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13.On Oct.8,1871,much of Chicago became an inferno.The fire began in or near the O'Leary family's barn.No one knows for certain how it started,but it developed into a big fire that consumed miles of city,killed about three hundred people,and left about one hundred thousand homeless.Many conditions may have contributed to the Great Chicago Fire.
Dry weather was one possible factor.The summer and autumn had been unusually dry,and 20fires occurred the week before the Great Fire.Just the night before,the city's firefighters battled a severe fire,and many were exhausted.Besides firefighters'being very tired,the Chicago Fire Department was understaffed and inadequately equipped.
Also,most buildings were wooden,and many were crowded together.Even sidewalks were wooden,and rooftops were of shingles or tar---both flammable (易燃的) materials.Interspersed between residences were warehouses and business,some containing paint and other flammable merchandise.
Although a citizen had surely sounded an alarm,the central alarm office had no record of it.Possibly the alarm failed to work properly.To make things worse,a watchman scanning the skies for fire misjudged the location and sent an alarm that caused firefighters to rush to an incorrect site.Realizing his error,the watchman tried to send a second alarm,but the telegraph dispatcher refused to allow it,fearing that it would confuse the firefighters.These errors caused the fire to grow quickly out of control before firefighters reached the scene.
Lacking telephones,radio and TV in 1871,few people in Chicago realized the severity of the fire until they had to scramble to escape it.Some people rushed into Lake Michigan to escape the flames,while others fled to the prairie or elsewhere.Meanwhile,troops and civilians blew up buildings to create a firebreak,hoping that it would contain the fire or,at least,slow its progress.
Strong winds blew burning ashes onto buildings and across the Chicago River,causing the fire to spread still farther.The fire lighted the oil and boats floating on the water and caused the gasworks to explode.It burned the wooden roof of the waterworks,which collapsed and destroyed the city's water pumps.Unless firefighters could pump water from the river or lake,they were helpless to stop the blaze.Just when it appeared that nothing would stop the big fire that roared through the city,rain fell on Oct.10and contained the fire.
(Note:Answer the questions or complete the statements in NO MORE THAN TEN WORDS.)
Dry weather,flammable materials,and(81)strong winds,human errorsmade the fire spread quickly.
The phrase"contain"in the passage most probably means"(82)stop; control; prevent".
What made these firefighters so tired before they began to put out the fire?
(83)They battled/put out a fire just the night before.They went to a wrong place.
Why couldn't these firefighters get water to put out the fire?
(84)(Because) the city's water pumps were destroyed in the fire..

分析 本文主要讲述芝加哥大火灾形成的起因.

解答 81  strong winds,human errors.
82   stop; control; prevent.
83  They battled/put out a fire just the night before.They went to a wrong place.
84   (Because) the city's water pumps were destroyed in the fire.
81 strong winds,human errors.细节题. 根据文章第三 段These errors caused the fire to grow quickly out of control before firefighters reached the scene.
和最后一段 Strong winds blew burning ashes onto buildings and across the Chicago River,可知强风和人类的错误导致了火灾的发生.
82 stop; control; prevent.猜测词义题.  根据文章第五 段that it would contain the fire or,at least,slow its progress.可知人们那样做的目的是控制或者减缓火灾.
83 They battled/put out a fire just the night before.They went to a wrong place.细节题. 根据文章第二 段Just the night before,the city's firefighters battled a severe fire,and many were exhausted 可知消防员累的原因是在头一天的晚上他们扑灭了一场大火.
84 (Because) the city's water pumps were destroyed in the fire.细节题. 根据文章最后一 段 It burned the wooden roof of the waterworks,which collapsed and destroyed the city's water pumps.可知消防员不能用水扑灭火的原因是城市的水泵被大火所破坏.

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科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

1.Procrastination (拖延) is a phenomenon we are familiar with.When we procrastinate,we waste our free time and put off important tasks we should do till it's too late.(36)EHere,I will share some personal steps taken to overcome procrastination with great success.
Break your work down into little parts.Part of the reason why we procrastinate is that we find the work too overwhelming (巨大的)for us.Break it down into little parts,and then focus on one part at a time.If you still procrastinate after doing so,break it down even further.(37)G
Change your environment.Look at your work desk and your room.Do they make you want to work or do they make you sleepy?(38)D
Create a detailed timeline with specific deadlines.Having just one deadline for your work is like an invitation to procrastinate.That's because we would get the impression that we have time and keep pushing everything back until it's too late.(39)F In this way,you know you have to finish each task by a certain date.
(40)BI'm pretty sure if you spend just 10minutes talking to people like Steve Jobs or Bill Gates,you'll be more inspired to act than if you spend the 10minutes doing nothing.The people we are with influence our behavior.

A.Seek out someone who has already achieved the similar outcome to your goals.
B.Hang out with people who inspire you to take action.
C.Having a companion makes the whole process much more fun.
D.If it's the latter,you should begin to change your workspace.
E.It's a bad habit eating us away and stopping us achieving greater success in life.
F.Break down your project,and then create an overall timeline with specific deadlines for.each small task.
G.Soon,your task will be so simple that you will be thinking you can do it now.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:书面表达

2.请根据以下提示,以"交友"为题,完成作文     字数:120 字左右
Making friends                                           


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

1.It's natural to greet friends with a smile and a wave.(51)G But what happens if your face and body send mixed messages?Would someone be more likely to believe the look on your face or the way you hold your body?
Scientists have recently tackled these questions.They found that when a person is looking at your face,she might not believe what she sees of your body language matches the feeling that your face shows.
(52)B Previously,they had found that the tone of a person's voice can be more important than the words that are spoken.For example,most people tend not to believe a person who says in a flat voice,"I'm so excited."
When it came to emotions conveyed by facial expressions and body language,most scientists suspected that the face was more important.To test if this was true,psychologists from the Netherlands and Boston showed people a number of pictures of isolated faces and isolated bodies(with faces blurred out) that showed anger or fear.(53)F
An angry face had low eyebrows and tight lips.A scared face had high eyebrow and a slightly open mouth.(54)E A scared body had arms forward and shoulders square,as if ready to defend.
These results told the researchers that mixed signals can confuse people.Even when people pay attention to the face,body language subtly influences which emotion they read.
(55)D And if you want to be understood,it helps to avoid sending mixed messages.

A.Scientists feel new to study the mixed message that confuses people.
B.Studying such mixed messages is nothing new for scientists.
C.Body language can sometimes be misunderstood in different culture backgrounds.
D.So,your body language is important for telling people how you feel.
E.An angry body had arms back and shoulders at an angle,as if ready to fight.
F.They also showed pictures in which angry or scared faces were paired with angry or scared bodies.
G.When you do this,your face and body work together to show your friends that you're happy to see them.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:完形填空

8.If you want your life to stand for peace and kindness,it's helpful to do some kind,peaceful things.One of my favorite ways to do this is by (41)Amy own helping rituals(习惯).These little acts of kindness are opportunities to be of service and reminders of how good it feels to be kind and (42)D.
We live in a rural area of the San Francisco Bay Area.Most of what we see is the(43)Aof nature.One of the (44)B to the beauty is the litter that some people throw out of their windows (45)Cthey are driving on the rural roads.One of the few(46)Dto living out the boondocks(偏远地区)is that public(47)C,such as litter collection,are less(48)A than those closer to the city.
A helping ritual that I practice(49)B with my two children is picking up litter in our surrounding areas.We've become(50)D accustomed to doing this that my daughters will often say to me in (51)B voices,"There's some litter,Daddy,(52)Cthe car!"And if we have enough time,we will often(53)Cand pick it up.It seems strange,but we actually(54)D it.We pick up litter in parks,on sidewalks,practically anywhere.Once I even saw a complete stranger(55)Blitter close to our house.He smiled at me and said,"I saw you doing this,and it seemed like a good (56)A."
Picking up litter is only one of an endless supply of possible helping rituals.You might like holding a door open for people,visiting (57)B old people in nursing homes,or(58)Csnow from someone else's driveway.Think of something that seems (59)A yet helpful.It's funny,personally rewarding,and can be a good example.And everyone (60)D from this.

53.A.watch outB.take overC.pull overD.break out
55.A.sorting outB.picking upC.throwing awayD.looking for


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

18.Speaking in public is most people's least favorite thing.The reason is that we are all afraid of making fools of ourselves,(71)C.In fact,public speaking is not a"gift"like musical talent.Anybody who can talk can speak in public.Here are some of the lessons I have learned.
(72)E.If you can't express what you inted to get across in a sentence or two,then your speech is not focused well enough.Besides,if you don't have a clear idea of what you want to say,your audience will make no sense.(73)A.
Now matter how long or short your speech is,you've got to organize it well-how you are going to open,what major points you want to make and how you're going to close.A strong close is critical:the last thing you say is what your audience will most likely remember,When I do a radio or TV piece,I often write the last sentence first.(74)F.
Finally,(75)B.Take a vaudeville act(杂耍)for example.The standard length of one is usually 12minutes.Just imagine how you are feeling if you have been watching all the performers singing and dancing their hearts out for more than the standard time.

A.You should focus your speech well enough
B.You'd better limit the time of your speech as properly as you can to  hold the audience's curiosity
C.The more important the speech is,the more frightened we become
D.After all,what you can impress your audience in your speech is one or two of your main ideas
E.Try to make your idea clear and brief
F.When you know where you're headed,you can choose any route to get there
G.So the opening,body and ending of the speech are on the tip of your tongue.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:解答题

5.[1]Hi,I write this letter to you,my parents,to let you know what I'm thinking.
[2]Running a business,raising three children,then raising all three into self-sufficient college graduates is difficult to do.While loving each child individually and fairly,strict house rules have also developed…going out late is difficult to accomplish.I would like to suggest setting a later curfew (宵禁),maybe midnight,or even one o'clock in the morning.
[3]While working up to twenty hours a week,my social life has been on the decline since school started.Naturally,you understand how important my friends are to me.Looking back to the summer,there have been many nights that I have wanted to go out,but if it was past nine o'clock,I would not be allowed to.You tell me to go to the party until my curfew,but if the rule continues,I will see my friends for an hour.Seeing my friends for an hour is better than nothing,but not enough to communicate with others.
[4]Gaining confidence and trust from you both are things I look forward to,and hopefully I am at an age where I can live up to your expectations.I acknowledge that you are watching over me,and don't want your little girl to be hurt,and I appreciate that fully.But I can ____________ now that I am older.
[5]For the time and effort it has taken you to raise me,I sincerely thank you,but letting freedom into my teenage years will be beneficial to all of us.Please feel free to talk to me whenever you have made a decision.I'll always be around.

76.What is the writer's purpose in writing the letter?(within 10 words)
To let her parents know what she is thinking./To communicate with her parents./To get more freedom.
77.Fill in the blank in Paragraph 4 with proper words.(within 6 words)
take care of myself
78.Which sentence in the text is the closest in meaning to the following one?
    I will always be available and ready for a talk.
I'll always be around
79.Do you think strict house rules are necessary for teenagers?And why?(within 30 words)
No,because letting freedom into my teenage years will be beneficial to all of us.
80.Translate the underlined sentence in Paragraph 3 into Chinese.和朋友见面一小时总比不见强,但是和其他人交流却远远不够..


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

However,the southern part of Ireland wasunwillingandbrokeawaytoformits own government.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:短文改错

Dear Jim,
I am so exciting that you will come to China.I will free from December 18 and will have plenty of time to be together with you.I will meet you at the airport and then you will take Bus No.8to my home.You worry about the weather here in your e-mail.In fact,the weather here is quite different from it in your city.It isn't very cold,but you needn't bring many clothes with you.During your stay at here,I'll take you to some places of interests and you can taste some local snacks.I am sure we will have greatly fun together.
I am looking forward to meet you soon.

