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【题目】Going to the beach is many American’s favorite activity. They went swimming in the ocean without giving a thought to what was underwater. But those days are long gone. In the summer of 1988, many of the beaches had to be closed because garbage(废料)from hospitals was found in the water. The garbage included glass bottles with samples of blood, and people were afraid they might get AIDS from the blood. At some beaches, sewage(下水道)was found in the water. Americans were shocked by this state of affairs. People didn’t think of the underwater garbage because it was out of sight.

Some of the most polluted waters still look beautiful. San Francisco Bay is a good example of a beautiful bay that’s full of chemicals. Scientists discovered pollution in some lakes and rivers when they found fish with rotting skin. People are told not to eat too much fish because of pollution. Most American cities put their garbage in the ground. But New York and a few other cities put their garbage in the ocean. Boston Harbor is so polluted that scientists say it won’t recover until the next century. The government has ordered the city to build a sewage treatment plant, Cleaning up oceans won’t be easy, but people can no longer ignore(忽视)this challenge.

1The main idea of the article is that _____.

A. ocean waters around America have become polluted.

B. Americans are bringing too much garbage to the beach.

C. beaches were closed because Americans were shocked.

D. going to the beach is many American’s favorite activity.

2The oceans are polluted by _____.

A. swimmers, AIDS patients and fish.

B. Boston, San Francisco and New York only.

C. garbage, sewage and medical waste and so on.

D. swimmers and fishes

3Many polluted waters are beautiful because _____.

A. chemicals can be beautiful.

B. they have been cleaned up.

C. pollution is underwater or hard to see.

D. there are still many fish in them

4More people can go to the beaches near Boston if _____.

A. the city puts its garbage in the ground

B. a sewage plant is built

C. they don’t eat too much fish

D. they stop polluting the water








主旨大意题。 文章讲述美国的许多水域里的水下发现了许多医疗垃圾,有排放污水的管道,这样使得美国海域的海洋遭受严重的污染。分析选项可知A项符合题意,故选A项。


推理判断题。根据第一段中的“In the summer of 1988, many of the beaches had to be closed because garbage(废料)from hospitals was found in the water. The garbage included glass bottles with samples of blood, a…. At some beaches, sewage(下水道)was found in the water. Americans were shocked by this state of affairs.”1988的夏天,很多的海滩被关闭,因为发现水中有医院垃圾(废物)。垃圾包括装有血样本的玻璃瓶…..在一些海滩,发现在水中有污水(下水道)。分析句意可知,C项所提及的正是文中所指出的受污染的渠道。


推理判断题。根据第一段的最后“At some beaches, sewage(下水道)was found in the water. Americans were shocked by this state of affairs. People didn’t think of the underwater garbage because it was out of sight” 在一些海滩,发现水下有污水管道(下水道。美国人对这种状况感到震惊。人们没有想到水下有垃圾,因为它已经看不见了。第二段开头“Some of the most polluted waters still look beautiful”.一些污染最严重的水域看起来仍然很美,分析选项可知C项正确


推理判断题。最后一段的最后两句“The government has ordered the city to build a sewage treatment plant, Cleaning up oceans won’t be easy, but people can no longer ignore(忽视)this challenge.”可知政府已下令该市兴建一个污水处理厂,这样更多的人们会去那儿的海滩。分析选项可知B项正确。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:








Dear Mr Li,








Li Hua


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1She was the teacher_______________ taught us English.

2The art museum _______________ garden is very attractive will open next week.

3They talked for about an hour of things and persons _______________ they remembered in the school.

4Is this the reason_______________ he explained at the meeting for his carelessness in his work?

5This is the only bus _______________ goes to the village school.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 Every year, butterfly(蝴蝶) lovers in California go out in November to count monarch butterflies. They 1(get) a worrying result from their fall monarch count in 2018—2 number of monarchs had dropped by 86% since 2017.

The orange and black monarch butterflies are famous 3 their long migrations(迁徒)—they fly thousands of miles every year. In the spring and summer they fly north; in the fall they fly south again.

Monarchs, like most butterflies, are 4(terrible) important for plants. They help create more plants by spreading pollen(花粉) between plants. In turn, monarchs depend on plants for food. And they depend completely on a plant called milkweed 5(lay) their eggs.

But monarchs have been facing growing problems for years. As more and more wild land has been turned into large farms, the monarchs have had trouble 6(find) enough milkweed. Many farms also use chemicals 7 will kill insects in order to protect their plants. These chemicals also affect monarchs. Besides, pollution has made milkweed less 8(health) for the monarchs than it used to be.

Scientists say monarchs will be in danger of dying out in the next 20 years if nothing 9(do) to save them.

10(thing) that people can do to help include planting milkweed, controlling the use of chemicals, protecting wild areas, and planting trees.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1What does the woman ask the man to do?

A. Smoke less.

B. Put out the cigarette.

C. Quit smoking.

2How old was the man when he started smoking?

A. 15 years old.

B. 17 years old.

C. 19 years old.

3What do we know about the man's father?

A. He quit smoking after getting married.

B. He died from a disease.

C. He had throat cancer.

4What's the probable relationship between the two speakers?

A. Doctor and patient.

B. Strangers.

C. Husband and wife.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1R _______ of whether he is right or wrong, we have to abide by his decisions

2I wrote her a _______收据)for the money.

3The issues being discussed here are very common, so they're not u________ to the US.

4The policeman s______the traffic to move forward slowly.

5She found it difficult to establish a new_____ (生活规律)after retirement.

6He possesses the q ___of inspiring confidence.

7How beautifully she sings! I have never heard a better _______ .

8There is a sign on the wall____ (say) "Keep Left."

9He wrote the address and l____ (封上)the envelope.

101 can't_____ (stand or put up with) your band manners any longer.

11A mirror r ___a picture of you when you look in it.

121 have no idea what will be a good ___ (纪念品)from a skip trip.

13Let's go to walk and climb mountains for r____ (entertainment).

14His mind is ____ (心不在蔦).

15There are a few ___(small mistakes) in the translation.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1Which language does the man want to learn?

A. French. B. German. C. Italian.

2Why does the man want to learn that language?

A. He wants to travel abroad.

B. He shows interest in it.

C. He needs it at work

3Who is likely to learn Chinese?

A. Tim B. Diana C. Susan


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1Where are the speakers?

A. At the theater.B. At the hospital.C. At the railway station.

2What does the woman do?

A. She’ s a driver.B. She’ s a singer.C. She’ s a doctor.

3What did the man do to help the woman?

A. Book the hotel.B. Look after Alan.C. Play in the concert.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 Humans were made for walking. With our upright posture, quick-changing joints, and strong leg muscles, our bodies were actually designed with walking in mind—which is what makes it such perfect exercise. 1And best of all, it’s a great way to see new things and meet new people!

Wherever you are, in the city or at the campground, you’ll find plenty of walking going on. Maybe you already love to walk, but you’ll getting tired of tracing your same old route day after day—or maybe you’re new to walking and aren’t sure how to get started. 2To get started, sit down with a map and find a goal. Ask yourself, what do you want to get out of walking aside from the health benefits? Do you want to meet other people? See new places? 3

If making friends and socializing is your goal, you may call up your friends and schedule walks with them, since this will introduce you to new places and trails. You might also find open groups of dog walkers at your local park. Your campground staff might know about fun local walking groups you can join.

4In cities large and small all over the country, walks are going on almost every weekend in support of cancer research, diabetes research, and other humanitarian causes.

5Then tie on your walking shoes and prepare to get to know the new area from the ground up! Many of our great historic cities offer detailed and well-planned walking tours. Nearly any city you can think of offers a walking tour with maps, provided by the tourist administration.

A. Headed to a new city?

B. So why not focus on walking?

C. Either way, ifs time to walk with a purpose.

D. It’s kind to our bodies and great for our waistlines.

E. Get to know people by the power of your own two feet.

F. And be sure to stay on the lookout for walks to raise money.

G. Knowing these will help you decide on the type of walk you want.

