动,给那个男人进行(perform) 了心肺复苏.declare 意为"宣布",follow 意为"跟随",observe 意为"观察",均不符合文意.故正确答案为B.
45.B 由上文 Lemmer then called his parents to…可推测 Lemmer 给他的父母打电话是为了分享(share) 他不同寻常的一天.remember 意为"记住",check 意为"检查",celebrate 意为"庆祝",均不符合文意.故正确答案为B.
46.A 由下文 I left a pizza boy and came back a pizza man 可知这次送披萨事件使 Lemmer 成为了一个成熟的男人,故可推测出他认为这是他最疯狂(craziest) 的一次外卖经历.funniest 意为"最有趣的",easiest 意为"最容易的",quickest 意为"最快的",均不符合文意.故正确答案为A.
47.B 由第一段最后一句 according to the Post Independent 可知这件事都是由 Post Independent 来叙述的,故此处也应该是 Lemmer 把他的想法告诉(tell) 了 Post Independent.invite 意为"邀请",surprise 意为"惊讶",confuse 意为"困惑",均不符合文意.故正确答案为B.
48.C 根据文意可推测 Lemmer 认为这是一件完全(totally) 意料不到的事.especially 意为"尤其",properly 意为"合适地",generally 意为"通常地",均不符合文意.故正确答案为C.
49.D    A项,move back to 意为"回到";B项,come along to 意为"出现到";C项,get off to 意为"陷入…状态";D项,pull up to 意为"到达".结合上文可知,Lemmer 在讲述他到达(pull up to)那所房子之后的事.故正确答案为D.
50.A 由上文的 found a man lying on the ground 可知当时情况已经很严重(serious) 了.desperate 意为"绝望的",obvious 意为"明显的",unusual 意为"正常的",均不符合文意.故正确答案为A.
51.B 由上文 There was something really wrong 可知当时情况很危急,他的眼睛已经翻到了头(head) 上,即他已经在翻白眼了.chest 意为"胸部",face 意为"脸",neck 意为"脖子",均不符合文意.故正确答案为B.
52.A  由上文 the teen told 9News 可知他正在描述(describe) 当时的场景.reach 意为"到达",imagine 意为"想象",expect 意为"期待",均不符合文意.故正确答案为A.
53.C  由上下文 One of his friends was on the _____ calling 911 可知他的一个朋友正在给911打电话(phone).journey 意为"旅途",topic 意为"话题",way 意为"路上",均不符合文意.故正确答案为C.
54.D     A项,by and by 意为"不久以后";B项,once more 意为"再一次";C项,now and then 意为"时不时";D项,right away 意为"马上".
根据题意他的一个朋友正在做 CPR,但他马上(right away)又问"我"是否知道怎么做 CPR.故正确答案为D.
55.B   由上文 I left a pizza boy and came back a pizza man 可知 Lemmer 认为自己已经是一个真正的男人了,故此处根据文意应该是送披萨的男人(man).teenager 意为"年轻人",guy 意为"家伙",hero 意为"英雄",均不符合文意.故正确答案为B.
56.A   由上文 happened to have learned how to perform CPR 可知 Lemmer 在救助顾客这件事之前就已经学过了心肺复苏,顺应逻辑可推测是在他更年轻(younger) 的时候学的.more curious 意为"更好奇",freer 意为"更自由",more energetic 意为"更有活力",均不符合文意.故正确答案为A.
57.C   本题考查固定搭配.at the scene 意为"在现场",句意为"急诊医师不久后达到了现场…". interview 意为"采访",call 意为"呼叫;访问",hospital 意为"医院",均不符合文意.故正确答案为C.
58.D   由上文 he was unresponsive 可知那个男人已经失去了意识,而当急诊医师到来后,他们接管了 Lemmer 的工作(继续给他做心脏复苏),直到他开始呼吸(breathe).talk 意为"讲话",walk 意为"走路",think 意为"思考",均不符合文意.故正确答案为D.
59.B  由上文 There was something really wrong 可知这是一次严重的事故(incident),故可推断事故之后,那个男人被送往了医院.media 意为"媒体",delivery 意为"递送",instruction 意为"指令",均不符合文意.故正确答案为B.
60.C    由下文…and tipped me pretty well 可知他们对 Lemmer 的行为是感激的,故可推测他们和 Lemmer 握手(shake hands)以表示感谢.feel 意为"感受",raise 意为"举起",touch 意为"触摸",均不符合文意.故正确答案为C.

点评 非等距离挖空的命题方式是完形填空的最大特色.短文首句不挖空,以便为考生理解全文留下足够信息,命题者根据考查目的进行挖空,造成信息链中断,这就要求考生依据上下文的文意捕捉到空白处的缺词.从近几年高考完形填空题看,纯语法知识几乎不考,主要考查考生灵活运用所学词汇的能力,尤其是以考查实词或信息词为主,着重考查考生对文章的内在逻辑和整体把握能力.因此,把握句间和段落之间的内在逻辑关系,通过上下文暗示,对篇章、段落或句意的整体把握;再则,干扰项的设置与语法结构无甚关系,重在文意干扰.因此,把握文意和具体语境,通过对词义的辨析,是解完形填空的最好手段.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

12.The workaholic is full of       every day,so he usually      a lot of document home.(  )
A.stressful,brought backB.stress,bring back
C.stress,brings backD.stressful,brings back


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

13.Tom,a reporter friend of ours,passed the large street windows of the New York Public Library.He noticed a man on the other side of the window(23)was reading(read) that day's newspaper.With delight Tom saw that the paper was open to the very page for which he had written a big article.
The reporter stopped,with his eyes(24)fixing(fix) on the man.Would the man read deeply into the article?To the bottom of the page?It was one of those rare,unexpected moments,of which a writer dreams.The writer's nose got closer to the glass.The page wasn't turned:Good,the reader was interested.Our friend stayed there a bit longer to learn the answer(25)tothe important question:
Would the reader turn to the page(26)wherethe story was continued?
Two minutes passed.Four minutes.Nothing.The man must be a very slow reader indeed.The writer didn't realize the reader had fallen asleep(27)untilhe stepped forward and saw the reader's closed eyes.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

10.Compared with his sister,Jerry is even more _______ to,and more easily troubled by,emotional and relationship problems.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:书面表达

17.某国外网站将举办网上讨论活动,讨论的话题是"What does a true friend mean to you?".假设你是李华,请你发帖子参与该网站的讨论,发表自己的见解.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

7.Attitudes Wired in Happy and Successful Brains
I've carefully examined happy and successful people from all different professions-actors,scientists,comedians,musicians,etc.They share very similar philosophies.Here are some of the fundamental attitudes and beliefs that contribute to their happiness and success:
◆          ①
This is one of the most commonly recited mottos in self-improvement.Individuals who see their mistakes and failures as a learning experience are much more prone to happiness and success.
When we adopt the belief that"failure is a part of learning,"we become more resilient and courageous in the face of new challenges.
Instead of avoiding situations where we may embarrass ourselves,we embrace these challenges in life,even when we know they can be risky and painful.When we do fail,we don't see it as the end of the world,but a point to improve upon.
Many people are great at finding problems and being critical about their lives; however,they do this without ever suggesting a possible solution or alternative to their situation.
They complain about this and that,but they never take an active role to actually improve these things.They focus on problems not to learn from them or fix them,but to make excuses for why their lives are miserable and unpleasant.
I believe acknowledging problems in life is important.I don't recommend that we ignore things in our life that disturb us or make us unhappy.However,it's also important to think of ways we can actually respond to these problems and change our circumstances.
Ruminating over problems in our life without a plan to take action is not only a waste of time,but it makes us even more sad and depressed.If you're going to be critical about something in your life,focus on the ways you can actually make a difference.
Happy and successful people are incredibly grateful for their lives and everything they have:their relationships,their home,their job,their possessions,their talents,their achievements,etc.
Although successful people are often thought of as always hungry and striving-always trying to improve things,achieve their goals,and make things better-this inner drive doesn't take away from the fact they are very happy and content with their lives.
Gratitude is an irreplaceable characteristic of true happiness and success.Even if we achieve great things in life,without gratitude we often find ourselves empty and discontent.Make sure you take the time to reflect on how lucky you are as a person (I believe everyone can find something to be grateful for).
◆           ④
Happy and successful individuals know that we can learn a lot from other happy and successful individuals.Having peopled to look up to is a great resource for learning the beliefs and habits that contribute to other people's success,and then modeling those beliefs and habits in our own lives.
If you want to improve a particular area of your life,then find a couple of people who already excel in that area of life.Study them.Ask them questions.Have them show you their technique and share their stories.
The more willing you are to learn from others,the more successful you will be.Talking and listening to others is one of the best ways to get more perspective into what you want to improve in life-and how you can do it.
Please add a comment at the bottom of this page or blog in our forum here.Please do not use apostrophes in your comments.
65.What does the underlined word"resilient"in Paragraph 3probably mean?D
66.The author thinks if one merely focuses on problems,he'llC.
A.find out a way to solve problems 
B.ignore complaints about problems
C.use the problems as his excuses 
 D.acknowledge and solve problems
67.People with gratitudeA.
A.feel satisfied with his life        
B.stop struggling in life
C.owe success to their own talents    
D.reflect on their achievements
68.The successful people may possess the following attitudes EXCEPTD.
A.gratitude and belief   
B.courage and risk
C.willingness and luckiness  
D.fortune and convention
69.Choose the following sub-headings for Parts ①②③and ④.B
a.Learn from others                b.Show your gratitude
c.Focus on solutions               d.Learn from failure
A.a b c d   
B.d c b a    
C.d a b c   
D.ac b d
70.Which of the following can be used to support the concept"Show your gratitude"?A
A."He is a wise man who does not sigh for the things which he has not,but appreciates for
those which he has."
-EpictetusB."We think too small.Like the frog at the bottom of the well.He thinks the sky is only as
big as the top of the well.If he surfaced,he would have an entirely different view."
-Mao Tse-TungC."Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions.Small people always do that,but
the really great make you feel that you,too,can become great."
-Mark TwainD."Failure is the foundation of success,and the means by which it is achieved.Success is the hiding-place of failure; but who can tell when the turning-point will come?"
-Lao Tzu.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

at a time    look through    hold back    at one time    make sense of  figure out
date from    give out        get through   charge with    charge for    cut out
61.Before going to work,Jenny alwayslookthroughthe newspaper to get some information she is interested in when she has breakfast every day.
62.The baby-sitter's patiencegave outafter taking care of the two little monsters for nearly two days and she couldn't help shouting at them.
63.Thank goodness!They succeeded at last.You can't imagine the difficulty they hadgetting throughthe challenging task.
64.The moment she got the news of her husband's death in the war,she attemptedto hold backher tears in front of her children but failed.
65.Before she found out the solutions to the problem,she must tryto make sense ofwhat had happened.
66.Charged with/Having been charged withmurder,the young man was finally put into prison and he really deserved it.
67.The doctor told the little boy to lose weight.So there was no alternative for him butto cut outmeat in order to keep healthy.
68.When I was in primary school,at one timeEmily was my best friend.We went to school and did a lot of social activities together.
69.Investing in education in China's rural areas has been a long-term government projectdating fromthe beginning of this century.
70.After the old manfigured outthe cost,he sold all his goats at a proper price in order to make the maximum profit.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Coal mines claim (使…失踪) more lives
A COAL mine blast (爆炸) in Jixi,Helongjiang,left more than 100 miners dead on Thursday.Ten mines in Jixi were ordered to stop production.The government has tried to shut down thousands of small,illegal (非法的)  mines in the country that do not meet safety standards(标准).
Bombers continues to kill
PALESTINIANS killed 32 Israelis in three major attac between Tuesday and Thursday.There were two suicide bombing (自杀性爆炸) and a militant (武装的) attack on Jewish settlement.They led to one of the highest Israeli death tolls ( 死亡人数)  in such a short period over the last two years.
Young people stand tall
The average height of Chinese young people has risen by 6 centimeters pared to that of 20 years ago.This year far exceeds (超过)  the word's average growth speed.A survey on health conducted by a panel(调研组) of Chinese students found the results.According to the world average level,youths get taller by 1 cm every 10 years.
Talking about world issue (援助)
The Group of Eight (G8)-the US,Japan,Germany,Britain,France,Italy,Canada and Russia----will hold a summit(峰会)on June26 and 27 in Kananaskis,Canada.The G8 are the richest and most powerful countries in the world.G8 leaders and some African presidents will discuss strengthening global economic growth and helping Africa.Kofi Annan,United Nations Secretary General,will also attend.
60.Thousands of mines have been shut becauseD.
A.they have blast                    
B.they produced less coal  
C.they are very small and illegal        
D.they don't meet the safety standards
61.In the last 20 years,the average growth speed of Chinese youths exceeds the world's average level byB.
A.1 cm            B.4 cm          C.5 cm     D.6 cm
62.What's the purpose of the Summit?A
A.to strengthen the global economic growth and helping some poor African countries.
B.To make these eight countries much more powerful.
C.To help some African president to strengthen their economic growth.
D.Kofi Annan will have an important speech on world issues.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

18.When Spielberg was twelve,he made his first film ________ he used real actors instead of toys.(  )
A.thatB.whichC.whatD.in which

