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    Trucks often get very dirty. Many of them are taken to Bill Jackson to be cleaned.

    Last week , Bill was in the back of a large truck, cleaning. The truck driver thought that Bill had finished. He closed the door and bolted it , Bill couldn’t get out. The driver started travelling down the highway(公路) with Bill locked in the back. Eight hours later the truck stopped. When the driver opened the back door, there was Bill, cold and hungry.

    Now when Bill cleans a truck he leaves a sign on the door, It says,“ I’m still in the truck. Don't take me with you.”

1.(  )The best title(标题)for the passage is ______ .

A. Bill Takes a Trip He Didn’t Want

B. Take a Free Ride

C. How to Clean a Truck

D. A Wonderful Trip

2.(  )Now when Bill cleans a truck, he ______ .

A. keeps the door open

B. is even more careful

C. leaves a sign

D. warns the driver first

3.(  )The driver took Bill away in the truck _______.

A. on purpose(故意的)

B. by mistake

C. to make fun of him

D. to teach him a lesson

4.(  )Bill was locked in the truck for eight hours which made him ______ .

A. pleased   B. suffer a lot

C. cold     D. hungry

5.(  )The word “bolt” means ______ .

A. lock     B. open

C. drive    D. wash


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:053


  Dorking police are still looking for the driver of a Ford truck which didn’t stop after causing an accident on the No. 24 Road between Beare Green and Capel. The accident involved(涉及) three other cars, a Cortina, an Austin Princess and an MGB.

  The driver of the Cortina, 18-year-old Nicola Stacey from Dorking, was taken to hospital for an operation to save her eyesight.

  Dr. James, driver of the Austin Princess, was on his way to   He said, “I was keeping my distance behind the   when I saw a truck coming very fast in the opposite direction on the wrong side of the road.”

  Miss Heather Inness, driver of the  , said, “When I saw the truck overtake(超越) me and the other car coming, I drove to the left to get out of the way. So we were not hurt.” Mis Inness was on her way to Heathrow Airport with Mr. Peter Walford. She added, “the worst part of it was that I missed my plane.”

(1)Dorking police are still looking for the driver of ______.

[  ]

Athe Ford truck      Bthe Cortina

Cthe Austin Princess    Dthe MGB

(2)How many vehicles(机动车) did the accident involve?

[  ]

AOne.   BTwo.   CThree.   DFour

(3)From the news we know ______ was badly hurt in the accident.

[  ]

AMr. Walford    BMiss Stacey

CMr. James     DMiss Inness

(4)According to Dr. James and Miss Inness, ______ hit each other.

[  ]

Athe Cortina and the MGB

Bthe Cortina and the Ford truck

Cthe Austin Princess and the MGB

Dthe Ford truck and the Austin Princess

(5)Where was the Ford truck moving when the accident happened?

[  ]

ATo London.      BTo Capel.

CTo Beare Green.   DWe can't learn from the article.

